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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The media office of Hizb ut-Tahrir invites you to participate in a live discussion about the emergency situation in Gaza. We will be holding a live address and discussion from Palestine on Thursday 7th January at 9pm (Madinah Time - 6pm GMT).

The speakers will be Ahmed al-Khatib and Dr. Maher Jabari from the media office of Hizb ut-Tahrir Palestine.

We encourage you to take part in this emergency discussion about the situation in Gaza - please inform others about this online event and link to the online video on your websites and blogs. Please also feel free to submit your questions and comments using the facility below.

An alternative site to view the broadcast is http://gazaaddress.blogspot.com or you can view it above.

Please note - from time to time advertisements may show on the stream, these are not from us but the stream company, simply delete them as they show. 


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