Friday, 01 Rabi' al-thani 1446 | 2024/10/04
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The Only Sentence for the Blasphemy of the Prophet Muhammad (saaw) is Capital Punishment!!! Why the Crusader Pope is Unable to see the Mass Murder of Over a Million Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Persecutions in Guantanamo Bay?

The West, their agent rulers, NGO's and the crusader pope himself, all have mobilized to save Aasia Bibi who was convicted under the blasphemy law by a Pakistani court. How can the crusader Pope, shedding crocodile tears over the fate of Aasia Bibi, not see the mass murder of over a million Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan and the inhumane torture and persecution in Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghuraib?


Headline news for  25-11-2010

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  • Euro zone under threat from debt crisis, says EU
  • UK general: Cannot defeat al-Qaeda
  • US Offers To Lift Sanctions, Remove Sudan From Terrorism Blacklist On Condition
  • Bibi can take US into war with Iran
  • U.S., Uzbekistan agree to cooperate in security sector
  • India not to get UNSC seat soon: US


News Details:

Euro zone under threat from debt crisis, says EU
The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, has raised the stakes before showdown talks among finance ministers in Brussels overnight, warning the European Union could collapse unless the debt crisis that is gripping the region is resolved. With Ireland and Portugal both on the brink of a bailout, Mr Van Rompuy warned that there is a serious risk of contagion spreading across the entire continent. ''We're in a survival crisis,'' he said in a speech in Brussels. ''We all have to work together in order to survive with the euro zone, because if we don't survive with the euro zone we will not survive with the European Union.'' Advertisement: Story continues below Mr Van Rompuy's speech added to the pressure on the Irish government, which was continuing to resist international pressure to accept a bailout yesterday. Shares fell across Europe as pressure mounted on Ireland to accept an EU or International Monetary Fund bailout to stem contagion to other high-deficit euro zone countries. Portugal, which has seen its borrowing costs rocket along with Ireland's, warned that it too might need a rescue package.

UK general: Cannot defeat al-Qaeda
Britain's most senior officer has been quoted as saying that al-Qaeda can never be completely defeated. David Richards, chief of the defense staff, said on Sunday that outright victory is "unnecessary" as long as governments are able to contain the fighters. "First of all, you have to ask: 'Do we need to defeat it (al-Qaeda) in the sense of a clear cut victory?'" Richards told British newspaper the Sunday Telegraph. "I would argue that it is unnecessary and would never be achieved ... but can we contain it to the point that our lives and our children's lives are led securely? I think we can." His comments are the latest from western military leaders and politicians who have been paving the way for coalition forces to exit Afghanistan over the coming years, even though the Taliban remains a significant threat to security there. Barack Obama, the US president, and David Cameron, the British prime minister, hope to start bringing troops home next year. Richards underlined Britain's aim to end its combat role in Afghanistan by 2014-15 but did not estimate how much longer after that coalition troops would need to support Afghan security forces. Richards, who became head of Britain's armed forces last month, said the region should be stabilized before any withdrawal is completed. "We are equally clear that we have got to support the operation thereafter to make sure that our legacy is an enduring one," he said. British soldiers have been fighting in Afghanistan since 2001 as part of a US-led force.

US Offers To Lift Sanctions, Remove Sudan From Terrorism Blacklist On Condition
The United States has offered a number of incentives to Sudan if the leaders of the African country choose a path of peace and successfully conduct the proposed referendum. Addressing a UN Security Council meeting in New York on Tuesday, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said that it is ready to withdraw Sudan from the black list of state sponsors of terrorism if the Government fulfills the North-South Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), resolves the future of Abyei by holding the referendum, and then recognizes the will of the people in the South.  She also announced that the Obama Administration is prepared to lift U.S. sanctions, work toward international debt relief, increase trade and investment, and forge a mutually beneficial relationship if the Government of Sudan commits to a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Darfur and takes other steps toward peace and accountability. The January 9 referendum decides whether the oil-rich southern region of Abyei, where most people are Christian or follow traditional religions, should secede from the Arab-dominated mostly-Muslim north.

Bibi can take US into war with Iran
A former CIA member says the Israeli premier can take US into war with Iran but Washington is not prepared for such a confrontation. US Republicans, riding a wave of economic discontent, took over the House of Representatives in mid-term polls, dealing a heavy blow to President Barack Obama. Analysts say control of the House will now give Republicans enough power to slam the brakes on Obama's agenda. "On Iran, there's no difference between Democrats and Republicans. They're very comfortable with the idea that a foreign leader like [Benjamin] Netanyahu can take 300 million Americans to war whenever he wants," said counterterrorism expert Michael Scheuer, who has worked with the Central Intelligence Agency for more than 20 years. "The election was a disaster in terms of increasing the chances of another war that we don't have the resources to fight, and we won't have the will to win," Newsmax quoted Scheuer as saying. He criticized Obama for "saying the country can handle another 9/11 attack," and added, "It's a foolish comment of a man who is only moderately talented in terms of international affairs." "Given the disastrous state of our economy, I'm not so sure we could handle all the effects of an attack." Scheuer expressed doubt that gaining control of the US House by Republicans would improve anti-terrorism efforts, adding that "I don't think there's any real difference between Obama and his party and the Republicans." "They're still fighting an enemy that doesn't exist, an enemy they believe is attacking us because we have elections..." Scheuer said no problem would be resolved "until they [US officials] understand we're being attacked because of our foreign policy and what we do in the Muslim world, we're never going to understand the motivation and size of the enemy."

U.S., Uzbekistan agree to cooperate in security sector
The U.S. Embassy to Uzbekistan said on Wednesday the U.S. Central Command and Uzbekistan's Defense Ministry had signed a security cooperation program for 2011. "The program outlines a series of mutually agreed-upon engagements and training opportunities for fiscal year 2011," the embassy said. The move comes during a visit of U.S. Central Commander General James Mattis to this central Asian country. During his visit, Mattis and Uzbek Defense Minister Kabul Berdiev also exchanged opinions over regional security issues and Afghanistan issue. The United States used an airbase in Uzbekistan as part of operations in Afghanistan from 2001 until 2005, but now has since relied exclusively on the Manas facility near Bishkek, capital city of Uzbekistan's neighboring Kyrgyzstan.

India not to get UNSC seat soon: US
Robert Blake, US Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs, told a briefing at Washington's Foreign Press Centre that the expansion of UNSC was, "a very complex process that has to take place - many, many contenders for permanent seat - there is a whole question of veto". The United States, he said, "needs to have a very serious and detailed conversation with all our friends who are competing for these seats". During a visit to India last week, President Barack Obama endorsed India's bid for a permanent seat in the UNSC saying that the world body needed reforms to accommodate the changes that have taken place since the World War Two. "I would caution against expecting any kind of breakthrough anytime soon," Mr. Blake said. "I think the President and others have made it clear that this (reform) is going to be a long and complicated process and those we are committed to a modest expansion both of permanent and non-permanent seats," he said. The official said the only "real change" Mr. Obama announced was US support to India's permanent seat in the 15-membered UNSC, but "we have always been clear that this is going to be a long-term and very complicated process".


HTI Women Stage A Protest Outside Saudi Arabia Embassy, Slamming  the Torture Against Sumiati and Kikim

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   Jakarta. Barbaric is the proper term to attribute the persecutors of Sumiati and the murderers of Kikim Komalasari, two female migrant workers (TKW) from Indonesia who were tortured by their respective employers in Saudi Arabia.

However, the recurrence of such cases of persecution and murder only showed a small portion of the notoriety of capitalism. That was the message delivered by around 250 Muslim women from Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), on Wednesday (24/11) morning in Jakarta. The protesters were concentrated at three points simultaneously in the Hotel Indonesia roundabout, in front of the Presidential Palace, and in front of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Jakarta.

Especially in Hotel  Indonesia roundabout, they did not deliver a speech, but just carried banners and posters. One of the posters that read ‘Sumiati and Kikim = Small Victims of Notorious Capitalism' was stretched and shown to riders and passersby who passed through the crowded street.

Other poster read: The Heroes of Foreign Exchange = The Prey of Capitalism; Capitalism Impoverishes, Khilafah "Caliphate" Prospers; Khilafah "Caliphate" Makes Poverty History; and Khilafah "Caliphate" Glorifies and Prospers the Women.

They stretched both posters and banners. Among them reads: FEMALE MIGRANT WORKERS ARE NOT SLAVES; Persecution of Female Migrant Workers: NOT A Reflection of Islamic Law; Leave Poverty Due to Capitalism; Welcome the Welfare In the Shade of Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate"; Capitalism Deprives Human Resources;  Poverty is Rampant, Female Migrant Workers Soar; and Millions of Female Migrant Workers: the Evidence the Failure of Government to Make People Prosper.

The Delegation

During the protest, around five representatives from the Moslem Women of HTI led by the Women Spokesperson, Iffah Rochmah Ainur, were received the Head of Religious Affairs of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Muhammad Shaufi.

In addition to submitting the written demand, a dialogue with the embassy took place. In relation with cases of the persecution and the murder of the maids from Indonesia, Shaufi stated that the Saudi Arabian government had acted firmly by holding the suspected perpetrators of the abuse against Sumiati and the murder of Kikim.

Shaufi also said that he would convey the message to the government of Saudi Arabia that in Indonesia the Muslim women of HTI had come to Saudi Embassy to demand the solution of the women's problems with Islamic Sharia.

On the occasion, the delegation said that despite claiming to be an Islamic state, Saudi Arabian government did not reflect the Islamic government. "The Muslim should have a ruler who does not just apply the Sharia in one aspect but he should implement Sharia in all aspects!" said Iffah.

But the embassy refused to comment on the statement. "We do not have the authority to answer that," said Shaufi.

Shaufi again refused to comment when the delegation asked him why the government of Saudi Arabia allowed the entry of American troops in the border areas of Saudi Arabia. "We do not need to widen the discussion to such matter!" He said. []

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  Only the Caliphate can shield the ummah from the rise in food prices

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    A few days ago the UN warned that food prices could rise by 10% to 20% next year after poor harvests and an expected rundown of global reserves. More than 70 African and Asian countries will be the worst hit, said the Food and Agricultural Organization in its monthly report. In its gloomiest forecast since the 2007/08 food crisis, which saw food riots in more than 25 countries and 100 million extra hungry people, the report's authors urged states to prepare for hardship. "Countries must remain vigilant against supply shocks," the report warned. "Consumers may have little choice but to pay higher prices for their food. The size of next year's harvest becomes increasingly critical. For stocks to be replenished and prices to return to more normal levels, large production expansions are needed in 2011." Furthermore the UN warned that international food import bills could pass the $1 trillion mark, with prices in most commodities up sharply from 2009. Global food reserves, which currently stand at around 74 days, are now expected to decrease significantly in the next few months. "Cereal reserves may drop by around 7%, barley nearly 35%, maize 12% and wheat 10%. Only rice reserves are expected to increase, by 6% next year," said the report. Much now hangs on next year's harvests, it said. "International prices could rise even more if production next year does not increase significantly - especially in maize, soybean and wheat. Even the price of rice, the supply of which is more adequate than other cereals, may be affected if prices of other major food crops continue climbing."

Whilst it is apparent that some of the food price hikes are due to a fall in production-Russia's ban on wheat exports in the aftermath of the fires- the UN has again overlooked the main culprit, food speculation and the declining value of the dollar.  Both are playing havoc with food prices worldwide.  The debasement of the dollar reduces the purchasing power of the currency to buy goods and services. As most of the world's staple foods are traded in dollars, the country purchasing staple foods has to pay more in order to secure the same amount of food supplies to feeds its hungry population. Often poorer countries do not have extra dollars to meet the rise in food prices. Hence some nations are forced to borrow dollars at high interest rates, which in turn makes them further indebted to the donor nations. Other countries are forced to make structural changes to their agricultural policies and grow cash crops instead of staple foods.  Thus poorer countries find themselves engulfed in a vicious cycle i.e. they borrow more to pay off debtor nations and at the same time deprive their people of food. Still there are some poorer countries, which have abundance of staple foods, but are forced to sell their crops to earn foreign exchange to pay off debt owed to first world nations.

What makes the food equation even worse between the ‘haves and the have nots' is rampant speculation by the haves. Speculation usually translates into huge food price spikes, especially when the value of the dollar plunges. This is exactly what happened a few years ago. And now after the recent announcement by the US Federal Reserve to spend an extra $600 billion to stimulate the US economy, speculation on the price of essential food commodities has increased and will continue do so for a considerable time to come. The net effect is that food prices will increase sharply and thereby deprive millions around the world of a basic right.

The Muslim world will be adversely impacted by rising food prices and this will leaves millions of Muslims deprived of food and vulnerable to the harsh economic conditions imposed by the West. The only way for the Muslim ummah to protect her from ever increasing food prices is to work for the re-establishment of the Caliphate. The Caliphate will protect its currency by basing it on the bimetallic standard. Hence food prices will stabilize and will not undergo extreme fluctuations as witnessed today. Moreover, the Caliphate will prohibit food speculation, hoarding and price fixing, thereby ensuring that all citizens of the state are able to afford food. For those unfortunate citizens, who are unable to fend for themselves, the Caliphate will buy foodstuffs from the open market and tend to their needs. The messenger of Allah (SWT) said, "The Son of Adam has no better right than that he would have a house wherein he may live, a piece of clothing whereby he may hide his nakedness and a piece of bread and some water." [Tirmidhi]

Abed Mustafa


  Committing Blasphemy, a lottery ticket to the West

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   For the last week or so, the case of Christian women is being highlighted in the media and political circles. Asia Bibi, 45 years of age, was sentenced to death by a lower court on charges of making blasphemous comments against the Messenger of Allah (saaw).  An appeal for the restitution of "full freedom" to Asia Bibi was also launched by Pope Benedict XVI, at the end of the general audience. He noted that "the international community is following with great concern the difficult situation of Christians in Pakistan, often victims of violence or discrimination." The Pope expressed his "spiritual closeness" to Asia Bibi and her family and called for the liberation of the woman. Soon after, Punjab's Governor, Salman Taseer, travelled to Shaikhupura to meet the woman in jail and held a press conference there.  He said: "I will soon meet President Asif Ali Zardari and hand him over Bibi's appeal," he said. "I hope that the president will pardon her."

 First of all we would like to ask Mr. Pope where was he when US, UK and the collation forces of the West were killing over a million Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan?  Why were his lips sealed when it came to humiliating torture and imprisonment without charge of hundreds of innocent Muslims in Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghaurab prison?  We advise him to first bring his house in order and provide justice to the victims of sodomy and torture by the priests and cardinals of his own church.

As per the rulers and NGOs of Pakistan, this is not the first time when such a cases has been blown out of proportion by them with the help of the media to attack Islam and its laws.  Under Pakistani laws a death sentence by a lower Court cannot be acted upon until the High Court approves of it.  So it was not like Asia Bibi was to be hanged tomorrow that the whole government and media came tumbling down. Hence, the response which came from Pope, the Governor and all the NGOs show that their actual agenda was something else i.e. to attack Islam and its laws.

The NGOs have already demanded the repeal of the "blasphemy law", which punishes anybody who commits blasphemy to death.  Their claim is that since it can be misused therefore it should be repealed immediately.  But there is a difference between the laws related to conviction and laws which define the punishment for a criminal already convicted by the court.  The laws related to conviction in the current judicial system of Pakistan have nothing to do with Islam.  They are the same laws as defined by the British during their colonial days. So if these laws convict an innocent person then what has that got to do with Islam and its punishment system?  If the NGOs and the government are really interested in saving the people from the injustice of the current judicial system then they should better uproot this Kufr judicial system and implement Islamic system in which definite proof (Bayinah) is accepted and nobody can be convicted based on circumstantial evidences.  Just repealing Blasphamy Law and keeping the Kufr judicial system intact will not solve the problem.

 Today West is protecting the blasphemers in their own countries as well as they are encouraging those who dare to commit this sin in the Muslim world.  Today it was reported in the press that Western countries including America has offered asylum for Asia Bibi.  We have already seen similar story in Afghanistan where Sayed Parvez Kambakhsh was pardoned by Hamid Karzai and then given asylum by a western country.  Insulting Islam and sanctities of Islam has become "alottery ticket" to the West. Only through the establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate" Muslims will be able to protect the sanctities of Islam, and the day is not far anymore.

NB / The Official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Pakistan


UK defense chief confirms the war in Afghanistan is to prevent the re-establishment of the Khilafah

Beirut, Lebanon, 19th November 2010 - In an interview with the UK's Sunday Telegraph newspaper on the 14th November 2010, the UK's chief of defense staff, General David Richards confirmed that the war in Afghanistan is a war on Islam and claimed that western forces could be in Afghanistan for up to "30years".

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