Wednesday, 29 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/02
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Billions ‘Excluded from National Debt'

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News: The staggering national debt, which stands at TShs 22 trillion does not include all the money the government owes various creditors, The Citizen has established. If other liabilities are considered, the size of the national debt would be bigger than what is currently reported. The report of the Controller and Auditor General (CAG) for the financial year ending on June 30, 2012 shows a number of liabilities which would…

Malnutrition Reaches People in Rich Land

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News: RCTI News (13/4). It has been revealed since last week that there are 95 people killed due to poor nutrition in District Kwor, Tambraw in West Papua Province in Indonesia. The number will increase since the remaining 500 people living there are now experiencing difficult days with hunger conditions. This is not the first time it has been revealed that people in Papua were killed because of hunger. It…

Why is Afghanistan a Playing Field for the U.S. & Russia; NATO and Shanghai?

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News: On 6th April, the Chinese Foreign Ministry's press release expressed that, last week Chinese, Pakistani and Russian diplomats held a meeting in Beijing, discussing the situation in Afghanistan, in which they stressed the effective and active role of Shanghai cooperation Organization in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. Before this meeting, in April, the Foreign Policy magazine quoted Russian officials saying that After 2014 Moscow wants to build few military bases…

Headline News 11-04-2013

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Headlines: The Tunnel People that Live under the Streets of America US Navy to Deploy Lasers on Ships in 2014 Assad Sending Syrian Guerrillas to Train In Iran US Drone War Deal 'in Return for Killing Pakistani Militant in CIA Missile Strike' Russia Putin Warns Korean Crisis could be Worse than Chernobyl Details: The Tunnel People that Live under the Streets of America: Did you know that there are thousands…

News Comment On Confusing Popes and Caliphs

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The Express Tribune in Pakistan ran an opinion piece on 23rd March by Pervez Hoodbhoy: "On choosing popes and caliphs" which criticized Hizb ut Tahrir's work to revive the caliphate as "impossibly difficult." Before refuting this claim, we object to three words that are so out of place in the writer's introduction to his argument that they cannot be left without contention: "Today, several Muslim groups are marketing the idea…

News & Comment Pakistan's Future is Firmly Rooted in Islam

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Event: On April 3rd 2013, the British Council released a survey about Pakistan's next generation goes to the ballot box. In the survey, it mentioned that almost 40% of Pakistani youth preferred Shariah as the best political system for the country. Presently, Pakistani youth between the ages of 18 to 29 make up more than 30% of the electorate and in the coming years this figure is likely to increase.…

Russian Authorities Try to Control Islamic Media Area

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News: News agency Tatar-inform reported about the all-Russian conference "Islam-Online" that took place on the 4th of April in the capital of Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan. Approximately 100 representatives of electronic media from different regions of Russia gathered in this conference. Spiritual Board of Muslims of Tatarstan that organized this activity dominated the aim of this conference as consolidation of Muslim journalists to propagate the values of the so-called "traditional…

News Headlines 04/04/2013

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Headlines: Arab World Faces $89 Billion Food Gap By 2020 40% of Pakistan's Youth Want Islamic Law: Survey UK Aid ‘Helping Fund Re-election Campaign' of PPP North Korea Warns Military Cleared to Wage Nuclear Attack against US Anti-Muslim 'Radicals' Driving Myanmar Unrest, Experts Say Details: Arab World Faces $89 Billion Food Gap By 2020: Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Minister of Finance, has warned that the food crisis in the…
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