Wednesday, 29 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/02
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  Press Release Sheikh Hasina has no boundary when it comes to bending over backwards to serve her masters

     The US ambassador to India Timothy J Roemer arrived in Dhaka yesterday to discuss India-Bangladesh relations and ways to strengthen counter ‘terrorism' programmes. Roemer will have a meeting with Sheikh Hasina and a spokesman for the American Centre said, "Ambassador Roemer's meetings in Dhaka will focus on the growing prospects between Bangladesh and India for improved counterterrorism cooperation, trade and development, and regional integration." Hizb ut-Tahrir has been repeatedly warning the people of the Hasina government's wretchedness in surrendering to the disbelievers and polytheists. Sheikh Hasina has no boundary when it comes to bending over backwards to serve her masters. Has she no shame that she is meeting the US ambassador to a third country? It is as if she is the Prime Minister of India. Hizb ut-Tahrir is not at all surprised. The Americans are implementing the same project they implemented in Pakistan when they made General Musharaf and his successors in Pakistan collaborate with the polytheist state to prevent the rise of Islam as a political ideology in the region as well as to contain China. The crusader enemy has the same design for Bangladesh. No aware politician believes their nonsense talk about countering the so-called terrorism when what we witness is that the representative of the world's number one terrorist state is meeting the number one terrorist of this country.

Hizb ut-Tahrir calls upon the Muslims to start an immediate political struggle against the imperialists and their agents. The imperialists installed Sheikh Hasina in power to serve their purpose. Crusader America and polytheist India reached a compromise whereby America will instruct the rulers in the region (especially Pakistan and Bangladesh) to solve the long standing issues with India which will free India's hands and then these two enemies of Islam can develop their partnership to consolidate their foothold in the region. Therefore we see that on the one hand Sheikh Hasina is giving in to India's demands and at the same time securing American presence in the country especially her military's presence so much so that Bangladesh has become a training base for America's murderous soldiers whose hand are drenched with the blood of Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan.

O People of Power! Hizb ut-Tahrir calls upon you to take immediate concrete steps to remove the Hasina government from power. She did not hesitate to conspire with her masters to kill the army officers in Pilkhana. She has now promoted Moinul Islam, who believes in friendship with the Indian enemy, to the rank of Lieutenant General and appointed him as the Army's Chief of General Staff. The longer Sheikh Hasina is allowed to stay in power the more she will conspire together with the crusaders and polytheists to transform the military of the country into force that serves the purpose of these enemies. So before it is too late, take steps to re-establish the Khilafah "Caliphate".  Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" can remove the imperialist influence from the country; so do not look towards the return of the BNP alliance to power, hoping that they can one day salvage the situation. You have a duty to the Muslims. The Ummah will be with you, not just in Bangladesh but globally. More than that you have a duty to Allah (SWT); you must respond to His orders. And put your trust in Him (SWT). You have nothing to fear and no one can harm you. 

"Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is Allah (Alone)", and then they stand firm, the angels descend on them (from time to time saying): "Fear not, nor grieve! But receive the glad tidings of the Garden (of bliss), which you have been promised! [TMQ, Ha-Mim Sajdah: 30]

Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir

Wilayah Bangladesh


  Press Release False propaganda and repression cannot deter Hizb ut-Tahrir


    Hizb ut-Tahrir is a legal political organization. This legality is registered under the law of Allah (SWT) that does not require recognition from the man-made law which tramples upon the people's rights and legalizes the looting and corruption of the despotic kings, the tyrant dictators, the deceptive democratic governments and their entourage. The legality of Hizb ut-Tahrir is derived from the Qur'an al-Kareem,

"Let there arise out of you a party inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong, and they are the ones who are successful." [Surah Ali-Imran: 104]

Any law, government decision or gazette notifications which differ with or contradict this ayah of the noble Qur'an are completely null and void.

      There is only one way to deter Hizb ut-Tahrir and that is by refuting the party's ideological basis - the Islamic aqeedah and the Islamic shari'ah. However the imperialists and their servants - the government and some media such as Prothom Alo, Daily Star, Itteefaq, Amader Shomoy and other likeminded newspapers and television channels - dare not to take up this ideological challenge. They are intellectually bankrupt. Thus they adopt the usual cowboy styles and the only styles available to the capitalists and secular democrats - the third rate degraded styles of lies, deception and repression. Thus every once in a while we see the government spreads and these media follow suit in publishing reports that Hizb ut-Tahrir planned to hijack a plane or it threatened to bomb this or that ceremony and etc etc. Recently the government is propagating that Hizb ut-Tahrir has connections with Harkat-ut-Jihad (HuJI) and that it received funds from HuJI leader. And these media are making headlines of that. However they should know that Hizb ut-Tahrir's connection is with the people who support it and provide its funds.

In fact the current propaganda comes at a time when the party is mobilizing the people and protesting against the government's failure to solve the electricity, water and gas crisis. The people are freely interacting with the members and supporters of the party and expressing their support for the party and its activities. The Muslims know Hizb ut-Tahrir for its intellectual depth and its courage in standing up for the Ummah.  And the Muslims know the distinction between Hizb ut-Tahrir on the one hand and HuJi, JMB etc on the other hand. Hizb ut-Tahrir rejects the use of any physical or violent means. Hizb ut-Tahrir has no connection with violence or violent organizations. There is not a single piece of evidence for that and that which the government spreads and these media report are completely false.

Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir

Wilayah Bangladesh


  Press Release Hizb ut-Tahrir strongly condemns the arrest of party's Official Spokesman, Mohiuddin Ahmed; and demands his immediate and unconditional release


       Hizb ut-Tahrir organized a demonstration today protesting against the arrest of the party's Official Spokesman. The demonstration started outside the High Court and ended at the main gate of National Press Club. At about 2.00am today (April 20, 2010) the corrupt oppressive Awami League government, agents of US-India-Britain arrested Hizb ut-Tahrir's Official Spokesman in Bangladesh, Mohiuddin Ahmed. Hizb ut-Tahrir strongly condemns this arrest and demands his immediate and unconditional release. The government arrested him after their failure to deter the party by banning the party, false propaganda, harassing and imprisoning its members and activists; and keeping Mohiuddin Ahmed under house arrest for the past six months. The party continued its work of bravely speaking on behalf of the people's interests, and exposing US-India-British designs regarding Bangladesh. The imperialists and their loyal regime in Bangladesh know that Hizb ut-Tahrir is the only obstacle in the way of their evil plans against the Muslims and it is the only party that is serious in its work for removing the imperialist influence from the country by uprooting their agents, and the corrupt capitalist system; and re-establishing the mighty Khilafah "Caliphate" state. 

The imperialists are going full steam ahead with their plans to subjugate Bangladesh. Particularly the leader of the crusaders, the avowed enemy of Islam, America after creating destruction in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan and with her hands drenched in Muslim blood has now set her sight on Bangladesh. This is clear from the military exercises by her murderous soldiers being conducted in the country, one after another. In fact the arrest of Mohiuddin Ahmed comes no less than a week after the Hizb ut-Tahrir protested against the planned US military exercise, ‘Tiger Shark-2' which will take place late May. Similarly the banning of the party came no less than a week after the party protested against US plans to hold ‘Tiger Shark-1' which took place in November, 2009. They do not want any further voice of protests against their plans for ‘Tiger Shark-3' in July and ‘Tiger Shark-4' in September and numerous others that they are planning.

The Americans, the British and the Indians should know and their loyal regime in Bangladesh should know that the Mushriks of Quraysh also put sanctions on the Prophet of Islam (SAW) and his Sahabah (RA) before they did and Allah (SWT) freed them. And He made the deen of Islam victorious over all other deens. And they should know that Allah (SWT) and the Muslim Ummah are Hizb ut-Tahrir's support and strength whereas their support is Shaitan. The enemies of Islam all over the world have not succeeded in silencing Hizb ut-Tahrir by banning and repression. Instead the party has become the voice of the Muslim Ummah and hundreds of thousands of Muslims are uniting with Hizb ut-Tahrir to liberate the Ummah. The party will continue its struggle together with the Ummah. Allah (SWT) willing the Khilafah "Caliphate" will be re-established and the disbelieving imperialists will not succeed in their plans.

"Indeed, they planned their plot, and their plot was with Allah, though their plot was not such as to remove the mountains from their places" [TMQ Ibrahim: 46]

Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir

Wilayah Bangladesh


Press Release   The government of Sheikh Hasina fabricates cases against the Official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir, in Bangladesh, Mohiuddin Ahmed

 The government of Sheikh Hasina is making a mockery of the so-called rule of law and democracy which they and their imperialist masters trumpet by fabricating cases against the Official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir, in Bangladesh, Mohiuddin Ahmed. They had him under house arrest for six months, during which police guarded his front door and the locality preventing him from leaving his home. Now these lying degraded oppressors are alleging that he organized the activities of Hizb ut-Tahrir even though they confiscated his phone and computer, cutting off all his means of communication. Furthermore these tyrants did not even allow him to leave his house to visit his baby daughter in hospital without armed police around him. During this whole time they did not even claim to have a single piece of evidence against him.

After seeing that their repressive measures bore no fruits in deterring the party, they rushed to arrest him no sooner they received the orders from the imperialists. Taking lessons from their masters who are the experts in trampling upon people's rights, the government sent the police at 2.00 AM to force into his house like bandits do. They repeatedly lied to his wife about where they were taking him and his whereabouts. Later they presented him in court through the back entrance denying him access to a lawyer. Then they despicably barked lie upon lie in front of the judge and the media alleging that Mohiuddin Ahmed, while under the nose of the police, organized three activists of the party in Uttara two days ago against whom they filed false cases of carrying petrol bombs. The truth is that the three activists were arrested for protesting against the government's failure to solve the national electricity, water and gas crisis and the only thing they were carrying is party leaflets.

Let Sheikh Hasina and her disbelieving and polytheist masters know that the Muslim Ummah is aware of their enmity towards Islam and considers their lies as nothing more than the braying of asses. And let them know that the Noble Ummah of Mohammad (SAW) will remain steadfast on her Deen and stand by the carriers of the Islamic call. Let them also take notice that Hizb ut-Tahrir is not dependent on one person; the members of the party are all leaders and aware politicians. The party will continue its work with the support of the Ummah, relying upon the Help of Allah (SWT), to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and all that is between.


Marches to overthrow the government of Hasina

  • Published in Pictures
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    In a series of marches organized  by the Hizb ut-Tahrir of Bangladesh to expose the government's failure to solve the crisis of water, electricity and gas ravaging the country, Hizb ut Tahrir members and supporters marched in Dhaka Saturday, 17/4/2010, the Marches started from the front of the office of the ruling party and the Office of the Secretary of State, the demonstrators demanded overthrowing the Sheikh Hasina and her government, stressing that the roots of the problem lies in the capitalist system that would govern the country for four decades.

For more photos, please visit the exhibition


 Arabic language and Islam

  • Published in Analysis
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The Arabic language is exclusively the language of Islam and it is exclusively the language used by the State. The Arabic language is part of the Islamic environment as it is the language of the Qur'an and the Sunnah and Islam compels excellence in it which gave rise to the Ilm of the Arabic language. In fact the complete comprehension of that which came in the ayaat and the ahadeeth is not possible without the Arabic language. As Allah intended the strength of the Arabic language blended with the strength of Islam.

This was due to the qualities in the language of:

  1. Influence (Ta'theer ) تَأْثِير
  2. Expansion (Tawsee') تَوَسُّع
  3. Spreading (Intishaar) إِنْتِشار

With regards to Influence, Arabic language has the unique quality of a very particular description of a reality or an event, as if one where seeing it. For example, there are over seventy words for the word Asad (Lion), encapsulating all the unique situations of the lion and without the use of any synonym. It is this quality which gives Arabic language its influence. It invokes the sensation of matters as if someone was sensing it directly. So, one cannot sense the temperature of the fire through touching, but the wording is such that it embodies the sensation that would be felt.

With regards to Expansion, this is related to Etymology/Derivation (Ishtiqaq), Arabization (Ta'reeb) and Similitude/ Comparison (Tashbeeh). As an example, the word Telefoon تلفون in Arabic is Arabic in characteristics morphologically. So much so it is unnecessary to Arabize the meaning to say, Hatif. And after the Arabization of the word it then forms the laws of Derivation in the Arabic Language, so Telefoon can become Telafanaتلفن (Verb to Phone) or Telfana تلفنة (Telephony) and so on.

With regards to the Spreading, it is related to the Union with Islam such that the Recitation (Qira'a) of the Qur'an is not in any language other than Arabic. This meant that it spread to every one of the Islamic regions.

These qualities combined with Islam, which also possesses these three qualities.

With regards to the Influence, the description of realities and events have a profound effect upon the soles of men, whether it is of the joys of Heaven or the miseries of Hell.

With regards to Expansion, Islam through Istinbaat (Extraction) is able to provide Ahkaam for all new matters and thereby include them within its cultures

With regards to Spreading, it is the nature of Islam that it is for all of humankind, regardless of race or language. So, it is natural for Islam to spread from place to place until it envelopes the whole of humankind.

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