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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Headline News 07/07/2017


Dangerous Extremists Locked up in Britain's first 'Jihadi jail' to stop them Radicalising other Inmates

Saudi Arabia 'is undoubtedly at the top of the list' of Countries Funding Islamist terrorism in Britain

McCain urges Pakistan to cooperate in Afghan Peace Push


Dangerous Extremists Locked up in Britain's first 'Jihadi jail' to stop them Radicalising other Inmates

Dangerous Muslim extremists have been locked up in Britain's first "jihadi jail" to stop them brainwashing other inmates. Nearly a dozen terrorists have been jailed in a "separation centre" at HMP Frankland in Durham and isolated from other prisoners. The "prison within a prison" is designed to reduce extremists radicalising other inmates by giving the worst terrorists their own cells, exercise yard and visiting centre. It will make it easier for the authorities to monitor the extremists and reduce the risk of them plotting atrocities behind bars. They will be subjected to intensive de-radicalisation programmes. Lee Rigby murderer Michael Adebolajo and extremist preacher Anjem Choudary could be among them. Others who spread views that might incite others to commit terrorist offences, or who are undermining security in jails, could also be moved to one of the facilities. Prisons Minister Sam Gyimah said the isolation centres were "an absolutely crucial element of our wider strategy to tackle extremism in prisons and ensure the safety of the wider public." The Ministry of Justice declined to comment on which prisoners would be shifted to the facilities. Last month, Adebolajo was said to be "brainwashing" fellow inmates in HMP Frankland. The terrorist was described as spending "most of his waking hours preaching his distorted form of Islam to anyone who will listen", according to the Daily Mirror. The new centre at HMP Frankland was one of the main recommendations of a review which found evidence of "charismatic" prisoners acting as "self-styled emirs" to radicalise other inmates. It also suggested that "cultural sensitivity" among staff towards Muslim prisoners could "inhibit the effective confrontation of extremist views". The new isolation centres will be used to target all forms of extremism in jails, including Islamist and extreme far-right ideologies. Figures indicate that authorities are managing more than 1,000 inmates who have been identified as extremist or vulnerable to extremism at any one time. [Source: The Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mirror]

It is ironic that on the one hand, the UK government pushes for integration of Muslims in society, and on the other hand, it seeks to isolate them. Is the UK government so bankrupt of ideas that instead of countering Islam with thoughts it now seeks to lock up Muslims in separate prisons?

Saudi Arabia 'is undoubtedly at the top of the list' of Countries Funding Islamist Terrorism in Britain

Saudi Arabia is 'at the top of the list' of countries exporting extremist Islam to the UK, a new report says. The kingdom has engaged in a 60-year, multi-million dollar campaign to advance its extremist brand of Wahhabi Islam in British Muslim communities, according to a study by the Henry Jackson Society. This has been achieved through endowment grants to mosques, the funding of Islamic education institutions and the training of imams, the report authors say. 'A clear and growing link' can be drawn between this overseas money, which originates in several Gulf states and Iran, and atrocities in the UK and throughout Europe, the society found. The report identifies what it calls 'an intentional and systematic policy' by these states to 'advance an illiberal and at times anti-Western version of the Islamic religion' in Western countries. How much money has been allocated to this effort is unknown because the majority of it remains secret, the report admits, but the amount is though to have increased in recent years. 'Indications of the kind of influence that such funding can have... can be seen through the prevalence of Islamist extremist preachers and literature, including the use of Saudi school textbooks,' the report reads. 'This combined with scholarship programmes that bring clerics to Saudi Arabia for training, has gradually contributed to changing the climate of religious belief and practice in many of the West's Muslim communities. 'As well as promoting hardline Wahhabi practices to Muslim communities that formerly identified with other Islamic traditions, this phenomenon has created a challenge for moderate voices and empowered extremists.' The Henry Jackson Society is calling for a public inquiry into the issue and asks the government to introduce laws forcing Islamic organisation to declare certain types of finance received from overseas, and any conditions placed upon its use. The Home Office already commissioned a closed-door inquiry into funding for Islamic extremist groups in the UK back in 2015 as part of a Coalition deal to expand airstrikes in Syria and Iraq. It was understood that the report would largely focus on Saudi Arabia, but in May this year the Home Office announced the research has yet to be completed. Even if the report is finished, the findings may never be made public because of the 'very sensitive' nature of the material, a spokesman said. Prime Minister Theresa May, who visited Saudi Arabia earlier this year, has been accused of 'kowtowing' to the kingdom by 'suppressing' the report. Tom Wilson, who wrote the report for the Henry Jackson Society, said: 'There is a clear and growing link between foreign funding of Islamist extremism and the violent terrorism we have witnessed across the UK and Europe.' The key now is to get ahead of the issue and find out the full extent of what has been going on. A public inquiry would go some way to informing the debate. [Source: Daily Mail]

The report timing coincides with desperate UK efforts to protect Qatar’s growing isolation spearheaded by the Saudi’s under America tutelage. The Anglo-American struggle for the Middle East still continues to create upheavals for the region.

McCain urges Pakistan to cooperate in Afghan Peace Push

US Senator John McCain has said that peace and prosperity in Afghanistan are not possible without Pakistan’s help. Senator John McCain said this while talking to Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz here on Sunday. The other members of the delegation included senators Lindsey Graham, Sheldon Whitehouse, Elizabeth Warren and David Perdue. The two sides during the meeting discussed Pakistan-US relations, matters of regional importance, peace in Afghanistan and the US’ role in the Quadrilateral Coordination Group. Speaking on the occasion, Senator McCain said that there was no change in the US position on Kashmir. “The United States will continue its existing policy on Kashmir,” he said. Stressing the importance of Pakistan in regional stability, Senator McCain added, “Pakistan’s role is important for peace and stability in Afghanistan.” He appreciated the contributions and sacrifices made by Pakistan in the fight against terrorism. He said that continued engagement with Pakistan is very important. Deputy Chief of Mission of US Embassy Jonathan Pratt was also present at the meeting. During the meeting, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said that the strategic partnership between Pakistan and the US is of utmost importance to achieve peace and stability in the region. The Adviser underscored the significance of the longstanding cooperation between the two countries and the need to make this partnership diverse and multi-dimensional. Sartaj Aziz also apprised the delegation about Pakistan’s success in combating terrorism through Operation Zarb-e-Azb and Radd-ul-Fasaad. The Adviser said that Pakistan remained committed to support efforts for lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan. He underscored the significance of the longstanding cooperation between the two countries and the need to make this partnership diverse and multi-dimensional. The Adviser also raised concern over the gross human rights violations by the Indian security forces in Kashmir and stressed that Pakistan firmly believed in the legitimacy of the Kashmir cause and the peaceful struggle of the Kashmiri people to claim the right to self-determination. Both the delegations also exchanged views on matters of bilateral interest and overall situation in the region. Talking to PTV, Senator John McCain said that Pakistan has a significant role for establishment of peace and stability in Afghanistan. To a question, John McCain said Kashmir issue should be resolved in peaceful way through negotiations. He said that US wants end to violence in Kashmir. Meanwhile, speaking to US Senate delegation, Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa reiterated that Pakistan has done its best despite constraints and shall continue its efforts for peace and stability of the region. Speaking to the US delegation, headed by Senator John McCain, General Qamar Javed Bajwa stressed that enduring Pak-US security cooperation was a key factor in maintaining regional stability. He thanked the Senators for the visit and efforts for forging mutual understanding of the geopolitical and security situation and challenges ahead. The delegation was briefed about regional security situation including Afghanistan. The delegation was briefed how Pakistan has positively contributed towards peace and stability in the region. Senator McCain appreciated and acknowledged Pakistan Army’s contributions and sacrifices in the war on terror. The senator also agreed on the importance of Pak-Afghan security cooperation and coordination. [Source: Pakistan Observer].

Peace in Afghanistan is only possible if Kabul and Islamabad join forces and put an end to decades of US interference in the region. The practical way to accomplish this feat is through the re-establishment of the rightly guided Khilafah state (Caliphate), which will end cruder interference.

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