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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Headline News 09/02/2019


• Kushner’s Delayed Middle East Plan set to proceed

• Pakistan’s Imran Khan is Fully Complicit in Betraying the Afghan Jihad to the Americans

• West’s Economic Ills can’t be solved with Universal Basic Income


Kushner’s Delayed Middle East Plan set to proceed

According to AlJazeera:

Jared Kushner, US President Donald Trump's son-in-law and White House senior adviser, is expected to head to the Middle East later this month for an official visit to discuss a US proposal for peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
Kushner, 38, will be joined by US Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt, US envoy on Iran Brian Hook and other administration officials who have worked on the economic part of the plan, dubbed the "deal of the century".

The trip - which includes stops in Oman, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, is aimed at building support for the initiative which Kushner has been tasked with leading.

The plan revolves around a proposal that foresees major infrastructure and industrial work, particularly in the besieged Gaza Strip.

For the plan to succeed or even pass the starting gate, it will need at least initial buy-in from both Israel and the Palestinians as well as from the Gulf Arab states, which officials say will be asked to substantially bankroll the economic portion.

Officials said they believed that the Arab diplomats Kushner will meet will want to know elements of the political component before backing the economic plan.

"They're not going to support the economic plan without making sure they also support the political plan, and we recognise that. So the support, I'm sure in some manner, will be conditioned on whether they are comfortable with the political plan," one official was quoted as saying by the Reuters news agency.

Kushner’s plan was delayed because of the uproar over Saudi’s Mohammed bin Salman over the Khashoggi assassination, as Kushner has been very close to him. It seems that the American establishment used this to pressure Trump into ensuring that Kushner works within the government framework and ceases his former ‘freelance’ foreign policy style, hence his being accompanied by senior administration officials.

The basic concept of Kushner’s ‘deal of the century’ is to buy the sovereignty of the Blessed Land - Palestine land in exchange for meagre economic benefits to its people that are only in some measure appealing because of the oppression that they have been subjected to by the tyrannical Jewish entity’s occupation, which could not have existed for so long without resolute American backing together with the complicity of the agents that presently rule Muslim countries. The real solution to the issue of Palestine is the replacement of these agents with sincere and capable leadership, committed to the Muslim Ummah and its Deen, that will take back control of our affairs from the imperialist foreign disbeliever.

Pakistan’s Imran Khan is Fully Complicit in Betraying the Afghan Jihad to the Americans

According to Reuters:

Pakistan, long at odds with the United States over the war in Afghanistan, has begun to play a behind-the-scenes but central role in supporting U.S. peace talks with the Afghan Taliban, including by facilitating travel to negotiations, U.S. officials and Taliban sources told Reuters.

The Pakistani assistance, which has not been reported in such detail before, also includes exerting pressure on Taliban leaders who fail to cooperate, including by detaining members of the militants’ families, the insurgents say...

Taliban sources said Pakistan’s role in bringing the Taliban to the negotiating table was instrumental. In one instance, Islamabad sent a message to the militants through religious leaders that they had to talk to the United States or risk a cut-off in ties.

They detained Taliban members’ families as a way to pressure them, a Taliban leader told Reuters. “I haven’t seen Pakistan so serious before,” the senior Taliban leader said.

The Taliban leader, who declined to be identified, said Pakistan had kept “unprecedented pressure” on the militants and their close relatives over the past few months.

Despite much talk in favour of the Taliban when he was in opposition, Prime Minister Imran Khan is fully betraying them to the Americans at this time, in conjunction with Pakistan’s military establishment.

The Americans are struggling to retain control of even the portion of Afghanistan that they currently hold, and know that it is impossible for them to remain without the support of Taliban commanders. Imran Khan’s government has thus become a blessing for America, just as Musharraf’s government was for them during their invasion of Afghanistan. America could not have entered without Musharraf’s support and America cannot remain now without Imran Khan’s support. It is thus that our rulers betray us.

We pray that the sincere mujahideen in Afghanistan are able to resist these pressures and continue on the path of jihad which has strangulated the American superpower’s occupation, just as it did the Soviet occupation before that.

West’s Economic Ills can’t be solved with Universal Basic Income

The Capitalist economic system has in fact failed and what is implemented throughout the world is a combination of Capitalist and Socialist economic policy, despite the fact that Socialism/Communism has also proved to be a complete failure. The latest socialist inspired measure is the concept of a Universal Basic Income, a trial of which just concluded in Finland. According to the Guardian:

Europe’s first national government-backed experiment in giving citizens free cash failed to encourage its participants to work more as organisers had hoped – but it did improve their wellbeing.

Under Finland’s two-year basic income trial, which ended a month ago, a random sample of 2,000 unemployed people aged 25 to 58 were paid a monthly €560 (£475), with no requirement to seek or accept employment. Any recipients who took a job continued to receive the same amount.

Aimed mainly at seeing whether a guaranteed income might incentivise people to take up more low-paid or temporary work by removing their concerns about losing benefits, the scheme was strictly speaking not a universal basic income (UBI) trial since the payments were made to a restricted group and not enough to live on.

But the government had hoped it would shed light on major policy issues such as whether an unconditional payment might reduce anxiety among recipients, and allow authorities to simplify a complex social security system struggling to cope with a fast-moving and insecure labour market.

The Islamic economic system is radically different from both Capitalism and Socialism, promoting both robust production as well as equitable distribution without overwhelming the state with social payouts but instead through proper organisation of society’s economic and social relationships. In contrast, Western Capitalism destroys relationships because of its concept of freedom, and Socialism/Communism has no answer to this except to resort to state control.

The Khilafah State brought a millennium of unparalleled prosperity not only to Muslim lands but to the entire world because of its open policies. With Allah’s permission, the re-established Islamic Khilafah State (Caliphate) on the method of the Prophet (saw) shall do the same.

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