Tuesday, 28 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/01
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

NC President Erdoğan Holds Mustafa Kemal, Not Abdul Hamid, up as an Example on Palestine!


With the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the National Defense University (MSÜ) Diploma Receiving and Flag Handover Ceremony was held. Addressing the graduating lieutenants at the ceremony, Erdoğan made the following statements:

“How can we turn our backs on al-Quds, where our ancestors ruled in peace, tranquility, and prosperity for four centuries? How can we turn a blind eye to the land of Palestine, where Ghazi Mustafa Kemal fought to keep the enemy from invading it? Why was Ghazi in Benghazi, why did he go there, why did he fight? This was the step of this spirit with the love of homeland...” (Independent Turkish 30.08.2024)


As the war in Gaza drags on and the people of Gaza continue to resist patiently despite all kinds of oppression and impossibilities, not only the Jewish entity and the United States are in a difficult situation, but the true colors of the rulers of the Muslim lands are exposed. There is not a mask that has not dropped, not a betrayal that has not been exposed. All Muslims have witnessed to their bones that the leaders of the 57 member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation are not worth a single Khalifah (caliph).

The abuse and insincerity of President Erdoğan, who has been trying to legitimize the usurping entity by deceiving Muslims for decades, especially through the discourse of “Al-Quds is our red line”, has been exposed. Not a single heroic slogan can cover up the betrayal of Gaza anymore. Just as the Iranian regime, which said “Israel must be wiped off the map” and watched Gaza being wiped off the map under the pretext that they were not notified during the Aqsa Flood, has completely fallen from the grace of the Ummah, Erdoğan and his government, who still allow Azerbaijan's SOCAR company to provide oil to the Jewish entity through Türkiye, have completely fallen from the grace of the Ummah after their open betrayal in Gaza.

Both in Gaza and in Türkiye, there is a great anger against the rulers who handed over the sons of the Ummah to the Zionist murderers. The relationship between the rulers and the Ummah has reached the point that Rasulullah (saw) mentioned in his hadith:

«وَشِرَارُ أَئِمَّتِكُمْ الَّذِينَ تُبْغِضُونَهُمْ وَيُبْغِضُونَكُمْ وَتَلْعَنُونَهُمْ وَيَلْعَنُونَكُمْ»

“The most evil of your rulers are those who you have and you hate them, those whom you curse and they curse you...” (Muslim, Imara: 65, 66; Tirmidhi, Tafseer As-Surah: 49)

While specific to Türkiye, this cleavage and intellectual break between the Ummah and the rulers caused Erdoğan to lose the local elections by a large number of people not going to the polls, Erdoğan, after realizing that his empty discourses on Gaza did not work after the elections, started to look for new harbors for himself. The new trend for the ruling party is now to make Kemalism praises and to heroize Mustafa Kemal on every issue by turning the facts upside down at the expense of insulting the beliefs of the Muslim people, as the Kemalists have done.

So much so that the head of Religious Affairs himself prays in the house of Allah for Mustafa Kemal, who is known to be an atheist and who abolished the Islamic Sharia. Muslims who say that Mustafa Kemal cannot be prayed to without any insult are arrested and thrown into prisons. The government's lame politics of bowing to the Kemalist side has reached such a point that after the graduation ceremony of the Turkish Military Academy attended by Erdoğan, a group of lieutenants clashed their swords and recited the form of oath with the slogan “We are the soldiers of Mustafa Kemal”, a slogan usually used by the pro-coup mindset to insult and threaten Muslim people.

The series of oddities and betrayals is not limited to these. Now Erdoğan is using the example of Mustafa Kemal, who withdrew from the Syria-Palestine front by giving 75,000 prisoners of war in order not to fight against the British, rather than Abdul Hamid, who protected Palestine at the cost of his life, to liberate it from occupation and massacre. In fact, he knows very well that Palestine was handed over to the British by Mustafa Kemal. At the end of this surrender, the point where Mustafa Kemal withdrew in Syria was considered the borders of the Republic of Türkiye, as if an agreement had been made with the British. Shortly afterwards, the Ottoman Caliphate was sidelined, Lausanne was signed, the Caliphate was abolished and the Jews were given a state on the land of Palestine as promised by the British.

But despite this fact, Erdoğan does not refrain from infecting the Palestinian cause with Kemalism just to ingratiate himself with the Kemalists. However, the stance of the Muslims who have supported Erdogan so far on the Palestinian cause is like that of Sultan Abdul Hamid, who rejected the dirty money of the Zionists and preferred to die rather than giving an inch of land in Palestine to the Jews. However, Erdoğan will take his place in history as he deserves because he does not have that dignified stance. History will record Erdoğan as a leader who provided logistical support to genocidal murderers, who first conducted joint exercises with the US aircraft carrier that came to the region to protect “Israel” and then anchored it in the port of Izmir, who preferred being a soldier of Mustafa Kemal to being a soldier of Islam, who did not welcome the opportunity with the Aqsa Flood in terms of leading the Ummah, and thus took his place in the world of losers.

[فَأَذَاقَهُمُ اللَّهُ الْخِزْيَ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَلَعَذَابُ الْآخِرَةِ أَكْبَرُ لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ]

“So Allah made them taste humiliation in this worldly life, but far worse is the punishment of the Hereafter, if only they knew.” [Az-Zumar: 26]

Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Muhammed Emin Yıldırım

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