Tuesday, 28 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/01
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Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki Moon is Visiting Bangladesh with an Imperialist Political Agenda

Official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh Mohiuddin Ahmed condemned the United Nations secretary general Ban Ki Moon's visit to Bangladesh. In a press release issued today he said that imperialist institution United Nations secretary general's visit to Bangladesh before the scheduled election in December is politically motivated.


Reject the Imperialist Dominated Political-Economic System and the Current Ruling Elite and Work for Re-establishing the Khilafah

Official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh Mohiuddin Ahmed issued a press release today in reaction to the announcement of the schedule for election 2008. In his statement Mohiuddin Ahmed said the current elite, the government system and the election process is a total failure.


Views on the News 6/11/08

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Obama's victory will not change America's foreign policy in the Muslim world

Despite the feeling of elation expressed by some Muslims at Obama's victory, very little is about change in the way America treats the Muslim world. Obama has gone on record to support the Israeli hegemony over Palestine. He has also tapered his commitment to withdraw immediately US troops from Iraq and has placed the burden of troop reduction on army commanders. On Pakistan both he and Biden-vice US president- have outlined tough American action against Pakistan's tribal belt. Even his comments on engaging Iran should be taken with a pinch of salt, as like Bush he has refused to take the military option off the table. Muslims must realize that a black president does not spell a change in foreign policy. Currently America is at war with Muslim world and Obama will be its commander in chief.

Bulgaria has the largest concentration of Muslims

Bulgaria has the highest relative share of Muslim population in the European Union - more than one tenth. Professor Peter-Emil Mitev revealed these findings at a conference entitled "The intercultural agreement - pledge for the development of the contemporary society". According Mitev Muslims in Bulgaria are all Turkish people. The breakdown of the main ethnic groups in Bulgaria is the Bulgarians - 83% of the population, the ethnic Turks - around 9% and the Roma people - nearly 5%. The findings reveal that Turkey had a glorious Islamic past and through the Ottoman Caliphate new lands were opened up and Muslims settled in these lands. Today, Muslims living both in Turkey and Europe find themselves exposed to a vicious onslaught orchestrated by Europe's elite and those who seek to join this club.

Vatican opens dialogue with Muslims

In an attempt to improve relations with the Islamic world, the Vatican opened a three-day Catholic-Muslim seminar on 4/11/2008. Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, the president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, who is presiding over the meeting, said it marked "a new chapter" in Vatican-Muslim relations. Two years ago, Pope Benedict XVI offended Muslims when he quoted a medieval text that called some teachings of the Prophet Muhammad "evil and inhuman." Despite this insult, 138 Muslim scholars wrote to Benedict and other Christian leaders, urging them that Christian and Muslims should work together.

Indian government employs draconian measures to subjugate Kashmiris

On 6/11/2008 Authorities in Indian-administered Kashmir have imposed a curfew in the mainly Muslim Kashmir valley to prevent a proposed march by Muslim groups. The march has been called to commemorate the "killing of Muslims" by in the mainly Hindu Jammu area in 1947. Kashmir was then ruled by a Hindu monarch who mercilessly subjugated Kashmir's Muslim populous. In August Hundreds of thousands of people joined four marches organized by Muslim groups. The unprecedented outpouring of public support has worried the Indian government, so much so that the government has reverted back to heavy handed tactics in order to suppress Muslims. Ironically, Pakistan once an avid defender of Kashmiri Muslims has turned a blind eye to the plight of the Kashmiris and is eager to normalize its relationship with despotic Hindu regime.

Morocco: Far better to Ban the regime for insulting Islam

On 4/11/2008 The Moroccan government banned an issue of the French magazine L'Express International, claiming it insults Islam in articles exploring the relationship between that religion and Christianity. Khalid Naciri, the Information Minister, said he had to ban the issue because of the "offensive" articles. The cover carries the headline "The Jesus-Muhammad Shock", which is also the title of a book by Christian Makarian, one of the magazine's editors. Mr Naciri did not specify what was offensive, but implied the material "could be prejudicial to our religion or undermine public order". Apart from this publicity sent, does not Khalid Naciri realize that the regime he serves is far bigger violator of Islamic rules and regulations. As the information minister it is about time that Naciri fulfilled his role and exposed the crimes committed by Morocco's regime for insulting Islam.


Views on the News 28/10/08

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Chicago: Bus converts 14 people to Islam.

14 people have accepted Islam while a bus - with a simple sign: "ISLAM" Got Questions? Get Answers! are going around Chicago to inform about Islam. The bus dawah project aims at combating Islamaphobia and prejudices against Islam by encouraging non-Muslims to ask questions. For example, Leslie C. Toole was thinking about becoming a Muslim for 10 years - but he needed something to "push him along". Mr. Toole, the new Muslim, believes that the simple yet stark advert which merely says "Got Questions? Get Answers" is a brilliant way to draw people's attention. "I thought it was a neat idea...I had never seen that before." The bus dawah project also provides every new Muslim with the Shahada package, which includes: A How to Pray DVD, a Help Yourself in Reading the Qur'an book, and brochures on various topics about Islam.

US presidential candidates keep their distance from Muslims

By all accounts Muslims are following the presidential race and planning to vote. That means a good many of approximately 7 million U.S. Muslims - many of whom live in battleground states - will turn out to cast their ballots. But many say they feel disenchanted with both candidates. Neither presidential candidate has made any real efforts to reach out to Muslim and Arab Americans. "The Obama campaign has kept Muslim Americans at arms-length for obvious reasons," says Dr. Moustafa Bayoumi, an associate professor of English at City University of New York-Brooklyn College and author of the recently released book How Does It Feel to Be a Problem: Being Young and Arab in America. The reasons include the distrust and prejudice some Americans feel toward Muslims and Arabs. But while the Obama campaign might try to side-step the Muslim community, the McCain camp is using Islam "as a very destructive and hate-filled way to promote their campaign," says Bayoumi. McCain has said the Constitution established the United States as a Christian nation. Bayoumi says this type of rhetoric alienates anyone belonging to a non-Christian faith: "It's meant to say that there's an ‘us' and there's a ‘them.' At the core of the ‘us' is the Christian Evangelical movement. At the core of the ‘them' are the Muslims." The behavior of both candidates should spur Muslims in America to realize that voting for either candidate is a futile exercise and will not halt America's war against Islam.

UK: Beating radicalization will take 30 years

Recently, Britain's terrorism minister said that it would take 30 years to fully solve problems with the radicalization of young Muslims. Lord Alan West told a committee at London's House of Commons that the U.K. government had a growing understanding of how extremists target teenagers. He also told lawmakers that work to stop young people falling prey to extremists would take around three decades. It is interesting to note that across the world the West is either inflating its estimates to combat Islam or in some cases like Afghanistan has already conceded defeat. Muslims should be buoyed by such developments and should redouble their efforts to re-establish the Khilafah "Caliphate".

Swiss court rejects mixed swimming case

Last week, a Swiss court turned down a request by a Swiss Muslim father to exempt his two sons from attending mixed swimming classes. It argued that exempting students from mixed swimming classes for religious reasons must be very restricted. Equality between the two sexes and the success of the integration process should be given priority over religious considerations, argued the court. The verdict runs counter to a 1993 court ruling which allowed the exemption of a Muslim schoolgirl from attending mixed swimming lessons that violate her religious tents. There are more than 340,000 Muslims in Switzerland, which has a population of 7.4 million.

Exploring cultural heritage with Turkey will not protect Balkan Muslims

This week the future of Balkan Muslims was discussed during Balkan Symposium that was held at Istanbul Grand Cevahir Hotel. For the first time in many years, Chief muftis of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece gathered together at the IHH-organized symposium. Delivering the opening speech, IHH President Bülent Yıldırım said Turkey should strengthen its historical and cultural relations with Muslims in the Balkans again to reassert itself in the region. Yıldırım stated Balkan Muslims have long been neglected and said the symposium aimed to bring up the situation of the Balkans and Balkan Muslims. Global actors are trying to carry out various scenarios in the Balkans, Yıldırım said, adding "Turkey has the potential to prevent global games being played in the Balkans. It could contribute to peace in the region. This is what 12 million Muslims in the Balkans want." On their part the Chief muftis of Balkan countries agreed that Balkan Muslims were made orphans after the retreat of the Ottomans. To redress this situation they suggested that a joint council should be established to probe Ottoman cultural legacy and problems of Balkan Muslims. Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" can protect the Muslims of the Balkans. The messenger (s.a.w) said, "The Imam is a shield behind which the people are protected and behind whom they fight."

Thai Muslims oppressed by the government

Recently, leading a leading human rights group stated that the abuses by the Thai military are forcing Muslims to live in fear in Thailand's Narathiwat province. "Muslims in southern Thailand live in fear of the army storming in to take their men away to be tortured," said Brad Adams, Asia director at the Human Rights Watch. The HRW has recently accused the army and police of using forced disappearances to intimidate Muslims, urging a public government's renunciation of the standard policy. "The army is fighting an insurgency but that doesn't mean soldiers can abuse people," said Adams. "And prosecuting troops for mistreatment could actually help calm the situation and rebuild trust with the Muslim community." Thai Muslims, who make up five percent of the predominantly Buddhist kingdom's population, have long complained of heavy-handed practices by the military in the South. Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala are the only Muslim-majority provinces in Thailand and were an independent Muslim sultanate until annexed officially a century ago.


Hizb ut Tahrir/ Malaysia: Ramadhan Activities

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Throughout the blessed month of Ramadhan, the Shabab of Hizb ut-Tahrir /Malaysia held numerous events throughout the country. The events included seminars, exhibitions and Iftar gatherings and were addressed by prominent members of Hizb ut-Tahrir/ Malaysia.

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