Thursday, 30 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/03
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An appeal for help in response to the calamity: Now ... Now ... O descendants of Sultan Muhmammad al-Faateh

With brutal and open hostility, the hateful Jewish forces carried out a bloody attack on relief ships bound for Gaza. They killed and wounded dozens of those who stood defiantly in the face of the Jewish soldiers, Jewish soldiers that stormed ships bound for Gaza, carrying civilians and pursuing humanitarian and media work, as if they were ships of a war fleet, carrying troops to tear down the fortifications of the Jews.


Nationalism, European disintegration and Muslim Unity

  • Published in Politics
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     The European Union-once coveted by European elites as a rival to America's global hegemony- is fast teetering on the abyss of disintegration. Three recent events have fused to unleash irrepressible nationalistic forces that have hurtled the Union towards this earth-shattering moment of truth. Europe's failure to fashion a durable response to the volcanic ash crisis that temporarily grounded airplanes across the continent, exposed deep fissures amongst European countries, as national governments forsook EU directives and grappled to save their cash starved airline carriers. Equally callous was Europe's dithering reaction towards the bailing out Greece and saving the Euro. By the time Europe's leaders mustered enough strength to surmount public anger and put together an aid package for Greece, the money markets assisted  by American vultures (hedge funds and rating agencies) preyed on weak PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain)-Portugal and Spain now draw the ire of speculators. But this was not the end of the crisis or the bottoming out as some pundits had hoped for. As if this was not bad enough, Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor reeling from a vicious setback in regional elections, took the unusual step of proscribing short-selling which in turn exacerbated Europe's predicament. The unilateralist move astounded rest of Europe and revealed the deep nationalistic divisions that are rapidly contributing to the erosion of power at heart of the European Union.  This was clearly evident at a hastily arranged press conference, where the obscure European President Herman Van Rompuy papered over the schisms that pervade much of the continent and instead pledged unity. The support for the union by Europe's elite is oddly placed with the widespread sentiments expressed by their people. Yet at this juncture there are vital lessons to be learnt by both Europeans and Muslims.

The European Union- a behemoth of an experiment in social and economic engineering- is a monumental failure and will soon succumb to its ultimate fate .The  nation state triumphs over the union- a fait accompli in the vocabulary  of the European populace.  The EU experiment was a bold attempt by some European nations to put to rest centuries of division and warfare.  But after 40 years of trying to create a post modern state, the EU has disintegrated into a collection of pre-modern states (nation states), where powerful states like England, France and Germany are at loggerheads over Europe's future. This was a predictable outcome. The European continent has been plagued with cultural differences, religious schisms and intense rivalries between powerful states. . European history clearly demonstrates that there is very little to unite Europeans except foreign threats.  In the 17th century the advance of the Ottoman army to the gates of Vienna briefly spurred European nations to put aside their differences-only to be resumed later. In the 20th century, the threats from the Soviet Union, and later from America's global hegemony forced Europe to coalesce in the form of a union.  More often than not, the coming together of European nations is a temporary affair and is used by some to recuperate after experiencing the ravages of war. But as soon as the external threat weakens, in this case America's position in the world, Europe defaults to a state of disunity.

In contrast, nationalism which is destroying the social fabric of the European Union is receding in much of the Muslim world. Today the concept of ummah has superseded nationalism and has become a unifying force for Muslims across the world. Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia are quickly discovering that they have more in common with the Islamic vision of brotherhood than their present identities defined by artificial borders. The plight of Muslims in Palestine, Chechnya, Kashmir, Iraq and Afghanistan is no longer viewed as parochial problems, but as Islamic problems that must have an Islamic solution.

Furthermore, the present day nation states in the Islamic world are alien to Muslims. They do not have any precedence in Islamic history nor are they a product of Islamic jurisprudence. The nation state was forced upon the Muslims by western powers to prevent the re-establishment of the Caliphate. As such, the Muslim masses never really expressed their loyalty to these artificial states and had to be governed by tyranny. Now it's just a matter of time before these regimes of terror are toppled and a global Caliphate is established on their ruins.

The rulers of the Muslim world are not blind to these realities; rather they are opposed to them. These rulers continuously preach that Muslims can never be united and that the establishment of the Caliphate belongs to the realm of the past.

Paradoxically, the nation-states that were manufactured to erase the political unity of Muslims have become the vehicles of change.  Their weakness has encouraged Muslims worldwide to discard Europe and America as model states, and to redouble their efforts to re-establish the Caliphate.


By: Abid Mustafa



The fate of the new Stalinist Inquisition is the same as the extinct one

The Russian Supreme Court heard last Tuesday an appeal of 12 Muslims activists of Hizb ut-Tahrir from the republic of Tatarstan. In 2007, they were tried in a kangaroo court reminiscent of the old Stalinist Inquisition era (not unlike the infamous Guantanamo Bay camp X ray), where the prosecutors' sole evidence was some secret evidence and, believe it or not, Islamic literature.


 Pakistan gearing up for North Waziristan operation

  • Published in Analysis
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The heightened diplomatic activity in Islamabad during the last few days suggests that long awaited North Waziristan operation is just around the corner.  Just couple of days ago CIA Director Leon Panetta and U.S. national security adviser James Jones visited Pakistan.  It was the first high profile visit since the May 1 botched Times Square bombing in which a Pakistani born Muslim, Faisal Shahzad was allegedly involved.  The two men met with President Asif Ali Zardari on Wednesday afternoon.  They also had scheduled meetings with Pakistan's spy chief and other officials.  It has also been reported in the media that reports from intelligence agencies have suggested that the Taliban from Pakistan are planning to strike the US in a large scale.  And CIA director Leon Panetta and Obama's national security advisor James Jones supposedly came to inform Pakistan of these threats.  Today a newspaper reported a briefing of f US commander in Afghanistan Gen. Stanley Mc Crystal to Pakistani Army Chief Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani along with a select band of parliamentarians.  This meeting was not heavily publicized in the media was kept low profile as much as possible.  Moreover, yesterday the ‘troika' of President Zardari, Prime Minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani and Army Chief, Ashfaq Kayani had an important meeting in Islamabad.  After the meeting and a statement was released to the media according to which "Any military operation in North Waziristan Agency would be carried out solely on the prerogative and discretion of Pakistan and no external pressure would be accepted on this count".  On the other hand, last night Lahore saw a string of explosions of crackers (low intensity fireworks) in the notorious red-light area injuring 5.  This incident was very similar to what was witnessed in Allama Iqbal Town in Lahore just few day before starting the Orakzai operation.  Hence it seems that a relative calm is going to be broken in the next few days and we can again witness a string of bomb blasts in major cities to build public opinion of a new military operation in North Waziristan. 

All these indications point to the fact that US is pressurizing Pakistan to send its troops inside North Waziristan and Pakistan government just needs an excuse to start it.  But at the same time Pakistani government is trying to save its face and wants to show that she is acting independently and the decision of a military operation would be an indigenous one.  Currently Pakistani army is busy in Orakzai Agency where on a daily bases 30-50 Muslims are killed.  Innocent civilians are being mass murdered without media taking any interest.  Other areas such as Swat, Bajaur and Khyber Agency are also witnessing sporadic bomb blasts, which means that things are not normal in other places either. By over starching Pakistan Army US is keeping it busy to an extent that it may not realize its primary responsibility which is to protect the people of this region by kicking US out and helping those who work to implement Islam by establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate".  Hizb ut-Tahrir Pakistan ran a month long campaign to make the people of power realize their responsibility.  Hizb ut-Tahrir conveyed a declaration to the people of power on 9th May at Islamabad Press Club which was read out by HTizb ut-Tahrir's brave member Engineer Muhammad Akhmal Khan.  And through Allah's help and sheer planning he was able to sneak through the Press Club leaving the police and authorities outside press club red-faced.  Hizb ut-Tahrir  is currently involved in the next phase of this campaign with an objective of conveying this declaration to the people of power throughout Pakistan.  In this regard hundreds of thousands of leaflets with the text of the declaration will be distributed, banners, posters and stickers will put up calling the people of power to uproot these agent rulers and establish the Khilafah "Caliphate". Moreover, mass SMS, emails and Websites would be used to convey the message. 

The sincere people within the Army hate this American war of fitna which kills Muslims on both sides.  The new North Waziristan operation will further produce disgruntled Army officers and soldiers.  And in a country where Hizb ut-Tahrir  is actively calling the people of power to bring about change, one can expect to hear the "good news" anytime, by the Will of Allah (swt).


Naveed Butt

Official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Pakistan


Hizb ut-Tahrir organized demonstrations in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad to protest against the blasphemous cartoon-competition on Facebook

  • Published in Pakistan
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Hizb ut-Tahrir organized demonstrations in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad to protest against the blasphemous cartoon-competition on Facebook. The demos were held outside press clubs and offices of the media outlets. The protesters were carrying banners and placards inscribed with slogans such as: "O Pak Army! Rise and deliver a teeth-shattering response to the blasphemers by establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate"", "O Muslims! The protection of Messenger's honour is only possible through the physical Jihad of the Pak. Army, not through mere resolutions" and "The blasphemous kuffar only dared to do this because of the treacherous Muslim rulers".


For more photos in exhibition please click here





The criminal silence of Muslim rulers over the blasphemous caricatures encouraged kuffar to do more "O Pak Army! Rise and deliver a teeth-shattering response to the blasphemers by establishing the Khilafah"

Hizb ut-Tahrir organized demonstrations in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad to protest against the blasphemous cartoon-competition on Facebook. The demos were held outside press clubs and offices of the media outlets. The protesters were carrying banners and placards inscribed with slogans such as: "O Pak Army! Rise and deliver a teeth-shattering response to the blasphemers by establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate"


A sincere invitation from Hizb ut-Tahrir to the members and activists of all political parties Let us start a unified political struggle against the imperialists and their agents; and resist their conspiracies against the country


Dear Brothers in Islam,

We begin this invitation with the greeting of Islam; as-salamu a'laikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. We, in Hizb ut-Tahrir, decided to make this invitation to you for nothing other than the following two reasons:

Firstly, to fulfill our Islamic responsibility, as your Muslim brothers, to invite you to what is right and forbid you from what is wrong. Allah (SWT) says in the noble Qur'an al-Kareem,

{والمؤمنون والمؤمنات بعضهم أولياء بعض يأمرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر ويقيمون الصلاة ويؤتون الزكاة ويطيعون الله ورسوله أولئك سيرحمهم الله إن الله عزيز حكيم}

"And the believers, both men and women, they are protecting friends one to another; they command what is right and forbid what is wrong". [TMQ At-Tauba: 71]

So, we distinguish you from the corrupt ruling regime and we are confident that, unlike the leaders who belong to this regime, you will respond to the call for adhering to what is right and rejecting what is wrong. We believe in your sincere Iman in Allah (SWT), His Book and His Messenger (SAW). We believe that your true loyalty is not to this party or that party or this leader or that leader but first and foremost it is to Allah (SWT), His Messenger (SAW), the Deen of Islam and the Ummah of Islam. So if you find in this invitation words of truth then accept it and follow it; and Allah (SWT) will reward you amply for adhering to what is right and rejecting that which is plainly wrong.

Secondly, as your Muslim brothers we love for you what we love for ourselves and we pray for you what we pray for ourselves. Our beloved Prophet, Muhammad (SAW) said,

"None of you (truly) believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself."

We wish good for you in this world and we pray that in the hereafter, Allah (SWT) makes you of the people of Jannah. As you are engaged in taking care of the affairs of the people, the responsibility which lies on your shoulders is indeed a great one. If you fulfill this responsibility in the correct manner, then the reward for it, in the hereafter, is also great. Therefore we want to direct you to the correct manner of fulfilling the responsibility which will salvage the dire situation of the people of this country and the Muslim Ummah, and Allah (SWT) willing, if you respond to our call then there will be good for you in this world and the hereafter.

Dear Muslim Brothers,

Allah (SWT) says in the noble Qur'an,

{والذين كفروا بعضهم أولياء بعض إلا تفعلوه تكن فتنة في الأرض وفساد كبير}

"And those who disbelieve are allies of one another, (and) if you (Muslims) do not do so (i.e. become allies, as one united block under one Khaleefah), there will be Fitna and oppression on earth and great mischief and corruption". [TMQ Al-Anfal: 73]

This is our invitation to you, the members and activists of Awami League, BNP and all the other parties:

Hizb ut-Tahrir calls upon you to immediately start with us a unified political struggle against the imperialists and their agents; and resist their conspiracies against the country. Furthermore we invite you to rush towards working for re-establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate" state which will free the Muslims from the clutches of the enemies of Islam and the Ummah. We know your eyes shed tears, as do ours, when you witness the mass murder of your Muslim brothers in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and Kashmir. We know your blood boils, as does ours, when you see the thuggish infidel and polytheist soldiers brutally rape your sisters who cry earnestly for help and there is not a single brave ruler in the Muslim world who responds to their cries. Dear brothers, these very murderers and rapists are now in Bangladesh welcomed by the leaders of this country, both the government and the opposition alliance.

The avowed enemy of Islam, crusader America is holding military exercises in the country, one after another. As you may already know from our leaflet issued on April 30, 2010, the US will hold a military exercise ‘Tiger Shark-2' in Chittagong and Sylhet through late-May. ‘Tiger Shark-1' has already taken place in November 2009. After that exercise, from mid-February to mid-March 2010, in the name of so-called ‘port calls' three American warships held naval exercises in the Bay of Bengal. Plans have already been made to organize more exercises; ‘Tiger Shark-3' will be held in July and ‘Tiger Shark-4' will be held in September.

The Americans are also implementing a project to subjugate Bangladesh into collaborating with polytheist India to prevent the rise of Islam as a political ideology in the region as well as to contain China. They implemented the same project in Pakistan through General Musharaf and his successors, Zardari-Gilani, which is the main reason for the current destabilization which we see in Pakistan. Crusader America and polytheist India reached a compromise whereby America will instruct the rulers in the region (especially Pakistan and Bangladesh) to solve the long standing issues with India which will free India's hands and then these two enemies of Islam can develop their partnership to consolidate their foothold in the region.

Therefore we see that on the one hand the Hasina government is giving in to India's demands and at the same time securing American presence in the country especially her military's presence so much so that Bangladesh has become a training base for America's murderous soldiers whose hands are drenched with the blood of Muslims. And the leaders of the opposition BNP alliance are silent about America's military exercises and her evil project to subjugate Bangladesh into collaborating with polytheist India. They are spineless and unable to utter a single word against their American masters. They tremble at the sight of the Americans and cannot refuse to sit with the representatives of the American enemy. They fool the nation with their oft-repeated meaningless words against India merely as political stunt. Even this they do not do as loudly as they scream and shout about Khaleda Zia's house or keeping Zia's name on signboards. That too is meek. All of this is because of the instructions of their American masters not to jeopardize the US-India compromise and not to undo the political process which is a result of this compromise.

Beloved Brothers,

This is the reality of the evil imperialist plots against the country. And the current ruling regime is the tool executing the imperialist designs against the country. Your current leaders are consolidating the foothold of US-India-Britain in the country and surrendering the people to these enemy states. There is no difference between the current leaders of the country in their betrayal of the people. Is this what you struggled for over the decades? These leaders have time and again shown you false dreams and engaged you in cheap struggles for secularism, democracy, ‘nationalist Islamic values', waves of development, and digital Bangladesh etc. Many of your brothers and friends have lost their lives in the process; we pray for their souls. But the end result of all this is that the leaders have exploited the time and effort of thousands of you in the political movements or elections which only act as the vehicle for bringing them to power. And after achieving power, instead of giving you a modern education they have armed you with latest weapons. Instead of giving you jobs they have turned you into extortionists and tender snatchers. The cruelest truth in all this is that taking lessons from their colonial masters, they use the most potent weapon against you, ‘divide and rule'. Thus while they engage you in inter-party and intra-party fighting they secure their own good on the one hand and surrender you and the people to the enemy of Islam and Muslims on the other hand.

Hizb ut-Tahrir calls upon you to take the following measures to correct this grave situation:

1. Immediately start with us a unified political struggle against the imperialist US-India-Britain and resist their conspiracies against the country. Your tears for the Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Kashmir and the rage that runs through your veins will be meaningful only if you raise your voice against the presence of American soldiers in the country and say no to all forms of collaboration with polytheist India. Allah (SWT) orders the Muslims not to allow the disbelievers to have authority over our countries,

{ولن يجعل الله للكافرين على المؤمنين سبيلا}

"And never will Allah allow the disbelievers to have authority over the believers" [TMQ An-Nisa: 141]

2. Detach yourself from the current ruling regime and the treacherous leaders who act as the agents of the imperialists. Do not think that I am part of the ruling party or I am part of the opposition. You must realize that whatever promises the leaders make to you, they are masters in breaking promises. And as we have made clear in this invitation, they are surrendering you to the enemies and remember the enemies do not distinguish between the Muslims - whether in Hizb ut-Tahrir, Awami League, BNP or any other Muslim - when they fire their missiles and drop their bombs. Moreover, if you do not detach yourself from the regime and these leaders, your affairs in the hereafter will be indeed very painful.

{وأن استغفروا ربكم ثم توبوا إليه يمتعكم متاعا حسنا إلى أجل مسمى ويؤت كل ذي فضل فضله وإن تولوا فإني أخاف عليكم عذاب يوم كبير}

"And (commanding you): "Seek the forgiveness of your Lord, and turn to Him in repentance, that He may grant you good enjoyment, for a term appointed, and bestow His abounding Grace to every owner of grace. But if you turn away, then I fear for you the torment of Great Day." [TMQ Hud: 3]

If you continue supporting the treacherous leaders you will be deprived of the meeting with Muhammad (SAW) at the Hawdh al-Kauther, which every Muslim yearns for. He (SAW) said,

"There will be rulers after me, whoever testifies to their falsehood and lies and helped them in their treachery, he is not from me, and I am not from him (i.e. I have nothing to do with him). He shall not come near me at the cistern (Hawdh Kauthar). And whoever does not testify to their falsehood and does not help him in his treachery, he is from me and I am from him and he shall meet me at the Hawdh."

3. Join the work for re-establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate" state. The current ruling regimes will not come to the aid of your brothers and sisters in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Kashmir. Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" can produce leaders who are aware and brave enough to challenge the imperialist disbelievers and polytheists; liberate the Muslims from imperialist aggression and end this Dark Age for the Ummah through replacing the current failing states with one strong super power state. Moreover working towards re-establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate" state is an obligation on the neck of the Muslims. It was narrated from Nafi' that Abdullah ibn Umar said:

"I heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) say: 'Whoever withdraws his hand from obedience (to the Amir) will find no proof for himself when he meets Allah on the Day of Judgment, and whoever dies without having an oath of allegiance (Bay'ah) on his neck he would die the death of Jahiliyyah."

In this hadith the Prophet (SAW) obliged every Muslim to have a pledge of allegiance (bay'ah) on his neck. He describes the one that dies without having such a bay'ah on his neck as dying a death of jahiliyyah. After the Messenger of Allah (SAW), bay'ah is only given to the Khaleefah. Since the hadith obliges the existence of a bay'ah on the neck of every Muslim it also obliges the appointment of a Khaleefah.

You should know that working to establish Khilafah "Caliphate" is not an obligation on Hizb ut-Tahrir only, rather it is an obligation upon every Muslim including you. When we establish the Khilafah "Caliphate" state with help of the Muslim Ummah including the sincere ones among you it will not be Hizb ut-Tahrir's government, rather it will be for every single Muslim on this earth including you. And the Khilafah "Caliphate" state will keep you under the shade of Allah (SWT) in this dunya; Muhammad (SAW) said,

"The Sultan (Khaleefah) is the shade of Allah on earth."

And if you were to spend your time and effort to establish Allah's deen especially those of you who are in your youth then He (SWT) will shade you under His shade in the hereafter. Muhammad (SAW) said,

"Seven types of people Allah will shade them by His shade on the Day of Resurrection when there will be no shade except His shade. They will be a just ruler, a young man brought up in the worship of Allah, ........."

{يا أيها الذين آمنوا استجيبوا لله وللرسول إذا دعاكم لما يحييكم واعلموا أن الله يحول بين المرء وقلبه وأنه إليه}

"O you who believe! Answer the call of Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life and know that Allah comes in between a person and his heart. And verily to Him you shall (all) be gathered." [TMQ Al-Anfal: 24]

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