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HTI Conducts Iedul Adha Prayer, Calling For A Total Obedience To Allah SWT

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   HTI-Press. Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) hosted Eid al-Adha prayers in various cities across Indonesia which coincided with 10 Dzulhijah in accordance with the Islamic Calendar 1431 H Al Mekkah Al Mukkaramah. The Indonesian government set its own 10 Dzulhijah the next day, or Wednesday (17/11).

Nevertheless, since the sun began to rise the Muslims flocked to the location of the prayer. They brought their own prayer mats. Every city decided their own locations of the prayers. Some took place in open fields, in business centers, or in other centers. The event was attended by hundreds to thousands of Muslims.

 In Jakarta, more than 1,000 Muslims packed the courtyard of the Central Office of HTI. While in Bogor, a small city in southern part of Jakarta, more than 3,000 people crowded into a parking lot of a mall. The same events took place in Surabaya, Medan, Solo, Makassar, Bandung and other cities. HTI also held Idul Adha prayers at Merapi evacuation center at the Stadium of Maguwoharjo, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Takbir, tahlil, tahmid echoed in the courtyard of the HTI Central Office in Crown Palace Soepomo Street South Jakarta. More than a thousand Muslims males and females, old to young, even children came to join al-Iedul Adha prayers 1431 Hijri, on Tuesday (16/11) held by HTI Central Board in Jakarta.

At  around 07.00 PM, the Eid prayer began. Ustadz  Herman Al Baduwi acted as the Imam of the prayer. While Iedul Adha sermon was delivered by Ustadz Ahmad Junaidi At Thayyibi.

In his early sermons, the khatib highlighted the condition of Indonesia which has continuously been hit by the disasters while the rulers seemed indifference to the suffering of the people. When people need helps, the rulers and the people's representatives went abroad on businesses which were not urgent. "How long will this condition continue to happen?' asked the khatib.

Khatib warned the Muslims that Allah SWT and  His Messenger had shown us a complete solution to all these problems. The solution is a total unconditional obedience to Allah SWT and His Messenger.  The total obedience can only be realized perfectly with the application of total Sharia (kaffah) under the shade of the Khilafah "Caliphate".

 "The absence of a caliphate is what makes the Muslims weak and impotent against their enemies. This condition was described exactly by the Prophet PBUH:  like food on a tray surrounded by their enemies. The number is big, but they are like scum that swayed  by the waves, " the khatib said.

Khatib led Muslims to emulate the attitude of the Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail. They both have total obedience to God. Love of God placed the highest compared with the love of others.

The fact shows that many Muslims still love others than to love Allah SWT. As a result, they love worldly life more than the After life; to love their family more than to love preaching and fighting for their religion; to love wealth more than to love jihad in His way; to love power more than to fight for the glory of Islam, even to love their enemies of Islam more than to love the Muslims.

 This is the condition that leads the Muslims no longer occupy their position as the best ummah (khairu umma). In contrast, the Muslims actually follow the will of the kafir the occupiers of the muslim lands by running the secular-capitalistic system and by upholding the human rights and pluralism in a democratic frame. "Then we become despicable ummah who are collapsed in disgrace, poverty, and ignorance. Be we are the victims of their greed so as life is not worth anything, "said the khatib while mentioning the suffering of Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghans, Kashmiri, Patani, the Moro and others.

Khatib also highlighted the actions of the Muslim rulers who become the West imitators. On the midst of the hardship of Indonesian, the Indonesian rulers signed a comprehensive partnership with Obama while Allah forbids the Muslims to make the kuffar as friends / partners.

 At the end of  the sermon, the khatib  asked the Muslims to constantly strive to implement the Islamic Syariah by establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate", as a form of sincerity to worship Allah SWT, to bear all risks until we win  upon the will of Allah or we perish because of  that.

"Let us make the hajj and the moment of qurban as an inspiration and a motivation for all of us to always submit to Allah SWT and His Messenger, as well as to always make sacrifices in the struggle to apply a kaffah Islamic Sharia, under the shade of the institution of Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate" 'ala Minhaj an-Nubuwwah," said the khatib.

 Before the event started, the committee read a statement about the differences in the determination of Eid al-Adha 1431 H. They explained that difference should not have occurred when the Muslims refer to the pilgrimage as a directive of the event, especially the wukuf in Arafah.

HTI calls on Muslims in Indonesia in particular to draw lessons from this incident, that this is the condition if the ummah is not united. The Ummah will continue being broken into pieces in many ways, including that in the matters of ibadah. Therefore, this division must be stopped. The solution is that the Muslims must take this seriously, do anything with all the resources and efforts of each to fight for re-establishment of the Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate" as a unifier of the people.

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Headline news for  14-11-2010

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  • Kerry to Turkey: Make up with Israel to resume Mideast role
  • Tajikistan calls students home from Egypt in bid to prevent radicalization
  • Bush faults Pakistan
  •  Obama: US supports India as global power
  • China says G20 should monitor US Fed
  • Obama: America is not at war with Islam


News Details:


Kerry to Turkey: Make up with Israel to resume Mideast role
U.S. Sen. John Kerry said Turkey must take steps to improve frayed relations with Israel if it is to play a role in brokering regional peace. Kerry (D-Mass.), the chairman of the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee and a proxy for the Obama administration in the region, was touring Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and Israel this week.  "Turkey will have to decide and Israel will have to decide what is satisfactory," Kerry was quoted by the Financial Times as saying in Ankara. "Turkey can play a crucial role in helping the U.S. and others to reduce tensions in the Middle East." Turkey downgraded relations with Israel in the wake of the 2009 Gaza war, and particularly after Israel's deadly raid in May on a Turkish aid flotilla aiming to breach Israel's Gaza blockade. Turkey previously had brokered Israel-Syria exploratory peace talks, and now it is seeking a role in mediating nuclear talks between Iran and the West.

Tajikistan calls students home from Egypt in bid to prevent radicalization
Tajikistan has forcefully repatriated more than 100 students from Egypt in a bid to stop them being drawn into radical Islam. The students, who had been studying illegally at Cairo's Al-Azhar University, the world's highest seat of Islamic learning, were rounded up by Egyptian authorities on Monday at the request of the Tajik government. "On Monday ... Tajik Airlines returned about 134 young Tajiks to the country from Egypt, where they were studying," said a spokesman for the Tajik Ministry of Religious Affairs. Tajikistan is pushing for the return of almost all of the 1,000 Tajiks presently studying at Al Azhar, all but a handful of whom are there without government permission.

Bush faults Pakistan
Former US president George W. Bush has written in a new memoir that he became convinced Pakistan would not act against extremist militants and all but admitted he ordered drone strikes on its soil. In his book "Decision Points" published Tuesday, Bush said he had "complex" relations with Pakistan and its former military leader Pervez Musharraf, who pledged to support the United States after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Bush acknowledged that Pakistan "paid a high price for taking on extremists" and said its forces were successful for several years in targeting al Qaeda militants crossing the porous border with Afghanistan. But Bush said: "Some in the Pakistani intelligence service, the ISI, retained close ties to Taliban officials. Others wanted an insurance policy in case America abandoned Afghanistan and India tried to gain influence there," Bush wrote. Bush said he grew frustrated by late in his presidency. He recalled a meeting with US Special Forces returning from Afghanistan in which one troop pleaded with him, "We need permission to go kick some ass inside Pakistan." Bush said he could not reveal details of his decision but noted that the Predator, an unmanned predator drone, "was capable of conducting video surveillance and firing laser-guided bombs.""I authorized the intelligence community to turn up the pressure on the extremists. Many of the details of our actions remain classified. But soon after I gave the order, the press started reporting more Predator strikes," he wrote.

US supports India as global power: Obama
US President Barack Obama Monday said he sees India as USA's equal partner not just for mutual but global benefit and called for an end to barriers such as trade protectionism that can stifle this alliance."I stand before you today because I am convinced that the interests of the United States - and the interests we share with India - are best advanced in partnership, '"Obama told a joint sitting of Indian parliament.  "United States not only welcomes India as a global power. We fervently support it. The United States remains - and will continue to remain - one of the most open economies in the world. And by opening markets and reducing barriers to foreign investment, India can realize its full economic potential as well," he said. Obama, only the second US president to address the joint sitting of Indian parliament after Bill Clinton, also asked New Delhi to join Washington in ensuring global financial stability at G20 and give the current round of trade talks a major push forward.  While stating that their partnership can launch a second green revolution in India and open a large market of 1.17 billion people for US firms, he said the two countries can also work together to fight global hunger, poverty and disease.

China says G20 should monitor US Fed
China's state media has issued a new broadside at the US Federal Reserve's move to prime the US economy, suggesting the Group of 20 should monitor policy shifts by the US central bank. The Xinhua news agency said in a commentary the Fed was "risking the global recovery by following its own track for economic revival" by spending an extra $US600 billion ($A593.65 billion) buying Treasury bonds to stimulate the US economy. "There is an urgent need for the G20 ... to set up a new mechanism that effectively monitors the issuer of the international reserve currency, especially when it is not able to carry out responsible currency policies," Xinhua said. "It is necessary for the issuer of the international reserve currency to report to and communicate with the G20 group before it makes major policy shifts." The commentary was the latest in a barrage of criticism from Chinese officials and state-run media of US policies, especially the Fed's so-called "quantitative easing". China and other emerging economies worry that much of the new US money will flood their financial markets, with players seeking higher non-dollar returns. The Xinhua commentary also called for deeper reforms in global financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, and greater representation for developing countries - a position long held by Beijing.

Obama: America is not at war with Islam
US President Barack Obama assured Muslims that America is not at war with Islam. He was speaking in Jakarta on a visit to the world's largest Muslim nation. Mr. Obama said, "But we also know that relations between the United States and Muslim communities have frayed over many years. As president, I have made it a priority to begin to repair these relations." He said more work needed to be done to address "the issues that have caused tensions for many years" but appealed for unity to defeat "violent extremists". "I have made it clear that America is not, and never will be, at war with Islam," he said."Instead, all of us must work together to defeat al-Qaeda and its affiliates, who have no claim to be leaders of any religion - certainly not a great, world religion like Islam. But those who want to build must not cede ground to terrorists who seek to destroy. This is not a task for America alone."


  Press Release Sheikh Hasina is facilitating crusader US military's hold over the Muslim Army of Bangladesh

      The USA's Oregon Governor Theodore Kulongoski, accompanied by the Oregon National Guard State Partnership Program team is in Dhaka for a four-day visit with Bangladeshi political, civilian and military leaders. According to information available from US National Guard website,, the State Partnership Program, which started in 1993, is a program under each State National Guard's Combatant Commander. The value of the SPP is its ability to focus the attention of a small part of the Department of Defence - a State National Guard - with a single country or region in support of US Government policies. It is basically a part of US plans for establishing control over the militaries of various countries worldwide. The Oregon National Guard is dedicated to achieving this cause in Bangladesh. And Sheikh Hasina, the enemy of Islam and Muslims, agent of US-India-Britain is facilitating the crusader US military to consolidate its hold over the Muslim Army of Bangladesh. 

Furthermore, the US National Guard is a joint reserve component of the US Army and US Air Force; and its purpose is to participate in America's wars to serve her national interests. The US deployed 75,000 National Guard ground and air force members in ‘operation desert storm' against Iraq in 1991. And since 9/11 as part of the war against Islam which has now outlasted the 1st and 2nd World Wars, America has deployed thousands of National Guard forces in Iraq and Afghanistan who are on active duty killing Muslims. By welcoming these murderers, the government of Sheikh Hasina is doing no more than demonstrate her total disregard for the lives and honour of Muslims.

Hizb ut-Tahrir strongly condemns the visit of these murderers in our land. The party calls upon the Muslims not to allow Sheikh Hasina, the treacherous enemy of Islam and Muslims to destroy our Muslim Army by facilitating US-Indian control. The party also calls upon the Muslim Army of Bangladesh to disregard Sheikh Hasina's instructions and not shake hands with the murderers of our brothers and sisters. Furthermore, Hizb ut-Tahrir calls upon them to overthrow the Hasina government from power and give nusrah to the party to re-establish the Khilafah "Caliphate" which will free the Islamic Army from the domination of the disbelievers and polytheists.


Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir

Wilayah Bangladesh


15 Thousand Hizb ut-Tahrir Protesters Reject  Obama's Visit,  62 Million Fund  Collected For the Disaster Victims

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     Jakarta- around 15 thousand Hizb ut-Tahrir protesters joined in a protest in front of the State Palace in Jakarta, Sunday (11 /7). The protesters took a long march starting from the Presidential Palace to the front part of the US Embassy, a symbol of an imperialist country of the world. Along the way, they chanted 'Reject, Reject, Reject Obama, Rejects Obama Right Now'.

The committee of the event describes that the protest is a form of concern and solidarity with fellow Muslims around the world. Besides, it is also a form of solidarity to the fellow brothers and sisters affected by the disasters in the country.  Therefore, besides rejecting the arrival of Obama, this action is also intended to raise funds for the disaster victims.

HTI spokesman Ismail Yusanto opened the protest by saying that the action is one of the obligations of ‘enjoining good and forbid evil' or amar makruf nahi munkar. "This is a concern of this country as well as a form of love to this country, "he said.

The disaster, he said, should be a concern. But above all, Muslims should not forget the larger disaster which is the solid position of imperialism in Indonesia. He then asked the participants to donate funds for the disaster victims of the eruption of Merapi Volcano and the tsunami in Mentawai Island. Some big pouches were then distributed to fulfill with money. Until the end of the event, more than 62 million rupiah in cash was collected for the disaster victims.

The rejection of Obama's arrival in Indonesia and the fund-raising activities by Hizb ut-Tahrir are done in various cities across Indonesia. Besides, Hizb ut-Tahrir has also sent a task force of volunteers as a part of the team of Hizb ut-Tahrir Disaster Response to some disaster areas to help the brothers and sisters who are suffering. (MJ /

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Headline news for  07-11-2010

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  • France and UK plan unprecedented military cooperation
  • US renews Sudan economic sanctions
  • Iran: Russia 'sold' us to Americans
  • Pentagon Denies Report of Plan for US Military Teams in Yemen
  • NATO head seeks Russian cooperation in Afghanistan
  • Pakistan to go bankrupt if power sector not reformed, warns IMF

News Details:

France and UK plan unprecedented military cooperation
France and Britain signed treaties outlining unprecedented military cooperation Tuesday, including a joint rapid-deployment force and shared laboratories for maintaining and testing nuclear warheads.  The pacts, announced at a summit conference in London between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron, represents a new effort by Europe's two nuclear nations to set aside long-standing differences and pool resources to ensure that the need for drastic budget cutting does not jeopardize their standing in the military big leagues.  "This is a decision that is unprecedented and shows a level of trust and confidence between our two nations that is unequaled in history," Sarkozy said at a closing news conference.  Officials in Paris and London emphasized that the accords, which are scheduled to take effect immediately, will not require either nation to sacrifice its sovereignty. In particular, they said, Sarkozy and Cameron will still have some say over deployment of their countries' nuclear weapons.  "Britain and France are, and will always remain, sovereign nations able to deploy our armed forces independently and in our national interest when we choose to do so," Cameron said.

US renews Sudan economic sanctions
US president Barack Obama renewed US economic sanctions on Sudan for at least one year, keeping pressure on Khartoum to hold referendum on timetable. Obama said in a letter sent to members of Congress that the sanctions on Sudan were extended to long-standing economic sanctions, a notice required by law each year to keep them in place."Therefore, I have determined that it is necessary to continue the national emergency declared with respect to Sudan and maintain in force sanctions against Sudan to respond to this threat," the letter said to Congress. The sanction which was first imposed on Sudan's support for regional terrorism in 1997 has banned all trade and investment in Sudan. "The renewal of these tough sanctions comes at a time of great consequence for the people of Sudan and for the US-Sudan relationship," White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said later Monday."Sudan is on the US sanctions list as an alleged supporter of Islamic militant groups and over the situation in its war-torn western region of Darfur," Vietor noted in a statement.

Iran: Russia 'sold' us to Americans
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused Russia on Wednesday of "selling" Iran to its enemies, or the US, by canceling a deal to sell the Islamic Republic the S-300 missile defense system.  Russia canceled the deal almost two months ago, despite having previously said new sanctions on the Islamic Republic did not apply to the sale. "There are some who are under the influence of the devil, and believe that they have the ability to one-sidedly forgo a defense agreement," Ahmadinejad said in a speech aired by Iranian state television. "They think they can hurt the Iranian people this way." Russia submitted six weeks ago to pressure by the US and Western powers to cancel the deal, as the S-300 is considered extremely advanced and could allow Iran to effectively defend its nuclear facilities from attack. The Iran offended, threatened to sue over the violation of the pact, signed in 2005.

Pentagon Denies Report of Plan for US Military Teams in Yemen
A Pentagon spokesman on Monday denied a report in The Wall Street Journal newspaper that says the Obama administration is working on a plan to send U.S. military teams to Yemen to attack terrorist targets.  The newspaper report says the apparent attempt to bring down planes with mail bombs last week has added urgency to a review that could lead to expanded U.S. military operations in Yemen.  The report says there is "growing support" in the military and among civilian officials to allow Special Operations teams to work secretly in Yemen, under CIA command. According to Pentagon figures, U.S. aid to Yemen has increased sharply in recent years.  But former top U.S. Homeland Security and intelligence official Charles Allen says that in Yemen, results will be slow in coming. "We've known about this, we've worked this [terrorism in Yemen]," said Allen. "We've given aid and assistance in counterterrorism training to the government of Yemen and to its security forces and helped them develop Special Forces capabilities.  It's just going to be a long, hard push, though, to get the kind of results out of Yemen that we really need in order to make not only the Middle East, but also the rest of the Western world more secure."

NATO head seeks Russian cooperation in Afghanistan
NATO's chief will ask Russia on Wednesday to boost cooperation in Afghanistan, as the alliance gears up for a summit this month to which it has invited its former Cold War rival.Russian President Dmitry Medvedev plans to attend the November 19-20 summit in Lisbon, which will develop a new strategic plan for the 28-nation alliance, though he has said Russia needs more answers on its role in European security matters. NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen will hold talks with Medvedev on expanding supply routes to Afghanistan and providing Afghan soldiers with Russian helicopters and counter-narcotics training."Our goals are, after all, the same: never again to allow Afghanistan to become a haven for terrorists and to help the Afghan government to provide for its own security," Rasmussen told Russian news agency Interfax on Wednesday before talks with the Kremlin leader. NATO has stressed that cooperation does not mean Russian forces being deployed in Afghanistan. Moscow is still haunted by the defeat of Soviet forces who invaded Afghanistan in 1979 and quit in humiliation a decade later.

Pakistan to go bankrupt if power sector not reformed, warns IMF
International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned Pakistan of aid cut-off in case Islamabad does not come up with credible and irreversible plan to implement the power sector reforms. Adnan Mazarie, head of the mission, has asked the government to introduce the irreversible plan to implement power sector reforms otherwise no funding will be provided to Pakistan, a senior official who is privy to the talks with IMF on power sector reforms told our sources Tuesday. "The Fund has also warned that all IFIs including WB, ADB and even USAID will cease their credit lines and resultantly Pakistan will go into default." Since Pakistan has never looked serious in introducing the required power sector reforms the IMF has asked the top officials concerned to first show a credible plan to this effect, the official said. Under the power sector reforms, the government has now dissolved Pakistan Electric Power Company, which was set up in 1998 soon after Wapda was converted into eight power distribution companies. "Pepco will go into liquidation by April 2011," the official said.


Hizb ut-Tahrir Conducted Dozens of ‘Khilafah Rallies' and Demos Throughout the Country; Thousands Attend, 7 Activists Arrested The Purpose of Rallies Was to make the People and People of Power Realize that Real Change is Only Possible Through Khilafa

According to its announced campaign, Hizb ut-Tahrir conducted more than forty Khilafah "Caliphate" rallies on 5th of November in all major cities, including Peshawar, Islamabad, Lahore, Rahim Yar Khan, Multan and Karachi which were attended by thousands of people. Despite tight security enforced by the government, the brave shebab of Hizb ut-Tahrir conducted protests in Musjid-e-shuhada Lahore

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