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  Press Release   Thousands sent letters to the Home Minister demanding withdrawal of ban on Hizb ut-Tahrir and release of Mohiuddin Ahmed

     In the past ten days about 8000 letters were sent by Muslims of Bangladesh to the Home Minister demanding withdrawal of ban on Hizb ut-Tahrir and immediate release of the official spokesman of the party, Mohiuddin Ahmed. In the letter they said on 22 October, 2009 the government banned Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh, at the behest of the imperialists and since then the official spokesman of the party, Mohiuddin Ahmed, together with his wife and children, have been placed under house arrest. But the government has failed to produce any evidence behind the allegation it made to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir and bring any formal charges against Mohiuddin Ahmed. Such actions of the government are totally anti-Islamic, unjustified, oppressive, and similar in nature to how brutal dictators around the world deal with their political opponents. They ended the letter with the warning of Allah (SWT) in the Noble Qur'an,

     "Verily, those who oppress and torture believing men and women, and do not repent from such deeds, they shall be put in the Hellfire" [Surah al-Buruj: 10]


Headline news for 01-15-2010

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  • UK poll finds profound anti-Muslim sentiment
  • Sarkozy says burka 'not welcome' in France

  • Israel plans to attack Lebanon
  • Britain warns of a possible coup in Iraq

  • Yemni scholars  issue jihad  warning to western  powers
  • US Senator: Pakistani leaders complicit in drone attacks

  • Indian general denies losing  kashmiri territory  to China


News Detailes:

UK poll finds profound anti-Muslim sentiment:

Mistrust of Muslims living in Britain has reached unprecedented levels, a survey to be published this month will show. There is concern over the growing influence of Islam on the British way of life with 52 per cent of those surveyed believing that the country is becoming deeply divided along religious lines. Based on interviews with almost 4,500 people, the British Social Attitudes Survey will show that only a quarter of native Britons now "feel positive" about the presence of an estimated two million Muslims in the UK, most of them immigrants from the Indian subcontinent. Almost half of those interviewed in the government-funded survey said they believed that religious diversity had produced a negative impact on life in the UK. Among the findings are that 55 per cent of the population would be strongly opposed to a large mosque being built in their area, while only 15 per cent would be against a new church. Prof Voas said: "Muslims deserve to be the focus of policy on social cohesion because no other group elicits so much disquiet. Recent statistical projections for the European Union have predicted that virtually all 27 countries, including Britain, will see large increases in their Muslim populations in the coming 40 years.

Sarkozy says burka 'not welcome' in France:

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has reiterated his view that the full burka is "not welcome" in France, as a debate continues on whether to ban it. A parliamentary report on the issue is due out at the end of January. Mr Sarkozy did not explicitly call for a ban, saying "no one should feel stigmatised" by any eventual law.  His UMP party is to put forward a bill this month banning the wearing of the Islamic veil in public, as a means of defending France against "extremists". Mr Sarkozy said the first step should be for parliament to adopt a resolution that would unequivocally condemn the burka - and then move on to considering a ban. He said no decision should be made until parliament hears the results of a six-month commission on whether a law banning such garments from public places was needed. The results are expected to be published by 27 January, and the commission's head, communist MP Andre Gerin, was quoted on Wednesday as saying the next step would be a debate on any such law.

Israel plans to attack Lebanon:

A well-informed Lebanese source, who spoke on condition of anynomity, told As-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper this week that President Michel Sleiman and Prime Minister Saad Hariri were reportedly informed during their trips abroad - referring to Sleiman's trips to France and the US, and Hariri's visit to Turkey- that Israel is planning to soon attack Lebanon.The source said that France warned Hariri in 2006 before the July War that Israel was preparing to carry out a massive operation along Lebanon's border. Hariri immediately conveyed the message to Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, added the source. As-Sharq al-Awsat also cited other reports in the foreign media warning against an Israeli war on Lebanon. The new attack would be similar to the Gaza offensive when the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) launched a surprise attack and destroyed Palestinian police stations in the strip last year, said the source. He added that the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) would be Israel's first target, especially since the LAF's military bases' locations are out in the open, unlike Hezbollah's secret hideouts

Britain warns of a possible coup in Iraq:

A warning by the British ambassador to Iraq that a military coup was still a "real possibility" in Baghdad has set off swirling rumours of conspiracy, and been met with wildly divergent reactions, some accusing him of scaremongering, others hoping it is a prophecy that will come true. John Jenkins told the Chilcot inquiry in London that democracy was far from assured in Iraq and the military could still overthrow an elected government. Mr Jenkins cited the large number of Iraqi army officers who had served under Saddam Hussein as one of the reasons not to discount a coup. "If you look at the history of Iraq, of military coups in Iraq, you have to think that it is always a real possibility in the future. " "If there is such a military coup that eliminates the current government and it ends the Iranian stranglehold over Iraq, then the tribes will support it,"  said Sheikh Mohammad al Hamadani, a leading member of the tribal council in Maysan province, in southern Iraq. He added, "If the way to rid ourselves of these Islamic parties that do as Iran tells them is to have a coup, then we are in favour of that. We would need to be sure that the British and the Americans supported such a coup however, in order that it can succeed." In Baghdad, Hassan Bikan, a member of parliament's security committee, said a military coup was impossible., He said, "Perhaps the British have a political goal or are playing some political game in talking about this," he said. "I think their ambassador is out of touch with the reality on the ground."

Yemni scholars  issue jihad  warning to western  powers:

Over 150 religious scholars from all governorates of Yemen issued a statement rejecting any direct or indirect interference in Yemen's affairs from foreign forces. Tens of scholars gathered on Thursday at al-Mushhd Mosque to express their absolute rejection of foreign sides interfering in Yemen. Any intervention, the statement said, from any foreign side, will be rejected and have major consequences. "Islam allows for Jihad, a right to defend it's own land in case of any invasion to Yemen," the statement read. The Islamic scholars rejected military bases or structures in lands or territorial water. In the statement, they expressed their refusal of invasion or any destruction of Yemen's sovereignty. They also called upon the government to nullify and reject any political or security interference in Yemen's affairs: any violations of Yemen's religion, independence, or Yemeni land.  The statement mentioned that military cooperation with any foreign side is rejected in Islamic Sharia, and would harm the country's interest.  The religious scholars decided to establish a committee to look at the incidents, reasons, and consequences to work out solutions from the Sharia. They call upon all Yemenis to refer to the Quran and Islamic Sharia, in order to unite. They also asked that the Arab League and Islamic organizations to stand with them. 

US Senator: Pakistani leaders complicit in drone attacks:

A senior US senator urged Pakistan on Wednesday to publicly acknowledge its role in drone attacks but other experts said they did not see either Washington or Islamabad owning up the air strikes.In a conference call with reporters from Dubai, Senator Carl Levin scolded Pakistan's leaders for privately supporting US drone strikes while publicly denouncing them. "What troubles me is the public attack on these drone attacks," he said.  "While at the same time they've privately obviously not told us that we must stop," chairman of the US Senate Armed Services Committee said. Further stressing the point, he claimed that Pakistani leaders "not only understand and acquiesce, but in many cases privately support the drone attacks". The minimum the United States should expect from Pakistan "is a silence on their part rather than a public attack on us". Such criticism "creates real problems for us in terms of the Pakistani public and helps create some real animosity towards us - a sense of revenge, the implication that we're violating Pakistan's sovereignty", he said. Senator Levin said he believed it was wrong to put all the blame on the US and "I've told them that to their face".

Indian general denies losing  kashmiri territory  to China:

Earlier last week, the India media reported that India has lost vast tracts of land to China along the line of actual control (LAC) in Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir. However, General Kapoor rubbished such reports and said, "As far as the number of troops are concerned the attitude of the Chinese and our (India's) attitude is alright and there are regular border personnel meetings and there is no other area as I told earlier that Indian territories have shrunk. That's a wrong thing. Whenever there are any differences we have a mechanism and between India and China there is border peace and tranquility agreement signed in 1993. According to which it is laid down that whenever there is problem that we can discuss it between each other on the hotline or after calling a border personnel meet, a clarification be sought."



  Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan held nationwide demonstrations in Pakistan’s major cities  

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On the occasion of Obama's Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke, Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan held nationwide demonstrations in Pakistan's major cities, Peshawar, Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. Protestors demanded that there may be no more Muslim blood for America's crusade and called for the closure of the US embassy and consulates, which are the bases for covert intelligence black ops which have led to chaos throughout the country.



 Britain and America's 'murderous ideology' is the cause of terror in the Muslim world

     London UK, 5th Jan 2010 - Speaking on BBC Television, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has called for more Western intervention in Yemen and attacked the Muslim world's demands for a Caliphate as a "a murderous ideology" and a "perversion of Islam".  

     Taji Mustafa, Media Representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain said: ‘Gordon Brown, like Tony Blair before him, is lying about Islam and the Caliphate, trying to deflect growing concerns about Western foreign policy onto questions of "ideological radicalisation".

     "He will simply not admit the disastrous effects of Western intervention in the region and that people in the Muslim world want a change from occupation and Western backed autocracies and want the restoration of the Caliphate in the Muslim world."

     "Brown and other Western leaders stoke the fear of terrorism to justify military and political interference in the Muslim world, ignore the resultant outrage and frustration, then label the calls for an alternative to occupation and colonialism variously as ‘extremism', ‘murderous ideology', and an ‘evil ideology' . In doing so he has simultaneously dismissed the Muslim's political aspirations and gratuitously insulted the beliefs of one billion Muslims."

     "They know full well that the Caliphate is a central Islamic institution - mentioned in many statements of the Prophet (pbuh), necessary to implement the justice of Islam that Muslims desire, and to bring unity, security and stability to the Muslim world. It reflects  the growing desire of Muslims all over the world to unify the Muslim world under a single leadership - as it was prior to British colonialism which left it divided and under the cloak of tyranny."

     "It is deluded and dishonest to suggest that by supporting their incumbent employee - the despised Yemeni president Ali Abdallah Saleh - and by using more drones and military assets to kill innocent Yemenis in the name of ‘counter-terrorism', that this will somehow prevent events like the attempted Detroit plane bombing."

     "Since the Sykes-Picot accord, the British sponsored abolition of the Caliphate in 1924 and the usurpation of Palestine by the Western powers, the Muslim world has been chaotic and unstable. Prior to this it was a force for good in the world. Yet rather than learning that their policies created and perpetuate this anarchy, they carry on regardless in their hungry desire to control the world's most strategic and resourceful regions and maintain their hegemony. The disastrous interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan destabilised two regions of the Muslim world. By embarking upon a third (and Brown mentioned a fourth in Somalia) it is almost as if they have decided that if they cannot have compliant obedience from the Muslims of the Middle East and South Asia, they will wreck the region and leave it weak and ungovernable."

     "Brown's lies will never alter the fact that the Caliphate is an obligatory and fundamental part of Islam; Western colonial policy will not suppress the growing calls for an independent and Islamic future, free of despots and dictators; and attempts to smear those who carry this message as ‘extremists' will not weaken our resolve to keep demanding that Western interference in Muslim lands must end."


  Press Release   Sheikh Hasina's visit to India was for agreeing to a Declaration of Surrender

      The joint communiqué issued from Delhi yesterday (12 January 2010) after talks between Sheikh Hasina and Manmohan Singh is a declaration of surrender which demonstrates Sheikh Hasina's unashamed slavery to her masters in Delhi. The communiqué states that the two Prime Ministers agreed to put in place a ‘comprehensive framework of cooperation.' However it presents a long list of what Sheikh Hasina has agreed to with the polytheist enemy state, which can only be described as a comprehensive framework of surrender.

     It was agreed that Bangladesh will allow use of Chittagong and Mongla sea ports for movement of goods to and from India through road and rail. This represents a great prize for India who would reap immense economic benefits from this while it represents a strategic danger for Bangladesh. They also agreed to one-time or longer term transportation of ODCs (Over Dimensional Cargo) from Ashuganj. This is nothing but an agreement on turning the one-time transit facility Sheikh Hasina's government had already agreed to into a permanent one in the future. 

     According to the communiqué Manmohan Singh and Hasina underscored the need for both countries to actively cooperate on security issues. This only means the government of Sheikh Hasina will continue the ongoing collaboration to fulfill India's security needs. We need not remind everyone of Sheikh Hasina and her government's cooperation with India in the killing of army officers in Pilkhana.

     As well as this Sheikh Hasina signed agreement with India on combating international terrorism. Is Sheikh Hasina blind to how USA, Britain, India, and Israel are conducting crusader wars against Islam and the Muslims in the name of ‘combating international terrorism'? Hasina also conveyed Bangladesh's support in principle for India's candidature for the permanent membership of the UN Security Council. Does she not see how this council of terrorist nations gives legitimacy to the occupation and destruction of Muslim countries including Kashmir which India is occupying for over 50 years? 

     What has Sheikh Hasina got in return for her slavery? No doubt Sheikh Hasina and her regime will raise a hue and cry about her ‘successful diplomacy' and ‘political acumen' that Manmohan Singh reiterated the assurance that India would not take steps on the Tipaimukh project that would adversely impact Bangladesh. That the Prime Minister of India announced a credit of US$ 1 billion to Bangladesh for a range of projects. And that he also agreed to supply to Bangladesh 250 MW electricity from its grid. Regarding India's assurance about Tipaimukh damn the Muslims of Bangladesh have no reason to trust such empty promises after seeing decades of Indian deception on a whole host of issues. As for the issue of credit and the supply of electricity, they are not gains from ‘successful diplomacy' neither signs of ‘political acumen.' Such loans and assistance are only means of creating and extending imperialist domination over the country.

     O Muslims!

     The government of Sheikh Hasina was brought to power by imperialists USA, Britain and India to serve their interests and consolidate their authority over the country. And her government is working relentlessly to this end. Allah (SWT) says in the Noble Qur'an,

وَلَن يَجْعَلَ اللّهُ لِلْكَافِرِينَ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ سَبِيلاً }النساء141 ... }

‘And Allah will never make a way for the disbelievers to have authority over the believers' [TMQ Surah An-Nisa: 141]

     It is forbidden for Muslims to accept the domination of disbelievers and polytheists or remain silent about it. Hizb-ut-Tahrir calls upon you to protest against the treachery of the government. And furthermore remove the traitor government and re-establish the Khilafah "Caliphate" which will sincerely look after your interests and not those of your enemies.


If it is not now time for Khilafah, then when?

The misery that Muslims of Pakistan face of bombings, assassinations and insecurity has now spread from NWFP to Punjab to Sindh province. On 28 December 2009, a Muharram procession in Karachi, Sindh's capital and Pakistan's financial capital, was attacked by an explosion, resulting in the death of over forty Muslims and injury to over a hundred more.

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