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Obama's Indonesia visit is cancelled because of Hizb ut Tahrir's huge demonstrations If together Hizb and the people of Indonesia can stop Obama from visiting Indonesia then why can't the people of Pakistan

After the announcement of Obama's visit to Indonesia, Hizb ut Tahrir announced the launch furious political campaign against his visit. On 14th of March 2010, Hizb mobilized thousands of demonstrators and held demonstrations all over Indonesia. Also Hizb ut Tahrir announced that on behalf of Ummah, Hizb will slap Obama in the face through a large demonstration at the US consulate during his visit to Indonesia.


  Letter from Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilyah Sudan to Ministry of Defence Ministry of Interior General Command for the Peoples Armed Forces Chairman of the Joint Chiefs National Security and Intelligence Agency Police Forces Command

  • Published in Sudan
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Dear Respected Brothers:

     We address you today when the Western Kuffar's agenda is on the verge of completely tearing down our country Sudan. This plan referred to as the Nevasha plan was signed in the year 2005 is the corner stone of their agenda. It was this evil plan that separated the southern Sudan and effectively detached from Sudan's authority. As for the 2011 referendum, it is merely to ascribe a semblance of ‘legitimacy' to the nascent country and Kafir nations of the West are competing among themselves to build its capabilities. The US newspaper, Washington Post carried a statement by Ezekiel Jatcot, the representative of southern Sudan at the United Nations in which he said:" The United States is supporting the separation of the South and is pumping enormous sums of money to achieve that. It is contributing a sum of One billion dollars every year which is being spent on infrastructure development, training of security personnel, and for formation of an army capable of protecting the country." [Raid newspaper: 26.12.2009]. This statement follows the statement of the US envoy to Sudan Graishin who said:" Southern Sudan is not in a position to exercise authority in case of its separation from the North." The US Administration has paved way for forming a task force within the White House to resolve this problem, the Al Sahafah newspaper reported in its issue (no. 5933) the statement by the Minister of the Southern Sudan saying:" The US government has formed a small task force within the White House to oversee the building of capabilities for the South and prepare it for the result of the referendum." The Centre for German Foreign Policy has prepared a report based on the above and it is titled "Railways for Independence", it says: "The government of South is preparing itself for separation after the referendum in 2011 and looks forward to the new Juba-Mimisa railway line as an important revenue source for the new nation of Sudan." The study explains itself and says: "The constitution-in-waiting for (Southern Sudan) has already been prepared at the Max Blanc Institute for Foreign General Law and the International Law Institute in Heidelberg, Germany. [Al-Sahafah: 07.11.2009].

In addition to these, huge cache of arms and ammunition including armoured tanks and canons which enter through Kenya as disclosed in a study prepared by Institute of Small arms Survey in Geneva, Switzerland, it said:" Indeed, the army of the South, known as the Peoples Liberation Army of Sudan, has for the past two years accumulated light and heavy weapons mostly from Ukraine.

From among these weapons, 33 units of T72 Soviet-era tanks and several BM21Rocket launchers were seized from aboard a Ukrainian ship which was hijacked by the Somali pirates for 4 months in September, 2008 which was on its way to southern Sudan passing through Kenya. The Jan's Defence Weekly report issued in July, 2009 carried a satellite photograph of North East Juba with a batch of T72 tanks.
Respected Brothers:

The Kafir West, i.e. The US and Europe has taken a decision to separate the southern portion and carve out Christian nation in it, but the Kafir West would have been able to put their scheme into reality unless they could find people who toe their line either unwittingly or wickedly. The history will certainly remember such persons with the worst and most detestable attributes- if, may Allah not allow it-they were to succeed in their evil plan to tear apart our country and separate the southern part.

We, the Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Sudan do not either flatter or cheat, we have a covenant with Allah (swt) and we obey Him: and a covenant with Allâh must be answered for. [TMQ al-Ahzaab 33:15]. Therefore we counsel all those who bear a responsibility to this effect, and they are:

  • All politicians who have been ensnared and trapped by the Kafir West and have been led to believe the Western view that that the people of the South have been persecuted as being ‘other people' different from those of the North.
  • The Opposition forces at the Asmara Conference of Vital Issues of 1995, which called for the right of the southern Sudan to decide its own destiny.
  • The government which signed on the Declaration of Binding Principles and then later on signed the Protocol Mishakos and thereby recognized and acknowledged the South's right to determine its own destiny. Again it signed the Nevasha Declaration which is the roadmap of tearing apart Sudan and thereby separating the South.
  •  The Opposition forces which have welcomed the Nevasha Accord.
  • All those genuine forces who are capable of preventing this separation, be they from the Army, the Police force, the Security personnel or others, but have not stood up.

Respected Brothers:
When we, the Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Sudan bring to you attention, this current agenda aimed at separating the southern Sudan and then disintegrating the rest of the country, we do not want you to be the blind followers and executors of the policies being propagated through the media under the charming garb of the so-called ‘unity' which now stands thoroughly exposed and its bluff & deception has been denuded. Some of these have been asserted by us in our current letter addressed to you and some have been now acknowledged by the leaders of both parties who signed the accord:

Selvakeer, the head of the government in the South addressed the priest cadres Treisa at Juba on 31st October, 2009 and said: "When you reach the polling booths, you have the choice: Do you want to vote for unity which will condemn our homeland to a second class status in the country; or do you want to vote for independence, which will make you a liberated and independent person in the future nation."
Here is what al-Basheer, the President of the Republic said by celebrating the 5th anniversary of the Nevasha Accord told a gathering of the people of the South in the city of Yambio- Southern Sudan: "If you choose separation, we will be the first to recognize the Southern nation before the world recognizes you." Then he added: "We will not expel those people of the South who live in the North if they chose to reside there." Instead of warning them about separation, President al-Basheer is assuring them, can he still be called as sane?!

Respected Brothers:
The land of the South is not owned by the people of the South alone, it is an Islamic land which was opened by the Muslims soldiers and it remained under their authority and thus it was the Kharaaj land as decreed by ‘Omar ibn al Khattab (r.a) who referred to the four Ayaat (7, 8, 9 &10) of Surah al Hashr, ‘Omar (r.a) said: "Allah (swt) has declared that:

{مَا أَفَاءَ اللَّهُ عَلَى رَسُولِهِ مِنْ أَهْلِ الْقُرَى فَلِلَّهِ وَلِلرَّسُولِ وَلِذِي الْقُرْبَى وَالْيَتَامَى وَالْمَسَاكِينِ وَابْنِ السَّبِيلِ}

"What Allâh gave as booty (Fai') to His Messenger (Muhammad [sal-Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam]) from the people of the townships - it is for Allâh, His Messenger (Muhammad [sal-Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam]), the kindred (of Messenger Muhammad [sal-Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam]), the orphans, Al-Masâkîn (the needy), and the wayfarer," [TMQ Al-Hashr: 59:007]
Then Allah (swt) said further:

{لِلْفُقَرَاءِ الْمُهَاجِرِينَ}

"(And there is also a share in this booty) for the poor emigrants, who were expelled from their homes" [TMQ Al-Hashr: 59:008]
Then He was not content until He merged these lands, Allah (swt) says:

{وَالَّذِينَ تَبَوَّءُوا الدَّارَ وَالْإِيمَانَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ يُحِبُّونَ مَنْ هَاجَرَ إِلَيْهِمْ}

"And those who, before them, had homes (in Al-Madinah) and had adopted the Faith, love those who emigrate to them," [TMQ Al-Hashr: 59:009]
This was specific for the Ansar alone, again He was not content until He merged these lands, Allah (swt) says:

{وَالَّذِينَ جَاءُوا مِنْ بَعْدِهِمْ}

"And those who came after them" [TMQ Al-Hashr: 59:010]
Hence this will apply to all those who followed, and they all will share the Fai' revenue, i.e. those lands which were not surrendered by the people but were opened and conquered, such lands will be owned by all the Muslims until the day of Judgement and the Khaleefah will distribute bounties of such to the people.

Thus the land of southern Sudan which the Muslims opened earlier is a Kharaji land owned by under the Muslims Bait ul Maal from the people of the land must benefit, be they Muslims or Kafir. It is not permissible ofr anyone whosoever to concede it because he does not own it musch less concede it to the kafir? Allah (swt) has forbidden for Kuffar to have their way over Muslims, He (swt) says:

{وَلَنْ يَجْعَلَ اللَّهُ لِلْكَافِرِينَ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ سَبِيلا}

"And never will Allâh grant to the disbelievers a way (to triumph) over the believers." [TMQ AnNisaa 004: 141]

Futhermore, Islam mandates the unification of all Muslim lands into a single state under one single Khaleefah and it does not permit two states or two Khaleefahs, the Prophet (saw) said:

«إِذَا بُويِعَ لِخَلِيفَتَيْنِ فَاقْتُلُوا الْآخَرَ مِنْهُمَا»

If a Bay'ah has been taken for two Khaleefahs, kill the latter of them.
This has been reported by Muslim, thus the ruling system under Islam is a unitary system, so how can the Muslim land be disintegrated?!
From the above, we can deduce that any tearing apart of the Muslim land is Haraam under the Shariah and it invokes the wrath of Allah (swt), in fact, it makes it obligatory to work in order to restore the unity of all Muslim lands torn apart and disintegrated by the Kuffar colonialists under the Sykes-Picot and other similar pacts.

Respected Brothers:
The disintegration of the Muslim lands at the hands of the Kuffar is a grave crime in the deen of Allah (swt), and the separation of southern Sudan from the rest of it is catastrophic for the people of Sudan from a realistic perception as well, consider the following:
First of all: The very use of the right to self determination through a referendum or plebiscite to separate a country represents a dangerous precedent for its unity. Thus any group of people living in it may demand the right to self determination following the example of the people of South. This will further exacerbate the situation in Darfur and some of the rebel leaderships may demand a similar right to self determination citing the example of southern Sudan. A seminar organised by the Peoples Movement in Karmic in February, 2010 called for self rule or a confederate status for the Blue Nile province. Reliable sources have revealed in another document that the armed movements of Darfur as well as the French intelligence of France, Israel, Uganda and America have met in the resort town (New Side) in the South and have reached an agreement to relocate the headquarters of armed movements from Chad and France to the southern Sudan in order to facilitate taking delivery of arms and to provide logistical support to the movements through Uganda onto Darfur. Their agreement also calls for establishing military bases to train the movements' personnel at Bahr al Ghazal near the Darfur border with the Central Africa. This meeting was attended by Khaleel Ibrahim, the head of Justice and Equality Movement; Abdel Wahid Mohammed Nour, the head of the Sudan Liberation Movement as well as representatives of other movements. This pact has set a deadline of 27th?????, 2010 to open a military camp at Shambi in the city of Owail for the forces of Abdel Wahid that are present in various southern cities.

Secondly: The separation of South, which is about one-third of the country and is rich in resources, would result in a misbalance, both real and visible in the resource-rich south which has petrol, minerals, forests, rivers and pastures etc. and which constitutes 79.50% of the total petroleum production. Some 85% of total petroleum reserves are concentrated in the South.

Third: The separation of the South would mean that the Muslim of Sudan have abandoned their Muslim brethren living in South and handed them over to the Kuffar, whereas Allah (swt) has forbidden that Kuffar have any sort of way over the Muslims when he said:

{وَلَنْ يَجْعَلَ اللَّهُ لِلْكَافِرِينَ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ سَبِيلا}

"And never will Allâh grant to the disbelievers a way (to triumph) over the believers." [TMQ AnNisaa 004: 141]
Even before the separation of the South, the forces of the Peoples Movement have occupied the al-Kastum mosque, demolished the minaret and converted it into their residence. They have occupied several other mosques in the past and converted them into wine factories? We must take lesson from the horrid and frightening photographs the Al-Jazeerah channel broadcast on 9th February, 2010 from Nigeria depicting how a police state killed Muslims by shooting them in the head merely for saying that their Lord and Master is Allah (swt).

Fourth: The separation of South means that doors to the regions of African continent immersed in the darkness of polytheism and sin are closed for the Muslims, what are we going to answer to on the Day of Judgement to Allah (swt) who has made us as the best of the nations and said:

{كُنْتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَلَوْ آَمَنَ أَهْلُ الْكِتَابِ لَكَانَ خَيْرًا لَهُمْ مِنْهُمُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَأَكْثَرُهُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ} (110 آل عمران)

"You (true believers in Islâmic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Muhammad [sal-Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam] and his Sunnah) are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin Al-Ma'rûf (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and all that Islâm has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar (polytheism, disbelief and all that Islâm has forbidden), and you believe in Allâh. And had the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) believed, it would have been better for them; among them are some who have Faith, but most of them are Al-Fâsiqûn (disobedient to Allâh and rebellious against Allâh's Command)." [TMQ Aal Imraan 003: 110]
And He (swt) also made us the Moderate Ummah who bear witness that we have conveyed the message of Islam to the entire world:

{وَكَذَلِكَ جَعَلْنَاكُمْ أُمَّةً وَسَطًا لِتَكُونُوا شُهَدَاءَ عَلَى النَّاسِ وَيَكُونَ الرَّسُولُ عَلَيْكُمْ شَهِيدًا}

"Thus We have made you [true Muslims - real believers of Islâmic Monotheism, true followers of Prophet Muhammad [sal-Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam] and his Sunnah (legal ways)], a just (and the best) nation, that you will be witnesses over mankind and the Messenger (Muhammad [sal-Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam]) will be a witness over you." [TMQ Al-Baqarah 002: 143]

Fifth: The separation of South means that we have abandoned the obligation on us to administer the people of South (both Muslims as well as Kuffar), the Prophet (saw) said: «فَالإِمَامُ الَّذِي عَلَى النَّاسِ رَاعٍ وَهُوَ مَسْئُولٌ عَنْ رَعِيَّتِهِ» The Imam is a guardian and is responsible over his subjects.
Thus as per the statistics for the year 2009, issued by the United Nations, 2500 persons were killed and some 350,000 were forced to migrate because of tribal conflicts in the South, and since the beginning of this year, some 160 people have been killed while 22 women have been gang-raped in the Buhairaat region!

Sixth: The separation of South means the erection of separating wall which will prevent the movement of tribes of Tumas like the Masiriyyah, the Ruzaiqat and others who enter to deep interiors of the South along with their cattle in search of water and pastures in the summer season. Moreover, with the presence of the armed tribes, the separation would entail squandering not only the life and properties of the Muslims, but their other sanctities as well, because the separation would place these tribes at the mercy of the nascent state.

Seventh: The separation of South would mean breakdown of agricultural land of Tumas, and this was pointed by Ateem Fareeq, a leader of the Peoples Movement in the al Sharq al Awsat newspaper (issue 11373) where he said: "The people of the North have been cultivating the lands in the South from the earliest times, like in the region of Ar-Rank and Kudok and in case of separation, the new state will inevitable have to consider the matter to ensure that they have access to these fields or search for an alternative source of food security in the South.

Respected Brothers:
Such is the reality of separating the South, both from the Shara'ii perspective wherew it is ideologically forbidden, as well as from a reality perspective which is fraught with perils.

As for those who are trying to consolidate the separation of South by referring to two different people, we can tell them the following:

  • Ever since the inception of history, human beings have lived as tribes and races under a single authority, and therefore two people living together is no new phenomena and in the State established by the Prophet (saw) in Madeenah on the principle of Islam, the people of Aws as well as Khazraj lived together with the migrants (Muhajireen) and the Jews etc. Moreover, under the Islamic State whose rule extended over thirteen centuries, the Arabs lived with the Persians, the Berbers, the Turks and several others and their own ethnic racial identity did not interfere with their living together, instead they all fused into a homogenous body thanks to the great melting pot of Islam. And in the United States of America which is the leader of the Capitalist world today, people from all over the planets live. So if Muslim people of Arab origin live with other Muslims of African origin, many of whom are not Muslims, it does not pose any problem, rather ignoring the administration of peoples' affairs is the problem which results in oppression. 
  •  The oppression that people have been suffering is caused by maladministration of their affairs and this can only be corrected through a just and fair political ideology that ensures that their basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, education and their security are met and they are empowered to pursue any of their luxurious wants. This is only done under the ideology of Islam's ruling system of Khilafah "Caliphate" which has been sent down and decreed by the All-knowing and Wise, Allah (swt).
  •  The disintegration of land does not remove oppression, rather it results in weakness and polarization and furthers weakens on racial and ethnic lines.
  •  There are over 3 million southerners presently living in the North of Sudan who migrated over during the war who are employed by their brethren of the North. There are more than 30 schools in areas with southerner majority and this alone is sufficient to refute the claim that it is a conflict between two peoples pitted against each other.
  •  And here you have the survey conducted by the Al Sharq Al Awsat newspaper on 17th January, 2010 among the people of the South living in the Capital of Sudan: A professor of physics in a university comments: "It is the elite among the southerners who call for the separation." Another lamented: "I have just returned from a journey covering most parts of southern Sudan aimed at gauging the opinion of the people on the issue of separation. I found that they are not even aware of the subject at all, they only talked about development and progress." Another person remarked: "Tell the politicians to go away and leave us alone in peace here!
    In the light of all these, the separation of South from the North is not the chosen option of the Southerners; it does not solve their problems. It only compounds the problems of suffering of the people in the country and leads both the North and the South to a war between them in which no one can emerge as victorious.

Respected Brothers:
We, Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Sudan address you in you capacity as the people of power and protection who have first of all a responsibility in the eyes of Allah (swt) and then to His servants and that responsibility is to protect the country and prevent its disintegration. This is your duty to which you have taken oath and this responsibility which is on your necks obligates you to confront the Western Kuffar who are bent upon separating the South from the North of Sudan and then tearing apart the rest of the country.
So will you not recognize the good and respond to the caller of all that is good?
Your blood must curdles in you nerves and you must stand up to confront the planners of this separation, all the creatures of the earth and heavens will bear testimony to your action.

Will you not get up to resolve and prevent the separation and your names will appear in the books of history in golden letters.
Have you not pledged to protect the integrity and security of Sudan? [يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا اسْتَجِيبُوا لِلَّهِ وَلِلرَّسُولِ إِذَا دَعَاكُمْ لِمَا يُحْيِيكُمْ]. "O you who believe! Answer Allâh (by obeying Him) and (His) Messenger when he [sal-Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam] calls you to that which will give you life,"[TMQ Al-Anfaal 08: 024]


  The secular government of Hasina surrenders Bangladeshi Muslims to polytheist Indian BSF

  • Published in Politics
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     On March 14, 2010, the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) opened fire at the Jaintapur frontier in Sylhet District which officially left 15 (unofficially 30) Bangladeshi Muslims injured. Prior to that, Indian BSF equipped with heavy firearms occupied a Bangladeshi village named `Mondir Tila', and fired about 1000 rounds. The people at the border area of Jaintapur were forced to leave their villages due to the sudden attack by the BSF. Leading newspapers in Dhaka reported that, Indian BSF has been taking preparation for last one and half months to occupy the said area. However, the Bangladeshi preparation and response had been nothing. In line with the "Friendship to all and Malice to none" foreign policy motto, the BDR (Bangladeshi Rifles) chief, Major General Mainul Islam visited the same place on 2nd March, 2010 calling upon the people to be patient. The government then sent him to Delhi for performing diplomacy. He visited Delhi from 7-11th March, 2010, where he met the Director General of BSF Raman Srivastab and issued a joint statement that the border guards have no right to kill ‘innocent' people at the border. Thus the BSF was given license for extra-judicially killing Bangladeshi people if they are not ‘innocent'. Interestingly BSF was left to decide somebody's ‘innocence'! Just after this statement, about 50 BSF members entered into Bangladesh territory at the Protappur border in Sylhet District, dug 14 bunkers and took position with heavy artillery violating the territorial integrity of Bangladesh.  


While these are the serious and aggressive developments by the Indian side, Home Minister of Bangladesh Sahara Khatun on 14th March, 2010 reportedly said to the press in the evening (around 3 hours later!) that, `I am not aware about this event and I shall inquire about it. If something like this happens, then this is unfortunate'. Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Dipu Moni made a similar careless statement that, ‘this is an isolated event'. Still worse is the fact that this is happening when Bangladeshi Army chief, General Abdul Mubin is visiting India for a 5 day tour. Few months back (in January) while Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was visiting India, the BSF killed two Bangladeshis on the same day the Prime Ministers of both countries issued a joint communiqué agreeing to put in place ‘a comprehensive framework of cooperation'!


Indeed, killing and torture by the BSF continues at the border areas not as an isolated event but very frequently. Statistics are enough to prove these ministers as liars. According to independent human rights organizations' documentation, a total of 843 Muslims has been killed, 846 injured, and 895 Muslim women have been raped by BSF between 01 January 2000 and 28 February 2010. Ironically, only 1582 US and NATO soldiers have been killed so far in Afghanistan war from 2001, whereas a so called friendly state kills 843 Bangladeshis and still the Bangladeshi government calls these isolated events!


Furthermore this number has increased remarkably during the period of the current Hasina government. Only in 2009 a total of 209 Muslims have been reportedly killed. In addition to this, 79 have been injured and 25 abducted, 92 have been missing and 11 Bengali speaking Indian citizens have been pushed into Bangladesh by the BSF during this reporting period. While these are the facts, the Home Minister on 16th March 2010, in the Parliament lied about the BSF killing. She said that only 68 Bangladeshis have been killed this year. It seems that this government not only ignores the responsibility to protect the people from Indian acts of aggression but even fails to disclose accurate information.


One should ask the Hasina government, the secular agents of the Mushrikun, how many Muslims have to be killed and injured by the BSF before we can call it enemy aggression? When the BDR will be given permission to take an offensive stance against the Indians and force the polytheists to be on the defensive? The truth is that, the current secular government of Sheikh Hasina, like the previous one of Khaleda Zia, has sacrificed the blood and wealth of Muslims in return for keeping friendship with the crusaders and polytheist states so that they can stay in power. The slogan of change by Hasina was an utter lie. They have made sure that, their Indian masters remain pleased whatever the price ranging from abducting Muslims and spilling Muslim blood to raping the Muslim women! These liars will be served due justice for their betrayal and treachery with the Ummah of Muhammad (SAW) and the Polytheist India will be given a historic lesson once the Khilafah "Caliphate" is established soon inevitably.        



Muhammad Al-Mamun

Member of Hizb ut-Tahrir



Headline news for 18-03-2010

  • Published in News & Comment
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  • Increase in non-Muslims opting for Sharia courts in Britain
  • Europe considers European Monetary Fund
  • American Jews energised by tougher White House rhetoric
  • Petraeus : Iran Unlikely to Develop a Nuclear Weapon This Year
  •  US General paints bleak picture for Afghanistan in 2010
  • US, Pakistan set to hold first strategic (slave) dialogue
  • Cyberwar declared as China hunts for the West's intelligence secrets

 News Detailes:

  Increase in non-Muslims opting for Sharia courts in Britain
A tiny but increasing number of non-Muslims are turning to Sharia courts to resolve civil disputes. The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal (MAT) is reporting a 15% increase in the number of non-Muslims resorting to Islamic courts to settle commercial disputes this year. Last year, over 20 non-Muslims opted to have their cases heard in a Sharia court. A spokesman for the MAT said: "We are increasingly dealing with reconciliation and mediation in marriage". Under the Arbitration Act 1996, Sharia courts can have their rulings upheld by civil courts in England and Wales. Decisions from the Islamic courts, which often deal with family and financial disputes, can be presented to a family court judge on a two page form for approval. Last week a Scottish law firm became the first in the country to offer clients advice on Sharia law alongside its conventional legal services. The controversial service, offered by Glasgow based Hamilton Burns solicitors, allows clients to receive guidance from both a Muslim lawyer fully trained in Scottish law and a Sharia scholar.Last July it was reported that non-Muslims are increasingly turning to Sharia courts because they find the process "less cumbersome".

Europe considers European Monetary Fund
European governments are contemplating a European Monetary Fund, mirroring the International Monetary Fund, to reduce economic instability in the eurozone.  Wolfgang Schäuble, the German Finance Minister, said that details of the new EMF would be revealed "soon" and that it would have powers comparable to that of the IMF.  The move follows the economic turmoil in Greece. Although the creation of the EMF could not be used to deal with the Greek debt crisis, it would create a mechanism for monitoring and preventing a similar situation arising in the eurozone in the future, by bailing out indebted countries. Mr Schäuble said that eurozone countries needed to learn the lessons of the Greek crisis, which has exposed the need for a mechanism for dealing with eurozone members in danger of defaulting on their debts. Mr Schäuble said: "Accepting financial aid through the International Monetary Fund would, in my opinion, be a n admission that the euro countries can't solve their problems through their own efforts."

American Jews energised by tougher White House rhetoric
The Obama administration's harsh criticism of Israel has energised the emerging moderate Israel lobby, which supports a tough-love approach to US-Israel diplomacy and seeks to counter the powerful, hawkish groups that have long dominated the discourse here. Left-leaning groups have sprung into action in recent days, writing letters and petitions and urging their members to show support for the sharp White House rebuke of Israel's decision to build 1,600 new housing units in predominantly Arab East Jerusalem. For them, the Obama administration's strong words are a welcome change in tone, and the recent diplomatic flap, described by some analysts as the worst in decades, could be a defining moment for the movement as it seeks to gain legitimacy.  Amy Spitalnick, a spokeswoman for J Street, the leading moderate lobbying group, said: "I think the movement has really stepped up." J Street delivered a petition of support with 18,000 signatures to the White House on Monday, and on Tuesday it sent out an e-mail encouraging members to write their legislators expressing their belief that the administration's reaction has been "understandable and appropriate". The main goal of such moderate groups is to establish themselves as a counterbalance to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac), the powerful lobbying group known for its unwavering support and aversion to any criticism of Israel. In a statement on Sunday, Aipac called the administration's rhetoric "a matter of serious concern" and a "distraction", urging the White House to "to move away from public demands and unilateral deadlines directed at Israel".

Petraeus : Iran Unlikely to Develop a Nuclear Weapon This Year
Gen. David H. Petraeus said Tuesday that Iran would not develop a nuclear weapon this year, but that the country still remained the greatest threat to stability in the Middle East and Central Asia.  Asked by Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, how much time was available before Iran was able to build a nuclear weapon, General Petraeus replied, "It has, thankfully, slid to the right a bit, and it is not this calendar year, I don't think." General Petraeus made his comments before the Senate Armed Services Committee. General Petraeus, who as the head of United States Central Command oversees the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, declined to discuss what he called "contingency plans" against Iran for what western nations believe is a covert nuclear arms program. Iran insists that its nuclear program is intended for civilian use.

US General paints bleak picture for Afghanistan in 2010
The commander of US forces in the Middle East and Central Asia says 2010 will be a difficult year for US-led forces in Afghanistan. General David Petraeus told lawmakers in Washington on Tuesday that international forces will be involved in intense fighting with the Taliban and will face setbacks this year. He added that the US troop surge in Afghanistan is unlikely to reduce violence in the Central Asian nation. US troops comprise about two-thirds of the entire foreign military contingent deployed in Afghanistan. US President Barack Obama has ordered the deployment of 30,000 more soldiers to the country despite the recent rise in casualties.

US, Pakistan set to hold first strategic (slave) dialogue
The United States and Pakistan will hold their first Strategic Dialogue here next week with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Pakistani Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi co-chairing the talks. Topics for discussion March 24 will include economic development, water and energy, education, communications and public diplomacy, agriculture, and security, the State Department announced Wednesday. President Barack Obama and Clinton have repeatedly stressed the breadth and depth of the US-Pakistan relationship, a partnership that goes far beyond security, the official announcement said.

Cyberwar declared as China hunts for the West's intelligence secrets
Urgent warnings have been circulated throughout Nato and the European Union for secret intelligence material to be protected from a recent surge in cyberwar attacks originating in China. The attacks have also hit government and military institutions in the United States, where analysts said that the West had no effective response and that EU systems were especially vulnerable because most cyber security efforts were left to member states. Nato diplomatic sources told The Times: "Everyone has been made aware that the Chinese have become very active with cyber-attacks and we're now getting regular warnings from the office for internal security." The sources said that the number of attacks had increased significantly over the past 12 months, with China among the most active players.




           Press Release The only way to deter the BSF is by adopting an offensive policy

   Yesterday's incident at the Sylhet border region where the Indian BSF occupied Mandir Tila in Jaintapur and shot at the people wounding at least 15 is due to adopting a submissive stance by the agent government of Sheikh Hasina. For successive weeks now the BSF has been steadily increasing its haughty and aggressive attitude in the region but the government has been responding to the polytheist enemy with an utterly non-sense of a policy termed as ‘strong protests by the BDR'. We in Hizb ut-Tahrir clarify here to the Muslims of Bangladesh and the people of power the policies which must be adopted in order to deter the BSF:

  • 1. Cutting off all diplomatic relationship with India which must be treated as a belligerent enemy as declared by Allah (SWT): Verily, you will find the strongest among men in enmity to the believers the Jews and those who are Al-Mushrikun [TMQ Al-Mai'dah: 82]
  • 2. The Director General of BDR must be authorized to take a combative stance. While the BSF is shooting at our people, how does it make sense to send him to Delhi to meet the BSF chief and he then issues statements describing the meeting as ‘very cordial'? He is a soldier in the battlefield and must not be turned into a career diplomat. It is not befitting of a soldier to be sent for negotiations, rather he is summoned to fight wars.
  • 3. As of now we have to resort to an offensive policy towards the BSF. We must take the fight to their border. We must conquer their land and it is they who have to reply with ‘strong protests'. We have to fire in their direction before they fire at us. After that their will be no BSF within sight. This is the only way to deter them. Allah (SWT) says: Then whoever transgresses against you, likewise transgress against him in the same way. [TMQ Al-Baqarah: 194]

In order not to be ambiguous, we say that these policies are not to be put forward to this government as a set of demands. This government commits treachery against the people and acts contrary to the commands of Allah (SWT) in the Qur'an al-Kareem: Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. And those who are with him are strong against disbelievers [TMQ Al-Fath: 29] However harshness has no place in the government's policies towards the crusaders and polytheists. This government must be removed but this is not in order to replace it with the BNP alliance which surrenders and commits treachery much the same way. Rather, the objective must be to overthrow the current kufr system and re-establish the Khilafah "Caliphate" which will execute the command of Allah (SWT): O you who believe, fight the disbelievers who are close to you and let them find harshness in you. And know that Allah is with the pious [TMQ At-Taubah: 123]


The activities of Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia to Obama's visit

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     To respond to the plan of Obama's coming to Indonesia on 22nd of March 2010, Hizb ut- tahrir  held two spectacular agendas. the first is organizing masirah nationally almost in every big cities in Indonesia. The second one is organizing olama (islamic scholars) in Majlis al Buhuts al Islamiyah which are held in every provinces in Indonesia. this forum was responded enthusiastically, attended by at least 1000 ulama in every forum in province. They listened to the explanation from Hizb ut- tahrir  about Hukmu syar'i on welcoming the leader of colonial (Muhariban Fi'lan) country such as Amerika. Obama is obviously killing moslems in islamic worlds such as Irak, Pakistan and Afganistan and also supporting Israel to kill moslems in Palestina. Indonesia is as the biggest moslem country  in the world unfair to welcome Obama the president of the Imperial country. Via the Majlis al Buhuts al Islamiyah great amounts of Ulama organized by Hizb ut- tahrir  have already signed the letter of agreement to refuse the coming of Obama.As the top of agenda, Hizb ut- tahrir  is planning to run the big masirah on sunday 21st. the masira will be planned followed by ten thousands members and participants of Hizb ut- tahrir  including ulama. They will come and gather in front of the palace of Indonesia presidency to remain the president and its government specially and Indonesia people generally that Obama is unfair to be welcomed in Indonesia.

For more photos in the gallery


The current spate of bomb blasts is an attempt of the American and Pakistani governments to pave the way for the military operation in North Waziristan

Hizb ut-Tahrir strongly condemns the bomb blast in R.A. Bazaar, Lahore. Prior to every military operation, American and Pakistani government set off a series of bomb blasts to create public opinion in favor of the military operation and this series of bomb blasts continue till the end of the operation. This strategy was very apparent in Swat and South Waziristan military operations.


Indonesia President Recognized for Implementing Western Agenda in Indonesia

Sydney, Australia, 12th March 2010 - Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono left Australia yesterday after a short visit in which he met Australian officials and addressed Parliament. His address received a standing ovation and he was awarded an Honorary Companion of the Order of Australia for being a 'true friend' and for "strengthening Australia-Indonesia relations, and promoting democracy and development in Indonesia".

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