Wednesday, 29 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/02
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CMO Women's Section

Woe Ghouta! Chemical Weapons Reap the Souls of the Women and Children of al-Sham

The blessed Sham awoke to the news of the shelling of al-Ghouta, the camp of the Muslims, in an alarming mass genocide operation, and images spread that made even the stones cry and shook the conscious, of our children embracing death while asleep, and some entered a state of hysteria suffocating from the chemicals. And according to the doctors' testimony to Human Rights Watch, most of the victims were children…

The Violence over France's Niqab Ban Demonstrates Once Again Secularism's Divisive Nature

The French government has condemned the violence that erupted in the French suburb of Trappes over the country's face veil ban while also ardently defending the provocative, discriminatory law which caused the unrest. Clashes between Muslim protestors and police occurred following the arrest of a Muslim man whose wife was fined by a police officer for wearing the niqab.

O Muslim Women of Egypt! Your Desire to Live by Islam will not be Realized Except by the Establishment of the Khilafah!

Reuters and Al-Jazeera reported that on Sunday 21st of July, large numbers of women demonstrated in Cairo against the killing of three women on Friday 19th July during a pro-Morsi rally in the city of Mansoura. The female protestors were also calling the Egyptian military leadership to re-instate Morsi to his presidency status. The deaths of the women occurred during clashes between supporters of the deposed president and his opponents.

Rohingya Muslim Women and Children Refugees Face another Phase of Oppression in Thailand as the International Community and Muslim Regimes Watch on Silent

On the 22nd of July, the South China Morning Post reported that 18 Rohingya Muslim women and children had fled the Phang Nga refugee shelter in Phuket, Thailand to Malaysia. The appalling overcrowded conditions of these Thai refugee camps have been described as worse than Thai prisons. One of the refugees who fled was reportedly pregnant.

The Cowards of the Kyrgyzstan Government Continue their War against Women by Arresting Three Women from Hizb ut Tahrir

On the 2nd of July 2013, Interfax News Agency reported the arrest of three women working with the Islamic political party Hizb ut Tahrir in the Osh region of Kyrgyzstan. The three women, all of which are students, are reported to be aged between 18 and 20 years. They have all been accused of distributing "extremist" material and uploading Islamic videos on YouTube.

Hundreds of Women to Gather at a Critical Seminar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, organised by Hizb ut Tahrir: "One Year On - Who will save the Rohingya Muslim women and children?"

On Sunday the 7th of July 2013, hundreds of women, including journalists, human rights activists, lawyers, representatives of organisations, and other female opinion-makers will gather at an important women's seminar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to bring to global media and international attention, the continuing desperate plight of the Rohingya women and children of Burma, and call for an urgent solution to end their suffering.

The Indonesian Government's Decision to Host the Miss World Pageant is not only an Insult to Islam but also an Insult to Women  

Hizb ut Tahrir condemns the decision of the Indonesian government to host the degrading Miss World pageant which not only insults and violates the sublime Islamic values of modesty and chastity but also denigrates women, reducing them to objects of men's desire.
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