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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Pakistan Headlines 07/07/2017


NATO Announcement to Address Sanctuaries in Pakistan used by Afghan Insurgents Means More Spilling of Muslim Blood

Raymond Davis Memoir is a Painful Reminder of hus to ur Enemies

Fencing Afghan Border Ensures Security of Indian Kulbushan Yadav Network on Our Door Step


NATO Announcement to Address Sanctuaries in Pakistan used by Afghan Insurgents Means More Spilling of Muslim Blood

After a meeting of defense ministers in Brussels, NATO allies agreed on 29 June 2017 to send more troops to Afghanistan. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg also said sanctuaries used by insurgents across the border in Pakistan had “to be addressed as part of the solution to the conflict”. It is a well-known fact that tribal Muslims of the region have never accepted the American occupation of Afghanistan and have supported and lead the insurgency against the occupying forces. Consequently, the occupying forces have still not been able to settle the occupation of Afghanistan. Washington is continuously demanding that its puppet regime in Pakistan acts against tribal fighters and  ensure strict border management  to control the insurgency. It is a demand upon on Pakistan's armed forces, a demand which the cowardly American troops could not achieve on their own.

In order to force the Pakistan armed forces to comply, the Raymond Davis network has been tasked by the Americans to orchestrate violent blasts from Karachi to the tribal areas to build opinion for operations in tribal areas. So, before the start of North Waziristan operations, the then US Deputy Secretary of State, William Burns visited Pakistan in May 2014 to renew pressure on to act against safe havens of terrorists in its tribal areas. The Raymond Davis network was activated to organize attacks on military and civilian targets, so that public opinion can be built in favor of military operations. Just the day before the visit of William Burns, ten Pakistan Army soldiers were killed in North Waziristan and after his visit two high ranking military officials were killed in an attack near Rawalpindi and then the Karachi airport came under attack. Using the rhetoric of eliminating terrorism and their sanctuaries from the country, the Raheel-Nawaz regime then announced an all-out military operation, “Zarb-e-Azb,” in North Waziristan. Similarly, the announcement by NATO to address sanctuaries in Pakistan necessitates yet another operation by Pakistan’s strong armed forces against the tribal Muslims fighting American occupation in Afghanistan. It is to be expected that there will be continuous attacks to prepare public opinion.

Bloodshed and violence will continue unless we strike off the head of snake, the American presence in the region,  including the Raymond Davis network. Additionally, it is this presence which has facilitated Indian influence in Afghanistan and the establishment of the Kulbushan Jadhav network to work alongside the Raymond Davis network against us. A sincere leadership would eliminate the US sanctuaries on our soil by closing its embassy, bases and private security network. The US puppet Bajwa-Nawaz regime will never do so, so it is upon the sincere officers of the armed forces of Pakistan to grant Nussrah to establish the Khilafah. Only a Khaleefah Rashid, ruling by Islam and treating the enemy as an enemy, will undertake the mandatory steps to finally restore security to Muslim Lands, by mobilizing our armed forces and tribal fighters in a unified manner against the enemy sanctuaries on our soil.

[وَقَاتِلُوهُمْ حَتَّىٰ لاَ تَكُونَ فِتْنَةٌ وَيَكُونَ ٱلدِّينُ للَّهِ]

"And fight them until there is no more Fitnah and worship is for Allah (Alone).”[Surah Al-Baqarah 2:193]

Raymond Davis Memoir is a Painful Reminder of How Traitors Betray Us to Our Enemies

On 27 June 2017, Raymond Davis released his memoir "The Contractor: How I Landed in a Pakistani Prison and Ignited a Diplomatic Crisis" in which he wrote about how he was rotting in jail, when a fateful court appearance came in. He elaborates on how he got a quick tutorial about 'shariah law,' the 'application' of which led to his release. Davis writes the escape plan had been made several weeks before his final appearance in the court, initiated in a meeting between Secretary Kerry and Ambassador Haqqani, four weeks earlier. Davis also refers to another report, which says that this plan was then detailed and devised during a meeting between the then DG ISI, Gen Pasha, and the then US Ambassador, Munter. Davis wrote, “those…responsible for my welfare needed to get me out of the country first, and they needed to do it fast before bin Laden could slip away once again.” He added that, "Pasha understood how important it was — for both sides — to get me out of Pakistan as soon as possible." This only cements an earlier account by the then US Ambassador, Cameron Munter, himself where he lauds the role that Pasha personally played in getting the murderous spy released, knowingly full well Davis' credentials as a private military operative, contracting with the CIA on our soil.

The Raymond Davis network caused immense devastation in the prelude to Mr. Davis being captured red-handed, yet Pasha chose to release him. The Abottabad operation  was impending and so Pasha sped up his release, after immense pressure upon the family of those that Davis murdered in cold blood and in broad daylight. The Abbotobad operation took place as an open violation of our soil and slap in the face of our armed forces, yet Pasha then only moved to calm us down. The entire Raymond Davis episode is a reminder of how we are betrayed by traitors in our leadership for the benefit of our open enemies. Our armed forces are truly a sign of our unity and strength, but such spineless military leaders sell our honor for a cheap price, allying with our enemies, despite the command that Allah (swt) revealed,

[يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَتَّخِذُوا عَدُوِّي وَعَدُوَّكُمْ أَوْلِيَاءَ]

"O you who have believed, do not take My enemies and your enemies as allies. [Surah al-Mumtahina 60:1] Just as Muslims were weakened by traitors like Mir Jafir in the time of the consolidation of the British Raj, today, we are stabbed in the back by traitors like Pasha in the time of an American Raj.

And today, despite the confessions of the Indian Raymond Davis, Kulbushan Yadav, Bajwa remains motionless. Despite the Hindu oppression of the defiant Muslims of Occupied Kashmir and violations of the Line of Control, Bajwa exercises “restraint” to please his US masters. Despite the US occupation being unsettled by a fierce tribal resistance, he is working to strengthen the hold of the crusaders by pitting Muslim against Muslim. However, the glory and dignity that Muslims dream of isn't just a dream. It is very much real and achievable. But to earn that glory requires sincerity and sacrifice. It is upon the sincere officers of the armed forces to grant the Nussrah to establish and the Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Prophethood now, before they retire and regret what they 'could have done' for Islam and its noble Ummah.

Fencing Afghan Border Ensures Security of Indian Kulbushan Yadav Network on Our Door Step

Hours before a bipartisan US Senate delegation visited South Waziristan Agency near the Pak-Afghan border on 3 July, a CIA-operated drone carried out a missile attack in a village of the tribal region, killing a suspected militant leader. The commencement of the fencing of the border itself was announced by Chief of the Army Staff Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa during a visit to the border areas in Mohmand, the Inter-Services Public Relations said in a statement in late June. It has been further reported that Pakistan is building 423 small fortifications along the 2,430km-long border with Afghanistan, roughly at a distance of 6km from each other, for effectively border patrolling and monitoring. While radars and sensors were being deployed that could detect movement across the borders. To meet the expenses, the Prime Minister has sanctioned Rs12 billion to the military to put in place an effective border management system, even whilst Muslims on both sides of the border have suffered immense financial losses through the regime's pursuit of the US crusade.

It is a well-known fact that since the creation of Pakistan in 1947, there was never a time when such border management would have been required between Pakistan and Afghanistan, though it has a long border, imposed by the British colonialists as the ‘Durand line.’ Very close family, tribal and trade relations exist between Muslims living on both sides of the border, which demand frequent movement between them. Furthermore, the porous border has never pose any threat to the security of Pakistan. Instead, the noble tribes living on the border are known as first line of defense for Pakistan. Then the question arises as to why such border management and surveillance is required ‘now’ on the border?
Since the occupation of Afghanistan by the US and its allied NATO forces, the Muslims of Pakistan in general and the tribal people specifically have never accepted this occupation. The tribal Muslims have been supporting and waging Jihad against the occupying forces on the other side of border and they pose a continuous threat to the US presence in Afghanistan. It is of immense importance for the US to stop "infiltration" from Pakistan, as the US insisted since the time of Musharraf. Initially the armed force’s opinion was against the fencing and the then Corps Commander, Peshawar, Lt-Gen Safdar Hussain reflected this opinion on September 14, 2005, when he adamantly stated, “Fencing the borders is not Pakistan’s problem.” But traitors in the civilian and military leadership worked to create an atmosphere for fencing.

Thus, from the era of Musharraf to Bajwa, traitorous leaderships did nothing to obliterate the Raymond Davis and Kulbushan Yadav networks, resulting in the martyrdom of tens of thousands of civilians and military personnel. Instead, they exploited the bloodshed to insist that the American war on Islam is ‘our War’ and to raise a plea that now fencing is no longer "not Pakistan's problem." The fencing of the border will further strengthen the US occupation and provide security to the Indian sanctuaries in Afghanistan, securing them from the defiant tribal Muslims. It is high time that the sincere within the armed forces stand for the honor of Islam and Muslims. They must uproot this criminal regime whose hands are soaked with precious blood of civilians and soldiers and give Nussrah for the re-establishment of the Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Method of Prophethood, which will protect Muslims of the region against all threats, evident or latent, as informed to us by our beloved RasulAllah (saaw),«إنما الإمام جُنة يُقاتَل من ورائه ويُتّقى به» “Indeed the Imam is a shield, from whose behind (one) would fight, and by whom one would protect oneself” (Muslim).

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