Wednesday, 29 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/02
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  Greek debt tragedy: A crisis for Europe or an opportunity for Germany to dominate By; Abid Mustafa

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    As Greece edges closer to accepting a 45 billion Euros  EU/IMF aid package to restructure its external debts totaling  300 billion Euros[i], the role of Germany in exacerbating the crisis has not gone unnoticed. Speaking to the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, the billionaire financier George Soros said,"The Germans have always made the concessions needed to advance the European Union, when people were looking for a deal. Not anymore. That's why the European project is stalled. And if it can't go ahead from here, it will go backwards. It's important to understand that if you don't make the next steps forward for the euro, the euro will go to pieces and the European Union too."[ii] Soros's view was shared by Germany's Finance Minster who said in an interview with Spiegel," We cannot allow the bankruptcy of a euro member state like Greece to turn into a second Lehman Brothers."[iii] So despite understanding the gravity of Greece's debt situation and its impact on the Euro, why has Germany allowed problem to fester and cause wide-spread uncertainty. What can Germany do to avert the crisis?

The conventional explanation advocated by most respected analysts usually revolves around three reasons. First, the German public opinion is deeply opposed to bailing out fellow EU countries- especially those countries that have failed to abide by the strict rules of Europe's monetary union. The countries accused of profligate spending that undermines the economic longevity of the union are commonly referred to as PIIGS i.e. Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain. Furthermore, the German chancellor Angela Merkel faces elections in North Rhine-Westphalia on May 9 in which the centre-right government's upper house majority is at stake. Her government fears that any move to help Greece and the public will punish the incumbent government. Second, there is a constitutional hurdle that must be overcome before Germany can participate in any bail-out of Greece. Some German professors are preparing to challenge the EU-IMF rescue package for Greece at Germany's constitutional court claiming that it violates the 'no-bail-out' clause of the EU Treaties. Dr Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider, law professor at Nuremberg and author of the complaint will argue that the rescue contains an illegal rate subsidy, threatens monetary stability as encoded in the Maastricht Treaty, and breaches the 'no bail-out' clause. The professor and others staunchly believe that Greece is clearly responsible for its own mess.[iv] Third and more importantly, many in Berlin and a few outside the country view that Germany-Europe's strongest economy- is stuck between a hard rock and the deep blue sea. If Germany helps to bail-out Greece, then a dangerous precedence will be set, Germany will asked to bail-out other PIIGS countries. On the other hand, if Germany does nothing then the international markets will continue to punish Greece and render it difficult for the Greek government to finance its debts. Both scenarios are likely to put an unbearable strain on EU member states and probably cause it to collapse. It is precisely for this reason that Germany continues to pile pressure on Greece to become more transparent and demonstrate that it can meet its long-term debt commitments. Speaking on this matter recently, Merkel insisted that Greece "must play its part in ensuring that Greece's finances return to a solid path ... The stability of our currency is the first priority."[v]

The aforementioned factors have created uncertainty amongst Germany's political elite and this in turn has caused turmoil in Europe. Some like Morgan and Stanley are predicting that Germany will cede from the European Monetary. The US bank said a bail-out for Greece may be necessary to avoid a crisis for Europe's financial system, but warned that it also "sows the seeds for potentially even bigger problems further down the road".[vi]

With regards to the second question-what can be done-, Germany once again faces a unique opportunity to break free from the clutches of the major powers that have tried to contain and subjugate her for the past 140 years.

Prior to Germany's defeat in World War II, Russia, France and Britain struggled to restrain German militarism. After 1945, Germany was contained by a combination of America and the Soviet Union endeavors. America diverted German ingenuity towards economic pursuits and exploited NATO to suppress German militarism. Additionally, US and USSR divided Germany into two East and West Germany respectively. In the late nineties, the euro was introduced to further contain a united Germany.

 What was originally conceived by the architects of the Marshall plan and the Maastricht Treaty as a means of preventing Germany from attaining major power status has been turned on its head. Today, Germany through its economic might rather than its military prowess, stands at the cross roads to becoming a major power once more.

Muslims should also take heed of Europe's predicament and work to re-establish the Caliphate. The Caliphate will not only provide a sound economic system as an alternative to the degenerative capitalist system. But the Islamic state will adroitly exploit the differences between the major powers in Europe by giving encouragement to Germany to ascend and break away from union. Allah says in the Quran: "You would think they were united, but their hearts are divided" [59:14]



Fearful of the ‘9th May Declaration' the secret agencies are making failed attempts to contact Hizb ut-Tahrir members

Hizb ut-Tahrir's mass contacting campaign to highlight the ‘9th May Declaration' is in full swing.  Through this declaration Hizb ut-Tahrir wants to convey an important message to the people of power of Pakistan which contains solution to all problems of Pakistan.  Petrified of this strong campaign, America has instructed Pakistani government to mobilize its resources against the Hizb ut-Tahrir.


Answer to Question How Will The US-Russian Rivalry Affect Ukraine In The Coming Era?

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Indeed Victor Yanukovych who is pro-Russia and has served earlier as Prime Minister and also as President in 2004 polled 48% of the votes in the second round against his rival Tymoshenko who bagged 46% of votes, and thus he has again become the president of the republic. Does this mean the end of the era of the Orange Revolution and return of Ukraine in the Russian lobby? How will the US-Russian rivalry affect Ukraine in the coming era?


  Press Release The government arrests people for protesting against it's failure to solve the electricity, gas and water crisis

    The government yesterday arrested 7 people from Uttara, Dhaka for protesting against the government's failure to solve the crisis of electricity, gas and water shortages in the country. Members and supporters of Hizb ut-Tahrir  were prevented by the police from gathering outside the Rajlokki HM Plaza mosque. The police searched the musallis and the public in the area and arrested 7 people of which 3 are activists of Hizb ut-Tahrir . This shameless action demonstrates clearly that the capitalist system does not produce rulers who feel a sense of responsibility towards the people. On the one hand they cause the people unbearable hardship while on the other hand they suppress the people for demanding their rights as citizens of the country. Nearly four decades of capitalism which manifested itself in various guises such as Mujibism, Ziaism, dictatorship and democracy has failed to ensure the basic necessities of life. For the past 39 years the foolish rulers in Bangladesh have had no vision to build a strong self-sufficient economy as a result of which the country ranks as part of the poor third world unable to provide the people with drinking water and meet the current demand of a meagre 5,500MW of electricity. To them applies the hadith of the Prophet (SAW), 

         Any person whom Allah has placed in (a position) of authority over the people and he does not look after them, he will not even smell the scent of Jannah.

The only solution to the Ummah's problems is the Khilafah "Caliphate" state. The alternative to Sheikh Hasina and the Awami League alliance is not Khaleda Zia and the BNP alliance. The rulers in the Khilafah "Caliphate" state will be responsible and accountable, acting in accordance with the hadith of RasulAllah (SAW),

The Imam is responsible and he is responsible for his subjects.

Moreover the Khulafah will implement the hadith of Muhammad (SAW),

Three things are not prevented from the people: water, pastures and fire.

Thus according to the Islamic Shari'ah these things are public property and the state is responsible for managing these things. Therefore the Khilafah "Caliphate" state will develop the means for supplying people with clean water and with a vision of becoming a leading state, develop the capacity for exploring and extracting the abundant gas and coal which Allah (SWT) has blessed the Ummah with such that not only will the people have electricity and gas but the country's economy will be transformed into a self-sufficient industrialized economy.

Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir  

Wilayah Bangladesh


  Hizb ut-tahrir calls upon the media to defy the oppressor rulers and extensively cover the Declaration to the People of Power

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 With just a fortnight until the 9 May Declaration to the People of Power, Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan continued to escalate its publicity campaign by putting up hundreds of banners in the major cities of Pakistan. Hizb ut-tahrir calls upon the media to defy the oppressor rulers and extensively cover the Declaration in the Islamabad Press Club at 3 pm, on Sunday 9 May 2010.


photos in exhibition please click here

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Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia held a National Conference for Mubaligah

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      On Wednesday 23rd April 2010, Moslem women of Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia held a National Conference for Mubaligah (Islamic Propagandist)  in sport stadium Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta. This conference was attended by not less than 6000 participants came from allover of Indonesia from Aceh to Papua province. This agenda is one of activities of Moslem women of Hizb ut-Tahrir  in Indonesia to unite the steps and strengthen  the role of Moslem women especially  muballigah in supporting the struggle for establishing sharia and khilafah. As to know that Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia also in 2007 already succeed to organize 7000 olama (Islamic Scholar) at the same place  to support their struggle. In these both conferences all ulama (male and female) signed the letter of agreement to support hizb ut-Tahrir and its struggle, be in the first line  of the struggle and protect all its activists. Up to now thousands of ulama participate actively with Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia , one of the examples, Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia together with thousands of Olama in Majlis  al Buhuts Al Islamiyah after signing the letter of agreement succeed to reject the Obama's visit to Indonesia on last March 2010. As known, there is collective awareness happen in the society not only in Indonesia but also in the world that they believe in that there is no any solution to overcome all crisis  except with the implementation of Islamic ideology. Those all give optimism to all Muslims that Allah's help will come soon, Islamic life will come true, the khilafah will soon come to liberate world from capitalism domination, and Muslims will live safely at peace with the responsible and just Islamic khilafah.

For more photos, please visit the exhibition



  Protests to condemn the government for continuing allow bloodshed companies

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     Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan held protests in the major cities in Pakistan to condemn the government for continuing to allow American intelligence and private military organizations roam free and spill blood. In Peshawar, bomb attacks in a school and crowded market left dozens dead, including Muslims who took part in an anti-government demonstration against electricity shortages. It is US policy to spread terror throughout Pakistan so that its dangerous presence in the region remains. Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan called for the immediate re-establishment of the K000 to ensure security for the Muslims and will issue an important declaration to the People of Power on 9 May 2010 regarding the ever worsening situation in Pakistan, inshaAllah.


For more photos, please visit the exhibition


  Press Release The arrest of Kazi Murshedul Hoque proves that the government has become desperate in repressing Hizb ut-Tahrir in order to serve their imperialist masters

     After the corrupt oppressive Awami League government, agents of US-India-Britain arrested Hizb ut-Tahrir's Official Spokesman in Bangladesh, Mohiuddin Ahmed yesterday, they have today arrested the Deputy Spokesman (No. 1) of the party, Kazi Murshedul Hoque. Hizb ut-Tahrir strongly condemns these arrests and demands that the government release both of them immediately and unconditionally. These arrests prove that the government has become desperate in repressing Hizb ut-Tahrir. The imperialists and their loyal regime in Bangladesh know that Hizb ut-Tahrir is the only obstacle in the way of their evil plans against the Muslims and it is the only party that is serious in its work for removing the imperialist influence from the country by uprooting their agents, and the corrupt capitalist system; and re-establishing the mighty Khilafah "Caliphate" state. 

The imperialists are going full steam ahead with their plans to subjugate Bangladesh. Particularly the leader of the crusaders, the avowed enemy of Islam, America after creating destruction in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan and with her hands drenched in Muslim blood has now set her sight on Bangladesh. This is clear from the military exercises by her murderous soldiers being conducted in the country, one after another. Only Hizb ut-Tahrir is exposing this to the Muslims and mobilizing them to resist this American plan to establsih their military's presence in Bangladesh.

Hizb ut-Tahrir states clearly and unequvocally that the party cannot be silenced by repression. The party will continue to act as the voice of the Muslim Ummah and will continue its struggle together with the Ummah. Allah (SWT) willing the Khilafah "Caliphate" will be re-established and the disbelieving imperialists will not succeed in their plans.

"Indeed, they planned their plot, and their plot was with Allah, though their plot was not such as to remove the mountains from their places" [TMQ Ibrahim: 46]


Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir

Wilayah Bangladesh

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