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Hizb ut-Tahrir Condemns the Killings in Karachi Anarchy in Karachi is the Fruit of Democracy

Hizb ut-Tahrir condemns in the strongest words the mass murders in Karachi. Ruler's mysterious silence in such a deteriorating situation in Karachi, which is the economic engine of Pakistan, indicates that they themselves have an "important role" to play in this mess. Whenever the government needs to divert the attention of the nation away from the important national issues, Karachi is always handed over to the terrorists.


The failure of multiculturalism was inevitable

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    On October 17th 2010, Angela Merkel the German Chancellor unequivocally declared: "The approach of saying, 'Well, let's just go for a multicultural society, let's coexist and enjoy each other,' this very approach has failed, absolutely failed." Merkel is not alone amongst Germany's elite to disparage multiculturalism. In August 2010, Thilo Sarrazin then a board member of Germany's central bank condemned multiculturalism and claimed Germany's intelligence was in decline because of Muslim immigrants. Elsewhere in Europe, boisterous voices are reverberating in the corridors of power warning about dangers of multiculturalism. And all too often Muslim adherences to Islamic values in Western societies are cited as demonstrative examples of the failure of multiculturalism. In 2008, the now Prime Minister of Britain, David Cameron said, "State multiculturalism is a wrong-headed doctrine that has had disastrous results. It has fostered difference between communities. It would provide succor to the separatists who want to isolate and divide communities from the mainstream."

The rallying cry against the concept of multicultural societies is not limited to Europe. On September 28th 2010, Australia's former Prime Minister John Howard said, "This is a time not to apologize for our particular identity but rather to firmly and respectfully and robustly reassert it. I think one of the errors that some sections of the English-speaking world have made in the last few decades has been to confuse multiracialism and multiculturalism." He further added that some sections of society have gone too far in accommodating Muslim minorities. In America, the daily assault on multiculturalism by conservatives and other right wing politicians is polarizing American communities and is accentuating tension between Americans and Muslims. The plan to build a Masjid close to ground-zero is just the latest manifestation of this struggle. Clearly then, multiculturalism as envisaged by its proponents has failed to deliver what it was suppose to do i.e. protect groups or communities against intolerance and discrimination perpetrated by society or dominant groups.

Concepts like multiculturalism and diversity signify that in liberal democracies coexistence can be fostered between different groups without the erosion of their respective identities or cultural norms.  However, these concepts although widely employed in the lexicon of modern political philosophy are not new. Rather they are derived from one of the main pillars of Western liberal political thought called pluralism.  Like other Western concepts, the origin of pluralism is firmly rooted in birth of secularism. Back then some philosophers were incensed at the manner by which various Christian denominations were forced to assimilate and conform to the standards and virtues mandated by the papacy. They endeavored to safeguard the religious practices of such groups by campaigning for greater tolerance and leniency to be shown to them by the rest of society and other dominant groups. Initially, this meant that such groups were spared physical punishment and financial penalties. However, they were barely tolerated, and were subject to torrents of racial abuse, extreme discrimination and forced exclusion from different facets of society. For instance, they were denied employment, precluded from educational institutions, restrictions on travel movements etc. But as time passed, other thinkers sought to extend the boundaries of pluralism and pressed for weaker groups to be granted greater opportunities to express their religious and cultural identity in all aspects of societal life, besides the designated areas of worship. In some cases the thinkers managed to convince the state to extend protection against persecution of a group's cultural identity and race, and remove impediments to employment previously barred. Hence over the centuries, the concept of pluralism underwent progressive elaboration by Western philosophers and thinkers, as well as selective application by Western States. Despite numerous revisions and reviews, divergent views over pluralisms meaning, its applicability and value to society still persist. Some advocate that pluralism should be limited to a mere tolerance of a group's cultural identity and nothing more. Others equate pluralism with the right for diverse groups to freely express and celebrate their cultural identity without fear and restrictions imposed by society or dominant groups.

Towards the middle of the last century, the labor crisis in Europe spurred an influx of immigrants to European shores.  Attempts by Europe to absorb people from numerous diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds posed a number of challenges to the cohesiveness of their respective societies-chief amongst them were housing, marriage, education, health care, welfare benefits and employment. Tensions frequently surfaced between the indigenous populations and the immigrants, as both competed for limited resources. During this period, several thinkers and a handful of politicians criticized the inability of Western governments to assimilate immigrants. They suggested alternative solutions to preserve social cohesion based on pluralism, and advocated cultural diversity under the guise of integration. In 1966, Roy Jenkins a British politician presented a new pluralistic vision for Britain. He said, " I do not think we need in this country a ‘melting pot' which will turn everybody out in a common mould, as one of a series of carbon copies of someone's misplaced vision of the stereotyped Englishman... I define integration therefore, not as a flattening process of assimilation but as equal opportunity, coupled with cultural diversity, in an atmosphere of mutual tolerance." This became known as Jenkins formula and was widely employed by policy makers to establish guidelines and laws for multiculturalism. In the next 40 years, pluralism or multiculturalism- as it came to be widely known- was introduced in almost every aspect of life, so much so, that indigenous populations perceived immigrants and other minority groups to enjoy greater benefits then themselves. Subsequently, relations between the host and immigrant communities rapidly deteriorated, many questioned the wisdom behind multiculturalism, and some even went as far as calling for its abolition. Therefore, even before the events of September 11, 2001, multiculturalism which was coveted as a panacea for social cohesion was an abject failure.

Multiculturalism or pluralism is whimsical idea that is conceptually flawed and unworkable in practice. This is because pluralism encourages groups to promote their cultural identity irrespective of their political influence or financial strength. Naturally the strongest group uses its political prowess and financial muscle to persuade politicians to define legislation, which vigorously defends and endorses its culture and values at the expense of other groups. Additionally, the most powerful group manipulates the media and the educational establishments to actively promote its culture, this leads to wide spread acceptance amongst the indigenous population. In this way, the strongest group's culture becomes indistinguishable from the state's culture. Weaker groups find themselves culturally squeezed, discriminated against and in conflict with the state. Such groups are coerced by both the state and society to dilute their cultural identity to fit in. Those groups that refuse to temper with their cultural identity are ostracized and consigned to live in ghettos. In extreme cases they are expelled from the host nation like what happened to the Roma gypsies in France.

Islam does not subscribe to west's notion of pluralism where the strongest group decides which culture is legally beyond reproach, and which groups cultural identity is to be singled out and subject to unfettered criticism. Islam stipulates that life, honor, blood, property, belief, race and the mind are to be protected by the Islamic State. Islam does not distinguish between individuals or groups in such matters. All are treated as the citizens of the Caliphate and are guaranteed these rights, irrespective of their political influence, financial strength or whether they are Muslim or non-Muslims. Islam also protects the rights of non-Muslims groups to retain and assert their cultural identity within limits, and without any fear of retribution or vilification of their identity. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "One who hurts a thimmi (non-Muslim citizen of the Caliphate), he hurts me and the one who hurts me hurts Allah". Islamic history is unrivalled in its capacity to protect the rights of non-Muslim minorities and immigrants under the shade of the Caliphate.


  The Jewish are people of fade ((وَقُلْنَا مِنْ بَعْدِهِ لِبَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ اسْكُنُوا الْأَرْضَ فَإِذَا جَاءَ وَعْدُ الْآخِرَةِ جِئْنَا بِكُمْ لَفِيفًا)) "And we said thereafter to the Children of Israel, "Dwell securely In the land (of promise)"

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      This is a clear sign that Allah has promised the Muslims their land.  The "Israeli" settlements have already dived back into construction after the so called freeze was lifted.  The Jewish population is increasing as their settlements increase. The Palestinian "president" threatens that peace agreements will be stopped if the settlements are not stopped.  He cannot do more than that because he will disobey his masters.  He sits and watches while construction has begun in the settlements.  Palestine and Jerusalem belong to the Islamic nation and one inch of this land cannot be compromised by any "traitor" or their laws.

          The Jewish state is growing, Muslim lands have been stolen, their trees destroyed, Muslims have been tortured at the hands of the "Israelis", checkpoints placed making travel difficult and most of all they had the nerve to ban the reading of the Quran before the Azan calling for prayers in almost cities and villages.  The settlers have complained that the sound of the Quran before the Azan bothers them and outlawed it. The Palestinian Authority obeys such hideous laws that almost all mosques have banned the Quran reading before the Azan in order to please their leaders.

          "Israel" even has the nerve to steal one of their natural resource such as water.  Some of "Israel's" access water points are from 42 deep holes, which allow them to fill their pools, water their grass, gardens, and crops.  The Muslims living in Palestine are prevented from digging wells and are limited greatly to the natural springs.  When the water sources run out the Palestinian people must buy their water supply from the "Israelis". 

          Many of the water supplies that are sent to the Muslims are poisoned by the Jewish settlers.  One villager stated, "they come in broad daylight and throw filthy materials like diapers and poisonous substances inside the spring's sources and when we complain to the "Israeli" authorities, they tell us the army cannot do anything."  Water consumption of "Israelis" is 344 million cubic meters per year where as the Palestinians is 93 million cubic meters per year.  This is a clear sign that the state of the Jew does not care about the water it steals from the Muslims.

     Are these not clear signs that we Muslims must work together for the call of the Khilafah "Caliphate"?  It is he who can finally free the Muslims from the oppressions they see on a daily basis or struggle with.  It is he who can restore dignity back into the Muslims.  It is not the politicians who come with their lies to the people.  The Muslims rulers are making the Muslims a mockery.  As each day goes by Muslims are suffering more and more, enough is enough and start to work for the establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate".  Allah has promised the patient ones success.

))وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْكُمْ وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ لَيَسْتَخْلِفَنَّهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ كَمَا اسْتَخْلَفَ الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ وَلَيُمَكِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ دِينَهُمُ الَّذِي ارْتَضَى لَهُمْ وَلَيُبَدِّلَنَّهُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِ خَوْفِهِمْ أَمْنًا يَعْبُدُونَنِي لَا يُشْرِكُونَ بِي شَيْئًا وَمَنْ كَفَرَ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ فَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ((

"Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them In the land, inheritance (of power), As He granted it to those before them; that He will establish In authority their Religion - the one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (Their state), after the fear In which They (lived), to one of security and peace: 'They will worship me (alone) and not associate aught with Me. 'If any do reject Faith after this, They are rebellious and wicked"

Um Sundus

Bayt Almaqdes


The Treachery of the Palestinian Authority

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    Once again the Palestinian Authority has miserably failed it citizens.  The Judicial System comprised of the highest court in the land has watched in deafening silence while the Security Enforcement Agency oppressively misuses its power over its citizens.  As the High Court issued the verdict of immediate release of Mohammad Khateeb on August 30, 2010, the Security Enforcement Agency deliberately disregarded the verdict. They kept Khateeb illegally detained for more than forty-six days.  Moreover, the Security Enforcement Agency decided to throw its oppressive weight before the High Court by having a military court trial. The Security Enforcement Agency formed a sentence hearing forbidding Khateeb from any legal representation and denied him any witnesses or evidence for fear that it may sway the hearing.  A military court tried and sentenced Mohammad Khateeb, which needs to be repeated that he is a private citizen, in one session to an abhorrent six months in prison. The fact that this was all carried out in one session proves to be appalling.  Clearly demonstrating the failure of the Justice System; despite numerous attempts from the judicial committees and human rights organizations to plea for his release. Khateeb's attorney delivered an appeal to the "Prime Minister" Salaam Fayyad himself.  Only to witness Fayyad's complete apathy for the matter.    

How many times must the Palestinian citizens witness such repressive actions against their people?  How many times must the Palestinian citizens be silenced tyrannically due to their fear of the very agency that is supposed to protect and ensure their rights in their land?  The "constitution" in this case merely represents ink wasted on paper.  Where is the feeling of hope and security that is supposed to be guaranteed by the "State"?

When the "rulers" of Palestine obviously have other agendas against their own people, the people definably do not have a place in their society. Constant rejection of their citizens only proves the ever-increasing treachery of the "rulers".  Why is the judicial system in place when Palestine can simply be ruled directly as a dictatorship for the entire world to witness?  Why hide behind the façade of the High Court and its Judicial System?  Only to fool the citizens of Palestine into thinking they have a chance for fairness when the evidence proves one's innocence.  It is obvious that these treacheries do not show an ounce of remorse for our grief and anguish.  Only to be more concerned with continuing the façade of democracy in front of their agents. They will have their Day of Accountability for surely it is promised by the Creator Himself.

وَلَوْ يَرَى الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُواْ إِذْ يَرَوْنَ الْعَذَابَ أَنَّ الْقُوَّةَ لِلّهِ جَمِيعاً وَأَنَّ اللّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعَذَابِ } البقرة165  }

{Those who believe are stauncher in their love for Allah, that those who do evil had but known, (on the day) when they behold the doom, that power belonged wholly to Allah, and that Allah is severe in punishment!} (Al-Baqara: 165)

Oh people of Palestine,

Do not be silent and speak the true words of justice. Be brave for yourself, for your families, for Allah (swt) the same Creator who created you and them.   For Allah (swt) is with the one who is brave in front of the oppressive ruler. 


Manal Bader  

Bayt Almaqdes


Real change- Khilafah's establishment will mark the end of American agent rulers Hizb ut-Tahrir will hold country wide Khilafah Rallies on Friday 5th November

On Friday, 5th of November 2010, Hizb ut-Tahrir will hold Khilafah "Caliphate" rallies across the country. These rallies will be held under the title of  Real change- Khilafah "Caliphate"'s establishment will mark the end of American agent rulers The purpose of these rallies is to make the Ummah aware about the real change that will actually bring their life from darkness to light.


  Headline news for  14-10-2010

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  • Global unemployment to trigger further social unrest, UN agency forecasts
  • Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom accuses the US of crimes against humanity
  • Muslims should conform to German values: Merkel
  • West warned that Islam insults risk 'civilization clash'
  • Erdogan: EU is putting up hurdles to Turkey's membership
  • Iraq's oil reserve 505 billion barrels
  • Chinese, Russian troops in Central Asia military exercises


News Details:

Global unemployment to trigger further social unrest, UN agency forecasts
The International Labor Organization (ILO) has warned of growing social unrest because it fears global employment will not now recover until 2015. This is two years later than its earlier estimate that the labor market would rebound to pre-crisis levels by 2013. About 22 million new jobs are needed - 14 million in rich countries and 8 million in developing nations. The United Nations work agency today warned of a long "labor market recession" and noted that social unrest related to the crisis had already been reported in at least 25 countries, including some recovering emerging economies.
Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom accuses the US of crimes against humanity
The United States government has apologized for deliberately infecting hundreds of people in Guatemala with gonorrhea and syphilis as part of medical tests more than 60 years ago. None of those infected - mentally ill patients and prisoners - consented. US President Barack Obama has called Mr. Colum to apologies and has said the acts ran contrary to American values. Evidence of the programmed was unearthed by Prof Susan Reverby at Wellesley College. She says the Guatemalan government gave permission for the tests. No offer of compensation has yet been made, but an investigation will be launched into the specifics of the study, which took place between 1946 and 1948.White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said on Friday the news was "shocking, it's tragic, it's reprehensible". The study by Prof Reverby shows that US government medical researchers infected almost 700 people in Guatemala with two sexually transmitted diseases. The experiment ran from 1932 to 1972, with President Bill Clinton eventually apologizing for it.
Muslims should conform to German values: Merkel
German Chancellor Angela Merkel demanded on Monday that Muslims living in Germany conform to "fundamental German values", saying there was no leeway on the issue. She spoke a day after Germany's largely ceremonial president, Christian Wulff, had reached out to Muslims in a speech marking 20 years of reunification, assuring them they belonged. The Christian Democrat chancellor, in remarks promoting a fiercely conservative book by one of her supporters, said Muslims in Germany must orient themselves without reservation to Germany's fundamental values and constitution. "There is no leeway on this," she said, adding that Germans' perceptions of Islam were dominated by Sharia (Islamic law), the lack of equality between men and women and honor killings. Germany had freedom of religion, and Islam was welcome, "but it must be a form of Islam that feels devoted to our fundamental values", Merkel said. If it were not, fears would develop among Germans, "and that is hardly something we want to happen".
West warned that Islam insults risk 'civilization clash'
Kings, emirs and presidents from Muslim nations have made pressing appeals at the United Nations for the West to clamp down on attacks on Islam which they warned is a growing threat to international security. In speeches to the UN General Assembly, leaders said that "Islamophobia" was causing a growing Muslim-West divide and one top Arab minister put the international community on guard against a "civilization clash". But Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, the emir of Qatar said, "We disagree with the attribution of this so-called terrorism to the Islamic religion because this - in addition to being incorrect - is a historical injustice that is refuted by evidence from recent history." He said "gratuitous violent actions" in the US, Europe and Asia in the late 20th century were never labeled as being American, European or Asian terrorism.  Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit said,""We find the West, in general, being drawn into a clash with the Muslim world. This clash will serve no one except extremists and those who hold perverted ideas on both sides. It will not be in the interest of security and stability in the world."  King Abdullah II of Jordan said it is "essential to resist forces of division that spread misunderstanding." Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak told the UN assembly that the world's 1.5 billion Muslims were offended by "attempts to demonize Islam." He added: "It intensifies the divide between the broad Muslim world and the West."
Erdogan: EU is putting up hurdles to Turkey's membership
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan complained here Monday that the European Union was putting up hurdles to Turkey's accession to the 27-member bloc."Turkey is constantly being held up and various hurdles are being put in our path. This is not right," Erdogan told a news conference after meeting his Bulgarian counterpart, Boyko Borisov."Some hindrances are being applied for Turkey which was not applied for any other EU candidate," Erdogan said. But he added: "We are resolute in continuing our accession negotiations with the EU."While Turkey has been allowed to open certain negotiation chapters with the bloc, it has not yet been allowed to close any of them. And other chapters were a long way from being opened, Erdogan said. Ankara kicked off membership talks with the EU in 2005.
Iraq's oil reserve 505 billion barrels
Iraq's oil reserve underground is estimated at 505 billion barrels, the Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahrastani said on Monday. "The reserve that can be extracted is estimated at 143 billion barrels," al-Shahrestani told the press. He explained that the estimations were made in coordination with "oil companies." "The al-Qurna oilfield in Basra (southern Iraq) is the biggest in the country, with a reserve totaling at 43 billion barrels," al-Shahrestani added. He noted that the al-Qurna oilfield is the second biggest throughout the world.
Chinese, Russian troops in Central Asia military exercises
Thousands of Russian, Chinese and Kazakh soldiers began two weeks of war games in Kazakhstan Monday, preparing to counter regional threats ranging from drug traffickers to extremists. More than 3,000 troops will take part in the "Peace Mission 2010" exercises, the largest in three years involving the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a six-nation group. The SCO has focused in recent months on fighting terrorism and radicalism in the region, as well as drug trafficking from Afghanistan."Now and for the next few years, terrorism, separatism and extremism will remain serious factors in the stability of this region and the world," Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of staff of the Chinese armed forces, said. China, Russia and Kazakhstan each sent 1,000 troops to the exercises, which are taking place at the Matybulak military range in southern Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan's defense ministry said more than 300 military vehicles and 50 Kazakh, Chinese and Russian aircraft and helicopters would join the anti-terrorist drills. Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan each sent 150 troops, the ministry said. Uzbekistan was invited, but said it would not send troops.


  VIDEO: Musharraf challenged by Hizb ut-Tahrir members in Manchester

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WATCH VIDEO Interview with protest leader


   London, UK, October 11th 2010 - This weekend, sincere members of Hizb ut-Tahrir from Manchester accounted Musharraf.  They were the voice of those who have been killed by the drone attacks sanctioned by Musharraf, the likes of Dr Aafia, and the masses in Pakistan who hate these Western backed puppets.

 One by one, they stood up and accounted Musharraf stating that he had enslaved Pakistan to the West and that only the Khilafah "Caliphate", not democracy or dictatorship, would liberate Pakistan.

 Taji Mustafa, media representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Britain said: "This action was part of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain's ‘Save Pakistan - Establish Khilafah "Caliphate"' campaign. Those who accounted Musharraf are respected Pakistani professionals and businessmen - yet when they were removed from the hall for speaking the truth, some of them were assaulted by Musharraf's cronies. Is this the "enlightened moderation" Musharraf talked about in the past?"

"After their removal, Musharraf said he wanted to debate with Hizb ut-Tahrir. Does he not remember that when he spoke in Manchester in December 2004 he challenged Hizb ut-Tahrir claiming that he knows more about the Khilafah "Caliphate" and wants to debate with the hizb. We challenged him and he never debated. We are ready to debate with him in any venue or on any Pakistan satellite channel - but he will never debate since he knows that his lies and treachery would be exposed."

 "Hizb ut-Tahrir will never relent in its political struggle against the likes of Musharraf, Sharif and Zardari . For over 50 years, Hizb ut-Tahrir has been struggling against the likes of these rulers. The people of Pakistan are looking for real leadership, not the recycled figures of the past and only the Khilafah "Caliphate" will provide this real leadership."




Notes to Editors:


VIDEO Interview with protest leader

VIDEO Musharraf challenged in Manchester

VIDEO Birmingham protests against Musharraf



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