Saturday, 09 Rabi' al-thani 1446 | 2024/10/12
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What is behind the church service of Russian occupiers in Kazan?

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On October 12, 2019, a service was held for the first time in the capital of Tatarstan at the memorial church to the Russian invaders killed during the capture of Kazan. The service was held with the blessing of Metropolitan Theophanes. The bishop services at this monument are held for the first time in a hundred years.

"I do not believe!": Assault on a Border Post in Tajikistan

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On the night of November 6, an incident with victims occurred at a border post 60 kilometers from the capital of Tajikistan. According to the version voiced by the State Committee for National Security (SCNS) of Tajikistan, 20 masked armed men attacked the Ishkobod border outpost on the border with Uzbekistan, arriving at it in four vehicles.

Erdoğan the Deceiver

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As expected, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s offensive into northern Syria fizzles out without achieving the stated aim of establishing a Turkish controlled safe zone 32km deep into Syrian territory. But the political astute among the Ummah fully anticipated this development as true to form.

Many More Brexits to Come

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The European Union’s future is one of the biggest questions yet to be answered. After the Second World War, Europe was in ruins where 100 million lives perished because of the two great world wars. This was due to the hedonism and the spiritual emptiness engrained within the Europeans, which made it so prone to the dangers of nationalism.

Breakthrough of Militants from Afghanistan to Tajikistan: Myth or Reality?

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The Tajik authorities have again activated the topic of the alleged breakthrough into the country from Afghanistan by some militants. Thus, on October 16, the Lower House of the Parliament of Tajikistan ratified the Agreement on the procedure for the formation and use of joint teams of specialists (experts) of border agencies to respond quickly to the threats of the border security at external borders in some former Soviet states.

USA: It’s not the State, it’s the System

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The 2008 recession, 9/11, the election of US President Trump, his decision to withdraw from international agreements, the rise of China; these events have been surrounded by a discussion of the USA as a hegemonic superpower and whether it’s in decline.

Concepts to be Corrected Regarding Inheritance: “(Share) for male is equal to the share of two females” [Surah an-Nisa’a 4:11]

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There are verses in the Book of Allah which secularists and enemies of Islam are itching to abolish if they could. Malicious people always direct their arrows of slander and falsehood toward Islam through these verses, and the most prominent of these verses is the saying of Allah (swt), ﴿يُوصِيكُمُ ٱللَّهُ فِيٓ أَوۡلَٰدِكُمۡۖ لِلذَّكَرِ مِثۡلُ حَظِّ ٱلۡأُنثَيَيۡنِ﴾“Allah instructs you concerning your children: for the male, what is equal to the…

US Foreign Policy is up for Sale during Trump’s Presidency

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The first cracks in support for President Trump appeared within his own party this week after further damning revelations of corruption in US foreign policy surfaced. Trump was accused of “betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security and betrayal of the integrity of our elections” when an impeachment inquiry against him was announced on the 24th of September by the House of Representatives speaker, Nancy Pelosi.
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