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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Pakistan Headline News 03/11/2017


Power is a Public Property and Its Privatization is Haraam

US-India Nexus Proves the Enmity of Kuffar against Islam

The Americans are the Hidden Hands Behind Democracy and Dictatorship in Pakistan


Power is a Public Property and Its Privatization is Haraam

According to Dawn News dated 25th October 2017, after resisting for more than two years, the government power institution, NEPRA, approved Rs 1.52 per unit average increase in the base tariff for all consumers. Since the creation of Pakistan, the rulers have followed the Western Capitalist economic model instead of Islamic economic system, due to which we see that energy resources are being privatized under government supervision, in order to benefit few Capitalist industrialists. Democracy acts as the platform for these elites in order to manipulate laws to further to their interests. Independent Power Producers create crises to pressurize their terms and dictation for tariff rates, which eventually results in more financial burden upon the common consumer in order to get benefit from a basic utility. Moreover, the IMF and World Bank constantly demand implementation of increased tariffs to encourage privatization, which is a colonialist plan to ensure that Pakistan never develops to its full potential.

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: «المسلمون شرکاء فی ثلاث الماء والکلاء والنار»Muslims are partners in three things: water, pastures and fire (energy)” [Abu Dawood.] Hizb ut Tahrir adopted in its Introduction to the Constitution, “Article 140Every individual from the individuals of the community (ummah) has the right to derive benefit from public ownership. The State has no right to allow any particular individual to possess, own or utilise publicly owned properties to the exclusion of other citizens.” So in the Khilafah state (Caliphate), as energy resources are public property, the government is responsible for producing and distributing the energy resources in the best possible way, so that the Ummah gets benefit from it. And it is Haram for the state to privatize the public property.

US-India Nexus Proves the Enmity of Kuffar against Islam

On 27th October 2017, Pakistan’s Foreign Office Spokesman opposed the supply of armed drones by the US to India. These remarks by the Foreign Office spokesman came days after a senior Trump administration official said that the US was "considering" India's request for armed drones for its air force's modernization drive. Earlier this year, the Indian Air Force (IAF) had requested the US Government for General Atomics Predator C Avenger aircraft. It is understood that IAF would need 80 to 100 units making it approximately a whopping $8 billion deal. The US already announced in June that it would sell 22 unarmed Guardian drones to India, which would add to the Indian Navy's surveillance capabilities in the Indian Ocean region. All these and other actions taken by US and other powers yet again prove that all arms control initiatives like NPT, NSG and MTCR, are just to keep the hegemony of the existing powers and there is no intent to actually make this world a safer place to live.

The coziness in the relations between US and India stems from the enmity and hatred that these Kuffar have against Muslims and Islam. The US senses an awakening in the Muslims and considers Muslims to be a potent rival for US in world politics. The growing acceptance in Muslims of Islam being the political solution to their problems is forcing US to make deals and alliances with the states who have proven track record against Muslims. This should be an eye opener for all those who advocate alliance with US and same applies to other Kaffir powers like Russia and China. We should learn from serving US interests for decades in this region and being humiliated by such deals in return. Allah (swt) says in the Quran:

[إِنَّ الْكَافِرِينَ كَانُواْ لَكُمْ عَدُوّاً مُّبِيناً]

"For the Unbelievers are unto you open enemies.” [Surah An-Nisa: 104]

We the Muslims of Pakistan don't need to worry about US supplying drones to India as we have the required capability to build our own technology and our Nuclear Assets and Missile technology are an indication of that. All we need is a sincere leadership with the correct political will that shall harness our own capability to make Muslims a formidable force. Such a leadership can only emerge through the establishment of the Khilafah on the method of Rasulullah (saaw). We must increase our efforts and join the struggle to bring the Khilafah back. Khilafah shall unite the Muslims under the banner of Islam and behind the shield of Khaleefah as that is the only way for the Muslims to safeguard against this assault form the Kuffar. RasulAllah (saaw) «إنما الإمام جنة يقاتل من ورائه ويتقى به» “Indeed the Imam is a shield, from whose behind (one) would fight, and by whom one would protect oneself.”

The Americans are the Hidden Hands Behind Democracy and Dictatorship in Pakistan

Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal suggested on 30 October that some "hidden hands" are attempting to sabotage the democratic process in the country but that the nation would break the cycle [of political instability] "this time." In a post made on his Facebook page, Iqbal began by listing decades in Pakistan's history that were alternately marked by either democracy or military rule. "Our history: '50s Democracy, '60s Martial Law, '70s Democracy, '80s Martial Law, '90s Democracy, '00s Martial Law, '10s Democracy, [20] '20s ???" he wrote. The minister said that Pakistan's history has fluctuated between democracy and martial laws, adding that it has become a pattern. "Some hidden hands and inertia of history are trying to drift the democratic process into [the] same old design," he wrote in his post. He then expressed hope that "the cycle will break this time" as the country, "except a troika of failed politicians, disgruntled media anchors, and a few retired servicemen", is committed to securing the democratic process.

As usual the advocate of Democracy has failed to grasp the actual situation because he blinds himself through misguidance, rather than viewing the situation from the prism of Islam. In fact, the hidden hands that the Muslims need to be concerned about are those in Washington, that use both Democracy and Dictatorship to fulfill their interests. In foreign policy, US objectives have come first over Pakistan’s interests. America’s policy towards Afghanistan has gone through four stages; firstly overwhelming support for the Mujahideen during Soviet occupation, then weak support of the Mujahideen and Taliban regime, then outright war against the Afghan people and now attempts to save the sinking US presence through negotiations. And Pakistan’s foreign policy has mirrored America’s policy, for which Pakistan has been used as the practical implementers on the ground. Similarly, America’s support of the Kashmiri struggle was backed by Pakistan’s leaders and the call for Jihad, so long as India was ruled by the Congress Party and remained outside of America’s influence. However, with the intensifying of the BJP government’s relationship with America, Pakistan’s leadership has reversed its policy in accordance with America’s new position regarding India. The Afghanistan and Kashmir policies of Pakistan’s democratic governments followed the American foreign policy in the same manner as during periods of dictatorship. Neither the changes of democracy nor the changes of dictatorship were responsible for the U-turn in Pakistan’s foreign policy, which was only transformed to comply with US hegemony.

In reality democracy and dictatorship are simply tools of American imperialism. Islam has unconditionally rejected both democracy and dictatorship. In both, the law is from the minds of men and is liable to manipulation by vested interests. Allah is Al-Hakim and has restricted legislation to Himself alone and rejects for any dictator or democratic assembly to make the Halal, Haram and the Haram, Halal. Bayhaqi reported that Adiyy ibn Hatim, said: “I came to the Prophet wearing a cross of gold in my neck. And I heard him read from Surah Baraa’ah, [اتَّخَذُوا أَحْبَارَهُمْ وَرُهْبَانَهُمْ أَرْبَابًا مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ] They took the rabbis and monks as lords beside Allah” [Surah At-Tawba 9:31]. I said, “O RasulAllah, they do not worship them”. He said:

«أجل ولكن يحلون لهم ما حرم الله فيستحلونه ويحرمون عليهم ما أحل الله فيحرمونه فتلك عبادتهم لهم» “Yes, but they made Halal for them what Allah forbade and they took it as Halal and they made Haram for them what Allah made Halal and they took it as Haraam and that is how they worshiped them.”

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