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Media Office
Wilayah Bangladesh

H.  16 Jumada I 1430 No: 04/11052009
M.  Monday, 11 May 2009

Press Release
Sheikh Hasina's Government has Declared War Against Islam and Islamic Parties

Dear Journalists,

Assalamu a'laikum, welcome to the press conference organized by Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh. Today we will discuss the government's clamp down on Hizb ut-Tahrir since we accounted the government for its role in Pilkhana conspiracy. We will also present our position regarding the latest political situation of the country.

Dear Journalists,

You are well aware that Hizb ut-Tahrir successfully exposed the Indian conspiracy behind the BDR massacre and the dubious role of the government in the conspiracy. There is no doubt that this massacre was a big incident in the history of the country. Due to this event, the overall internal and external security situation of the country came under threat. In such a situation no sincere political party can remain silent; rather it became incumbent on us to make the people aware of the conspiracy. In this context, on 28th February Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh issued a leaflet stating that the massacre of the military officers was part of a ‘long term plot carried out by India and her agents inside and outside the government.' Government arrested 31 of our members and activists during the distribution of the leaflet. And since then the government has undertaken fascist repressive measures against the party:

  • On 27th March, government instructed the police to launch a brutal attack on the party's demonstration against the dubious role of the government in the Pilkhana massacre where more than 100 were injured and 10 more party activists were arrested. Government is politically harassing our members and activists by giving false cases.
  • On 25th April, in an interview with a private television channel, State Minister for Home Affairs declared that Hizb ut-Tahrir is ‘blacklisted' along with some other organizations.
  • And two days ago (09th May) the government stopped a party seminar in Chittagong on ‘Global Recession - Impact on Bangladesh: Islam's Economic Alternative' under the flimsy excuse that the ‘law and order situation will deteriorate'!
  • On the same day, police arrested seven members and activists of the party from an Open Discussion and Du'a Mahfil in Dhaka. This event was public; it was locally advertised and was attended by more than 100 people.

Dear Journalists,

Hasina declared at a rally on 1st May that she will uproot ‘militancy' from the country, by which she is in fact referring to Islam as a political ideology. Then the US ambassador to Bangladesh, James F Moriarty declared that Bangladesh is under terrorist threat. When the imperialist and crusader USA states that Bangladesh is under the threat of so-called Islamic militancy, it appears that in the name of protecting the country from militants, they want to ensure their military presence. After Afghanistan and Pakistan, USA wants its military presence in Bangladesh to achieve its regional and strategic objectives. This idea is further strengthened when the Minister for Local Government Syed Ashraful Islam says if they do not restrain Islamic militants, then Bangladesh will become Pakistan. The government and USA is playing the militancy card in a coordinated way. Muslims of this country are aware of the US-British-Indian conspiracy; the sincere Ummah will never allow such conspiracies to succeed.

The government is also threatening to stop religion based politics - thereby ban all Islamic parties in Bangladesh, a country whose population is 90 percent Muslims. The continuous repression against Hizb ut-Tahrir and the current political scenario of the country clearly proves that democracy and freedom of expression are mere slogans. It is clear that Sheikh Hasina's government has declared war against Islam and Islamic parties. The government can not even tolerate a discussion on failure of capitalism to please their masters. It is clear that they are US puppets.

Dear Journalists,

The government's objective of undertaking repressive measures is to prevent Hizb ut-Tahrir from interacting with the Ummah. The secular system and the so-called democratic form of government imposed by the imperialists (led by the current government and the BNP alliance) are completely detached from the people. The failure of this system is already proven to the Muslims of Bangladesh. On the other hand, Hizb ut-Tahrir is presenting Islam as a political ideology and becoming popular day by day. Through intellectual and political activities the party aims to re-establish the Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate". Hizb ut-Tahrir has demonstrated to the people that Islam is not a spiritual Deen; rather Islam is a comprehensive political ideology providing detailed models regarding ruling, economy, foreign policy etc and Islam is capable of solving problems faced by the man of the 21st century. As a result the intellectually aware people and the general people are gathering around the ideology of the party i.e. Islam and the party itself. The government has failed to face the party with any intellectual challenge and just political means. Therefore, they have resorted to brute force to stop the progress of the party; the way previous 1/11 government repressed all political parties including Sheikh Hasina and Awami League.

Dear Journalists,

In less than three months, almost 50 members and activists of Hizb ut-Tahrir have now been imprisoned by the government. Through this press conference, we demand their immediate release. We would also like to inform the government that Sheikh Hasina and her government will not have power for eternity. In the last 55 years many dictator rulers in the Muslim world have tortured and oppressed members of the party. Those US-British agents and puppet rulers like King Hussain, Hafez al Asad, Saddam Hussain, Gamal Abdul Nasser, Anwar Sadat, Pervez Mosharraf are dead or no longer in power. But Hizb ut-Tahrir  is not just alive, it is gathering strength day by day and rallying Muslims all around the world to establish the Khilafah "Caliphate". Therefore despite all hardship, oppression, torture and illegal prosecution of party members the government will not succeed in making Hizb ut-Tahrir falter in its determination and resolve for establishment of the Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate". Hizb ut-Tahrir's members are ready to make any kind of sacrifices, and will continue to work for this cause without any fear of persecution. All conspiracies against Islam will be defeated and Hizb ut-Tahrir will progress towards establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate". Allah (swt) says,

They intend to put out the Light of Allah with their mouths. But Allah will bring His Light to perfection even though the disbelievers hate (it). He it is Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of Truth to make it victorious over all religions even though the Mushrikun hate (it). [Surah As-Saf: 8-9]

Mohiuddin Ahmed
Official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh

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Wilayah Bangladesh
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