Tuesday, 28 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/01
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The government is behaving as if it is on the payroll of the imperialists to prevent the call for Khilafah

Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh organized a rally today after Jummah prayers outside the national mosque on ‘28th Rajab: Destruction of the Khilafah "Caliphate" - Demand Re-establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate".' When members and supporters of the party gathered to hold the rally, the police obstructed them. For about half an hour the police conjured up contradictory and flimsy grounds to prevent the rally and finally dispersed the people.

In a press release issued in reaction to the police action, Chief Coordinator and Official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh Mohiuddin Ahmed said by consistently preventing Hizb ut-Tahrir from holding its activities, the government is behaving as if it is on the payroll of the imperialists to prevent the call for Khilafah "Caliphate". The government, so-called representatives of democracy, has proven its stance against Islam by preventing the Muslims from calling to Islam. However they will fail to suppress the call for the Khilafah "Caliphate" in a country of 150 million Muslims and they will be rejected by the people similar to Karzai, Musharraf and Maliki.

Mohiuddin Ahmed said the Khilafah "Caliphate" state will protect the life, wealth and honour of the Muslims and will bring them out from their sufferings and misery. The current capitalist system only secures the benefit of few capitalists and the ruling classes. Just few days ago we saw the cabinet approve law to provide life long security arrangements for the family and relatives of Sheikh Hasina. On other hand, a few days before that we witnessed how the government ordered the police to brutally attack the people who protested against Tipaimukh damn which will endanger the lives of millions of people. We also witnessed few months back how the government stood by while the army officers were being massacred in Pilkhana and when Hizb ut-Tahrir protested they brutally attacked our members and activists.

The Khilafah "Caliphate" state was abolished on 28 Rajab 1342 AH (03 March 1924 CE) as a result of the imperialist conspiracy headed by Britain who used her agents in the conspiracy especially Mustafa Kamal, may Allah (swt) curse him. Since the destruction of the Khilafah "Caliphate" the Muslim Ummah has been facing severe catastrophes in politics, economics, military, social and cultural aspects. Muhammad (saw) said the similitude of the Ummah is like one body; however without the Khilafah "Caliphate" they are divided into 57 parts and each part is controlled by disbelievers and polytheists. The Ummah suffers from poverty despite possessing huge resources. The rulers in the Muslim world are busy serving US-Britain-Israel and India. They are giving away Ummah's resources to the capitalist multinational companies for free.

Re-establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate" is an obligation upon the neck of every Muslim. Allah (swt) says,

".....And rule among them by what Allah has revealed and follow not their vain desires

diverging away from the truth that has come to you...." [TMQ Al-Ma'idah: 48]. The Khilafah "Caliphate" is the government system which rules by what Allah (swt) has revealed. The Khalifah is the leadership for all Muslims over the globe and he implements the Qur'an and Sunnah.

The Khilafah "Caliphate" will unite the Muslims, and take control over the Ummah's resources from the imperialist companies. It will resist the political, economic, military, social and cultural aggression of the imperialists; and transform the Muslim Ummah into the leading nation in the fields of ideology, science, technology, economics and military.

The return of the Khilafah "Caliphate" is near and inevitable. The Muslim Ummah is raising her voice to rescue herself from secularism and democracy and establish Islam in the state. At the same time the leading capitalist states' economic and military might is waning; and their agents in the Muslim world are already isolated from the people. Allah (swt) says, ".....Certainly, the Help of Allah is near." [TMQ Al-Baqarah: 214]

Finally Mohiuddin Ahmed urged the people to pledge to re-establish the Khilafah "Caliphate" and invited them to join Hizb ut-Tahrir's National Rajab Conference entitled ‘Khilafah "Caliphate" for Bangladesh' to be held on 21 July 2009 at the Engineer's Institution, Dhaka.

Mohiuddin Ahmed

Official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh


Views on the News 9/7/09

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American Church posts derogatory sign against Islam

The sign reads "Islam is of the Devil" and was placed Sunday in the church's front lawn reports The Independent Florida Alligator. It was vandalized and torn down that evening but was re-erected on Monday, said Terry Jones, the pastor at the church. Jones said that the church, located at 5805 NW 37th St., does not plan on taking down the sign, and that more messages will be displayed in the future. "We think we are losing our heritage as a Christian nation," Jones said as one of the reasons the church put up the sign. Jones said Islam's growing popularity in the United States needs to be addressed because Christians are not standing up for what they believe in."To be a Christian, you would have to agree with that sign," Jones said.He said the sign is not meant to attack individuals but to attack the religion of Islam because it is oppressive and violent.

Britain's far rights group to plot a spectacular attack against Muslims?

Neo-Nazis are plotting a 'spectacular' terrorist attack on Britain to fuel racial tension, Scotland Yard's counter-terrorism officers fear. Senior officers have increased their surveillance of suspects to monitor their ability to carry out a deadly attack aimed at causing a 'breakdown in community cohesion'. The chilling warning comes after last month's startling gains by the BNP in the local and European elections which many fear may 'embolden' violent Far-Right extremists. Commander Shaun Sawyer, from the Met's specialist operations wing told a meeting of British Muslims last night: 'I fear that they will have a spectacular ... 'They will carry out an attack that will lead to a loss of life or injury to a community somewhere. They're not choosy about which community.' His comments came after Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson asked officers to examine what effect the recession could have on far-right violence. Till now far right organizations have been allowed to freely operate, publish literature and contest elections in Britain. However, the same privileges are in many cases denied to those Muslims who wish to practice Islam.

The racist killing of a Muslim women draws a muted response from the German government

Thousands of Egyptian mourners marched behind the coffin of the "martyr of the head scarf" - a pregnant Muslim woman who was stabbed to death in a Dresden courtroom on Wednesday in front of her young son. Many in her homeland were outraged by the attack and saw the low-key response in Germany as an example of racism and anti-Muslim sentiment. The woman's husband was critically wounded in the attack, after he tried to intervene and was stabbed by the attacker and accidentally shot by court security. "There is no God but God and the Germans are the enemies of God," chanted mourners for 32-year-old Marwa el-Sherbini in Alexandria, where her body was buried. "We will avenge her killing," her brother Tarek el-Sherbini told the Associated Press by telephone from the mosque where prayers were being recited in front of his sister's coffin. "In the west, they don't recognise us. There is racism." Indeed the German government is not even sure that it was a racist attack. A German government spokesman, Thomas Steg, said that if the attack was racist, the government "naturally condemns this in the strongest terms".

France begins legal process to ban the veil

French lawmakers opened hearings Wednesday on whether to ban the burka, calling in experts who said France should act to discourage Muslim women from wearing the head-to-toe veil. President Nicolas Sarkozy has already proclaimed the burka "not welcome" in secular France. Home to Europe's biggest Muslim minority, France has set up a special panel of 32 lawmakers to consider whether a law should be enacted to bar Muslim women from wearing the full veil, known as a burka or niqab. At the first hearing, two academics described wearing the burka as a throwback to a form of archaic Islam and a type of cult-like behaviour, incompatible with modern France. Islam expert Abdennour Bidar called the full veil a "pathology of Islam" embraced by hardline Salafists who tell Muslim women to cover themselves as a way to "get back to their roots.""It's up to the republic to help Islam in our country choose its destiny and help French Muslims resist this pressure," said Bidar."We must find ways to prevent the burka from spreading. Whether that would be a law or something else is not for me to say."

China continues to suppress its Muslim population

China's leaders vowed on Thursday to severely punish those responsible for bloodshed in the nation's far northwest that left at least 156 people dead and exposed deep ethnic tensions. The warning came as riot police and soldiers maintained a firm grip on Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang region, where Muslim Uighurs and Han Chinese faced off this week in China's worst ethnic conflict for decades."The planners of the incident, the organisers, key members and the serious violent criminals must be severely punished," President Hu Jintao and the other eight members of the ruling Communist Party's elite Politburo said. Hu was forced to abandon a visit to Italy for the Group of Eight summit and return to China to deal with the situation, in what observers said was an unprecedented move that illustrated the severity of the crisis. Xinjiang's eight million Uighurs have long complained about discrimination and repression under Chinese rule, and exiled leaders said those pent-up feelings of persecution led to Sunday's protests.


The rulers in the capitalist regime are busy securing their own lives instead of the security of the people

In a press release issued today in response to the cabinet's approval of the new law providing for life long security arrangements to the family of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Fahmida Farhana Khanam, the Official Spokeswoman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh said when looting, extortion, terrorism, theft, robbery, mugging, killing, rape have alarmingly increased in the country and the people are suffering from complete insecurity, the grand alliance government is busy to secure the life of the rulers instead of the people's lives. 

She also said in the democratic system, man has the supreme authority to make law. So rulers in this system make laws according to their benefit to secure their interests. But in the Islamic system, the supreme and only authority to make law belongs to Allah (‘azza wa jalla) only. Nobody has the right to make law according to his own whims and desires. The main objective of capitalist politics is to gain benefit. So the ruling regime secures the members of their own party, workers and family. On the other hand the main objective of Islamic politics is to secure people's rights. That is how, the Khilafah "Caliphate" system had produced just rulers like Umar (ra), Haroon ar Rashid, Sulaiman al-Kanuni, who were righteous, Allah fearing and responsible to people. They dedicated their life to secure and serve the people and overcame any ego or self-interest while ruling. The khulafah like Umar (ra) were concerned even about the security of the lives of animals during their rule, but our rulers are not at all worried about the increasing suffering of the 140 million people in the country.

Fahmida Farhana Khanam said every single regime after independence has been doing the dirty politics of securing their self interests. In the same way the grand alliance government came in power by making false promises of change but have indulged in the same dirty politics after ascending to the throne. This government has not yet succeeded to provide two meals a day to more than half of the population. Even in the capital city, Dhaka, millions of people are homeless and living a substandard life, people are suffering from lack of water and electricity but the ministers of the government have completely forgotten the need and sufferings of the people of the country. They are obsessed with providing life time security to their party leaders and their families with the expense of people's money.

Fahmida Farhana Khanam reminded the regime that the rulers of this country should not forget that no one's life can be guaranteed through security arrangements. They should obey and fear Allah (‘azza wa jalla) Who has the power to give life and take it away when and howsoever He wishes.

Finally she said capitalism has completely failed not only in this country but all over the world. Except securing the benefit of few capitalists and the ruling classes it has failed to secure the life, wealth and honour of people.  She called the people to reject this failed and corrupt system and throw it in the dustbin of history and come forward to establish the Khilafah "Caliphate" state which will protect people's rights and will bring them out from their sufferings and misery.

Fahmida Farhana Khanam

Official Spokeswoman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh

Tel: +88 01711 548243

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Dr Nazreen rebutts Sarkozy's ban 'burqa' comments

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Dr Nazreen Nawaz, Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain's women's media representative rebutts French President Sarkozy's many assertions about Muslim women and the burqa in his now infamous 22nd June 2009 speech where he described the burqa as an unacceptable symbol of women's enslavement "not be welcome on our territory."


Hizb ut-Tahrir announces Khilafah Conference in Tanzania

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"The KHILAFAH state is the most important obligation from your Lord. It is the source of your glory; it will defeat your enemy and liberate your lands. It will be the beacon of goodness and justice throughout the world."

Hizb ut-Tahrir has announced that it will convene a Khilafah "Caliphate" Conference in Dar as-Salaam, Tanzania on the 19th of July 2009

Further information about the conference will follow...



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