Wednesday, 29 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/02
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Muslim Families Face Anguish in their Eid Celebration Due to the Flawed Economic Development Policy of Capitalist Governments

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This year, up to a week after Eid ul Fitri, 719 people were reported to have died, 1184 seriously injured, and 4326 people slightly injured, due to 3279 transportation accidents during the Eid's exodus flow of people in Indonesia travelling to visit their families for the celebration. Each year, in this, the largest Muslim country in the world, around 40 million residents of big cities in Indonesia make an annual…

Headlines News 29/08/2013

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Headlines: Mosques Declared Terrorism Organisations by NYPD: Report Britain Suspends 49 Export Licences to Egypt Iranian Officials: Israel will be First Victim of a Syria Attack Pakistani Public Opinion on the US Hits Low Point Details: Mosques Declared Terrorism Organisations by NYPD: Report The New York Police Department (NYPD) has secretly labelled entire mosques as terrorism organisations, the Associated Press reported on Wednesday. The label has allowed the department to…

Muslim Youth in London: 16-year-old Killed. 19-year-old Charged

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The Whitechapel and Poplar areas of East London have a large Muslim population, one of the largest Mosques in the UK, many Muslim businesses and a distinct atmosphere. Walking down the road, you can come across brothers and sisters going to the many local Islamic institutes in their jilbabs and thowbs to study tajweed, fiqh, Arabic and other Islamic sciences or going on convoys to deliver aid to Syrian refugees…

Drive-by Shooting

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Event: A spate of killings may signal an escalation of gang violence When K. Veerappan stopped his car at a traffic light in Georgetown, the old centre of Penang, it was the opportunity his killer had been waiting for. He came up alongside on August 8th and pumped at least ten bullets into Mr Veerappan, killing him instantly. The murder has shocked Malaysians. It was brazen-happening in broad daylight in…

The Voice of the Ummah against the Miss World 2013 Ignored By the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Capitalist Elites

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The Miss World 2013 which will be held in the largest Muslim country - Indonesia got a strong reaction from Muslims in Indonesia and Malaysia, with a significant wave of rejection. This was realized by Budi Rustanto, Director of MNC Group who stated that is not easy to hold Miss World in Indonesia ( 21/08/2013). However, the MNC group as the holder of exclusive broadcast rights of the Miss World…

Response of Traitors in Political and Military Leadership to Indian Aggression at Line of Control is Disgusting

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Event: Tensions between Pakistan and India escalated, when the Indian government claimed that the Pakistan Army crossed the Line of Control (LoC) in Poonch sector of Jammu and attacked Sarla check-post killing five soldiers on 6th August 2013. The Government of Pakistan denied any such intrusion. After this incident tensions escalated not only along the LoC, which is a ceasefire line between India and Pakistan along Occupied Kashmir, rather it…

General Sisi Funded by America Terrorises Egyptians and Works to Restore Mubarak's Regime By: Abu Uthman  

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On August 14, 2013 the world watched in horror as the Egyptian army commanded by General Sisi mercilessly slaughtered, bludgeoned and bulldozed protestors with indiscriminate force in Cairo. So intense was the clean-up operation that Cairo's streets quickly resembled rivers of blood, and street corners were swiftly transformed into makeshift hospitals and morgues. Hundreds were dead and thousands were injured at the hands of army, security forces and the secret…

Britain Uses the Issue of Acid Scalding of Two British Women for its Political Benefit

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News: The Guardian Newspaper of 12th August 2013 and nearly all newspapers in Tanzania have recently reported the event of shooting of the Secretary General of Supreme Council of Muslims in Tanzania Ustadh Ponda Issa Ponda. This occurrence seems to be controversial as Ustadh Ponda and his followers have put it clearly that Ponda was shot by police while the government denies it. Despite this, the government confirms that it…
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