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Karzai cannot bring any change to the Afghan People

The statements of Karzai on Thursday, April/1/10 have caused many controversies in the local and international media. Part of his statement was that his election was a fraud, organized by those very international organizations responsible for the observance of the election they wanted to be legal according to international standards. He also indicated that there could not be much difference between occupation and international support.


  Thought and Method

  • Published in Khilafah
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     The Method comprises of the Shari'ah rules that clarify how the rules of the Thought, the Aqeedah and the Shari'ah rules describing the Solutions, are implemented. The link between the Thought and the Method are that they arise from the same Aqeedah and they are both Hukm Shar'i.

So, Islam mandates Iman in the Creator and the Prophethood of Muhammad (SAW), which is from the rules of the Thought. These are Shari'ah rules related to the Aqeedah. The Method is to ensure the implementation of these rules which is the Shari'ah rule that forbids the Apostacy.

Islam mandates carrying its message to the entire World, which is related to the Thought. The Method are the rules of Jihad.

Allah SWT ordered Chastity and forbade Zina, He ordered protection of Individual Property and forbade Theft, He ordered the protection of Life and forbade Murder. These are all Ahkam related to the Thought. Related to these Ahkam are other Ahkam which are related to the Method, i.e. the implementation of these Rules, which for example are the Hudood related to Zina or Theft or Murder.

Allah SWT ordered the establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate" and forbade the Muslims from abstaining from it for more than three days, He SWT ordered the settling of the disputes, He SWT ordered looking after the affairs of Muslims and forbade Oppression in Ruling, He SWT forbade lying in Trade and Monopoly and forbade Oppression. Regarding the Method, there are Ahkam for implementing these matters, such as the Ahkam of Pledge of Allegiance, the Ahkam of Judiciary, the Ahkam of Bayt ul-Maal, the Ahkam of Muzaalim and Hisba.

From the Ahkam related to the Thought, Allah ordered the feeding of the Poor and the Orphans. And from the Method there are rules of Nafaqah, Zakah and the right upon the Baytul-Mal.

So, every Hukm which demonstrates the method of Implementation for every Command or Forbidding is from the Method.

Accordingly the Creator, gave Ahkam which addressed the Aqeedah and also Problems of Human-beings. And He also gave Ahkam related to implementation of the Aqeedah and these Solutions, which are the rules of the Method.

So, examples of Thought, include Belief in the Book and Sunnah and also Rules related to Contracts, Marriage, Hiring and Rule of Prayer. And the Method are the rules of how to implement the Aqeedah and the Shari'ah rules such as Rules of Jihad, Spoils and Apostasy.

Salah is Fard and it is from the Fikra. The way to implement that fard is through teaching people how to pray and punishing the one who doesn't pray, which is Tareeka.


The constitutional package has once again demonstrated that Pakistan's constitution is purely secular

The constitutional package, which was an outcome of hectic deliberation for months and was signed by both secular and religious parties, will ensure the uninterrupted implementation of kufr.  Not even a single article of this package was extracted from Qur'an and Sunnah.  Rather through this package all the kufr and non-Islamic articles of the constitution have been retained which have no link with Islam whatsoever.


O People of Summits! Al-Quds will not be liberated by the arrangement of words in praise of it on the tongue; it will be liberated by the arrangement of armies to fight the Jewish state on the battlefield

The Arab rulers concluded their 22nd Summit meeting today, 28th March, 2010 after two days of deliberations at Sirte, Libya which was preceded by a preparatory meeting of their foreign ministers on 25th and 26th of March


  Headline news for 01-04-2010

  • Published in News & Comment
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  • Belgium to ban the burqa
  • European Islamophobia spreads to Poland
  • America intervenes to stage manage Sudan's election
  • Moscow Accuses West of 'Narco-Aggression'
  • Pak-US ‘slave' dialogue was a good step forward : Wall Street Journal


News Details:

Belgium to ban the burqa
The draft legislation in Belgium, aimed at clamping down on Islamic extremism, forbids anyone from hiding their faces in public. And those who break the law will be fined or sent to prison for up to a week if the legislation is approved. A committee of MPs voted unanimously yesterday to put the hard-line bill to a full parliamentary vote on 22 April. If passed, Belgium will become the first country in Europe to impose a complete ban on the wearing of full-face veils. The law has cross-party support and is likely to be voted through. "We cannot allow someone to claim the right to look at others without being seen," said liberal MP Daniel Bacquelaine, who proposed the bill. "It is necessary that the law forbids the wearing of clothes that totally mask and encloses an individual."Mr Bacquelaine estimated that a few hundred women in Belgium wore facial veils, adding that it was a rising trend. Belgium's Muslim population stands at about 600,000, or 6 per cent of the total. More than one-third of those are Moroccans or of Moroccan descent. The second largest Muslim ethnic group is made up of Turks.

European Islamophobia spreads to Poland
In a sight familiar in some west European countries but new to Poland, dozens of protesters demonstrated in a Warsaw suburb last weekend against the construction of a mosque.  Plans by Poland's tiny Muslim community to build a place of worship and an Islamic cultural centre face opposition in a sign that concerns about Islam may be spreading eastwards to the staunchly Catholic European Union member. Between 15,000 and 30,000 Muslims, many of them immigrants from Chechnya, live in Poland -- the biggest ex-communist EU state where more than 90 percent of the 38-million population declare themselves Catholics. A telephone survey conducted on March 25 among 500 Poles showed 48 percent opposed construction of a mosque with a minaret in their neighborhood, while 42 had nothing against it.  "This fear comes from a lack of knowledge... The average citizen knows a Muslim was behind the World Trade Centre attacks but doesn't follow the differences within Islam. Poles have simplistic ideas about Islam as they lack their own experience with Muslims", said Agata Skoworn-Nalborczyk, an Islam specialist at the Warsaw University.

America  intervenes to stage manage Sudan's election
The US special envoy for Sudan, Scott Gration, held talks in Khartoum on Thursday with opposition leaders in a bid to rescue this month's Sudanese elections. Gration, who flew in on Wednesday according to diplomatic sources, met separately with Umma party members, Islamist leader Hassan al-Turabi and Democratic Unionist Party head Mohammed Osman al-Mirghani. The mission comes a day after presidential hopeful Yassir Arman pulled out of April 11-13 vote for fear of fraud, casting doubt on the electoral process and clearing the way for a likely first-round win by President Omar al-Beshir. The move from Arman, candidate of the former rebel Sudan People's Liberation Movement from the south of the country, came after Beshir ruled out deferring the first multi-party Sudanese polls in 24 years.Already before Arman's pullout, the United States, Britain -- Sudan's former colonial power -- and Norway, a main provider of aid, on Wednesday expressed concern over the elections. "We urge all parties in Sudan to work urgently to ensure that elections can proceed peacefully and credibly in April," US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband and Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Store said."We are deeply concerned by reports of continued administrative and logistical challenges, as well as restrictions on political freedoms," they said in a joint statement.

Moscow Accuses West of 'Narco-Aggression'
Russia has accused the United States of "conniving" with Afghan drug producers by not destroying opium crops as U.S. troops advance in Helmand Province, one of the major opium growing regions. The allegation, which came in a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry, was the second time this week that Moscow has criticized the West over the opium issue. NATO rejected the charge and said Russia could help by providing more troops to combat the insurgency. U.S. Marines in Helmand Province have told villagers that they will not destroy this year's crops. In the Taliban stronghold of Marjah, which was captured by U.S. troops last month, the U.S. offered to pay poppy farmers to destroy their own crops and provide seed for them to plant other crops next year. Apart from these token gestures the US has done little to eradicate Afghanistan's opium crops. Afghanistan produces over 90 percent of the world's opium and Russia has become its largest market for the drug.

Pak-US ‘slave' dialogue was a good step forward : Wall Street Journal
The United States must deliver what Pakistan needs rapidly, and without too much intrusive monitoring of its strategic nuclear assets, the US newspaper ‘the Wall Street Journal' writes while commenting on last week's Pakistan-US strategic dialogue held in Washington. Terming the strategic dialogue a good step forward, it said, the US must also give the Pakistan military more usable weapons to fight its militancy. The newspaper said that the US must use its influence on India to give Pakistan breathing room, so it can concentrate on the war within rather than stay ready for action on two fronts, one against India and the other on the Afghan border.  Opening US markets to Pakistani textiles and other goods will also help in the near term. In the long run, Pakistan needs help to move up the economic value chain and into manufacturing goods.  With its growing population, it needs GDP growth of 6 percent or more each year to keep improving the lives of its 175 million inhabitants, half of whom are below 18 years of age. That growth depends on foreign investment, which is critically dependent on security and good governance, both of which have been in short supply in recent years. But Pakistan must also avoid becoming dependent on aid or ceding its sovereignty in the process of acquiring aid.  As former military dictator, Mohammad Ayub Khan, put it bluntly: Pakistan needs "friends not masters," it concluded.


  MP's expose Prevent: It's about changing Islam, not dealing with real causes of Muslim anger

     London UK, 30th March 2010 - The government should stop trying to "engineer" a so-called moderate form of Islam and pay more attention to other factors leading to ‘violent extremism' says a report published today by the UK parliament's communities and local government select committee. The report on the British government's flagship Prevent strategy which is said to target ‘radicalisation' and the causes of ‘terrorism' also says that the Prevent programme has "stigmatised and alienated" British Muslims. Prevent enjoys broad approval from all main political parties.

Taji Mustafa, media representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain said, "This report exposes what we have been saying for years. That the government is trying to create a secular westernised government friendly Islam based on the false premise that Islam causes terrorism."

"The report criticises the fact that the government has done nothing to deal with its foreign policy, what could arguable be called the ‘create' strategy for many of today's problems. It is a sad hypocrisy that when bombs go off on the Moscow underground, the western media are quick to point the finger at Russia's brutal policy in the Caucasus but unwilling to look at how western colonial policy, which kills thousands and destabilises regions, also fuels resentment."

"The Prevent strategy has also been blamed for spying on the Muslim community and increasing alienation. This attempt to create a state approved religion is reminiscent of the attempts by the odious regimes in the Muslim world who vet mosques, sermons and preachers in the name of state security."

"Muslims are constantly told to separate politics from religion, yet secular western governments are increasingly seeking to control people's religious beliefs in a doomed strategy that only creates further alienation."


MR. Obama you are not welcome!

  • Published in Asia
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After getting a loud and clear message of rejection from Indonesia, where a furious political campaign against his visit was launched, conveying him a strong message that, unlike the treachery rulers, the Muslim Ummah is not ready to welcome the murderer of their brothers and sisters. Obama arrived at Kabul late night, as if he were an unwanted guest without invitation. In addition to large demonstrations of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Indonesia, they got the signatures of a thousand Ullema on 7th of March, for a joint rejection of Obama's visit of Indonesia.


Strategic dialogue is nothing but strategic surrender The dialogue aims at designing the mechanism to micromanage Pakistan

"Strategic dialogue" is in fact strategic surrender through which the rulers are strengthening the American grip over the affairs of Pakistan. The aim of the dialogue is to formulate a mechanism whereby America could interfere in all the affairs of Pakistan. Moreover, it endeavours to deceive the masses of Pakistan by portraying as if America is really concerned about solving the Pakistan's problems.

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