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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Nafsiya Reflections: Renewal in Ramadan

Assalaamu Alaykum wa Rahamtullahee wa Barakathu, welcome to today's episode - Renewal in Ramadan

Ramadan is a key month in the Islamic calendar. It is a time where we are conscious of our relationship with Allah, more than ever for such a length of time-29 or 30 days of awareness. Ramadan is an ideal time to think and evaluate about our life goals and our relationship with Allah SWT. We think of the acts we need to do, rather than carry on in a robotic mode as we may do in other times of the year. We plan beforehand or during the month. We are given regular reminders with memes, videos and small booklets circulating on our social media.

There are two mindsets that can develop in this month. One, where a person may feel so overwhelmed at the opportunities that they’re not sure how to make use of them, and the other where one would seem to sail through, excel in the rituals of ibadah, and grab the opportunity. Usually the one who has planned pre Ramadan, is much more focused and ready to make the most of the month. These are the ones who will have made a list of duas. Planned meals. Selected where to pray their taraweeh, have a clear idea of how the day will pass. Also - where to fit in the Quran recitation, which causes to donate to, which time of day they can listen to a good talk and so on.

The one who knew Ramadan was coming and did not get to the preparation part is unlikely to feel the spirit of Ramadan in the same way. They will pass the month getting rewarded, InshaAllah, but somehow they will feel that they are struggling to build the connection with Allah. A day may pass with every action being ticked off and another where they could not get it all done or they could not get anything done. And then the next day is better and so the cycle continues.

Sometimes by the end of Ramadan a sense of deflation kicks in and deep regret. no one is ever completely satisfied with how much they could achieve, however - the one who did not prepare at all realises that they lost opportunities that were readily available for them, like no other time of the year. In this regard, we can learn much from our glorious history. Especially the battle of Tabuk.

It was the month of Rajab, the summer heat was intense and the harvest was just ready to come in. Ash Sham, where the Muslims had to travel to from Madinah, was far away. RasulAllah (SAW) was with the Muslims as they prepared for the battle. One group were well-prepared, and they set their homes in order, as their destination was a long way off. They prepared for all their needs for the battle and set off with the army at the time given.
As all this was taking place, one group of companions lagged behind in their motivation. They had not refused to fight. Nor were they harboring hypocrisy but they simply did not take the initiatives like the first group. As the army prepared, these Muslims could sense the build up to a battle, but they did not put deep thought into the opportunity to gain the rewards that lay ahead for them.

The three sahabah were unknowingly delaying and in turn - their actions led to the anger of Allah swt. When the Muslims returned and they were questioned by the Prophet SAW, they were sure that they must be honest or else Allah would expose them. They just could not say WHY they lagged behind, other than that it was a mistake on their part. They had not realised the implications of their negligence - where RasulAllah saw and the entire community shunned them for more than a month and did not speak to them.

This battle reminds us of the phrase, “failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

The Muslims who lagged behind had the same reasons many of us have.

I will do it later,

I’m not ready for this yet,

I know what I need to do- but I just need to find the time,

I wish I could do more but it’s not that easy... etc.
Looking at the example of Ka’b bin Malik, Murara bin ar-Rabi and Hilal bin Omaiyah we can see in hindsight where they may have gotten side tracked.

But what about us!?

In our lives are we always ready to answer the call of Allah SWT? Do we look here and there and see our homes, our jobs, our children and their future and think it is enough just to pray or fast in Ramadan and identify as a Muslim? Or do we take the opportunities all year round? Do we see the times of duaa other than in Ramadan where we can connect to Allah? Do we know that we can engage in charity at all times (not JUST in Ramadhan!), and this sadaqah may be the means to extinguish the fire of hell for us? Do we realise that the Quran can be our companion in the grave and intercede for us, so that we never miss a day of its recitation? Do we seek times to fast and gain the closeness to Allah in any other month other than Ramadan?

We know all of this, what do we do?

We live in a time of oppression and hardship like no other. The muslims in every land are suffering. Whether it is extreme measures of genocide, such as in Xinjang and Myanmar or the policies of integration that are designed to strip us of our identity in the west,
or the poverty and instability faced by the masses in the Muslim lands - where the ABSENCE of true leadership is replaced by insincere rulers and their brutal occupation,
the Ummah today is being played and manipulated by the capitalist nations.

This is the time for us to stand up and be counted amongst the few! This is the time to renew our intentions for our work for the Ummah and our dawah, and think of this opportunity as well as all the others to please our Rabb whether it is in Ramadan or beyond this blessed month.

Dear Muslims, for each of the rewardable actions, it is up to us to prepare. To plan. To think of the best way to execute that deed. We cannot leave our actions to chance and land ourselves in a situation where the opportunity is upon us and we fumble through it haphazardly. We do not want to be like the three in the battle of Tabuk who were shunned by their people, and we CERTAINLY don’t want Allah and His Messenger to turn away from us on the Yawm ul Qiyamah.

This Ramadan is an ideal time to renew our intention to be the best worshiper of Allah swt. To reflect on our actions in this month and to seek ways to continue them after this month. You see - the biggest blessing of this month is the renewal of the promises that we make to ourselves. Those that propel us to do good for the rest of our lives. So while we live to fast and pray this Ramadhan, we pray to Allah to grant us the ability to focus on Him and to enable us to live our lives solely for His pleasure.


Jazakamullah Khairan for joining us, until next time, wasalaam u alaykum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu.


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