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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Headline News 25/11/2017


  • US Consolidating Direct Control over Syria

  • Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman Intensifies Stance against Iran

  • Zimbabwe Demonstrates the Colonial Political Model at Work


US Consolidating Direct Control over Syria

After using multiple other forces and countries to fight the war in Syria, the US is now pushing them out of the way so that it can itself resume direct control over Syria. In recent weeks, America has been calling for Iran to withdraw its forces from Syria (and Iraq) and has put pressure on Hezbullah in Lebanon through the forced ‘resignation’ of Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, instigated by the Saudi’s. Now, according to The Washington Post:

The Trump administration is preparing to stop supplying weapons to ethnic Kurdish fighters in Syria, the White House acknowledged Friday, a move reflecting renewed focus on furthering a political settlement to the civil war there and countering Iranian influence now that the Islamic State caliphate is largely vanquished.

Word of the policy change long sought by neighboring Turkey came Friday, not from Washington but from Ankara. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters at a news conference that President Trump had pledged to stop arming the fighters, known as the YPG, during a phone call between Trump and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

“Mr. Trump clearly stated that he had given clear instructions, and that the YPG won’t be given arms and that this nonsense should have ended a long time ago,” the Associated Press quoted Cavusoglu as saying to reporters following the call.

Initially, the administration’s national security team appeared surprised by the Turks’ announcement and uncertain what to say about it. The State Department referred questions to the White House, and hours passed with no confirmation from the National Security Council.

In late afternoon, the White House confirmed the weapons cutoff would happen, though it provided no details on timing.

In fact America is preparing for its own direct military presence in Syria. According to Reuters:

The Pentagon is likely to announce in the coming days that there are about 2,000 U.S. troops in Syria, two U.S. officials said on Friday, as the military acknowledges that an accounting system for troops has under-reported the size of forces on the ground.

The U.S. military had earlier publicly said it had around 500 troops in Syria, mostly supporting the Syrian Democratic Forces group of Kurdish and Arab militias fighting Islamic State in the north of the country.

When will American agents come to realise that America treats them as disposable paper cups, to use, to drink from, and then to crush and throw away in the rubbish bin.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman Intensifies Stance against Iran

The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia is fully engaged in implementing the American plan for the region, in particular carrying out the objective of pushing back on Iran. Earlier this week, he compared Iran to Hitler in Europe, and on Sunday he is due to host the formal launch of a new coalition of Muslim countries that excludes Iran, Iraq and Syria. As the Dawn newspaper editorialised:

Fighting terrorism is a noble goal and indeed — especially where the Muslim world is concerned — an existential need. As Friday’s horrific tragedy in Egypt has shown, the militant bands that roam the Middle East and its peripheral regions are still very much capable of mass slaughter. While the militant Islamic State group and other such concerns may be on the verge of defeat in Syria and Iraq, elsewhere branches of the terror outfit, such as in Sinai and other regions, pose a considerable challenge. Hence, a viable counterterrorism coalition of Muslim states that can share resources, funds and expertise can do much to cleanse the region of such killers. Yet the problem with the Saudi-led coalition is that rather than being an inclusive anti-terrorism alliance, it smacks of partisanship. Proof of this lies in the fact that while the IMCTC claims to have 41 Muslim states in its ranks, this list does not include Iran, Iraq and Syria. It is baffling why such major Muslim states have been left out unless, of course, this has been done deliberately on sectarian grounds.

In fact, it is America itself that funds terrorism and then it is America that provides the solutions that suits its interests. With American military forces overstretched with multiple engagements in the Muslim world, America has decided to delegate military tasks to its agent governments, under the control of the Saudi regime. America is most comfortable with Saudis, particularly after the further consolidation of control under Salman and his son with the purging and side-lining of dozens of members of the royal family.

Zimbabwe Demonstrates the Colonial Political Model at Work

Former Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa has now taken control of Zimbabwe after ousting President Robert Mugabe. According to Reuters:

New President Emmerson Mnangagwa laid out a grand vision on Friday to revitalise Zimbabwe’s ravaged economy and vowed to rule on behalf of all the country’s citizens.

Sworn in days after the overthrow of Robert Mugabe, the 75-year-old former security chief promised to guarantee the rights of foreign investors and to re-engage with the West, and said elections would go ahead next year as scheduled.

In a 30-minute speech to tens of thousands of supporters in Harare’s national stadium, Mnangagwa extended an olive branch to opponents, apparently aiming to bridge the ethnic and political divides exploited by his predecessor during his 37 years in charge.

“I intend, nay, am required, to serve our country as the president of all citizens, regardless of color, creed, religion, tribe or political affiliation,” he said, in a speech that also hailed the voice of the people as the “voice of god”.

Despite talk of a revolutionary change, the reality in Zimbabwe is that the same regime continues but with a change of face. Mnangagwa was part of the regime for decades and, as head of internal security under Mugabe, responsible for some of his regime’s worst brutality in the so-called Gukurahundi massacres in Matebeleland in 1983.

The reality of countries like Zimbabwe, as for Muslim countries also, is that they continue to be effectively under colonial control, because of the West’s support for local elite loyal to Western interests. Individual rulers may come and go, but the Western-backed elite structure remains.

With Allah’s permission, the world shall soon be rid of the evil of Western imperialism with the re-establishment of the righteous Islamic Khilafah State (Caliphate) on the method of the Prophet (saw) that will return the world to peace and harmony and end the exploitation of man by man.

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