Wednesday, 29 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/02
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Answer to Question: Women Becoming Judges

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Since the establishment of the first Islamic state until the demise of the Othmani Khilafah never was a woman appointed as a judge. What should be taken into consideration when extracting the rule on women becoming judges are the reality of the judiciary, and its precedence, and the reality of the public life and women's presence in it; if she is not permitted to leave her house without her husband's…

News and Comment China Forcing Muslim Nurses not to Fast in Ramadan - Another Sign of the Totalitarian Regime's Fear of the Unstoppable Rise in Islam in the Region  

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News: Ghulja Hospital in Yining China - a city in the province of East Turkistan, Xinjiang - was forcing the Muslim nurses to not fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan "in order not to affect normal work and life" as reported by Mi'raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) last Friday, June 6th. Local media Sina Weibo, also reported, that the local health department made the demand just weeks before…

News and Comment Rich homeowners in London are embedding metal spikes into the pavement to stop homeless people sleeping outside their doors!

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News: The Guardian Newspaper published a story on the 6th of June entitled, "Anti-homeless studs at London residential block prompt uproar". The article reported that metal spikes embedded into the concrete outside a block of flats, so that people without a home to sleep in would no longer be able to sleep where the spikes had been placed, were causing controversy. This was followed by more reporting, including that of…

In the Name of Honour (Part 2)

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To read Part One: Click Here Part 1 of this article addressed the death of 25-year-old Farzana Parveen on May 27th who was murdered by her family in an honour killing due to marrying a man against their wishes. Secular political and media circles used the incident to launch yet another attack on Islam and the Shariah laws, accusing them of causing, fuelling and providing justification for such ‘honour killings'.…

News and Comment Unravelling the Feminist Lie of the ‘Have it All Woman'

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News: On 8th June, Forbes news site published an article entitled, "You Can't Have it All: 40% of Women Professionals are ‘Hanging on by a Thread'". It discussed a new study by career strategist and author Megan Dalla-Camina whose book, Getting Real About Having it All regarding the feminist dream of women having a successful high flying career as well as a stable and successful home-life, is debuting in the…

The Wolf Will Never Be a Sponsor and Protector of the Lamb!

Sky News website published on Friday, 06/06/2014 CE news stating that: "At the press conference held by the National Coalition of the Syrian opposition in Istanbul on women's rights violations in Syria, vice president of the Coalition Noura al-Ameer held the international community responsible towards what is experienced by women in Syria, stressing the need for the international community to act in order to refer the Syrian regime to the…

In the Name of Honour (Part 1)

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It was a crime that horrified the world. On May 27th, in the Pakistani city of Lahore, 25-year-old Farzana Parveen was bludgeoned to death in broad daylight with batons and bricks by her father, brothers and other family members, allegedly for marrying a man against their wishes. She was 3 months pregnant and on her way to contest an abduction case her family had filed against her husband. The father…
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