Monday, 27 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/30
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Media Office
Wilayah Yemen

H.  28 Jumada I 1436 No: HTY-190
M.  Thursday, 19 March 2015

Press Release
To the International Union of Muslim Scholars: Fear Allah, and Stop Drumming for the Incapable (Ruwaibidah) Rulers

In a statement issued in Doha on 26 Jumada I 1436 AH, corresponding 17 March 2015 CE, the International Union of Muslim Scholars presented its view of the events in Yemen, where the statement read: "The International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) is following the tragic situation of Muslims, and what inflicted them from tribulations, calamities, disperse, tear, terrorism and extremism ... Part of it is what is happening in Yemen, of the exploitation by some deviants and their riding of the events that takes place, to reach to their sectarian and partisan goals. The Union is optimistic to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC); led by Saudi Arabia, for its attempts to heal the wound and reunification, to maintain the unity of Yemen, and the prestige of its state, led by its legitimate president, through its call to hold dialogue meetings in the capital, Riyadh. Also through its intensive calls to all Yemeni people, and gathering all the internal and international energies of the Kingdom for the success of the dialogue, and the activation of the outputs of the comprehensive national dialogue to achieve justice, good governance, unity, and the interests of the lovely Yemen." This was the introduction to the statement! We in the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Yemen saw that we have an obligation to clarify the statement and refute what came in it with argument and proof, even by discussing its points with some detail, perhaps Allah reform our situation and the situation of the Muslims, especially in Yemen; the land of wisdom and Iman.

Onlookers of the statement from the scale of Islam find that it was formulated to commensurate with what the rulers and some Western countries want, which the statement did not address to warn the people of Yemen of it. Despite the knowledge of those in charge of this Union, of the role of the United Nations and its Security Council in taking care of these rulers and those initiatives which are supplied to the people of Yemen on behalf of the Gulf states. As well as, despite knowing the role of the United Nations envoy, Jamal bin Omar, in the quest to enable the Houthis and ignite sectarianism, regionalism and separatism strife, however, they passed in their statement over these facts blindly?!
The statement has called on the people of Yemen to fear Allah in Yemen! Although those who call themselves Scholars are worthier to fear Allah and they should not speak about Allah but the truth.

[إِنَّمَا يَخْشَى اللَّهَ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ الْعُلَمَاء]

"Only those fear Allah, from among His servants, who have knowledge." [Fatir: 28]

So let them fear Allah, those scholars; how could they give legitimacy to the rulers who do not rule by what Allah has revealed, and how do they call to gather around them, while gathering must be around Islam and around the ruler who applies it after he is being appointed through the legitimate method and not imposed by the West through its initiatives and its rotten false democracy?!

What is worse and bitter is that these Scholars call the people of Yemen and their political movements to abide by the outputs of the National Dialogue. Those outputs that satisfy the West and angers the Lord Almighty; since these outputs call for the civil state that separates Islam and whatever remains of it from life and make it a mere religious ritual and devotional rites, and even launches public freedoms that are not of Islam at all and by which a human becomes like an animal.

O Scholars, the drowned in drumming for the rulers and optimists for their crimes against the Ummah! By Allah, tell us where is the good governance in the outputs of the national dialogue sponsored by the West, its United Nations and its Security Council? Do these want for the Muslims and in particular the people of Yemen any good?! The mentioning of good (Rasheed) governance and your calls for it makes the common Muslim think that you intend by that the Islamic rule and the Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah on the method of the Prophethood. While the conscious of their Deen, the concerned for their Ummah and the sincere to their cause, are aware that you do not think so merely, rather you deride, denounce and uglify with fallen words - except those upon which my Lord has mercy, where you claim that Islam has not defined or obligated a particular form of governance. And no wonder as the West and its secular civil state has become your example and your Qiblah for the good governance and you issued Fatwas for the legitimacy of the republic and the monarchy systems that they are of Islam. Nevertheless, when we mention to you the Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah and the obligation of its return your hearts shrink with aversion, as if Khilafah "Caliphate" is not from Islam!?! Rather, it is one of the greatest duties if you know.

The statement addressed a call in five points which is full of contradictions and fallings that makes the Muslim affirms that this union does not care about Islam and Muslims or their unity. Instead, it is a union that is laid by the rulers to legitimize them so that the Ummah continues in the state of division, dissension, humiliation and degradation, facilitating the West's control over it through these rulers who are squatting on the Ummah of Islam. Joining them in their offense are hired Scholars who chose safety and are satisfied to be with those who stay behind, warbling outside the Ummah's squadron; a tool that obeys the rulers and feeds on their tables.

Thus, the first point in the "Statement of the International Union of Muslim Scholars" demands the Yemeni people to gather around the legitimacy of the state represented by President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi! Despite that the state in Yemen is not legitimate and is not based on Islam. And it is not born from the womb of the people of Yemen, but the West's interests coincided on the choice of President Hadi in a dirty democratic play where President Hadi was appointed and was the only nominated candidate?!! It was more fitting for these scholars to call the people of Yemen to the arbitration of Islam and the establishment of its state and authority; through the inauguration of a ruler who governs by Islam, rather than those calls of ignorance that legitimize these rulers who buried Islam and comply to the orders of their Kafir Western masters.

As for the second point, it is a call for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to develop a strategy to achieve security and stability in Yemen! Despite that security and stability is not enjoyed by those Gulf States themselves; where these semi-states became police States par excellence, fearing its citizens and spying on them, and begging the West to protect them against their own people. For they have no self-security and sovereign stability. And how can they have that and they is far from the Shariah of Allah, and are unjust to the servants of Allah. So what is wrong with you - how do you judge?

In the third point, the reality of the Union of Muslim Scholars and its position of the nation's enemies are reflected. The statement calls on the United Nations to stand with Yemen in its ordeal by material and moral support! As if these Scholars do not know the reality of the United Nations, and that it is a disease, so how could they hope a remedy from it?! If these Scholars consider the United Nations from the friends, then who are the enemies who Allah (swt) obliged us to have enmity towards them and to beware of them?! And who does the statement aim at when it warns the people of Yemen from seeking strength from, when it warns them of seeking strength from outside? Moreover, the financial support given by the Kafir West and its United Nations, they only spend it to avert people from the way of Allah. So, O Scholars, if these are not those

((الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا)) "Who disbelieve", then who else?! And Allah (swt) tells us in his book, of their reality and their spending of money - albeit under the name of grants - that it is to avert people from the way of Allah. And who is more truthful than Allah in statement and talk for a people who are certain in faith?!

The statement calls on the fourth point the youth in Yemen and its people to join legitimacy?!! And not to go out of it, due to the ill-effects of coming out of it?! Actually the legitimacy of these Scholars have fallen before the Ummah, as the Ummah sees them scrambling in their fatwas; sometimes they make it obligatory to come out on today's rulers, and at others they deny and criminalize it ... and the Ummah realizes that all rulers do not rule by the laws of Allah or follow the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saw). And if the matter is as these scholars say, in view of considering the interests and evils, so why did they support, rather obliged, the coming out on the former rulers while they, according to this corrupt scale of theirs, are less corrupt and evil, if they are truthful?

Then the statement concluded with the fifth point which stated: "The Union's Fatwa: is that the unity of Muslims is a legitimate obligation imposed by the Shara' evidence from the Holy Quran, the purified Sunnah and the consensus of the nation, and is confirmed by the realistic necessity of our Islamic nation which threatened by great evils if it does not unite, rather it is, in light of the sharp conflicts and dangerous division, is threatened by abject failure, and the dominance of enemies - Allah forbid". We wonder: Why do you, O Scholars, emphasize division and the colonial borders for the republic and monarchy national states in the Islamic world and you legitimize them; misleading people by them and forbidding people to come out on those rulers who do not give any weight for the Shara'? Is this the state of those who seek to unite the Muslims, gather their word and liberate them from the yoke of colonialism?!! And why do you shrink with aversion from the workers for the Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah and you pursue to distort them and describe the Khilafah "Caliphate" as an unrealistic project, as if Allah had not sent down for it any Sultan (authority)?! Despite that the obligation of the Khilafah "Caliphate" is established by the decisive texts from the Quran, the Sunnah and the consensus of the companions.

Or are there locks upon the hearts? So fear Allah and do not conceal what Allah has revealed of evidence and rules; for there is no system of governance in Islam but the Khilafah "Caliphate" system, so drop the fraud and slander.

And to the people of Yemen, the people of Iman and wisdom! The time has come to show the truth of your Iman and wisdom, and bear the responsibility for this great honor which Allah honored you by the tongue of His Messenger (saw); so, work with Hizb ut-Tahrir to establish the Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah on the method of the Prophethood. Thus, it will be removed from you the abomination of the West and the traitor puppet rulers, particularly their malicious sectarian tools such as Saudi Arabia and Iran.

In this, Allah willing, is a clear statement ... and Allah is the one sought for help and He alone is our reliance.

Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
in Wilayah Yemen

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Wilayah Yemen
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