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Answer to Question - Zardari and America/Quartet Summit

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It has been announced today the Asif Ali Zardari will take of oath of office today as President of Pakistan. Does this imply that Zardari is even keener top serve the US interests than Prime Minister Gilani?  What is the truth behind the quartet summit in Damascus?


Views on the News 18/9/2008

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Anti-Muslim DVD Boosts McCain

The Clarion Fund supported by friends of Israel has paid dozens of newspapers across the country including The New York Times to distribute the "Islam terror" DVD "Obsession" with their home delivery packages. The documentary showcases scenes of Muslim children being encouraged to become suicide bombers, interspersed with shots of Nazi rallies. New York Times Co. spokeswoman Diane McNulty justified its support for the DVD. She said: "We believe the broad principles of freedom of the press confer on us an obligation to keep our advertising columns as open as possible..."An estimated 28 million copies have been distributed so far, also through the mails and other magazines. The supporters of Israel believe that by distributing such material undecided American voters will vote for John McCain in the US general election scheduled for this November.

Making bus dawa in Seattle

Running on the sides of several Metro buses in Seattle, the advertisements say: "Q: Islam. A: You deserve to know," with a phone number and Web site. "We feel often Muslims don't have a voice," said Aijazi, one of about six people who helped coordinate the local effort to get the ads onto the outside of six Metro buses and the inside of about 25. About 10 local Muslims contributed to the nearly $5,000 campaign. "This is just a way to present the community with a source of information about Islam that comes from Muslims themselves," he said. A 2007 poll from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life showed that 58 percent of Americans surveyed said they knew little or nothing about Islam - a figure that's changed little since 2001. And Americans' attitude toward Muslims and Islam appears to have gotten slightly more negative in recent years. The same Pew poll showed that 43 percent of those surveyed had a favorable opinion of Muslims, down from 48 percent in 2004. Muslims in the West should not cower under the banner of fear; rather they should take every opportunity to expose the fallacies of Western liberalism and present Islam as the only alternative.

Britain unveils Shariah courts

On 14/9/2008 the Sunday Times reported that Islamic law had been officially adopted in Britain, with sharia courts given powers to rule on Muslim civil cases. The government has sanctioned the powers for sharia judges to rule on cases ranging from divorce and financial disputes to those involving domestic violence. Previously, the rulings of sharia courts in Britain could not be enforced, and depended on voluntary compliance among Muslims. It has now emerged that sharia courts with these powers have been set up in London, Birmingham, Bradford and Manchester with the network's headquarters in Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Two more courts are being planned for Glasgow and Edinburgh. Politicians and church leaders expressed concerns that this could mark the beginnings of a "parallel legal system" based on sharia for some British Muslims. However, the reality is that the British government wants enforce its own version of Islam and having shariah courts at its disposal is one way of accomplishing this feat. The government has already introduced its version of the nikah contract, under which a wali amr is not a mandatory requirement. Hence, if a Muslims objected to this contract, his/her objection would be over ruled by Britain's Shariah court.

Kill Muslims for fun

An Australian-made video game that encourages players to massacre Muslim people has caused furor amongst Muslims."Muslim Massacre" is promoted as taking place after the United States "declares war" on the religion of Islam and encourages players to wipe out followers."Take control of the American hero and wipe out the Muslim race with an arsenal of the world's most destructive weapons," the "Muslim Massacre" Web site says. The targets appear as bearded men wearing normal clothes or characters in black outfits with facemasks. Later levels include suicide bombers and a "boss" opponent resembling Osama Bin Laden. So far no western government has taken any action. Had a Muslim produced a game about killing Jews for fun there would have been international outrage, condemnation and calls for boycott against those Muslim countries selling it.

Saudi clerics call for death penalty but remain silent about Saudi Arabia's systems of kufr

A senior Saudi cleric has said that purveyors of horoscopes on Arab television should be sentenced to death. "The Muslim consensus is that the apostate's punishment is death by the sword," Sheikh Saleh al-Fozan told al-Madina daily. "Those who call in these shows should not be accorded Muslim rites when they die," the prominent cleric added. Earlier Sheikh Lohaidan, another prominent cleric who is the head of Saudi Arabia's Islamic shariah courts, told Saudi radio: "I want to advise the owners of these channels that broadcast programmes with indecency and vulgarity and warn them of the consequences. They can be put to death through the judicial process." How ironic it is to find such scholars calling for stern punishments for indecency, but they remain silent at the kufr systems that pervade Saudi society.

Pakistani army unable to decide whether it wants to help or repel US forces

On 15/9/2008 the Pakistani media reported that Pakistani troops fired shots into the air to stop US troops crossing into the South Waziristan region of Pakistan. Local witness said that seven US helicopter gunships and two troop-carrying Chinook helicopters landed in the Afghan province of Paktika near the Zohba mountain range. US troops from the Chinooks then tried to cross the border. As they did so, Pakistani paramilitary soldiers at a checkpoint opened fire into the air and the US troops decided not to continue forward. Reports state that firing lasted for several hours. Local people evacuated their homes and tribesmen took up defensive positions in the mountains. However, a Pakistani military official in Islamabad confirmed there was firing but denied that Pakistani troops were involved. Later, military spokesman Athar Abbas said no incursion will be tolerated and military commanders were told to prevent any incursion into Pakistani territory. It is exactly this type of ambiguity that blights the reputation of the Pakistani army both at home and abroad. What is required is a firm response both in word and deed by the Pakistani army to dissuade the US crusaders from violating Pakistan's sovereignty.


Views on the News 11/9/2008

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Czech Muslims complain about Islamaphobia

Muslims living in the Czech Republic complain about a "steep increase in Islamaphobia, anti-Arabism and anti-Muslim moods" in the Czech Republic like in other western countries after terrorist attacks on the USA in 2001, the Libertas Independent Agency says in a report given to CTK on 8/9/2009. "The situation of the growing hatred and xenophobia has escalated to such an extent that it is necessary to launch a national debate on the phenomenon," Lukas Lhotjan from Libertas Independent Agency says. However, Czech government's commissioner for human rights Jan Litomisky said that he did not consider the Czech society's allegedly negative attitude to Muslins a serious problem.

The demagoguery faced by Czech Muslims is no different to bigotry faced by Muslims across the continent. Western governments are at the forefront of programmes specifically aimed at fostering hostility amongst mainstream society against their Muslim populace. Their goal is to dehumanize Muslims and force them to assimilate or face isolation.

Italy forces Imams to recognize the Zionist state

Earlier this week the Italian government pressurized imams in Italy to recognize the Zionist state of Israel , An Italian news agency reported that the government would not hesitate to use brute force in order to deport the imams who refused to acknowledge the Zionist Israel. The Italian government has displayed a hostile attitude towards Muslims especially Masjids. They initially attempted to incorporate all masjids to come under their supervision. Then, they shut or even demolished a masjid like what they did to one masjid in the town of Verona. The government was also trying to demolish an Islamic Center in Milan, as reported in the El Mujtamaa magazine, which was published Kuwait.

Allah says: "And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion."

British school opens its doors to brainwash children of Kazakhstan 's elite

Recently, about 300 students and their parents attended the opening ceremony at of Haileybury Almaty, the first British private school in Central Asia. Haileybury, a private British school founded in 1862 in Hertford Heath, Its best-known alumnus was Britain's post-war Labour Prime Minister, Clement Attlee. Haileybury was already a favorite among wealthy Kazakhs who started sending their children to Western schools in the 1990s."Haileybury always had Kazakh children," said school governor Jean Scott. Tuition fees are between $16,000 and $20,000 a year, the school is off-limits to most Kazakh families. The average monthly wage in Kazakhstan, a resource-rich former Soviet republic, is $500.

Warming US ties with Libya: What does it mean for other Muslim countries

On her trip to Libya, US secretary of state Dr Rice said," After many, many years it is a good thing that the US and Libya found a way forward... I do believe that it has demonstrated that the United States doesn't have permanent enemies. It demonstrates that when countries are prepared to make strategic changes in direction the United States is prepared to respond." Earlier she described the visit historic, as she became the first US secretary of state to visit for 55 years and held a meeting with Kadhafi to seal a US-Libya rapprochement. There are two reasons for America's strategic shift in ties with Libya . First, America desperately needs access to alternative sources of cheap oil to fuel its economic growth over the next decade or so. Second, America believes that the British have done their utmost to rehabilitate Kadhafi from his pariah status and he is now ready to play a constructive role in the region. With Syria's offer of peace talks with Israel, and increased diplomatic contacts between the US and Iran, it appears that next US administration will focus more on fighting the Islamic resurgence in Pakistan.

America on Maliki: He works for us but we still don't trust him

The recent revelation in Bob Woodward's book about the US spying on Maliki have raised more than eyebrows in the Arab world. "We know everything he says", according to one source cited by Woodward. Rather than refuting the allegations spokeswoman Dana Perino statements only incriminated the Bush administration. She said," Our Ambassador sees him daily and the President speaks to him by secure video teleconference at least every week. We know what he thinks because he tells us in a very candid way." So despite America's best efforts to coach Maliki on a daily basis, the US still does not trust him.

Bush expects Zardari's to spearhead America 's slaughter of Muslims in Pakistan

Earlier this week President Bush welcomed Zadari's election as President of Pakistan.

"The United States congratulates Asif Ali Zardari on his election as president. President Bush looks forward to working with him, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and the government of Pakistan on issues important to both countries, including counterterrorism and making sure Pakistan has a stable and secure economy," said US national security spokesman Mr Johndroe. "Mr Zardari has promised a tougher fight against the Taliban and Al Qaeda extremists ensconced in the nation's tribal areas," added the New York Times.

Indian police fire on unarmed Kashmiris

At least 60 people have been injured when police opened fire on demonstrators protesting against planned elections in Indian Kashmir. Indian police fired bullets, teargas shells and used batons to disperse hundreds of demonstrators in Srinagar , Kashmir 's summer capital on Monday 8th of September. Muslims called a one-day strike to denounce the Indian-held elections, saying they strengthen New Delhi 's hold over the region. Shops, schools and businesses were closed across Kashmir on Monday. Kashmiri have boycotted all elections held in the region since 1989.

China intensifies oppression of Uyghur Muslims during Ramadan

This Ramadan, China has stepped up restrictions on its Muslim Uyghur population. Women are forced to uncover their faces in public by police, while restrictions on teaching Islam to Uyghur children are enforced. "We are...checking the identities of those who have beards or mustaches, and women who cover their faces...," an officer who answered the phone at the Charbagh village police station, in Lop County, Hotan prefecture. "We uncover the faces of veiled women by force if necessary. We also arrest anyone teaching religion to children illegally," he said, adding that police were also helping to enforce a ban on Muslim restaurant closures in Ramadan. Exiled Uyghur groups said Uyghur government cadres throughout Xinjiang had been forced to sign "letters of responsibility" promising to avoid fasting, evening prayers, or other religious activities. China is home to up to 11 million Uyghurs, a Turkic-speaking minority group that formed two short-lived East Turkistan republics in the 1930s and 40s during the Chinese civil war and the Japanese invasion.



Media Office Correspondent Report on Letter to Rulers

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 A special reporter of the Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir has recently informed us that in the past few days, a letter has been sent to the rulers of the Muslim lands - from the edges of the Pacific Ocean and Indonesia in the East, to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and Morocco in the West.  

The reporter added that the majority of the responses to the letter from those rulers were rejection of the letter with enmity, while some rejected the message without violence.

A senior official of Hizb ut-Tahrir informed the special reporter of the Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir that, "the response of these rulers reminds us of the response of the tribal leaders towards the request of the Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) to give him Nusrah, after calling them to Islam.  The Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) approached Bani ‘Aamir, Ghassan, Farazah, Bani Murrah, Bani Haneefa, Bani Sulaym, Bani ‘Aabs, Bani Nasr, Bani Kinda, Kalb, Bani Haarith, Bani ‘Uthrah, Bani Shaybaan and Thaqeef, all during the Messenger's (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) last years in Makkah, before his Hijrah to Madina. The response of those tribal leaders was also rejection, and some of their responses were violent and bloody, leaving the Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) covered in blood from the stones pelted at him and other forms of attack. But after those violent rejections, the Victory of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) came through the Ansaar, the second Bay'ah of Al-‘Aqaba, followed by the Hijrah and the establishment of the Islamic State, which brought about the honouring of Islam and the Muslims."

The senior official concluded his statement by saying that the Hizb - remembering the harsh response of those tribal leaders towards the request of the Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam), which was followed by the Victory of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) - sees glad tidings in these events; that the response of the rulers will be followed by a new period of goodness.

"And also (Allah will give you) another (blessing) which you love: Help from Allah (against your enemies), and a near victory. And give glad tidings to the Believers." [Al-Saff: 13]

The full text of the letter


The kidnapping of Hizb ut-Tahrir member by the intelligence agency can not prevent the re-establishment of the Khilafah

Just three days ahead of Eid-ul-Fitr, the military intelligence agency kidnapped the member of Hizb ut-Tahrir Jalal Hussain from Peshawar. Jalal Hussain is a master degree holder in electronics from Peshawar University, employee in a multinational company and the father of a baby daughter.


Views on the News 25/9/2008

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 Muslim MP condemns Muslims for being pre-occupied by foreign policy

UK MP Mr Sadiq Khan claimed that Muslims in Britain are pre-occupied by foreign policy and not concerned enough about day-to-day political issues. "Muslims need to recognise childcare is as important as Kashmir ," he said.   He said there was no question that people coming to live in Britain should learn English and he criticised "liberal anxiety" about the issue. "The requirement to learn English is not colonial. English is a passport to participation in mainstream society - jobs, education and even being able to use health services," he said.  Rather than stand up for the Muslim community, Mr. Khan has turned on them and cannot wait to see his fellow Muslims secularised and de-politicised.

 A new US report calls for greater engagement with the Muslim World

After 18 months spent examining the deteriorating relations between the United States and the Muslim world during the Bush administration, a diverse group of American leaders release a report entitled "Changing Course: A New Direction for U.S. Relations with the Muslim World,". The report calls for an overhaul of American strategy to reverse the spread of terrorism and extremism. It recommends more diplomatic engagement, even with Iran and other adversaries, and a major investment in economic development in Muslim countries to create jobs for alienated youth. It calls on the next president to use his Inaugural Address to signal a shift in approach, to immediately renounce the use of torture, and to appoint a special envoy within the first three months to jump-start negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. The report was produced by 34 leaders drawn from religious, business, military, foreign policy, academic, foundation and non- profit circles. The group included Democrats like Madeleine K. Albright, who was secretary of state under President Bill Clinton, and two former Republican congressmen, Vin Weber and Steve Bartlett.

 Islam on the rise in Germany

Some 90 percent of Muslims in Germany are religious of which 41 percent are very religious, according to a special case study released by the Bertelsmann Foundation on Monday 22nd of September. There are 3.5 million Muslims living in Germany of which 2.5 million are Turks. Most of Muslims reside in what used to be traditional blue-collar cities like Cologne , Duisburg , Essen , Berlin , Frankfurt and Mannheim .

Islam has also become one of the fastest growing religions in Germany , as some 4,000 Germans converted to Islam between July 2004 and June 2005 which is four times as many as in the prior space of time. Some 14,352 out of 3.5 million Muslims in the country are of German-origin, according to figures released by the Islam-Archive Central Institute.

US Missiles reign on Pakistanis; its leaders admire Palin's beauty

On 25/9/2008 during the UN meeting   Pakistan 's information minister Sherry Rehman, greeted Palin as she entered and said. ''And how does one keep looking that good when one is that busy?'' ''Oh, thank you,'' Palin, McCain's Vice Presidential nominee said. When Zardari walked in, he he told Palin that she was ''even more gorgeous'' than he had expected. ''You are so nice. Thank you,'' Palin responded, seeming to change the subject, but Zardari continued. ''Now I know why the whole of America is crazy about you.''

Indian panel absolves BJP of the Gujarat massacres in India

On 25/9/2008 a controversial panel probing one of India 's worst spates of communal attacks in the western state of Gujarat in 2002 submitted its report absolving the Hindu nationalist government that was believed to be behind the slaughter of innocent Muslims. The report, which was tabled in the Gujarat state assembly, also gave a absolved the Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, who is from the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), saying there was no evidence to incriminate him or any member of his cabinet. The Supreme Court of India had earlier indicted Modi in an unprecedented manner calling him a "Modern day Nero" for failing to protect the lives of Muslims. It is widely believed that the 2002 violence was organised and carried out by Hindu nationalist groups.



Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh gives 48-hr deadline to free its leaders

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Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh yesterday threatened to oust the government by launching a movement if its 10 leaders and activists arrested in Rajshahi on Thursday are not released within 48 hours.

The threat issued at a meeting of the organisation in the capital was apparently in violation of the state of emergency but no action was taken in this regard as of filing of this report at 10:00pm yesterday.

Akramul Hossain, assistant commissioner of Special Branch of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police, said, "We may seek necessary government approval for filing a sedition case against the arrested persons."

Addressing the meeting at the city's Engineers' Institute of Bangladesh, the organisation's Chief Coordinator Mahiuddin Ahmed said, "The Hizb ut-Tahrir will stomp the city streets and no one will be able to live in peace on the soil of Bangladesh if our leaders are not released in 48 hours."

Asked about the open threat against the government amid the state of emergency, Home Secretary Md Abdul Karim told The Daily Star last night that the law would take its own course.

Our staff correspondent from Rajshahi reported that law enforcement agencies were waiting for the government approval to file a sedition case against the Hizb ut-Tahrir leaders and activists for plotting against the country.

Four teachers including Dr Syed Golam Mowla, a Dhaka University teacher and Hizb ut-Tahrir coordinator, and Ahmed Jamal Iqbal, teacher of electrical engineering at South East University and a senior member of the Islamist group, were arrested along with eight others on Thursday in Rajshahi.

They were arrested prior to holding a press conference at the Rajshahi City Press Club. Later, police produced them before a Rajshahi court under section-54 and the court sent them to jail.

In his address, Hizb ut-Tahrir Chief Coordinator Mahiuddin Ahmed vowed to establish Khelafat rule in the country.

"We always want to oust all governments in all Muslim countries in the world to establish Khelafat states. We have been asking for establishing Khelafat rule in the country instead of the present servile government since our first procession in the country," he said.

Mahiuddin said their organisation always opposes all mainstream political parties, including the Awami League and BNP. "We will always oppose all ruling governments and opposition political parties. We also oppose both the democratic and caretaker government systems," he said, labelling the caretaker government as a "puppet government".

Pointing at the media, he said, "We do not have confidence in the present media. Why do you not brand the USA as a terrorist state? Why do you not say the Fakhruddin-led government is a puppet government?

"Police arrested our leaders and activists for circulating leaflets because the caretaker government is afraid of our leaflets," he said and asked all Hizb ut-Tahrir activists to spread the organisation's leaflets across the country to oust the government and establish a Khelafat state.

Mahiuddin said his organisation would stage tougher agitation programmes at all educational institutions including Dhaka University if their leaders are not released within 48 hours.

Ramzan Ali, officer-in-charge of Boalia Police Station in Rajshahi, said the police need to interrogate the arrestees for further investigation and that they would seek remand for the arrestees from the court today.

A senior police official yesterday told The Daily Star that the activities of Hizb ut-Tahrir are clearly anti-state as the contents of their leaflets distributed are provocative and call for militancy and toppling the government.

Seeking anonymity, he said, "The leaflets are sufficient for bringing sedition charges against them but we want further investigation since the organisation has been active in the country for several years."

At the top of the Hizb ut-Tahrir leaflet, the organisation calls upon Muslims, saying, "Take oath for establishing the rule of Khelafat by ousting the present rulers in this holy month of Ramadan and this will help unite the Muslims and revive their lost glory."

The leaflet criticises sending of forces to the United Nations peacekeeping missions instead of turning them into "flag bearers of Islam".

Security has been beefed up in and around Rajshahi city and adjacent upazilas following the arrest of Hizb ut-Tahrir activists.

The Daily Star 

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