Sunday, 27 Safar 1446 | 2024/09/01
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Activities of Hizb ut Tahrir/Tunisia Titled: Complete Your Revolution so that Islam Comes to Rule

Hizb ut Tahrir is a political party whose ideology is Islam. It is the frontrunner that does not lie to its people. It works within the Ummah to resume the life of glory and dignity of the Great Islam that was revealed by Allah the Almighty to the Prophet Muhammad (saw), guidance and a mercy to the worlds.

‘Gender Segregation' Debate ‘Muscular Liberals' Target Muslim Women Yet Again in their Desire to Impose their Values on the Muslim Community

London UK, 16th December 2013 - Despite the many problems facing the country, Prime Minister David Cameron's decision to address what is essentially a seating plan of one particular community, appears extraordinary at one level, but Cameron's opposition to allowing practicing Muslim women and men to sit separately at University Islamic society gatherings,

Press Release America and its Agents (Led by the Criminal Syrian regime) are Taking Advantage of the Extreme Weather Conditions to Push the Muslims in Syria to Despair and Surrender (Translated)

The region was struck by severe weather conditions, bringing with it a wave of tragedies that struck everyone. The harshest was against our people, the Muslims in Syria, whether it was internally being in their homes, or were displaced and deprived of what can shield them from the harm of this weather. This was in addition to the miserable regime's bombings, raids and dropping of explosive barrels on civilians and…

Nationalism is a Treatment for Which it is the Disease And Islam is the Cure for the Diseases of Tribalism and Regionalism

In the eighth session and in its seventeenth meeting on 28 November 2013 CE, the legislative council of the state of Qadarif approved a law to prohibit any organizations established on the basis of tribalism in the state of Qadarif in 2013 CE, and it is stated in the law: "Abolishing the organizations that were formed on the basis of tribalism, and the prohibition of the establishment or register of…

Press Release Hizb ut Tahrir will Hold Public Meeting and Demonstration on Friday 27th December, 2:30pm at Muktangon

There is only one way to bring a permanent end to the death and destruction being caused by the Awami-BNP rulers. There is only one way to end the desperate cries of Geeta Rani, the burning to death of the teenage bus passenger Hasan and the brutality of the police, RAB and BGB. There is only way to protect the country from the U.S.-British-Indian vultures. That is by uprooting the…

Oh Rulers of Lebanon: Do You Not Deem those Displaced by the Slaughterer's Massacre to be from the Class of Human Beings,Abandoning Them to the Storm of the Deadly Frost?!

A wave of bitter cold, accompanied by snow, heavy rains and storms is plaguing the country. Therefore the Ministry of Education decided to suspend schools and confine students to their homes. The Security Services, the Civil Defense and the Ministry of Works are mobilizing all forces and energy - at least as claimed by the authority - distributing warnings and guidelines to the people on how to deal with this…
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