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Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia: The Global Economic Crisis: Causes & The Islamic Alternative

  • Published in Australia
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On Friday 24th October 2008, Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia convened an event at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. The event placed the spotlight on the global financial crisis. The speakers examined the causes of the crisis and presented their views on how these challenges could be addressed. The speakers were Wassim Doureihi from Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia and Associate Professor Steve Keen of the School of Economics & Finance, University of Western Sydney. 


Women's conference in Ukraine

  • Published in Russia
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On the 19th of October 2008 a women's conference was held in Ukraine. It was attended by over 800 women and the press were also in attendance. The lectures examined the role of women in bringing about revival, the empty slogans of women's rights and freedom and the role of women as ordained by Islam.










Views on the News 23/10/08

  • Published in News & Comment
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Powell's comments sway Muslims

Stressing that Obama was a lifelong Christian, Powell denounced Republican tactics that he said were insulting not only to Obama but also to Muslims. "The really right answer is what if he is?" Powell said, praising the contributions of millions of Muslim citizens to American society. He further added:" We can't allow ourselves to become a society where "Muslim" or "Arab" is a dirty word." Whilst his comments have infuriated those on the right of American politics, many Muslims have been swayed to vote for Obama. Muslims in America must realize that whether the president is republican or democrat, black or white America's foreign policy towards fighting Islam is not going to change. The messenger (s.a.w) said, "The Muslim should be sharp so that he is not stung from the same hole twice."

Germany' spy chief reveals that Islamists think the West can be beaten

Ernst Uhrlau, the head of the BND, the German equivalent of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), told Reuters it was too early to judge whether recent financial woes would help militants recruit new adherents, but suggested it had become a topic of debate in Islamist forums. He said, "We're hearing some first voices on this. Some see the fact that the United States has been so shattered by the financial crisis, and that its dominant role in the world is shaken, as confirmation the West can be beaten." Communism is dead and capitalism is on life-support. In fact, if it was not for the rulers of the Muslim world, capitalism would have died long ago.

Another video game vilifying Islam

The release of a video game has been delayed amid fears that lyrics in a song for the background music could offend Muslims. Sony's LittleBigPlanet (LBP) was held back after it was discovered that one of the background music tracks to the game included expressions from the Qur'an. Sony is recalling all copies of LBP that had been sent to retailers and is manufacturing new discs of the PlayStation 3 blockbuster, removing the music track by the Mali-born singer Toumani Diabate. The game allows players to design their own level in detail and share it with friends over the internet. A post on the official PlayStation forum from a gaming enthusiast identifying himself as Yasser explained that the offending musical track was in the first level of the third world in the game. The level is known as Swinging Safari. The track featured Arabic words from the Qur'an translated as "Every soul shall have the taste of death" and "All that is on earth will perish". He went on to say that "we Muslims consider the mixing of music and words from our Holy Qur'an deeply offending" and said it was not the first time games had contained material offensive to Muslims. The unprecedented level of attack against Islam by the West is a direct result of inaction by the rulers of the Muslim world. Their inability to cut oil supplies, withdraw money from Western banks and cease support of America's war against ‘terrorism' has emboldened the kuffar and resulted in a barrage of insults. The only way to minimize the insults is to re-establish of the Khilafah "Caliphate".

Humiliated, Zardari takes his begging bowl to IMF


After having travelled to Saudi Arabia, Dubai, London and China in a desperate bid to raise money to counter Pakistan's dwindling foreign reserves, the humiliated Zardari returned home empty handed. To add insult to injury, Pakistan's supposedly arch alley America also refused to help. On 20/10/2008, US Assistant Secretary of State, Richard Boucher said, "It is not going to be a cash advance for Pakistan." Pakistan is now forced to turn towards the IMF, and secure a loan that is accompanied by humiliating conditions. This is America's reward for Pakistan's leadership for spilling Muslim blood in the Tribal Areas and Swat. Despite this, the defeated leadership of Pakistan still continues aid and abet America's war against Islam- a war where America's faithful European allies are on the verge of deserting her.

Imam of India's Jama Masjid should embark on a regional campaign to safeguard the rights of Muslims

Earlier this week, Ahmed Bukhari, the Shahi Imam of the Jama Masjid in India, sought an appointment with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to discuss the current state of affairs of Muslims in India, especially the targeting of Muslims in the name of countering terrorism."Muslims are severely offended at the indiscriminate arrests of the Muslim youths in the name of investigating bomb blasts and terrorist activities in different parts of the country, particularly in Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Jaipur and Azamgarh and Delhi," Bukhari said in his letter to the prime minister. "We will wait for some time and if our demands will not be accepted then we will launch door to door campaign against the government. We are planning a massive rally in the last week of January 2009," Bukhari said. It is pointless to engage with the Hindu leadership over the plight of Muslims of India. Rather, the Imam of Jama Masjid should urge Muslims of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh to take it upon themselves to re-establish the Khilafah "Caliphate", where their rights will be protected. How is it that the Sub-continent's 450,000 Muslims cannot overcome 900,000 Hindus. In the past, a minority of Muslims ruled over a Hindu majority through the justice of Islam for a thousand years


Views on the News 16/10/08

  • Published in News & Comment
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Anti-Muslim DVD rattles US voters in key battleground states

On 12/10/2008 morning just weeks before the presidential election, Priscilla Linsley opened her local Denver newspaper and discovered a DVD inside. "I was shocked at the content and horrified that this had been in my Sunday paper," said Linsley, a 74-year-old Democrat, who watched about half of the video before throwing it in the trash. The hour-long film on DVD, "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West," was made by Israeli filmmaker Raphael Shore and shows disturbing, sometimes violent images. In September, some 28 million of the "Obsession" DVD's were distributed as advertising inserts in 70 newspapers, primarily in critical swing states such as Colorado, Florida and Ohio. The distribution of the DVD clearly demonstrates how desperate the supporters of Republican Party have become. The clearly believe that by emphasizing Islamaphobia over policy will win over voters in key swing states.

Americans are now scared of a toy doll that allegedly to Islam

On 16/10/2008 the English paper the Telegraph reported that a Fisher-Price doll that sounds like it is saying "Islam is the Light" has been described as inappropriate by parents. The doll is meant to make realistic baby sounds and occasionally cry out for its "mama". But some parents in the US claim that one of its noises sounds just like "Islam is the Light", and have complained to Mattel, which owns Fisher-Price. Some shops in the US have removed the doll from shelves after complaints from customers, according to reports. A spokesman for Fisher-Price insisted that the doll was not pushing pro-Islamic messages, adding that the sound some parents were hearing was caused by an accidental distortion of the doll's soundtrack.

A Woman to lead jumma prayers in Oxford UK

Islamic prayers will be led by a woman at Oxford's Muslim Education Centre (Meco) on 17/10/2008. It is thought to be the first time a woman has acted as Imam to a mixed congregation anywhere in the UK. Meco chairman Dr Taj Hargey invited Prof Amina Wadud to lead the service as part of a two-day conference on Islam and feminism. When Prof Wadud led a similar service in New York, in 2005, three mosques refused to host it. Dr Taj Hargey said: "We believe we are actually resurrecting the original practices of Islam. The most learned should lead the prayer, and Prof Wadud, in terms of her knowledge of the Koran and Islam, exceeds anyone I know here in Oxford. Every time someone does something new they get extreme views and threats. We don't take this lightly, but what we are saying to those Muslims who object to women leading prayers is we ask them very respectfully not to attend." How many times have the kuffar and hypocrites used the excuse of protecting the original Islam only to innovate? The messenger (s.a.w) said "Whoever innovates something in this matter of ours [i.e., Islam] that is not a part of it, will have it rejected."

Funding shortage forces America to beg her allies to inject cash in the war against Islam

According to US defense officials, the United States has asked Japan and NATO allies who have refused to send troops to Afghanistan to pay the estimated $17 billion needed to build up the Afghan army. "... God knows we operate far more expensively than the Afghan national security forces do... At a minimum it's going to cost $17 billion. That's a hefty price-tag and someone's got to pay it," said Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell. The new Pentagon push to share costs more widely reflects a realization among U.S. officials that America's $700 Billion bank bailout has started to create a financial strain on US operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Allah says : Lo! those who disbelieve spend their wealth in order that they may debar (men) from the way of Allah. They will spend it, then it will become anguish for them, then they will be conquered. And those who disbelieve will be gathered unto hell (8:36)

China is hesitant to use its $2 trillion reserves to bail out the West

With nearly $2 trillion worth of foreign currency reserves, China is being touted by some as the potential savior of the Western banking system. In order to bail out ailing financial firms, Western governments need money - and China seems a good place to get that much-needed cash. "The Chinese government could offer to lend up to $500bn to the US government for the rescue of its financial sector," wrote Mr Subramanian, of the Peterson Institute for International Economics. In fact the Chinese have already been doing something similar for a number of years. Beijing has been buying up US government debt, which has allowed the US to spend beyond its means. "China is already helping the US economy and, if possible, it will continue to do this," said Zhao Xijun, of Beijing's Remin University of China. But in a telephone conversation with Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown, he also made it clear where China's priority lay. "The most important thing for China now is to handle its own affairs well," China's state-run Xinhua news agency reported him as saying. And for all its foreign exchange reserves, China is still a developing country with its own problems that will require lots of money to fix.


The Capitalist economy is self-destructing, just as Socialism-Communism before it. Only the Islamic model is the cure and prevents economic crises

The real-estate crisis exploded in America and engulfed mortgages, rendering debtors unable to pay their loans. Major banks and financial corporations either collapsed, or are on the verge of bankruptcy. Incited by attractive subsidy packages and public announcements of anticipated heavy profits, international banks and investment funds rushed to this sector.


Announcement of the death of Sheikh Fathi Muhammad Saleem Abu Ghazi

  • Published in Dawah News
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"Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah, of them some have fulfilled their obligations (i.e. have been martyred), and some of them are still waiting, but they have never changed" [al-Ahzaab:23]

We mourn with the Muslim Ummah the death of Sheikh Fathi Muhammad Saleem Abu Ghazi on the 12th of October 2008 corresponding to the 13th of Shawwal 1429 Hijri. Sheikh Abu Ghazi was one of the highly respected thinkers, scholars and politicians of the Ummah. He wrote widely on Islamic thought and political analysis and his interviews and articles were frequently published by the Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir.

May Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'aala) have Mercy on him and raise him up with the Prophets, Siddiqqeen (truthful), Shuhadaah (martyrs) and Saliheen (righteous) and how excellent is their company!

Indeed, the eyes weep and the hearts grieve and we are bereaved by the departure of Sheikh Abu Ghazi! But we shall not say anything except that which pleases our Lord:

"Those who, when afflicted with calamity, say: "Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return." [al-Baqarah:156]

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