Sunday, 26 Shawwal 1445 | 2024/05/05
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Trump Screams Orders, Whilst Pakistan's Rulers Slavishly Strive to Save the American Raj

The US President Trump's 21st August Address confirms that Pakistan's leadership are busy digging our graves through their blind alliance with the despicable United States. Trump's "path forward in Afghanistan and South Asia" is about the Muslims of Central and South Asia submitting to the dominance of the Hindu State.

Do Not Make Idlib a Sacrifice to your Treason like Aleppo, Mosul and Raqqa

Michael Ratney, the U.S. Special Envoy for Syria, said last week: “It has become harder for the U.S. to convince the international players in Idlib to not resort to the needed military interventions.” Upon this Prime Minister Yıldırım stated that “If the U.S. hits Idlib we will close the borders as a precaution.” And President Erdoğan made these remarks, “We are having meetings with Iran and Russia and they are…
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