Friday, 01 Rabi' al-thani 1446 | 2024/10/04
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Speech of Engineer Hisham Al-Baba, Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir, Delivered at the Picket Organized by Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in front of the Embassy of Uzbekistan - London under the Title "Karimov is Spiteful of

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Alhamdulillah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah... Dear brothers and sisters, dear people, dear distinguished audience, While the Western world is preoccupied with its problems and its Euro-American conflicts, it turns a blind eye to the crimes of governments that are loyal to it, that would not have occurred without its blessing and utter silence over those terrible crimes that take place…

Speech of Dr. Nazreen Nawaz, Director of the Women's Section in the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir, Delivered at the Picket Organized by the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in front of the Embassy of Uzbekistan - London under the Title "

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Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem Dear brothers and sisters, the honourable Muslim women of Uzbekistan have been subjected to a living nightmare under the rule of the tyrant and murderer Karimov. The horrific ordeal they have endured under this criminal regime has been no less brutal than that suffered by their brothers, for this merciless butcher makes no distinction between man and woman, child or grandmother in his relentless vicious war against…

Speech of Mr. Eldar Khamzin, Media Office Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir in the Russian-Speaking Regions, in the Picket Organized by Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Front of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in London under the Title "Karimov is Spi

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In the name of Allah who guided us to the Straight Path, and honored us with the great Islam, and promised us succession to authority and empowerment! And peace and blessings be upon the master of the first and the last, Muhammad, his family, companions and those who follow him in righteousness till the Day of Judgement! I greet you dear brothers and sisters on behalf of the Muslims in…

News and Comment Human Rights Activists' Dismay as Uzbekistan Autocrat Clings to Power

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News Islam Karimov won a ‘sham election' in a state condemned for torture and corruption, say critics, who fear it will now get worse.The electoral commission reported a whopping 91.08% turnout. To no one's surprise, the incumbent president won another five-year term, with 90.39% of the vote even though the constitution stipulates a two-term maximum for heads of state. Criticism by observers from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in…

News and Comment Wholesale Vote Rigging in Local Elections: It is not the Death of Democracy as claimed by the Grieving Advocates of Democracy, Rather it is Democracy

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News Elections for the posts of mayors and councilors in Dhaka North, Dhaka South and Chittagong City Corporations were held on April 28, 2015. Forty-eight candidates contested for the three mayoral posts while there were 1,188 candidates in total for the post of councilors in the three corporations. Stained by accusations of widespread fraud, polling booth capture and voter intimidation in the presence of election officers and law-enforcing agencies, the…

Yesterday Terrorism Expert - Today Terrorist Organization

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Anadolu Ajansi wrote on 29/04/2015 under the title: "The fight against the Parallel structure will continue with determination": The National Security Council (MGK) convened under the chairmanship of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan that emphasized the determined continuation of the fight against the parallel structure and illegal formations. The written statement released after the regular NSC meeting in April under the chairmanship of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reported that discussions held…

News and Comment France's War Against the Muslim Woman Continues    

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News The case of a 15 year-old French Muslim student who was banned from attending school in wearing a long black skirt has caused outcry this week. The headteacher of the school in northeast France felt the skirt "conspicuously" showed religious affiliation, flouting the strict rules of secularity in the country. "The girl was not excluded, she was asked to come back with a neutral outfit and it seems her…

News and Comment Nationalism a Backward and Shallow Idea that cannot Permanently Bind People together

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News For the past several weeks, media have been reporting shocking news of xenophobic attacks in South Africa. Several people were killed and 5,000 left homeless since the attacks erupted several weeks ago against other Africans and Asians. The Government of South Africa deployed its army to volatile areas to prevent attacks on foreigners. More than 10,000 people took into the streets of Durban to protest against the violence. Local…
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