Thursday, 30 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/03
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Hizb ut-Tahrir Organized Protest Demo in Birmingham Against Zardari's Arrival Khilafah Should be Established by Consigning the Corrupt Leadership and the System to the Dustbin of History; Demanded the Protesters

Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain held a spirited protest against Zardari's arrival to the convention center in Birmingham. Protestors were holding placards and banners on which slogans were inscribed against Zardari and Gilani and in calling for the reestablishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate" in Pakistan. Protestors were highlighting the fact that the present disastrous situation of Pakistan


Bangladesh Bans Quran

  • Published in Analysis
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On 27th July appellate division of the Supreme Court in Bangladesh has given verdict to change the constitution of Bangladesh with some observations. This verdict is seen as a triumph for those who call for restoration of the 1972 constitution laid down by the Late President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, father of current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The Supreme Court appellate division has made a number of observations regarding the 5th amendment of the constitution of Bangladesh regarding which the high court previously gave a verdict abolishing the amendment and directing restoration of 1972 constitution.

In fact the constitution of Bangladesh has been amended for 13 times. The first four amendments took place during the time of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman which upheld the principles of "Bengali nationalism, secularism, democracy and socialism" as the fundamental principles of the Constitution. During the time politics based on religion has been outlawed and in fact the government has curtailed the rights of the people such as forming political parties leading towards formation of one party political system called ‘Bakshal', voicing opposition to government policies, violation of property ownership rights leading towards nationalization of every business sectors, curtailing the press or media rights to report independently leading to closure of all news papers except government owned media, and right to defend in case of violation of his basic rights.

The second phase of amendment was introduced by Ziaur Rahman in 1979 which gave justification to proclamation of Marshall Law and all the order introduced so far during the period after 1975 as valid and can not be charged with any form of legal suit and the allowance of politics based on Islam. In fact in the 5th amendment the term ‘socialism' has been replaced with "social justice and equality for all" and ‘secularism' has been replaced with "Absolute Trust in Almighty Allah as the basis of making any law" and the introduction of the term ‘Bismillahir ar Rahmanir ar Rahim' as the first sentence of the constitution. Moreover, in the 8th amendment ‘Islam' has been made as the state religion. Finally the 12th amendments restored the parliamentary democracy system as opposed to presidential democracy while 13th amendment has introduced the interim non-party caretaker government system to conduct free and fair election for the parliament for a period of 90 days.

Briefly the constitution of Bangladesh has been juggling around the debate between pro-leftist led by current reining Awami League for secularism, socialism and BNP led pro-rightist calling for moderate democracy and Bangladeshi nationalism. However, never ever the debate for the principles of 1972's constitution has been so strong amongst the policy makers of Awami League as it happened after their landslide victory in the 2009 parliamentary election as sketched by a compromise deal amongst the trio USA-UK-India. This is despite the election manifesto of Awami League in its section 21.3 has clearly stated that ‘Laws repugnant to Quran and Sunnah shall not be made. Due respect will be shown to the principles and values of all religions.'

Is the Government of Hasina Brave enough?

However after wining the election backed by compromise deal amongst India-UK-USA, the government moved on to be tough on Islamic political parties as per the instruction of the imperialists, particularly the US i.e. in the case of Hizb ut_Tahrir, the most influential Islamic party in the country and elsewhere across the world. This was due to the fact that Hizb ut-Tahrir was effective in exposing the Hasina's collaboration with India in staging slaughtering of 57 top army officials in BDR mutiny. A move that strengthens India's ability to hold grip over Bangladesh and USA's ability to teach Bangladeshi army regarding what it means to oppose USA in its strategic objective in the region. Moreover the leftist alliance of Hasina having failed to convince the Muslims of Bangladesh regarding Godless communist ideals for over 60 years in their history took this opportunity to press for a ban of politics based on Islam. Therefore they have exploited the anti-Islamic elements in Hasian's government for call of secularism as the fundamental principle of the state.

However for Hasina, it is understood that she is calling for a scenario that Islam will be separated from the state vis-à-vis the state will not take action in promoting any Islam neither she will allow Islam to enter in public life. Because this law applies only to Islam since no other religion offers a complete code of human life except Islam. It seems that Hasina has favored the term secularism rather than being brave enough to say ‘banning Islam, Quran and Sunnah'. As for Muslims, we simply understand that this mean we will not be able neither to call nor to perform the complete Islam. Rather we have been offered to practice a no-economics Islam, no-politics Islam, no-social Islam, no-judiciary Islam, no-education Islam, no-care for ummah Islam, i.e. only salah Islam, only fasting Islam. Indeed this is therefore at all not Islam. To be true to her call for implementation of secularism, the Awami League led government has taken several challenging steps. These challenges is not only directed to the entire 150 million Muslims of Bangladesh or 150 billion Muslims of the entire world, rather her government has directed the challenge to the creator of the universe, the one and omnipotent Allah swt!

As for the first implication, there are several points to mention. By calling for secularism Sheikh Hasina's government is saying that, Quran and Sunnah are no longer relevant to our practical life! She is calling that, the government will no longer take activities to send people to Hajj under government control, no longer will spend money for build or maintain Masjid, no longer will keep the Islamic Foundation, no longer will change office timing during Ramadan, no longer will help muslims during two Eid preparation, no longer will tolerate giving Adjan i.e. calling for prayer, no longer allow more than 0.5 million madrasha to operate etc.

As for the second implication, the government forces you accept that Allah only exists for us in the mosque i.e. in praying. Once a Muslim gets out of the mosque, Allah dies (nawju-billah), He swt no longer exists in practice to guide our actions!

What about the wellbeing of the Ummah:

While the political elite of Bangladesh is looking forward to make secularism triumph to ensure their wellbeing, this has nothing to do with the general wellbeing of the ummah of Muhammad saw in Bangladesh. Indeed for last 40 years the constitutions of Bangladesh was secular and the term ‘Bismillahir ar-Rhaman ar-Rahim' was all but cheap means to exploit the Islamic sentiment of the ummah. Indeed these secular parties used Islam for their political gain. However their secular constitution, has failed to deliver the basic rights of food, cloth, shelter, education, electricity, medicare etc. Still the 48% people of Bangladesh lives under abject poverty, more than 50% people are illiterate; judicial system has collapsed, education system produces around 3.5 lacs educated unemployed each year, each government job requires 5 lacs tk. bribe etc. For the last 40 years these secular political parties has offered people nothing other than political killing, violence, general strike, unprecedented corruption to the level that Bangladesh toppled the no. 1 position as the most corrupt country in the world for a 5 consecutive years of secular democratic ruling. The secular politics has so far presented more than 1.2 lacs political killing, more than 3 lacs political arrest and thousands of violent political acts. All these things have happened while the rulers remained firmly on the grip of power and the ummah in the sheet. This is the true scenario of secular politics in Bangladesh. While the so called progressive socialist has offered Bangladesh the first terrorist group called ‘sharbohara' which administered thousands of terrorist act as part of their political ideals called ‘class struggle and dialectics'. Indeed the government of Hasina comprises no less than 5 ex-terrorists from leftist parties. The acts of terrorism committed by these secular capitalist as well as communist go back to 1972. What an irony that, these secular terrorist parties are now leveling Islamic politics as terrorism!

Therefore, these constitutional reform is nothing other than a design for the secular government to take full control over the political field in Bangladesh and ensure that their fragile system which is at risk from intellectual and political front due to the challenge from enlightened Islamic ideology and facing collapse due to ummah's rejection. However, nothing can work as a savior for the secular politics in Bangladesh. These desperate actions have exposed their weakness. Indeed the return of Khilafah "Caliphate" will give them a final blow to their existence.

The Kufr method offered to deviate from rule of Allah:

Literary Kufr means to hide. This is an old age techniques whereby the sign of hypocrisy becomes clear in the mindset of those who uses this method to deceive the people. After the destruction of Khilafah "Caliphate" and subsequent resumption of power the politicians from the Muslim countries have been using this method to deceive the ummah of Prophet Muhammad saw. They have never spoken directly against the Quran. They have never said to the public that we are going to put this book "Quran" in the shelves and make our mind/ whim as the source of legislation. Quran as a source of legislation is null and void, let alone be the only source. This is because they have adapted a covert form of dilution. Indeed the declaration of Awami League in its election manifesto has been a real hypocrisy with the Muslims of Bangladesh. They have learned this from their western masters. In fact if we analyze the constitution of Bangladesh it clearly says in its Supremacy of the Constitution section 7(1) ‘all powers in the Republic belong to the people, and their exercise on behalf of the people shall be effected only under, and by the authority of, this Constitution.' While its section 7(2) states that, ‘this Constitution is, as the solemn expression of the will of the people, the supreme law of the Republic, and if any other law is inconsistent with this Constitution and other law shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.'

Moreover, Article 65(1) states that, ‘there shall be a parliament for Bangladesh in which subject to the provisions of this Constitution, shall be vested the legislative powers of the Republic...... provided that nothing in this clause shall prevent parliament from delegating to any person or authority, by act of parliament, power to make orders, rules, regulations, bye-laws or other instruments having legislative effect.'

Clearly the idea of the supremacy of the constitution made and enacted by human like us make it absolutely clear that if any one is forced to follow this law and if anyone is charged against for not following this constitution, the feudal lord system has again resurrected in the form of democracy. Indeed it is the same old system made by the feudal lord as per his wish to subjugate the subjects under his feet and wishes or even whims. Democracy is the modern version of the same old system where humanity is forced to takes man as the legislator rather than Allah swt. One question therefore duly arises ‘why some one should obey a law made by others until unless he becomes lord and the cherisher of this and next world? why should someone like Obama make law and someone called Khalid accept this law as binding?' More specifically, should any Muslim be foolish (as well as sinful) to consider Sheikh Hasina or Khaleda Zia or the 330 members of parliament to be the lord to give law when a Muslim believes Allah swt exists and He is the one who gives law and we all shall return to Him and He is the one who will account us on the Day of Judgment? Hasina may not believe that, our Lord the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth said in glorious Quran t, "The Hukm (judgment, legislation, command) is for none but Allah (Sura Yousuf: 40)." That is Sheikh Hasina's issue. However we do believe in Allah, the 150 million Muslims believe that Allah is Haq and He is the one who decide. He is the one who gives us life and death and He is the one who will reward us with Jannah or punish us with Hell.

We the Muslims believe that the Quran is the final book from Allah swt and Quran has clearly and unequivocally stated that, "It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down the criterion of judgment between right and wrong (Sura Ali-Imran: 03)."

Moreover, the Quran clearly mentions that "If anyone desires a deen (way of life) other than Islam (fullest submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (Sura Ali-Imran: 85)."

Therefore the idea of having a secular state in Bangladesh is simply banning these and hundreds more unequivocal and clear ayath of Quran. And indeed a reformed, curtailed book comprising only verses of salah, fasting and individual rituals is not Quran itself. Sheikh Hasina must know that she may not believe in these verses of Glorious Quran. She may not even believe in the following verses in Quran, where our Lord Allah (swt.) clearly mentions that, "If any one do not judge by (the light of) what Allah has revealed, they are Unbelievers (Sura Ali-Mai'dah: 44)."

She may not believe that, Allah swt says, "But no, by the Lord, they can have no (real) Faith, until they make you judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against Thy decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction (Sura An-Nisa: 65)." Indeed by clearly mentioning her will to ban Islam from public and political life Sheikh Hasina has disrespected and denied the life and the struggle of our beloved Prophet saw as well as his companions. She has denied the mission of Allah swt in sending the prophets as well as in sending our beloved prophet sws. Allah swt has clearly said, "They want to extinguish Allah's Light (with which Muhammad sws has been sent i.e. Islam) with their mouths, but Allah will not allow except that His Light should be perfected even though the kafirin (disbelievers) hate (it). It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad sws) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam), to make it superior over all deen (way of life) even though the mushrikin (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers) hate (it) [Sura At-Tauba: 32-33].

For the Ummah of Bangladesh:

The Muslims in Bangladesh and elsewhere in the world must understand that democracy which is alternatively known as hypocrisy is not compatible with our sacred values of Islam. Democracy says ‘la ilaha illa-nas' instead of ‘la ilaha illal-lah'. It is a direct contradiction to our belief in Allah, in the angles, in the holy books, in the Prophets, in the Day of Judgment, in the qadda, that good and bad is from Allah, and in the resurrection. Democracy is the system that makes man rather than our creator omnipotent Allah swt as the Al Hakim i.e. the law giver. It is the system that makes something forbidden in Quran and Sunnah as allowable such as interest, fornication, man-made rule etc and something allowable in Quran and Sunnah as forbidden such as rule by Allah's law, political Islam, voicing concern for our muslim brothers and sister in occupied territories, implementation of complete Islam, hijab, niqab, nationalism and above all the call for Khilafah "Caliphate"..

This is the democracy that the west want us to embrace and force upon us their intolerant, inhuman and jungle ideas whereby we are simply forced to accept partners besides Allah swt. Indeed this is the gravest of sin in the eye of Allah swt. We must work tirelessly to propagate the ideas of Islam and we must pray in coming Ramadan to Allah swt that He grants the ummah of Muhammad sws the victory so that the rule of Islam prevails and all other ism is banned for good. O Allah! Make Islam prevail to use this mad-made constitution as toilet tissue upon the return of Khilafah "Caliphate".


Abu Abdullah




Headline news for 8-8-2010

  • Published in News & Comment
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  • Newt Gingrich outburst against Muslims
  • America: Prison officials can ban the Khimar
  • Study Shows UK Equates Islam With Terror
  • Geert Wilders anti Islamic party begins to wield influence in government
  • Israel President Claims English Are Anti-semitic
  • Dutch troops leave Afghanistan

 News Details:

Newt Gingrich outburst against Muslims
Former Speaker of the US House Newt Gingrich called on the United States to attack North Korea and Iran last week because the United States has only attacked "one out of three" of so-called Axis of Evil members by invading Iraq. He also claimed that Muslims are trying to install Sharia law on America and said that the "War on Terror" should have been a war on "radical Islamists" instead. In a separate interview with Newsmax Thursday, Gingrich said that the "secular elites" haven't taken "threats to America" seriously and that newly-appointed Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan has "no real appreciation of the danger of Sharia," because she "welcomed Saudi money" while serving as the Dean of Harvard University Law School."Radical Islamists are people who want to impose on the rest of us Sharia, which is a form of medieval law which would fundamentally end America as we've known it," he said. "There are disturbing signs that some places ... you see judges succumb to this line of reasoning." He called on "isolating and defeating radicals," while "modernizing" moderates. Gingrich told Newsmax that the planned mosque and community center in Lower Manhattan should be stopped. He suggested that, were he president, he would "declare the area around the World Trade Center a national military battlefield because that was a battle and it part of a real war."

America: Prison officials can ban the Khimar
Prison officials can ban employees from wearing religious headscarves out of concerns they pose a safety risk, a U.S. appeals court in Philadelphia ruled Monday in a split 2-1 decision. The ruling dismisses a lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EE0C) on behalf of three Muslim women employed at the Delaware County Prison in suburban Thornton. The EEOC had said they were being forced to compromise their religious beliefs to keep their jobs. The suit was filed against the Geo Group, a Boca Raton, Fla.-based contractor that formerly operated the facility. In his dissent, Justice A. Wallace Tashima, a senior judge the 9th U.S. Circuit, said the Geo Group had not been made to prove that the use of headscarves by employees posed an undue burden. In a related case, the U.S. 3rd Circuit ruled last year that Philadelphia police could likewise bar a female officer from wearing a headscarf under her police hat.

Study Shows UK Equates Islam With Terror
British people are ignorant of Islam and equate the religion with terrorism, according to a new survey by a Muslim research group. The Islamic Education and Research Academy(IERA) has published a study into how British people view the religion. More than half (63%) of those polled did not disagree with the statement "Muslims are terrorists."A total of 94% thought that the religion "oppresses women" and 70% that it preaches hatred. The iERA, which works to improve people's understanding of the faith, questioned 500 non-Muslims in person. The survey exposed a lack of basic knowledge, he said. More than a third did not know who the Prophet Mohammed was and over three quarters (76%) had never spoken to a Muslim about their religion. Respondents were also invited to make comments. One said: "They have taken our country over, it's not England any more. We have to make changes to please them.""If I had my way I'd kick them all out of here," said another.

Geert Wilders anti Islamic party begins to wield influence in government
Geert Wilders, whose anti-Islamic party more than doubled its vote in June's elections, forced his way to the center of Dutch politics by agreeing to back a minority government of Liberals and Christian Democrats. Wilders and his 23 fellow lawmakers in the Freedom Party intend to support a Cabinet led by Liberal Mark Rutte under a preliminary deal reached July 30, giving it the smallest possible majority in the 150-seat lower house of parliament. Wilders agreed to an 18 billion-euro ($23 billion) budget cut, in exchange for measures to control immigration and crack down on crime.
The Freedom Party, founded by former Liberal lawmaker Wilders in 2006, seeks to ban new mosques, curb immigration, cut development aid and reduce the influence of the European Union. Wilders, 46, receives police protection around the clock and faces trial on charges of inciting hatred in his 2008 film "Fitna," in which he calls on Muslims to rip out "hate- preaching" verses from the Koran. Wilders's wish to curb the influence of Islam in the Netherlands, home to 850,000 Muslims.

Israel President Claims English Are Anti-semitic
Shimon Peres said England was "deeply pro-Arab ... and anti-Israeli", adding: "They always worked against us." He added: "There is in England a saying that an anti-Semite is someone who hates the Jews more than is necessary." His remarks, made in an interview on a Jewish website, provoked anger from senior MPs and Jewish leaders who said the 87-year-old president had "got it wrong". The controversy follows the furor last week over David Cameron's remark that Gaza was a "prison camp", as he urged Israel to allow aid and people to move freely in and out of the Palestinian territory .Mr. Peres, a Nobel Peace Prize winner who is three years into his seven-year term as president and was awarded an honorary knighthood by the Queen in 2008, said that England's attitude towards Jews was Israel's "next big problem"."There are several million Muslim voters, and for many members of parliament, that's the difference between getting elected and not getting elected," he said."And in England there has always been something deeply pro-Arab, of course, not among all Englishmen, and anti-Israeli, in the establishment."They abstained in the [pro-Zionist] 1947 UN partition resolution ... They maintained an arms embargo against us in the 1950s ... They always worked against us. They think the Arabs are the underdogs."By contrast, relations with Germany, France and Italy were "pretty good", he added.

Dutch troops leave Afghanistan
The Netherlands has ended its four-year military involvement in Afghanistan, handing over control of Uruzgan province to US and Australian troops. The Dutch government was thrown out of office earlier this year when it failed win support for extending the deployment of its almost 2,000-strong force.A Netherlands embassy spokeswoman said a small ceremony would take place to hand over to an American-led coalition of soldiers, including the Australian contingent.Canada is withdrawing its entire force of 2,800 troops in Afghanistan next year, while Britain and the US have signalled that some troops will also leave in 2011.US defence secretary Robert Gates said only a small number of troops would be withdrawn in the first phase of the 2011 exit."Draw downs early on will be a fairly limited number and as we are successful, we'll probably accelerate," he said.The Afghan police and army are now expected to take over control of all security in the country by 2014. It is hoped that by that time NATO troops will be in a position to end their combat operations


O Oppressor Ruler! Step down; O People of Power! Enough is Enough, Rise to Establish the Khilafah

Floods are not a new phenomenon in Pakistan. However, despite the passage of over 60 years this system and its rulers, democratic and dictators alike, could not develop a system for flood management. In their view the only flood management system is to blow warning sirens just before flood even though hundreds and thousands of lives are lost in the floods every time.


Media's Penetration in the Most Private Place

  • Published in Media Coverage
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    For the past two years, Arab satellite television has seen a surge of a new arrival to the airwaves.  Turkish soap operas (TSOs) have become the new craze devoured by the millions as highlighted in a recent NY Times article.  Their popularity has increased so much that numerous other satellite channels are taking contracts for re-run Turkish soap operas and constantly debuting new shows. Making them a new favorite for Muslims in the West. The storylines are familiar to the traditional soap lines: murder, love, conspiracy, and wealthy family patriarchs.  However the Turkish shows have a more common theme tied into their plots-Muslim names, backgrounds, and traditions.  

Millions of women, men, and youth are intrigued by these TSOs.  The poorer lesser educated woman identifies and sympathizes with  the struggling female character through the rags to riches story who in the end achieves a fairy tale ending-wealth, social status and love.  Men view traditional roles in their society as outdated or restricted as they watch TSOs where men try to pursue their physical desires by any means.    As one can imagine, TSOs have greatly affected Arab society where the vast majority are Muslim, including those currently living in Western countries. Lines are intentionally blurred between gender roles in society especially in the work place and academia. There is a major focus on the mixing of the genders (ikhtilat) in public and private life and its acceptance as the new way of socializing.  Television producers choose the common plotline of a Hollywood style romance or the "Cinderella" story leaving a detrimental effect on young highly impressionable minds.  Therefore placing false and unreal values in marital life, causing great harm in society.  

There is great pressure on TSOs to accomplish what other Western soap operas failed.  Actually foreign soap operas have been on Arab television for the past 30 years, particularly American and Latin soaps.  However, their foreign names and lifestyles have failed to ultimately capture Arab audiences because of this "foreignness" ... a sharp contrast to Arab lifestyle.  The Western soaps used traditional Arabic as their dubbing, losing its entertaining appeal to the masses, while the TSOs used the common dialect, usually Syrian to appeal to the wider younger audiences.  This, plus the fact, that TSOs used Muslim names and lands to make the plotlines more familiar to Arab audiences based on various studies. This combination triumphed - it was a huge success in the penetration of the Western social lifestyle in the conservative Muslim Arab lands.

Turkey played a key role in this social impact for several reasons.  First, Turkey is a predominantly Muslim country with it carrying the history of the Islamic State.  Muslims identify with one another in other parts of the Muslim world, which TSOs often exploit.  Certain plotlines use honor killings and arranged marriages to further this point deep into the Arab world.  Turkey captured the hearts of the Arabs not just through its media going even further politically.

TSOs are only the tip of the iceberg-the West spreads its tentacles to pierce the Muslim Ummah through every possible tactic using the most basic, most powerful technique --media.   Having the ability to penetrate the most private place ---a Muslim's home.  The West aims to distribute its decaying social values upon a people who possess the elevated social system.  The West advocates women's rights in Muslim countries; meanwhile it still struggles with the most basic issues at home, whether sexual harassment or workforce discrimination.  Its divorces rates are constantly rising making single mothers a dominant part of society, cases of suicides and rapes are soaring.  They are dumping a corrupt and quickly disintegrating system to a people who have an exalted way of life from the Creator Himself.  How can we allow ourselves to accept such dejected ideas?  To go from high to low?  The Muslim youth need to realize the West's deliberate aim of destroying the very fiber that makes its followers so mighty and virtuous.   By numbing our senses with crumbling values, they are slowly intoxicating us with a poison so strong that we have become desensitized to the daily dose of munkar we see on television.  We tolerate lewd obscenities to enter our homes.  The West yearns for the Muslim lands to accept their crumbling system that have the highest standards for ethics and morals bestowed upon them by Allah swt. It tries to destroy the susceptible generation with their corrupt standards as the new measure in the Middle East.

Turkey must return to its mighty glory.  Rather than filling the Muslim minds with decay, they ought to be nurtured with righteous thoughts.  Allah swt revealed in Surah Al-Nur (24), Ayah 19:

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُحِبُّونَ أَن تَشِيعَ الْفَاحِشَةُ فِي الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ

Surely (as for) those who love that scandal should circulate respecting those who believe, they shall have a grievous chastisement in this world and the hereafter; and Allah knows, while you do not know.

Manal Bader

Bayt Al-Maqdes


Wikileaks: another brutal and shame story of US for its and allied forces 

Recently wikileaks website leaked 91 thousands documents which exposed the brutal killings of innocent civilians as well as Afghanistan Army men. In addition, the leaked documents tried to expose the links between Taliban and Pakistan Intelligence agencies. In fact there is nothing new in these reports as the atrocities committed by the invaders are known to the entire world.


Why a 'Big Society' could not happen in Britain

  • Published in Politics
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There has been much talk this week about a creating a ‘Big Society' in Britain, following a speech by UK Prime Minister David Cameron. The argument that individuals and communities should be encouraged to do more for each other and the wider society, and that the state should be expected to do less, has been welcomed by many people, who sense a decline in community spirit over recent years, as well as much deeper social divisions, none of which seems to have been solved by more state intervention over the decades.

There are several reasons why this vision of a big society will not work to bring communities together in Britain or help heal its ‘broken society'.

1. Political insincerity.

Many people believe that the calls for a 'big society' are little more than 'spin', using clever language to justify the state cutting public spending. The present government's favorite catch phrase is they want to 'set people free' to do more in society: to set up schools, to run police authorities etc. This phrase, to 'set people free' will start to wear thin, especially when the weakest in society are 'set free' to fend for themselves as radical public spending cuts start to bite.

2. The Dominant Values of the society run counter to the 'big society' ethos.

Whilst there are still many ordinary people in Britain who do volunteer, help others and contribute within their communities, this sector was more obvious in a time when religious values were more evident. Indeed, it was the churches who dominated in this area - which is why so many schools, hospitals and charities were founded with links to religious groups. However, these values have declined immensely in the last 50 years, leaving secular values to dominate. And amongst those secular values, the idea that man should be 'free' and autonomous runs counter to ‘community' and helping others. In Britain, individualism is a value deeply ingrained in society. It has spawned terms and phrases like ‘what's in it for me' and 'not in my back yard'.

In the face of such values that dominate culture, media, the playground and street, ordinary individuals who seek to do some good will never be in sufficient strength to make an impact on a societal level.  In western societies, there is a strand of thinking that survival of the fittest is a natural phenomenon in nature, but a diminishing view that man's duty to help others is what elevates human over other creatures. The rise of individualism, and the decline in family cannot be separated - because for many - especially (but not exclusively) for those without a faith-based outlook, why would someone endure the ups and downs of family responsibility when they could 'set themselves free'.

3. The depth of the problems caused by the Capitalist system

Beyond values, we have a system that institutionalized those values. In Capitalism, the market dominates; and if the market dictates behavior that encourages profit, material gain and the pursuit of sensual pleasure, then there is little room left for the spiritual, humanitarian or ethical values. 

Consequently, over two centuries the divisions within society have become very deep.

For decades there have been those in the Muslim world who looked 'westwards' for answers as to how societies should be structured. Moreover, many Muslims living in Britain have found that their own families and communities are not immune from the wider problems in British society. Hence, Muslims need to look elsewhere for solutions, and it is only natural they look to Islam.

There are several reasons why Islam can provide solutions for these problems. One of which are Islam's Values. The Shariah taken as a whole serves to protect life, property, beliefs, honor, and the minds of people. Islam values individuals, but never at the expense of society. This relationship is exemplified by a hadith of the Prophet (saw) who said:

"The metaphor for someone who stops at the limits of Allah and someone who transgresses them is that of some people who draw lots on a boat. Some of them get the upper deck and some of them the lower. When those in the lower deck want to get water, they have to pass by those above them. Then they say, 'If we were to make a hole in our deck, we would not have to bother those above us.' If they were to let them do what they wanted, all of them would perish. If they seize hold of their hands and stop them, they will be saved and all of them will be saved."

There is an inherent recognition in Islam that freedom of the individual can lead to harms in society. Furthermore, Islam has mandated that  the Islamic state priorities helping those who are weakest.

Taji Mustafa


Headline news for 01-8-2010

  • Published in News & Comment
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  • American and Egyptian scholars strive to bridge religion gap
  • FBI policies against Muslims attacked
  • British  Army 'nearly seized up' fighting on two fronts
  • David Cameron refuses to back down over terror remarks about Pakistan
  • Indian teacher barred from work for refusing burqa

News Details

 American and Egyptian scholars strive to bridge religion gap
Fifteen young American religious scholars and 14 teaching assistants from Al Azhar University - one of the oldest and most influential Islamic institutions in the world - spent two weeks together this month at Georgetown University in an attempt to bridge the divide between the Muslim world and the United States. The potpourri of young religious scholars studied the legal foundations of American democracy and religious diversity in the U.S. and met with political figures, including White House advisor Valerie Jarrett and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), the first Muslim American elected to Congress. The American and Egyptian students spent eight to nine hours in class each day and lived together in Georgetown dorms. The Americans included members of the Jewish, Buddhist and Christian faiths. Though Al Azhar has a long history of global engagement, the university, under the direction of a new leader, the French-educated Ahmed Tayeb, feels the need to adapt its tactics in light of changing times, said Mahmoud Azab, an Al Azhar professor of Semitic languages and civilizations. Gihan Ibrahim Shaaban, an Al Azhar professor of linguistics, said the university felt compelled to act by some Americans' perception that Islam calls for terrorism. "We have to show the real Islam," she said.Patrice Brodeur, an associate professor of Islam at the University of Montreal, who led sessions at the conference, said Al Azhar's international engagement may surprise some given the university's history of traditional Islamic scholarship. Jocelyne Cesari, director of the Islam in the West Program at Harvard and Johns Hopkins universities, said in a telephone interview that she is encouraged that Al Azhar is reaching out, but she said that it is important for the United States to respond in kind.

FBI policies against Muslims attacked
US civil liberties groups have attacked FBI domestic surveillance guidelines, claiming that they unfairly target innocent Muslims in terrorism and other criminal investigations.  "It's quite an invasive data collection system," said Farhana Khera, executive director of the Muslim Advocates group. "It's based on generalised suspicion and fear on the part of law enforcement, not on individualised evidence of criminal activity." The FBI claimed that its procedures were designed to ensure that probes don't zero in on anyone on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion or the exercise of any other constitutional right. Its Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide was approved in December 2008 during the final days of the George W Bush administration and establishes policy that guides all FBI domestic operations, including counterterrorism, counterintelligence, crime and cyber crime. But the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is also concerned about the procedures. It has asked FBI field offices in 29 states and Washington, DC, to turn over records related to the bureau's collection of data on race and ethnicity. The FBI operations guide gives agents the authority to create maps of ethnic-oriented businesses, behaviour, lifestyle characteristics and cultural traditions in communities with concentrated ethnic populations.

British  Army 'nearly seized up' fighting on two fronts
The Army came close to 'seizing up' under the intense pressure of fighting wars simultaneously in Iraq and Afghanistan, a defence chief said yesterday. Two former military leaders appeared at the Iraq Inquiry to lay bare a catalogue of failures which left troops overstretched and overburdened. And the pair criticised the Labour government for poor political leadership and problems with vital equipment and training which jeopardised lives and damaged morale. General Sir Richard Dannatt, the chief of the general staff from 2006 to 2009, even hinted he believed Britain was wrong to attack Iraq - a war the Army had 'no desire' to fight and which undermined the 'more important' campaign in Afghanistan. Meanwhile General Sir Mike Jackson - his predecessor as the UK's top soldier from 2003 to 2006 - said troops suffered because of a shortage of helicopters in Iraq while morale received a blow through shortages of personal kit. Their claims will add fuel to accusations that Tony Blair and Gordon Brown repeatedly treated the military with contempt while in power.

David Cameron refuses to back down over terror remarks about Pakistan
No 10 said that the Prime Minister had no intention of rowing back from his warning to Pakistan that the country must not "promote the export of terror" around the world. Islamabad warned that his words had made the region more unstable. During a series of interviews in India, where he is on a three-day trade mission and where his words have been welcome, he insisted that he had a duty to say what he thought. "I don't think the British taxpayer wants me to go around the world saying what people want to hear," he said. Asked if his remarks had "overshadowed" his visit, he added: "I don't think it's overshadowed anything. "I think it's important to speak frankly and clearly about these issues. I have always done that in the past and will do so in the future."

Indian teacher barred from work for refusing burqa
A female lecturer has been prevented from teaching at a Muslim university in eastern India by students demanding that she wear a full veil, a report said Thursday. Aliah University in Kolkata is the first Muslim university in West Bengal state and has no formal dress code, but its student union has demanded that female teachers cover themselves in class. Sirin Middya told the Indian Express she had refused to comply and had been prevented from teaching for three months. "Most of the teachers do not like the diktat of the students to wear the burqa, but they have no option but to accept it," she told the newspaper. "This is the Talibanisation of educational premises and there is no one to come to our rescue."



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