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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Headline News 19/10/2018


• Saudi Arabia’s Barbaric, Blood-Soaked Tyrant MBS is no Crown Prince Charming - it’s Time President Trump held his Medieval Mate’s Feet to the Fire

• Pakistan May not Approach IMF: PM Imran Khan

• Show Loyalty by Eating Pork, Beijing tells Uighur Muslims


Saudi Arabia’s Barbaric, Blood-Soaked Tyrant MBS is no Crown Prince Charming - It’s Time President Trump held his Medieval Mate’s Feet to the Fire

What’s the worst way to possibly die? It’s hard to imagine anything more sickening and barbaric than what is alleged to have happened to Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a columnist for the Washington Post. He was apparently lured to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, where he was confronted by a 15-man hit squad that had flown in from Riyadh to murder him. But not, it is claimed, quickly. He was dragged from the consul-general’s office to the table of a study next door.

There, for seven long, agonising minutes, Khashoggi was reportedly tortured and hacked to pieces with a bone-saw while he was still alive. He was decapitated and had his fingers cut off one by one. Then, the severed remains of his torso were put in 15 plastic bags and removed, to be later dissolved in acid. Khashoggi’s ‘horrendous’ screams of pain were so loud they were heard downstairs by a witness. The chief executioner was allegedly ‘Dr Death’ Salah Muhammad al-Tubaigy, ‘head of forensic evidence’ for the Saudi general security department. His official title is President of the Saudi Fellowship of Forensic Pathology and he’s a man who enjoys his work. As Tubaigy began to dismember Khashoggi’s body, he apparently put on earphones and listened to music, advising other members of the squad to do the same. A 15-man team of highly trained men including royal House of Saud bodyguards and intelligence officers weren’t sent from Saudi Arabia to Turkey to have a ‘little chat’ with Khashoggi. They were sent to silence him – permanently. And to do it in such a despicable and depraved manner that it would deter others from following his path.

Khashoggi’s death, if it hadn’t blown into a global scandal, would have been just another minor piece of murderous messy business for MBS, a man who has displayed an astonishingly ruthless capacity for callous acts of barbarism. After all, it is he who has presided over the on-going and appalling Saudi-led war crimes in Yemen, costing more than 16,000 civilian deaths and widespread famine. It is he who has allowed the extremist Wahhabi doctrine of Islam to gather steam, the one that drives ISIS and other Islamist terror groups.

It is he, according to yesterday’s The New Yorker, who sent a bullet in an envelope to persuade a land-registry official to help him seize some land. And it is he who rounded up, imprisoned (in a five star hotel) and in some cases tortured over 500 other members of the Saudi royal family to blackmail them into paying multi-billion-dollar ransoms for their release. Yet he’s somehow managed to draw a veil over all this murder and mayhem and con the smartest brains in the west into thinking he’s some kind of softer, gentler, reforming genius. In fact, MBS is a duplicitous, dangerous hardline fraud – the kind of man who publicly pushed for women to drive whilst privately overseeing the arrest of women’s rights activists. [Source: Daily Mail]

For decades the Saudi regime has perpetrated despicable crimes against the ummah and her sons and daughters, while all the time professing to be the vanguard of Islam and proclaiming good deeds. Allah (swt) says (بَشِّرِ الْمُنَافِقِينَ بِأَنَّ لَهُمْ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا) “To the Hypocrites give the glad tidings that there is for them (but) a grievous penalty” [TMQ: Al Nisa: 138]

Pakistan May not Approach IMF: PM Imran Khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday said that Pakistan may not have to approach the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for loans. Talking to a delegation of the Council of Newspapers Editors (CPNE), All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS) and Pakistan Broadcasters Association (PBA) at the Prime Minister's Office, the premier reminded that the government is consulting some friendly countries and urged them for cooperation. “Their response is positive. I am quite hopeful that we will not have to approach the IMF for our economic needs,” he said. Imran Khan contented that the government wants to lessen the problems of common man. He said special emphasis is being laid on education, health and social sector. He said the government is in contact with friendly countries to overcome the economic problems. He said the government fully believes in freedom of expression and also welcomes constructive criticism. However, he said, the media should demonstrate responsibility. The prime minister announced withdrawal of five percent duty on news print.

He said the government will support the media industry and solve its problems. He conceded that the media was also facing problems due to economic problems in the country. Imran Khan said that economy of the country has been badly ruined. He said institutions have been destroyed. He said the previous governments had borrowed so much that it had become hard to repay the loans.“Had the former government not received loans or the amount so received was utilised properly, the economy of the country would have been in a good shape,” he said. The premier said the people’s funds were misused under the previous governments. He said millions and millions of rupees were consumed from the government exchequer. He said the people’s funds were used illegally. He revealed that authorities had unearthed 128 such bank accounts where billions of rupees transaction was done, but the accounts belonged to vendors, students and rickshaw drivers and deceased people. Meanwhile, Finance Minister Asad Umar said while talking to a private new channel that a team of the IMF is arriving in Pakistan on November 7. The minister said the PTI had said before the elections that it will explore all the options. He said the government don’t want to fully rely on the IMF and would do anything to bring improvement in the economy. He said the loan programme with the IMF is almost final, but the government will have to see that the IMF doesn’t place any undoable conditions for Pakistan in return. He said the government is also exploring other options to avoid problems if the IMF programme didn’t materialise. [Source: The News]

Who is to be believed here: the Prime Minister Khan or his finance minister who has openly confessed to engaging the IMF. Khan’s u-turns clearly underscore that he is bereft of a plan and has no clue what needs to be done!

Show Loyalty by Eating Pork, Beijing tells Uighur Muslims

China has demanded that the country’s Muslim Uighur minority turn its back on the Quran and eat pork. As part of its war on terror, the Communist Party has begun an anti-halal movement to stamp out what it believes are radical religious thoughts shared among the country’s 11 million Uighurs. Beijing is suspicious of all religions, perceiving them as a threat to party rule, but it is particularly anxious about Islam, which it blames for fuelling militant violence. The authorities in Xinjiang, in the far west of the country, are holding hundreds of thousands of Uighurs in detention camps and forcing them to undergo “deradicalisation” programmes. Prisoners are made to eat pork, recant their Islamic beliefs and sing songs that praise the Chinese regime.This is believed to come as part of the Chinese government efforts to stop Islam from “penetrating secular life” and increasing "extremism". The news has been finding massive reactions from human rights activists and Muslims all over the world who expressed their condemnation and denounced the Chinese authorities attempts to ethnically cleanse the Xinjiang Muslims. Lately, China has been set to face heavy criticism from the international community as more reports had emerged on the mass-detentions faced by the Uyghurs in China. Meanwhile, the Chinese government is still denying reports that accuse it of systematically targeting the beliefs of Muslims in Xinjiang. [Source: The Times, Al Bawaba]

The Chinese government is fighting a losing battle against the Muslims despite the harsh intellectually bankrupt tactics. No matter how hard they try, Islam will prevail.

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