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 Headline news for 01-08-2010

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  • €750 fine for anyone wearing veil in France
  • Islam is filling Europe's faith void, says Bishop
  • Al-Azhar issues fatwa to support the construction of  a wall with Gaza 
  • Iran- Turkmenistan  Gas pipeline to weaken Russia's grip
  • Military expert predicts 300 to 500 US casualties per month in Afghanistan
  • Yemen warns U.S. intervention could strengthen al-Qaeda


News Detailes:

€750 fine for anyone wearing veil in France

A French MP says he will soon put forward legislation that would make wearing face-covering Muslim veils in public an offence subject to a €750 fine. Jean-Francois Cope, who heads the governing UMP party in the National Assembly, said in an interview with Le Figaro that the ban on wearing burkas and other face-shrouding veils would extend to all public spaces, including the street. He said certain cultural events and carnivals would be exempt from the legislation. Those who oblige women to wear the head-to-toe veils also would be subject to fines. The opposition Socialist party is against the proposal.


Islam is filling Europe's faith void, says Bishop

Europe faces Islamisation because it has denied its Christian roots, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Prague has warned. Cardinal Miloslav Vlk said Europe will "pay dear" for having left its spiritual foundations, and said that it was now in the last period when a chance remained to do something about it. Cardinal Vlk made his remarks in an interview to mark his retirement after 19 years leading the Czech Roman Catholic Church. "Unless the Christians wake up," the Cardinal said, "life may be Islamised and Christianity will not have the strength to imprint its character on the life of people, not to say society."He also said that one motive of Muslims immigrating to Europe was to bring their religion to "the pagan environment of Europe, to its atheistic style of life". But he said that Europeans had brought the crisis on themselves by exchanging European Christian culture for an aggressive atheistic secularism. Europe is home to 38 million Muslims, around 5 per cent of its population.


Al-Azhar issues fatwa to support the construction of  a wall with Gaza

A council of leading Muslim clerics has supported the Egyptian government's construction of an underground barrier along the border with Gaza to impede tunnelling by smugglers. The Islamic Research Council of Al-Azhar University, Sunni Islam's highest seat of learning, said that the tunnels were used to smuggle drugs and threatened Egypt's security, the Al-Masri Al-Yawm newspaper reported."Those who oppose building this wall are violating the commands of Islamic law," they added, after a meeting attended by Egypt's top cleric Sheikh Mohammed Said Tantawi, who is a government appointee. Israel has sealed off Gaza and caused a humanitarian disaster . Now  Al-Azhar is following the sunnah of the Jews and supporting the Egyptian  regime to persecute Muslims of Gaza in the name of Islam.


Iran- Turkmenistan  Gas pipeline to weaken Russia's grip

A new gas pipeline that will allow for a sharp increase in natural gas deliveries from Turkmenistan to Iran was opened on Wednesday. The 19-mile pipeline, which weakens Moscow's grip over the region's gas supplies, is the second new route tapping into the region's vast gas resources to begin operating in the space of a month.  Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that the route could have a global impact. "This pipeline will be a good stimulus for energy co-operation between Turkmenistan and Iran, as well as for delivery of Turkmen gas to the Persian Gulf and the world market," Mr Ahmadinejad said. Iran currently imports around 8 billion cubic metres of gas annually from Turkmenistan through the existing 125-mile Korpeje-Kordkuy pipeline under the terms of a 25-year deal reached in 1997.


Military expert predicts 300 to 500 US casualties per month in Afghanistan

Last month, President Obama announced that he would send an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. Shortly after the decision was made, General David Petraeus, head of the U.S. Central Command, warned of increased violence in the Central Asian country as the new troops arrived. Now, retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey, who teaches international affairs at West Point and who has repeatedly visited Afghanistan to assess the situation there, is estimating that American casualties could go as high as "300 to 500 killed and wounded a month by next summer". "What I want to do is signal that this thing is going to be $5 billion to $10 billion a month and 300 to 500 killed and wounded a month by next summer. That's what we probably should expect. And that's light casualties," said McCaffrey, who is also president of his own consulting firm in Arlington, Va., and has conducted numerous trips to the war zones to assess the political and military challenges at hand.


Yemen warns U.S. intervention could strengthen al-Qaeda

US military intervention in Yemen to help fight Al-Qaeda militants could backfire and strengthen the jihadists believed behind the botched attack on a US airliner, a top Yemeni official said Thursday."Any intervention or direct (military) action by the United States could strengthen the Al-Qaeda network and not weaken it," deputy prime minister for defence and security affairs Rashed Al-Aleemi told a press conference."Our position is clear; we will fight and chase the Al-Qaeda group depending on Yemeni forces and security agencies (alone)," he said. Aleemi however said that Yemen needs the United States to help in training Yemeni counter-terrorism units.


Gas load shedding and CNG crises:  The real issue is not the Gas shortage; in fact these rulers are diverting the people's attention from the American war

The government has contracted itself to erect one crisis after another. At a critical time, when Pakistan has become a target for the Blackwater mercenaries, ongoing military operations in Waziristan, Orakzai, Bajaur, Mehmand, Malakand and Khyber agencies under the American diktat


   Press Release The government serves India's security needs while at the same time collaborating with the polytheist enemy to weaken the defence forces of the country

       Yesterday (28 December, 2009) various newspapers and television channels reported the arrival of Indian security forces in the country under the pretext of providing security to the Indian High Commission compound. Newspapers in India also recently published reports that the Indian government was training personnel for this job. However the government was shamelessly denying this even though TV footages, newspaper photos, and eye witness accounts reveals that the forces of the polytheist enemy are roaming in and around the compound. Government ministers made contradictory statements on the subject. The Home Minister Sahara Khatun denied it; the State Minister for Home Affairs, Shamsul Hoque said the matter was still at stage of discussion while the Foreign Secretary Mijarul Quayes stated that India has not expressed its intent to man the high commission with its own personnel. Do these ministers expect the people to believe that Indian security forces entered the country without the government's knowledge and collaboration?!

     The Muslims of Bangladesh want to know why the government of Sheikh Hasina is so devoted to fulfilling the security needs of India and the Indian High Commission. Last month the government did India's dirty work by kidnapping leaders of ULFA and handing them over to Indian security forces. And the people will not forget the government's collaboration with India in killing our military officers in Pilkhana (BDR headquarters). On the one hand they are conspiring with India to weaken the defence forces of the country while at the same time serving India's security needs.

     It need not be mentioned that India is an enemy state. The subservient stance taken by the government is a crime against Islam, and the Muslims. Allah (SWT) has declared those who take the disbelievers as their allies as hypocrites and they will face severe punishment in the Hereafter.

     "Give to the hypocrites the tidings that there is for them a painful torment. Those who take disbelievers for Auliyah' (protectors or helpers or friends) instead of believers, do they seek honour, power and glory with them? Verily, then to Allah belongs all honour, power and glory". [TMQ an-Nisaa': 138-139]

     Hizb ut-Tahrir reminds the Muslims that under the current system it is natural and inevitable to have hypocrite rulers who feel no shame in openly lying to you and serving your enemies behind your backs. We call upon you to remove them and re-establish the Khilafah "Caliphate" which will sincerely look after your interests and not those of your enemies.


Headline news for 01-04-2010

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  • Putin: US cannot do whatever it wants
  • Egypt buys US war planes
  • Iran: "Britain will receive a punch on the mouth..."
  • Terror havens in four states: US
  • Malaysia rules Catholic paper has right to use 'Allah'

 News Details

Putin: US cannot do whatever it wants

Russia needs more weapons to punch through America 's new missile defence shield, Vladimir Putin said yesterday in blunt remarks that will complicate efforts to cut the nuclear arsenals of the former Cold War rivals. The Russian Prime Minister, reasserting himself as the country's real ruler, said that Moscow should press ahead with a new generation of weapons to stop the Americans doing "whatever they want". "To preserve the balance we must develop offensive weapons systems, not missile defence systems as the United States is doing," he said during a visit to the naval port of Vladivostok on the Pacific coast. Until now, it had seemed that Washington and Moscow were edging towards a successor to the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (Start), despite failing to meet the original target of December 5. Asked why the talks had failed to reach agreement on a new deal, Mr Putin said: "What is the problem? The problem is that our American partners are building an anti-missile shield and we are not building one."

Egypt buys US war planes

US aerospace giant Lockheed Martin is to sell 24 F-16 jet fighters to Egypt in a 3.2 billion dollar deal, a company spokesman said Tuesday. "We understand that the governments of the United States and Egypt have reached an agreement over a contract for military sale to provide 24 F-16s to Egypt ," Lockheed spokesman Joe Stout told AFP.

The company hoped to get the contract signed "early next year," he said, adding that the 3.2 billion dollars "was the amount in the agreement between the two countries." The Egyptian Air Force is the fourth largest F-16 operator in the world, according to defense industry reports. Egypt , which receives about 1.5 billion dollars in annual US aid, was the first Arab state to make peace with Israel , a top US ally.

Iran: "Britain will receive a punch on the mouth..."

This week the Iranian government vented its anger at Britain , declaring that London deserved a "punch in the mouth" for its role as the "chief culprit" behind the mass protests sweeping the Islamic Republic. The British ambassador to Tehran was summoned to the foreign ministry to answer charges of interfering. Iranian anger had been fuelled by Foreign Secretary David Miliband's public condemnation of the crackdown. Iran 's Foreign Minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, warned: " Britain will receive a punch on the mouth if it does not stop its nonsense."

Terror havens in four states: US

US President Barack Obama has identified Afghanistan , Pakistan , Yemen and Somalia as the four places where terrorists were hatching plans to attack the United States .

"We will continue to use every element of our national power to disrupt, to dismantle and defeat the violent extremists who threaten us, whether they are from Afghanistan or Pakistan , Yemen or Somalia , or anywhere where they are plotting attacks against the US homeland", he said

Malaysia rules Catholic paper has right to use 'Allah'

Malaysia's high court ruled Thursday that a Catholic paper had the right to use the word "Allah" after a long-running dispute between the government and the weekly in the Muslim-majority nation. The ruling overturns the government's controversial threat to cancel The Herald's annual publishing permit."The applicant has the constitutional right to use the word 'Allah'," Judge Lau Bee Lan told a packed courtroom, declaring the government's ban on the paper's use of the word "illegal, null and void".The weekly used the word "Allah" as a translation for "God" in its Malay-language section but the government argued "Allah" should be used only by Muslims. Lau said the home ministry, which licenses all newspapers in the country, had taken into account "irrelevant considerations" when making the paper's publishing permit conditional on it not using the word. She said it had shown no evidence that the use of the word by Christians was "a threat to national security".


 The cowardly attack on the Muharram procession on Karachi

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     In the light of the cowardly attack on the Muharram procession on Karachi's M A Jinnah road on Monday 28 December, killing at least 40 Muslims and wounding dozens, Hizb ut-Tahrir  Wilayah Pakistan held nationwide demonstrations and sent delegation to Imambaragh in the country. Hizb ut-Tahrir  strongly denounced the relentless campaign of bombings, funded and organized by America's agencies and private military organizations, such as Xe Services LLC (formerly known as Blackwater). Hizb ut-Tahrir  condemned America's brutal tactics, which she has employed in Afghanistan and Iraq, and called for the immediate establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate", which will unify the Muslims of the world and remove all colonialist presence from the Muslim Lands.


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