Thursday, 30 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/03
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Karzai proved his Loyalty with Crusaders by Paying Tribute to the Executioners of Muslims in Arlington National Cemetery of US

Hamid Karzai paid his tribute on Thursday morning to U.S. military members, executioners of Muslims; that have been killed in the last nine-year, in the war against the Muslim Ummah, by visiting the grave sites of US Afghan-war veterans at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. Concurrently the U.S. forces were killing civilians in an overnight raid in Surkh Rod district of Jalalabad last Friday.


  large campaign to publicize the declaration to the society in general and the People of Power in particular

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 After the successful press conference of 9 May 2010, Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan embarked on the next stage of its campaign to uproot Pakistan's oppressor rulers and establish the Khilafah "Caliphate" in their place. Hizb ut-Tahrir is now undertaking a large campaign to publicize the declaration to the society in general and the People of Power in particular. The styles include banners, stickers, posters, contacting the people and distribution of the Declaration itself. The people are being encouraged to deliver the Declaration to all the People of Power they know.

For more photos, please visit the exhibition


Trying to label Hizb ut-Tahrir with terrorism failed and it is a sign intellectual bankruptcy

On 14 May 2010 , the Russian news agency Novosty carried a news item stating that "Russian security services have uncovered an underground terrorist cell( in Tyumen -West Siberia) of the Islamic organization Hizb ut Tahrir al-Islami, which is considered a terrorist group by Russian authorities"; the statement further stated that "Russia, accuses the movement of having links to radical Islamist groups in Chechnya"


Press Release   Hizb ut-Tahrir calls upon the people of power to stop the government's repression against the sincere sons of the Ummah

    Woe to the makers of the pit (of fire). Fire supplied (abundantly) with fuel. Behold! They sat over against the (fire). And they witnessed what they were doing against the believers (i.e. burning them). And they ill-treated them for no other reason than that they believed in Allah, the All-Mighty, Worthy of all praise! [TMQ Al-Buruj: 4-8]

Those in the ruling regime and the government of Sheikh Hasina who are leading and directing the repression against Hizb ut-Tahrir will face their predetermined decree, a severe torment in the Hereafter. The government's repression against the party members and activists is for no reason other than that they believe in Allah (SWT) and carry the call towards His deen. Hizb ut-Tahrir condemns the arrest and remand of thirteen more party members and activists, in the past three days, among whom are a lecturer in a private university and two principals in reputed private schools.

Hizb ut-Tahrir calls upon the Muslims to voice their protests against the government's tyrannical actions. It is no longer a secret to anyone that the government is going after the party for speaking on behalf of the people of this country and the Muslim Ummah. In particular, we call upon the people of power to stop the government from going after the sincere sons of the Ummah and to fulfill their Islamic obligation of giving the nusrah to the beloved of RasulAllah (SAW).

O the People of Power!
The repression against Hizb ut-Tahrir is part of the conspiracy which the government is hatching at the behest of the imperialist US-India-Britain, against the country and the Muslim Ummah. It is part of the same conspiracy which made the government execute the orders of their masters to carry out the massacre of our officers in Pilkhana. You are well aware of this. Do not to stay silent as if what is happening to the Ummah doesn't concern you. And we remind all of you, this also includes those in the security forces and the intelligence, that you took an oath to protect this Ummah, not to protect the treacherous rulers and government. If you do not stand by the sincere sons of the Ummah and the beloved of RasulAllah (SAW), then you will lose in this dunya when the Khilafah "Caliphate", which is about to return soon insha'Allah, will account you. And in the Hereafter you will be with the treacherous rulers.

On the Day their faces will be turned upside down in the fire, they will say: "Oh, would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger." And they will say: "Our Lord! Verily we obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us from the (Right) path. "Our Lord! Give them double penalty and curse them with a very mighty curse!" [TMQ Al-Ahzab: 66-68]


Headline news for 6-05-2010

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  • UK Prime Minister: Labour has common bond with Muslims
  • Italy fines Muslim woman for wearing the Niqab
  • Crisis in Greece leaves EU future in balance, warns Angela Merkel
  • UN backs 'nuclear-free' Middle East
  • America exploits failed bomb attack to pressurize Pakistan to conduct operations in Waziristan


News Details:

UK Prime Minister: Labour has common bond with Muslims

Prime Minister Gordon Brown is seeking to reach out to voters, including Muslims in key marginal constituencies, to support Labour as the party to aid economic recovery while pledging to create job and training opportunities for every young person under twenty-five. "We have a common bond with all those in the Muslim community who are trying to make sure we have fairness and justice throughout the world. "I think people know that we are the party that has done more to tackle poverty in the poorest countries of the world and done more to support organization like Muslim Aid that are trying to help the poorest countries," he said The Prime Minister defended the much criticised counter terrorism Prevent Violent Extremism programme which has impacted negatively on the young Muslims. "No young person who is a law-abiding citizen should have anything to worry about Prevent. We are trying to build links between all the different communities. We are putting a huge amount of resources into building interfaith links and to build links between different schools and communities and between young people in the different faith groups and their communities," he said.


Italy fines Muslim woman for wearing the Niqab

In what is reported to be the first such case amid proposals for sanctions against traditional Islamic dress in a series of European countries, the 26-year-old Tunisian woman was stopped by police in the city of Novara, a stronghold of the anti-immigration Northern League. The woman was wearing a full-length burqa with a niqab-type veil covering all her face apart from her eyes. She and her husband, both legal residents, were en route to Friday prayers when they were stopped by police for an identity check. Some reports said the pair were inside a post office at the time, while others said they were standing near it. The husband was able to produce papers for the couple, but he refused to allow the male officers to see his wife's unveiled face to confirm her identity. This was done when a female officer was called to the scene. Although there was no problem with the couple's status, the woman was fined €500 under a municipal ordinance introduced in January that bans clothing preventing easy identification of the wearer in public buildings. The measure was introduced by Novara's Northern League mayor, Massimo Giordano, Italy's Ansa news agency reported. It is based on a national anti-terrorism law passed in 1975 which was intended to prevent the wearing of masks or motorcycle helmets. Last week, Belgium's parliament voted to ban face-covering Islamic garments for women. France is considering similar legislation.

Crisis in Greece leaves EU future in balance, warns Angela Merkel

Europe was threatened with its gravest modern crisis this week as Germany warned that the EU's future was on the line in the Greek emergency. The spiraling tension over Greece's ballooning debts and Europe's first ever bailout of a country in the single currency has exposed fundamental questions about the EU and Germany's pivotal role as the union's biggest power. In Berlin, where Chancellor Angela Merkel faces a groundswell of hostility to sending the Greeks a €22bn lifeline next week, leaders issued stark warnings about the prospects for the EU and insisted on a punitive new regime for the 16 euro countries if the monetary union is to survive. The leaders of the eurozone's 16 nations are to assemble for an emergency summit on the Greek crisis in Brussels on Friday evening, with the mood bleak and the stakes high. "Europe is at a crossroads," Merkel declared to the German parliament in Berlin today. "This is about no more and no less than the future of Europe and about Germany's future in Europe." Her sombre tone was echoed by the opposition leader and former foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who said the Greek crisis presented the EU with its biggest challenge since the union was created in the 1950s.

UN backs 'nuclear-free' Middle East

The five permanent members of the UN Security Council have said they are committed to making the Middle East a nuclear weapons-free zone - a move which would ultimately force Israel to scrap any nuclear weapons it has. In a statement in New York on Wednesday, China, France, Russia, the US and UK reaffirmed their backing for a 1995 resolution on the issue. The backing from the so-called P5 members of the Security Council - all of them states with nuclear weapons - came as the UN hosts a conference aimed at strengthening the 1970 nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). "We are committed to a full implementation of the 1995 NPT resolution on the Middle East and we support all ongoing efforts to this end," they said. "We are ready to consider all relevant proposals in the course of the (NPT) Review Conference in order to come to an agreed decision aimed at taking concrete steps in this direction." Egypt, which chairs a 118-nation bloc of non-aligned developing nations, has been circulating a proposal to the 189 signatories of the NPT calling for a conference by next year on ridding the Middle East of nuclear arms in which all countries in the region would participate.

America exploits failed bomb attack to pressurize Pakistan to conduct operations in Waziristan

In a series of meetings with and telephone calls to President Asif Ali Zardari and other Pakistani leaders, senior US officials have informed Islamabad that the failed attempt to bomb New York's Times Square had ‘clear links' with Pakistan, the US State Department said on Wednesday. "The purpose of the meetings was to inform Pakistan that there are clear links to Pakistan and that we would fully expect them to do what they should do and what they have been doing," Assistant Secretary of State Philip J. Crowley told a briefing in Washington. "We came away from these contacts today with full confidence that we are on the same page in terms of how this investigation will proceed," he added. Incidentally, the Pakistan's military warned that it had yet to establish a link between the Pakistani-American charged with trying to bomb New York and the country's main militant stronghold in Waziristan. Army spokesman Athar Abbas told AFP that a link between Faisal Shahzad and Waziristan had "yet to be established". "Until and unless the link is established, it will be premature to say that he had gone there," he said. According to the US criminal complaint, Shahzad admitted "after his arrest that he had received bomb-making training in Waziristan, Pakistan."


American agent rulers failed to stop Hizb ut-Tahrir from delivering a bold declaration to the People of Power "Uproot these agent rulers and establish the Khilafah"; Hizb's declaration to the People of Power

Hizb ut-Tahrir presented its bold declaration to the People of Power today at National Press Club, Islamabad, 3:00 PM as publicized. A brave member of Hizb ut-Tahrir read out this declaration in which a direct demand was made to the People of Power to uproot these agent rulers and establish the Khilafah "Caliphate", since it is their shoulders which these rulers are using to further strengthen the US


O Muslims of Pakistan! Deliver this declaration to all the sincere within the People of Power you know Declaration from Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan to the People of Power Uproot the agent rulers and establish the Khilafah

O People of Power! Respected brothers,

The ruler in our noble Deen is described as a shield of the Muslims, protecting the Muslims and leading them in fight against the enemy. RasulAllah صلى الله عليه و سلم said, "Indeed, the Khaleefah is a shield, from behind whom you fight and by whom you are protected." (Muslim)


Answer to Question The Social System Book... Introduction to the Draft Constitiution... Concepts... Institutions of the Khilafah State

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In the Social System book (Arabic, page no. 121), certain conditions are stipulated for contracting of marriage which if not complied with, render the marriage null & void. While 0n page no. 122, there are conditions which if not complied with, corrupt the marriage contract, however, I have not found the Mahr (Dower) mentioned.
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