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Hizb ut-Tahrir cancels demonstration against Musharraf after report of likely violence between APML and PML-N

London, UK, October 8th 2010 - Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain has cancelled its planned demonstration for tomorrow (Saturrday October 9th) after reports in the Pakistani media of the likelihood of "running battles" between Pervez Musharraf's All Pakistan Muslim league (APML) and Nawaz Sharif's PML-N on the streets of Manchester as Musharraf attempts to launch his political comeback in Manchester tomorrow.


Hizb ut-Tahrir in Britain launches campaign: Save Pakistan - Establish Khilafah

London, UK, October 7th 2010 - Hizb ut-Tahrir in Britain is launching a community based campaign amongst Muslims in the UK regarding the worsening crisis in Pakistan.  Devastating floods have come on the back of a security crisis, and a failure of political leadership that has worsened an already poor economic situation.


Demonstration against Musharraf's attempts to regain power - the man who sold Dr Aafia, Afghanistan & Pakistan - 12pm Sat 2nd Oct

London 28th September 2010 - Protestors from across the UK will demonstrate in Birmingham this Saturday [12pm 2nd October 2010] at a rally organised by Pakistan's former dictator Pervez Musharraf, as he aims to revive his political career by launching his ‘All Pakistan Muslim League'.


Grand peace Jirga and Operation Anaconda: Peace or Hypocrisy!

Last week the hypocrite regime at Kabul has launched a National peace Jirga to negotiate peace with Mujahedeen but at the same time Qandahar is under brutal military operation ‘Anaconda' for more than two weeks now. Similarly hundreds of Muslims in Afghanistan are under bombardment of US and NATO forces every day, killing and wounding hundreds.


The PA's Message: Live by the Law of the Jungle

For the past month, the Palestinian Authority's Security Enforcement Agency has been refusing to  implement the Palestinian High Court verdict; case number: 2010/583, release date: 2010/8/30. The verdict calls for the immediate release of detainee: Mohammad Khateeb, a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir. According to the High Court's verdict, "the military prosecutor's decision to arrest the accused, Mohammad Khateeb, is arbitrary to the authority."


  Press Release Muslims reject plans for sending our troops to Afghanistan to fight America's war

       According to a foreign ministry news release, America has asked Bangladesh to deploy combat troops in Afghanistan. The US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke made this demand in his meeting with foreign minister Dr. Dipu Moni who is in New York attending the 65th UN General Assembly. The news release also said that Dipu Moni assured Holbrooke that Bangladesh would do whatever it can to help restore peace in South Asia, especially in Afghanistan.  

The Muslims of Bangladesh reject Dipu Moni's assurance to her masters and instead offer our assurance to crusader America of nothing but brave political resistance against her plan to utilize our army to join her war against the Muslims. We will not fight out brothers. 

America is making this demand while she is in a quagmire in Afghanistan being chased by a group of ill-equipped mujahideen and her own Western allies are abandoning her. She has already engaged the Muslim Army of Pakistan in this quagmire which brought nothing but death and destruction for the Muslims in Pakistan, added to the death and destruction in Afghanistan for almost a decade. Now she wants to involve the Muslims of Bangladesh and our army. This reveals America's intentions behind her military exercises and the so-called ‘military-to-military cooperation' with the Bangladesh army. That is to utilize our army to achieve her evil designs and consolidate her hegemony in the region.

As for the foreign minister's reference to restoring peace in South Asia, her attempt to fool the people will not work. The Muslims know very well that the source of war in this region is her masters, the evil American Empire. The Muslims are yearning to see the end of this evil empire and they will soon kick out America from this region by re-establishing their super power state, the Khilafah "Caliphate". 


  Rethinking racism: Attempts to dismiss racial problems in the west

  • Published in Politics
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 After the arrival of the first wave of immigrants from the Caribbean to the United Kingdom in the 1940s, when the new arrivals went looking for houses to rent, they were sometimes met with signs saying ‘No blacks, no dogs, no Irish'. Today, such blatant racism no longer exists and is probably contrary to the current anti-discrimination laws, but does that mean racism no longer exists in the UK?

 There is a trend in some circles to argue that race is no longer such an issue and that it is time to move on. The argument goes like this: since the murder of the black teenager Stephen Lawrence in 1993, and the Macpherson inquiry report that followed in 1999 accusing the police of "institutional racism", race relations in the UK have turned around. They further argue that though there were massive problems of discrimination and unequal opportunities and racial violence before, now the authorities have got their act together.

 Now, some ministers tell us that the new disadvantaged group that feels alienated and requires urgent attention because of the many socio-economic problems it is facing is the white working class. Hence TV program makers at the BBC argued that it was right to give the leader of the racist British National Party (BNP) a platform on a national discussion program alongside frontbench politicians from mainstream political parties. Actually, in Italy, France, Denmark and other parts of Europe, mainstream politicians feel ever more comfortable to openly express racist views.

 And now, a special issue of the thoughful political publication, Prospect magazine, lays out what is apparently the state-of-the-art thinking on race. Put together by Munira Mirza, who is herself of Asian parentage and the London Mayor's adviser on arts policy and therefore ranks as one of the most powerful ethnic-minority officials in the country. She makes the point over and over that like polio or smallpox, racism has been all but eradicated.

 "Old prejudices have faded," declares Mirza. "Race is no longer the significant disadvantage it is often portrayed to be." Which means that "1980s anti-racism", as the magazine refers to it, is presumably as outdated as the fashion from the 1980s and with less chance of a revival.

 Two things stand out in these pieces. The first is how little facts they contain, with Mirza and her co-authors offering up scarcely a statistic between them. Instead, we get arguments that begin in the anecdotal or purely personal: "as a black man", or "as a black woman", or "as someone born in Oldham". Well, as "someone who recently took a bus ride", my views on public transport still are not worth much without some evidence.

 The other detail that strikes you is how narrowly Mirza and her team define racism. For them it is simply the most humiliating and vicious forms of discrimination - paki-bashing (insults or physical attacks on Asian looking people) or landlords' notices stating ‘No blacks, no dogs, no Irish'.

 Although these former everyday horrors are no longer common, and that is an improvement, it cannot be argued that they have entirely disappeared if one thinks of the 89 people killed because of their race since the murder of the black teenager Steven Lawrence in 1993. They might also remember that the government's own figures show that black people are over seven times more likely to be stopped and searched by the police than whites. And they suffer harsher treatment at every stage of the criminal justice system, even when it comes to how long they are put in prison.

 The Prospect magazine article and the statement from some senior politicians from all parties paint a picture of racial harmony in Britain and talk of a society where skin colour is no longer a barrier to making it to the top of society.

 Yet race remains a massive factor in determining our opportunities and life chances. Two in three British Bangladeshi children grow up in poverty in the UK (compared with two in 10 of their white counterparts). Even those at the top of the career ladder, are still subject to what Bristol academic Tariq Modood calls an "ethnic penalty". What does that mean? The typical Chinese-origin man now earns about 11% more than his white British counterpart; but he is still paid 11% less than would be implied by his qualifications. Since time immemorial, ethnic-minority children have been told they need to work twice, three times as hard as their white friends: that rule hasn't expired yet.

 Britain now isn't the same place as it was when the first ships carrying immigrants from the Carribean docked, and the nature of race relations in this country have got more subtle. But racism can still be as simple as being pulled over by a policeman for having the wrong colour of skin and no amount of sophisticated arguments can mask that.

 Despite technological advancement, western societies have been unable to create societies where race truly is no longer an issue. Something Islam managed from its very inception.


يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ وَأُنثَى وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ

O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware [Al Hujurat 49:13]


Taji Mustafa

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