Sunday, 10 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 | 2024/06/16
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Injustice will Appear as Darkness on the Day of Resurrection and the Political Ideological Calls are not Defeated by Restrictions and Arrests

On 1/7/2019 at approximately 10:00 pm on Monday, the security of Tahrir Sham Organization raided a house rented by a member of Hizb ut Tahrir in the village of Khirbet al-Jawz. They arrested four members of Hizb ut Tahrir who were in it, in addition to seizing existing property; and then headed to Hizb ut Tahrir’s radio station in the village of Astra and seized all its equipment and contents.

Wilayah Syria: Congratulations on the Occasion of the Blessed Eid ul-Fitr

The Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah of Syria is pleased to extend its warmest congratulations to the Islamic Ummah in general and to the people of Al-Sham in particular on the occasion of Eid ul Fitr; may Allah the Almighty return it upon the Islamic Ummah with goodness, blessings and prosperity under the shade of the Khilafah Rashidah (rightly guided Caliphate) on the method of the Prophethood,…

Conferences Continue to Conspire against the Revolution of Ash- Sham and to Tame its People

On the evening of Friday, 26/4/2019, the curtain is closed on the Astana 12 conference held in the Kazakh capital, Nur Sultan, which issued its final statement, with resolutions to preserve the sovereignty of the Syrian Republic and the commitment to the political process led by Damascus and the need to implement the resolutions of the Sochi Conference on Idlib. (Al-Quds Al-Arabi)

The Baghouz have no One to Cry for Them! And Nothing will Stop the Massacres Against the Muslims Except the Khilafah Rashidah State on the Method of the Prophethood

The international coalition forces with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) committed a horrific massacre in Baghouz, the last remaining enclave of ISIS, before the SDF officially entered the Baghouz. The town of Baghouz is located in the north-west of the city of Al-Bukamal on the north-eastern bank of the Euphrates River, where the largest number of ISIS fighters who refused to or could not escape have been assembled.

Guarantors States Increase the Suffering of the People of Ash-Sham to use them as a means of Subjugation to achieve the Decisions of International Conferences

The Syrian tyrant and the Russian guarantor escalated their bombardments on the liberated cities and towns of northern Syria; they used rocket launchers and artillery shells, as well as warplanes that had been absent for months from the skies of liberated areas.

The Sochi Summit is a Cover to Achieve the Interests of Participating Countries and the Interests of their Masters at the Expense of the Interests of the People of Ash-Sham

The tripartite Russian-Turkish-Iranian summit, held in Sochi on 12/2/2019, concluded with a series of points. In its concluding statement, the tripartite summit affirmed the commitment of the three countries to the unity of Syrian state land and its rejection of separatist agendas. The heads of the three countries also stressed that the US withdrawal from Syria will serve the stability and security there,
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