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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Pakistan Headline News 26/01/2018


Pakistan's Rulers Answer Modi's Prayers, Whilst Slamming India-Jewish Entity Nexus

The US Increases Bombing, Whilst Pakistan's Rulers Issue False Fatwas to Compel Afghan Taliban for Talks

The Capitalist Economic System will Never Secure Prosperity for Pakistan

Only the Khilafah Will Save the Ummah from the Colonialists' Economic Trap


Pakistan's Rulers Answer Modi's Prayers, Whilst Slamming India-Jewish Entity Nexus

In an interview with Reuters on 22 January 2017, Pakistan's Prime Minister confirmed that they will curb the activities of pro-Kashmir Jihad leader Hafiz Saeed, stating, “Yes, the government will take over the charities which are sanctioned and not allowed to operate.” Thus the rulers answer the prayers of Modi, whose cowardly troops have faced unrelenting resistance from Occupied Kashmir. Pakistan's rulers did so even whilst maintaining the rhetoric of the Foreign Minister, Khawaja Asif, who lamented on 17 January that India and the Jewish entity have anti-Islam nexus. In an interview with a private channel, he said India has occupied the territory of Kashmir, while the Jewish entity is occupying a vast area of Palestine.

Whilst spouting fiery rhetoric to deceive Muslims, practically Pakistan's rulers are obeying the US order for “restraint” before ever increasing Indian hostility. They are encouraging India in its hostility and Modi thanks Pakistan's rulers for their restraint by strengthening ties with others that are hostile to Muslims. Addressing the inaugural session of the 'Raisina Dialogue' in New Delhi on 16 January 2018, the Jewish entity's ruler Netanyahu stated, “Most notably the quest for  modernity, the quest for innovation is being challenged by radical Islam and its terrorist offshoots from a variety of corners and this can upset the international system... One of the ways to overcome such a challenge is to strengthen the relation between our two great democracies.”

There is no hope in the current rulers of Pakistan who are tasked by their American masters to make way for the rise of our enemies. They must be uprooted and replaced by a sincere leadership ruling by Islam. The Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Method of Prophethood will indeed upset the current corrupt and unjust international system. It will tear up the Sykes-Picot divisions of Muslim lands, unifying Muslim lands from Morocco to Indonesia under a single Khaleefah Rashid. It will gather the Muslim armed forces under one leadership, mobilizing them for the decisive liberation of the Muslim Lands from the hands of the Jewish and Hindu occupation forces. As reported by Thawban, RasulAllah (saaw) said,

«عِصابتان من أُمّتي أَحْرَزَهُما اللّـهُ من النار: عِصابةٌ تغزو الهندَ، وعِصابةٌ تكون مع عيسى ابن مريم عليهما السلام»

“Two groups of my Ummah Allah has protected from the Hellfire: a group that will conquer India and a group that will be with 'Isa ibnu Maryam.” [Ahmad and An-Nisa'i]

The US Increases Bombing, Whilst Pakistan's Rulers Issue False Fatwas to Compel Afghan Taliban for Talks

“We call on Pakistan to immediately arrest or expel the Taliban’s leaders and prevent the group from using Pakistani territory to support its operations,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said on 22 January 2018. The US is desperate to compel Afghan Taliban for talks in order to secure a permanent US presence. In a Washington Post article of 16 January 2018, it stated, "for the first time in 16 years, the cold has not slowed the war in the air. U.S. and Afghan forces conducted 455 airstrikes in December, an average of 15 a day, compared with just 65 the year before. Even in December 2012, when there were nearly 100,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan, barely 200 strikes took place. All told, 2,000 airstrikes were carried out between August and December of last year, nearly as many as in all of 2015 and 2016 combined." In addition to increasing bombing, the US has mobilized Pakistan's rulers to extract a Fatwa from the Ulema to compel Afghan Taliban to end their resistance of US occupation. So, on 16 January 2018 special function was held at the presidency to inaugurate a Fatwa named as “Phaigam-e-Pakistan” prepared by 1829 Ulema of various schools of thoughts, as a new government initiative to rescue the US from its predicament.

To appreciate the ridiculous stance of the regime regarding the US war, one needs only see how the regime presented its points, as if the Muslims of Pakistan did not even know basic rulings of Islam. Do the Muslims of Pakistan not know that attacking and killing an innocent is forbidden (Haram)? Do the Muslims not know how important it is to observe respect and affection to Messengers of Allah, companions of Muhammad (saaw), wives of Messenger of Allah (saaw) and the Household of Messenger of Allah (saaw)? Do they not reject sectarianism and declaring each other as Kafir? Do they not know that Islam allowed non-Muslims to remain on their religion and that their lives and wealth are under protection? Indeed, Muslims of Pakistan know all these matters well. However, the problem for the regime and its masters is that Muslims also know that when Kafireen attack a Muslim Land and occupy it than fighting against them becomes an obligation, whether it happens in Kashmir, Palestine or Afghanistan. Thus, not only do Pakistan's rulers neglect the duty of Jihad, by mobilizing our armed forces, they seek to suppress those individuals and groups who do fight the occupying forces. Indeed, Pakistan's rulers ally with those who fight us because they hate our Deen even though Allah (swt) said,

[إِنَّمَا يَنْهَاكُمْ اللَّهُ عَنْ الَّذِينَ قَاتَلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَأَخْرَجُوكُمْ مِنْ دِيَارِكُمْ وَظَاهَرُوا عَلَى إِخْرَاجِكُمْ أَنْ تَوَلَّوْهُمْ وَمَنْ يَتَوَلَّهُمْ فَأُوْلَئِكَ هُمْ الظَّالِمُونَ]

“Allah forbids your alliance with those who fight you because of your Deen, and drive you from your homelands, or aid others to do so: and as for those who turn to them in alliance, they are truly oppressors.” [Surah al-Mumtahina 60:9]

The Capitalist Economic System will Never Secure Prosperity for Pakistan

The Dawn reported on 23rd January 2018 that the recently published report of Oxfam International, the international confederation of charitable organizations focused on alleviation of global poverty, highlighted following facts regarding global wealth inequality: during last year, 82% of the new created global wealth went to top 1% richest people, during last year, poorest 50% of global population received 0% of the new created global wealth, over the last decade, worker income rose by 2%, whereas billionaires’ wealth rose 13% a year. Around 56% of the global population lives on between $2 and $10 a day.

The global trend reflects that which is found in Pakistan. According to a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report, the problem of twenty-two families controlling 66% of Pakistan’s industrial assets, as identified by Dr Mahbubul Haq in 1968, remains relevant today. There is rising inequality in a country where the richest 20% consume seven times more than the poorest 20%. Furthermore, the report claims that Pakistan’s Multidimensional Poverty Index reveals that disparity in poverty level in rural Pakistan is six times that of the population in major cities.

The contemporary capitalist scholars are trying their best to engineer solutions within capitalist framework that can mitigate inequality. However, this would be nothing more than curing the disease by the disease itself. The Capitalist economic system, by it very design, is the fundamental root cause of wealth inequality. Any measures like limiting the profits of rich shareholders, preventing tax avoidance, spending more on public welfare like education, health and so on will not solve this problem. The core ideas of capitalism about taxing income and spending, leaving distribution only to market forces and not differentiating between human necessities and human luxuries, are the cause of this corruption.

Islam does not leave the complex problem of achieving equilibrium of distribution of wealth to the human mind, which is prone to bias and error. Instead, Islam gives the details of a complete economic system which achieves circulation of wealth, such that this problem of inequality does not occur at all. Allah (swt) says,

[كَيْ لَا يَكُونَ دُولَةً بَيْنَ الْأَغْنِيَاء مِنكُمْ]

“Lest it circulates solely among the wealthy from amongst you.” [Al-Hashr:7]. Islam stipulates a host of Shari’ah rules that ensure that the wealth is circulated among all people with no exception. These laws cover the standard for currency, prohibition of interest, company structuring contracts, types of ownership including public property, forms of revenue generation and so on. Islam uniquely redresses the inequalities found in the corrupted society. It ensures the basic needs of each individual is fully satisfied and also each individual is enabled to acquire as much of the luxuries as he can.

Only the Khilafah Will Save the Ummah from the Colonialists' Economic Trap

The Dawn Newspaper reported on 24 January 2018 that the Senate Standing Committee on Finance was informed that Pakistan would address its current account deficit through loans and the floating of bonds. The country needs $3 billion by the end of June this year — mainly for debt retirement and some other components, leading to rising current account deficit. The government aims to raise $3bn through floating of bonds and papers in international markets, whilst loans are likely to be obtained from World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.

The issue is not current account deficit alone, but its causes. In the absence of  significant local industry, there is a continuous increase in imports of consumer goods as well as agricultural and industrial inputs, substantial profit repatriation of foreign companies, ever increasing debt servicing of foreign loans and the depreciation of the Pakistani Rupee.  This is in addition to money laundering by senior government officials of their gains through corruption and capital flight aboard due to local political and economic crises. As reported in a study by Morgan Trustee Bank in the United States between 60% of the total loans obtained by Third World  countries have found their way back to the countries of the First  World in the form of  secret  accounts  for  senior  officials  or  in  the  names  of  their relatives. So rather than implementing Islam's economic system, the regime is taking on more loans, with conditions from the colonialists to further weaken the economy.

Through implementing the Shariah rules, the Khilafah will strengthen Pakistan's economy.   From the first day of the return of the Khilafah, the Islamic State will strive to become the leading state, unmatched by any rival, as it was before. Regarding industry, it will have a military focus, which will lead to the rapid development of a heavy industrial base. In its Introduction to the Constitution, Hizb ut Tahrir has adopted Article 74, “The Department of Industry is in charge of all the affairs connected to industry, whether heavy industry such as the manufacturing of engines, machines, vehicles, materials and electrical equipment, or light industry. Similarly, whether the factories are of the public property type or they are included in the private property and have a relationship to the military industry. All types of factories must be established upon the basis of military policy… it is a duty upon the State to manufacture weapons by itself and it is not allowed to depend upon other states, because this allows other states to control it, its will, its weapons and its fighting... This can’t be achieved unless the State possesses heavy industry and started to build factories which produce heavy industry, both military and non-military alike.”

Regarding the nationalization and privatization dilemma, Islam as the world’s true revealed Deen has solved this problem from its root. Public resources such as abundant minerals, fuel resources and energy forms such as electricity are publicly owned. Their revenue and utilization is for the entire public and the State ensures this matter. Factories that manage public resources are also considered public property. Such factories will neither be state or private. This would include coal, gold, copper and bauxite extraction plants, gas refineries and electricity production plants and distribution networks. Such public resource related factories can never be privatized or nationalized, so private industry would benefit from cheap raw materials and energy. In its Introduction to the Constitution, Hizb ut Tahrir has adopted in Article 138, “Factories by their nature are private property. However, they follow the rule of the product that they are producing. If the product is private property then the factory is considered to be private property, such as textile factories. If the product is public property then the factory is considered public property, such as factories for iron ore production.” And in Article 139, it is stated “The State is not permitted to transfer private property into public property, since public property is confirmed by the nature and characteristic of wealth and not by the opinion of the State. Based upon this, what is called nationalisation is not from the Shari’ah in any shape or form.” And in Article 140, it is written “Every individual from the Ummah has the right to utilise anything from public property, and it is not allowed for the State to permit someone to individually possess or utilise it.”

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