Saturday, 02 Rabi' al-thani 1446 | 2024/10/05
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Gender Segregation in Islam is NOT Discrimination!

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On Friday 4th March, the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal ordered Hizb ut Tahrir in Australia to stop so-called ‘forcibly’ segregating men and women at its public events after judging that the practice constituted sexual discrimination. The ruling came in relation to a case raised by the former NT News journalist Alison Bevege who falsely claimed that she was ‘forced’ to sit in a designated women’s and children’s…

Personality Cult of Emomali Rahmon in Tajikistan

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Radio "Ozodi" has informed 2/27/2016 that the Committee for Women Issues of the Gissar district, formed a list of women activists and those who are over 60 years of age who have to "fairly" divide between them 200-meters of textile. It is about a material, which was spread out in deference under the feet of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, during his visit to Gissar area, where he participated…

Osman Bakhash Speech to Khilafah International Conference in Ankara

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Two months from now (i.e. the upcoming May) marks a hundred years since the ominous Sykes-Picot Agreement, this agreement which identified the distribution of spoils among the colonial powers France - Britain - Italy, and Russia, which withdrew after the Bolshevik Revolution. Consequently, the forces of colonialism abroad collaborated with some traitors among Muslims for the destruction of the Khilafah "Caliphate" state by Mustafa Kamal and the leaders of the…

3rd March 2016: A Perfect Storm

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 A ‘perfect storm’ is a term used to describe an event where a rare combination of circumstances result in an event of unusual magnitude. March 2016 may very well turn out to be a date many will look back to in the future as the starting point of something great.

Tafseer Al-Baqarah (2: 135-138)

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1. After Allah (swt) repudiated their claim about Ibrahim and Yaqub - peace be upon them both - and clarified the invalidity of their saying that they were Jews or Christians, in the preceding verses, Allah (swt) then repudiated their call to their religion, that it is distorted and invalid and that is what they had been saying.

2016 Post Arab Spring; What is the current status of the women of Yemen?

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With all of the uncertainties that Yemen’s civil war and epidemic lawlessness brings, one thing remains constant and reliable, that is, the ever widening gap between the wealthily and privileged pre Arab Spring elite and the malnourished and desperate citizens who are kept as a weakened underclass. Like the other Arab Spring countries, much was promised to the hopeful majority of citizens, but very little was delivered in terms of…

The Syrian Revolution Five Years On

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At the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011, the Middle East saw what would become known as the ‘Arab Spring’. Beginning in Tunisia and spreading to Yemen, Libya and Egypt mass protests broke out in the streets against the regimes and the Presidents who had ruled them for decades. First Ben Ali fled, then the Egyptian army staged a coup against Mubarak whilst Gadhafi was killed when the…

Oil Wars extend US control

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With the price of oil now languishing at $33 a barrel, a level which hasn’t been seen since 2008, the major oil producers of the Middle East have been heavily hit. Saudi Arabia in the most recent year has suffered with a budget deficit of $98 billion as a result.
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