Wednesday, 06 Rabi' al-thani 1446 | 2024/10/09
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Opening Speech by the Chairwoman of Muslimah Hizb ut Tahrir

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All praise to Allah (swt), the Women's Section of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir, in collaboration with Muslimah Hizb utTahrir Indonesia, is honoured to present the fifth international women's conference. The conference theme today is "Al-Khilafah "Caliphate" and Education: Reviving the Golden Age".

TALK 1: What is the True Aim of Education?

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Western Secular civilization seeks to eliminate the Islamic revelation as the supreme authority on knowledge in the education system for their colonial interests. The secularization of knowledge has served as a hidden enemy against the Muslims, undermining the Islamic faith and identity of the Ummah. And the civilization created by Islam and based on the Shariah has faded and been replaced by the western materialistic civilization.

TALK 2:The Causes of the Education Crisis in the Islamic World

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Islam has given great importance to knowledge and education; it is one of the necessities of life and the manifestation of the revival and a sign of the elevation of nations. The objective of education is the formation of Islamic personalities and providing the society with whatever it needs from science and knowledge to achieve sufficiency and greatness, so that we become independent of other countries. In addition

TALK 3: The Vision for Education in the Khilafah

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My Dear Sisters and Distinguished Guests, there is no doubt that each one of us here wishes to see an end to the failing education systems in our Muslim lands and the birth of a truly shining education model which will fulfill the educational aspirations of our youth and generate a golden generation of scholarship and innovation

TALK 4: Building a World-Class Higher Education under the Khilafah

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A thousand years ago, distinguished universities existed in Gundishapur, Baghdad, Kufah,  Isfahan, Cordoba, Alexandria, Cairo, Damascus, and in several other major cities of Islamic regions. Higher education outside the Islamic State during that era existed only in Constantinople, Kaifeng (China), and Nalanda (India). And even then, the University of Constantinople was emulating universities in Baghdad and Cordoba. In western Europe, at this time, there wasn’t even a single university

Talk 5:The Importance of Girls’ and Women's Education under Islamic Rule

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The Importance of Girls’ and Women's Education under Islamic Rule Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Âlim, Es-salatu ves-selamu âlâ seyyidina Muhammedin ve ala âlihi ve sahbihi ejmain...Secular media, politicians, organizations and feminists accuse Islam of being misogynistic, and claim that it is the Islamic laws that deprive women and girls of access to quality education. These laws, it is claimed, were interpreted in a "men-profiting"

TALK 6: Pre-school Education in Islam

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I welcome you to this important conference and thank our hostesses, our sisters in Indonesia, the country whose people embraced Islam through traders, without war, and fighting, the country that hosted a number of Khilafah "Caliphate" conferences, and I offer thanks to the party's Women Section for their efforts in supervising the holding of this conference and may Allah bless everyone and write this in the balance of your good…

TALK 7: The Qualities of Teaching to Generate Distinguished Thinkers and Creative Personalities

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Globalisation is a locomotive to change the world, which has definitely brought a wide range of culture and thoughts and nurtured materialistic attitudes. The education sector is certainly affected by globalization. The issue upheld in education today is to ascertain competency for each individual involved in the educational process as well as the competitive advantage that must be possessed by educational institutions.
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