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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Headline News 22/07/2017


• America Ends Covert Support for Revolutionary Groups in Syria

• US Applies Pressure to Pakistan to Stop Afghan Mujahideen

• America Moves to Consolidate her Control over the Saudi Regime


America Ends Covert Support for Revolutionary Groups in Syria

A senior US general has mistakenly spoken openly about the termination of a US programme to support Syrian revolutionaries, confirming earlier unofficial disclosures from US officials. According to Politico:
U.S. Special Operations Commander Tony Thomas confirmed Friday that the U.S. had ended its covert program aiding rebel groups fighting against Syrian President Bashar Assad, saying the decision was made after assessing the years-long operation’s capabilities and by no means an effort to curry favor with Assad’s chief backer, Moscow.

“At least from what I know about that program and the decision to end it, absolutely not a sop to the Russians,” Thomas said at the Aspen Security Forum. “It was, I think, based on an assessment of the nature of the program, what we’re trying to accomplish, the viability going forward ... tough, tough decision.”

It’s unclear whether Thomas intended to confirm either the existence or the end of the program, which, as a covert operation, U.S. officials to not publicly acknowledge. The comments appeared to take the CIA - which declined to comment - by surprise.

Thomas almost immediately tried to walk back his comments after leaving the stage, telling reporters he hadn’t confirmed anything and was referring only to “public reporting.”

It is now well-known that America runs a multitude of covert programmes to arm and support proxies throughout the world, in contradiction to their own legal principles and norms, so the general’s mistake is really one of ‘etiquette’ only. Regarding the Syrian operation specifically, this has already been known publically and indeed used by the US government as evidence of American support for the Syrian revolution. The truth however is different from this.

The Syrian tyrant, Assad, is in fact an American agent, like his father before him. America has been working to defend Assad and defeat the revolution, and funding to certain groups was only intended to promote the so-called ‘moderates’ and weaken the revolution through dividing it. However, now that America thinks the revolution is close to ending, they have decided to terminate the support that they were giving.

Muslims will never benefit from the support of the disbelieving foreign powers, who serve their own interests only and wish only the destruction of the Ummah and her deen.

US Applies Pressure to Pakistan to Stop Afghan mujahideen

The Trump administration has begun applying pressure on Pakistan to support the American occupation of Afghanistan. According to Reuters:

The United States will withhold $50 million remaining in military reimbursements to Pakistan for fiscal year 2016 because Defense Secretary Jim Mattis believes that Islamabad has not done enough to blunt the Islamist militant Haqqani network, a U.S. official said on Friday.

The decision was not the first time that the Pentagon has declined to make military reimbursements to Pakistan. Last year, it withheld $300 million. Pakistan has been reimbursed $550 million of the $900 million it was authorized to receive in fiscal year 2016.

Of the rest, $300 million had already been reprogrammed for other purposes, but had not been previously reported. Mattis' latest decision affects the remaining $50 million.

It is clear from this reporting that Pakistan remains a significant recipient of US aid, and it is evident from Pakistan actions that it continues firmly to implement American-driven policies. However, America is becoming desperate because of the deep threat to its occupation of Afghanistan, where it now controls less than half the country, being mostly limited to the major cities, as happened to the Soviets in the last years of their occupation of the country.

The Afghan mujahideen are not within Pakistan’s control at this time. However, America thinks that Pakistan has the ability to create conflict within them by mobilising its own assets, for example the Haqqani network. Pakistan is not so confident that those such as Haqqani would accept to enter into conflict with the rest of the mujahideen and, furthermore, is not sure that this would make any difference to the Afghan jihad, which is being carried by ordinary Muslims throughout Afghanistan and not just centrally-organised groups. The American plan has been produced in desperation and Pakistan remains unconvinced that it will work.

Muslims must study such events to realise America’s fundamental weakness and inability to impose its authority upon the Ummah without the help of traitors within our agent ruling classes. The Ummah must rise up and take control of its own affairs, implement Islam and eject the disbelieving foreigner from our lands.

America Moves to Consolidate its Control over the Saudi regime

The American agent King Salman has taken yet further steps to consolidate control of the Saudi regime. According to the Washington Post:
“Saudi Arabia’s king has stripped the Interior Ministry of many of its key mandates, including counter-terrorism, and transferred those powers to a newly created body overseen by the monarch, the state agency reported Friday.

The development comes after King Salman last month appointed his son, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as crown prince, after ousting the previous second-in-line to the throne, Mohammed bin Nayef, who was also the interior minister.

The Saudi Press Agency said Salman ordered the creation of the Presidency of State Security to be under the command of the king, who also acts as prime minister.
The Interior Ministry will no longer be in charge of counter-terrorism, criminal investigation and the special forces, among other mandates — all of which have been transferred to the new body.

“Whatever concerns security of the state, including civil and military personnel, budgets, documents, and information will also be transferred to the new authority,” one of a series of royal decrees read.”

For those who have been following the Saudi regime closely over the decades, it is evident that this has remained the object of struggle between Britain and America. It was Britain that first introduced America into Saudi Arabia, in the aftermath of World War I and the destruction of the Ottoman Caliphate. Britain needed to extract America from its post-war isolation and also needed to bring America to the Muslim world to balance the Russian threat, now in the form of the Soviet Union. However, by the 1950s, Britain found America increasingly dominating the Muslim world at British expense, and even suffered public humiliation throughout the world on account of the Suez crisis. Therefore, in the 1960s, Britain succeeded in bringing King Faisal to the throne, overthrowing his brother through the use of the National Guard. Since then Saudi has changed between pro-American and pro-British kings, with power divided between the Defence Ministry and the Interior Ministry (which controls the National Guard). Now finally, however, with British influence in the Muslim world almost at an end, the Americans have managed to eliminate the threat of the Interior Ministry as an alternate power centre to the Defence Ministry. This is after already fully consolidating authority in the hands of King Salman and his family.

The weakness of the Americans is close at hand just as the weakness of the British before them. But if Muslims do not realise this weakness, then they will continue to labour under American instructions for a long time, just as they laboured under British control many decades after Britain’s fall from superpower status. It is time for us to place our trust in Allah (swt) Alone, to fear Him only, and to prefer martyrdom to bowing to the disbelieving foreigner. Nothing prevents us from re-establishing the righteous Islamic Khilafah State upon the method of the Prophet (saw), except lack of confidence in our Deen and in ourselves.

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