Friday, 01 Rabi' al-thani 1446 | 2024/10/04
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Hizb ut Tahrir Work

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Why Doesn't Hizb ut Tahrir Build Institutions or Engage in Jihad? Many Muslim ideologues and activists have criticized Hizb ut Tahrir for its adopting of a politico-intellectual methodology of change in contradistinction to movements which have adopted a more institutional approach and/or insurrectionist armed methods. What they fail to understand is: (1) the nature of the Prophet method (2) the nature of tughyan i.e. [political] tyranny and (3) the power-mechanisms…

News and Comment No Country for BLACK Men: America's Silent Victims of Terror

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News Walter Scot was "the latest example nationally of an unarmed black man shot by a white police officer, further stirring outrage", according to the Washington Post on 14th April. On the 13th of April, a white police officer was charged over the separate killing of Eric Harris in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The victim again was a black man, and he was shot and killed while he lay face down at…

The Yemen Crisis is the Beginning of the End of Western Domination over Muslim Lands

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As the horrific death toll of civilians mount in Yemen, Saudi Arabia unmoved carries on bombing raids with no end in sight. Yet all indications are that the aerial bombardment of Houthi positions is a dismal failure and calls into question Saudi's plan for Yemen. Houthi forces have advanced into Yemen's second largest city Aden, and are making gains elsewhere. Iran the backer of Houthis and buoyed by the recent…

News and Comment Arab and Turk Nations are united to kill Muslims rather than helping the Muslim brothers who need them

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News 10th April 2015: Palestinians to join fight against ISIL in Yarmouk (Source: Agencies) Palestinian factions agree with Syrian government to use military force in Yarmouk, as the UN chief calls for action. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called for action to prevent a massacre of Palestinian refugees in Syria's Yarmouk camp, just after all Palestinian factions agreed with the Syrian government to use military force to expel Islamic State…

News and Comment Yemen's Women and Children Bear the Consequences of Western Backed Airstrikes and Conflict in the Country

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News On the 7th April, UNICEF reported that the majority of the 100,000 who have fled their homes in Yemen since the start of the Saudi-led airstrikes against Houthi controlled regions of the country 2 weeks ago, have been women and children. The organisation also stated that 74 children had been killed and 44 maimed since March 26th but emphasized that these were conservative figures and that it believes the…

Cow Slaughter Ban in India- Milking of the Democracy Loophole

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The Maharashtra State Animal Preservation (Amendment) Act came into force from March 4, 2015 with the President giving his sanction to it. It extends a previous ban on cow slaughter to bulls and bullocks too, those caught violating the law face a five-year jail term and a fine of Rs 10,000 ($160), if convicted. This ban has rendered thousands of Muslims jobless, loss of revenue to the tune of Rs.100…

Pakistan's Foreign Policy is at Odds with the Muslim Masses

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"The strengthening of brotherly ties with the Islamic countries will be a central pillar of our foreign policy." --General Musharraf 1999 Lately, two decisions have come to characterize all that is wrong with Pakistan's foreign policy, especially when it comes to relations with the Muslim world. The first is Pakistan's decision to send troops at the behest of Saudi Arabia to guarantee the country's territorial integrity and to deploy soldiers…

News and Comment Internally Displaced People: The Forgotten Calamity! (Translated)

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News Look around at any of Afghanistan's large cities - Kabul, Herat, Mazar-e Sharif, and Kandahar and it is easy to see that Afghanistan is facing an internal displacement crisis. Camps and settlements for Afghanistan's 820,000 internally displaced people (IDPs); forced by conflict or natural disaster from their homes, sprawl out for miles on the city fringes, with thousands of new arrivals every week. A new report by the Norwegian…
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