Sunday, 25 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1445 | 2024/06/02
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Member of the Treacherous Iranian Regime Proposes Sterilization of its Homeless Women

On Sunday the 1st of January, a deputy provincial governor in the Iranian capital said that homeless women in Tehran who are drug-dependent and who also practice prostitution should be encouraged to be sterilized. He stated that over 20 percent of them have AIDS and they spread various diseases and that in addition to spreading depravity,

O Emine Erdogan! Syria’s Women and Children Don’t Need Your Empty Words and Letters! They Need the Army of Turkey to Liberate Them!

On December 26th, the media reported that Turkey’s First Lady, Emine Erdoğan, wife of President Erdoğan sent a letter to the wives of the world leaders, calling them to mobilize the international community to do more to protect the Muslim women and children of Syria. She wrote, “We are in a stage where we must do more than to just cry for Syria.

The Miss Globe Pageant is Commerce at the expense of the Honour of Muslim Women

Following the organizing of the Miss Globe Pageant this year in Tunisia and setting the date of 25/12/2016 to take place in the Qubba Palace in El Menzah and based on the follow-up of the preparations and statements of those overseeing the pageant, we in the Women’s Section of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in the Wilayah of Tunisia would like to reiterate the following:

India’s Political and Media attack on Islamic Social Laws Distracts from the True Social Ills Suffered by Women under its Secular Liberal System

On December 10th, India’s right wing party Shiv Sena asked India’s PM Narendra Modi to bring changes in Shariah law practiced by Muslims in the country days after the Allahabad High Court termed the practice of triple talaq as ‘cruel’. The request for a reformation of Islamic Law is argued to be in the interest of Muslim women. An editorial in Sena mouthpiece Saamana said; “The Allahabad High Court had…

What Comes after the Destruction of the Hospitals upon the Heads of the Women?!

Syrian medical sources have counted up to 350 killed and 1800 injured as a result of the air and artillery bombing undertaken by the Russian planes alongside the tyrannical regime forces since the beginning of the vicious campaign against the besieged areas in the city of Halab (Aleppo) that began on the 15th of November.

The Colonial West Seeks to Eliminate any Traces of Islam from Pakistan’s Education Curriculum under the False Guise of Ensuring Religious Tolerance

On the 22nd November, Pakistani media reported on a recent report by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) entitled, “Teaching Intolerance In Pakistan - Religious Bias in Public School Textbooks”. In the name of so-called ‘Religious Tolerance’, the report recommended that overemphasis on Islam as being the “only correct” faith must be eliminated from school textbooks.

The United States’ Support of Afghan Women Joining the Army is Exploitation NOT Liberation!

According to the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction recent quarterly report published on the 30th October,“In fiscal year 2016 alone, the United States budgeted $93.5 million to increase the recruitment of women to the ANDSF (Afghan National Defense and Security Forces).
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