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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Pakistan Headline News 23/02/2018


Celebrate the End of Democracy and Establishment of Khilafah, not Mere Changes in Faces

Political and Military Leadership Deprive the Muslims of Pakistan in order to Fight US Crusade

Honor, Dignity and Power is in the Implementation of Islam, not in Alliance with the Enemies of Islam


Celebrate the End of Democracy and Establishment of Khilafah, not Mere Changes in Faces

The opposition on 22 February 2018 hailed the Pakistan Supreme Court verdict barring Nawaz Sharif from heading the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) and said the ruling party should early elect its new president, maintaining that, “A person who is convicted of looting national wealth cannot become a hero.” However, it is Democracy itself that has ensured corruption in Pakistan for seven decades and will continue to do so for another seven decades, if it remains. The Panama Papers revealed that Democracy ensures corruption all over the world, from Russia to South America, not just in Pakistan. For many decades, Democracy ensured that corrupt rulers could hide their ill-gotten gains in off shore companies, without detection and investigation, trial and tribunal. It is because of Democracy that all over the world, resource rich countries have oppressed, poor citizens but immensely rich, corrupt rulers. In Pakistan, Democracy ensures that the corrupt are able to legalize their corruption, through making laws such as the Protection of Economics Reforms Act, the Seventeenth Amendment and the National Reconciliation Ordinance. There is no shortage of sincere and loyal Muslims in Pakistan, but Democracy is a prized tool for the corrupt, who gather over it like swarming bees over honey. The corrupt all rush to support the continuity of Democracy because it firmly places law making, deciding what is right and wrong, what is Halal and Haraam, in the hands of those elected. Clearly, seeking an end of corruption through Democracy is as futile as seeking cure through the disease itself!

We will only see an end to corruption and the low standards of Democracy, through Islam's system of ruling, the Khilafah (Caliphate) upon the Method of Prophethood. The Khilafah upon the Method of the Prophethood alone firmly closes the doors to corruption shut, as its laws are not made according to the whims and desires of the created, but the Revelation of the Creator (swt). Its laws are not made by a majority show of hands from assemblies filled with the corrupt, but are derived from the Book of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of RasulAllah (saaw). It is because of ruling by the Quran and Sunnah, that our elevated standard for rulers is the Khaleefah Rashid, Abu Bakr (ra), who was stopped on his way to trade to alleviate his poverty, by his ruling assistants. Our elevated standard is the Khaleefah Rashid, Umar al-Khattab (ra), who humbly accepted to be accounted for a single extra piece of cloth. Our elevated standard is the Khaleefah Rashid, Usman “Ghani” (ra), who before ruling had loaded trading caravans that made the ground the shake as they moved, but after entering ruling maintained a simple living. And our elevated standard is the Khaleefah Rashid, Ali (ra), who rapidly conceded his judicial case against the Jew over the theft of a single shield, through the lack of witnesses!

Political and Military Leadership Deprive the Muslims of Pakistan in order to Fight US Crusade

On 20 February 2018, the Finance Minister, Rana Afzal, while briefing the Senate on government expenditure on counter-terror efforts, said that over Rs 297 billion has been spent in the war against "terrorism in the last decade." A written reply from the Finance Ministry provided to the Senate reveals that the United States (US) had agreed to provide Pakistan $132 million for counter-terror efforts, of which $111m has been received. The Muslims have suffered immensely through loss of civilian lives and troops and damage to the infrastructure. The regime has spent generously on the crusader wars, whilst the Muslims have suffered from electricity shortage, rampant air pollution, adulterated food supplies, sky-rocketing inflation and poor health care and education.

We have been told that we are a poor country and can't afford to fight to rescue Muslims, but the reality is that the crusader war which the US could not sustain economically and military, has been fought relying on the resources of Pakistan. Moreover, the US rewarded Pakistan for its sacrifices with threats, humiliation, demands to do more and granting India open access to Afghanistan. So if we want to end the humiliation, destruction and spending of our resources on a war which angers Allah (swt), then this treachery against Allah (swt) must be ended by establishing Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Method of Prophethood. The Khilafah will end the devastating alliance with the US, which is for the purpose of securing the interests of the Kuffar. Allah (swt) said,

[يَـۤأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ لاَ تَتَّخِذُواْ ٱلْيَهُودَ وَٱلنَّصَارَىٰ أَوْلِيَآءَ بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَآءُ بَعْضٍ وَمَن يَتَوَلَّهُمْ مِّنكُمْ فَإِنَّهُ مِنْهُمْ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لاَ يَهْدِى ٱلْقَوْمَ ٱلظَّالِمِينَ]

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya' (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya' to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya', then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun” [Surah al-Maidah 5:51]. And as the Muslim Lands are liberated one by one by the Khilafah's armed forces, the Kuffar will realize all that they spent of their own wealth and from the usurped wealth of the Ummah through their agents was spent in vain. Allah (swt) said,

[إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ يُنفِقُونَ أَمْوَالَهُمْ لِيَصُدُّواْ عَن سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ فَسَيُنفِقُونَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ عَلَيْهِمْ حَسْرَةً ثُمَّ يُغْلَبُونَ وَٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوۤاْ إِلَىٰ جَهَنَّمَ يُحْشَرُونَ]

“Verily, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to hinder (men) from the Path of Allah, and so will they continue to spend it; but in the end it will become an anguish for them. Then they will be overcome. And those who disbelieve will be gathered unto Hell.” [Surah Al-Anfal 8:36]

Honor, Dignity and Power is in the Implementation of Islam, not in Alliance with the Enemies of Islam

Pakistan's Foreign Minister, Khawaja Asif, who is currently in Moscow, tweeted “Our efforts paid, FATF Paris 20 Feb meeting conclusion on the US-led motion to put Pakistan on watch list….No consensus for nominating Pakistan, proposing three months pause and asking APG [Asia Pacific Group] for another report to be concluded in June.”  FATF member states have been meeting this week in Paris, where it was expected that they would decide on a US motion, backed by Britain, France and Germany, to have Pakistan added to the so-called “grey list” of countries which are not doing enough to comply with the UN Security Council resolution on "terror" funding, in a bid to please international community to avoid inclusion. Bowing down to US pressure, Pakistan has already banned Kashmiri groups and related charities. Also, President Mamnoon Hussain promulgated an ordinance that allowed the government to outlaw all organizations that are declared banned by colonialist major powers.

Alliances with major powers are a means to exploit the weaker states, in order to allow the major powers to increase their dominance on the world stage. All agreements, dialogues and engagements are made on this basis and this can be seen in the case of any country that falls into this trap, from South America through to Africa and the Middle East and onwards to South East Asia. Not a single country has ever emerged through such alliance to rival the major powers. It has not occurred and will never occur because the alliance is to exploit the weaker state militarily and economically, such that its situation worsens every year.

Pakistan’s spineless leadership is submitting to US demands in an alliance with it, even though Allah (swt) said,

[لاَّ يَتَّخِذِ ٱلْمُؤْمِنُونَ ٱلْكَافِرِينَ أَوْلِيَآءَ مِنْ دُونِ ٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ]

“Let not the believers take the disbelievers as allies (awliya) instead of believers.” [Surah Aali Imran 3:28]. Pakistan will never be able to achieve the honor and dignity it deserves until it ends alliance with all enemy nations, whether the US, Russia or China. Allah (swt) said,

[وَلَنْ يَجْعَلَ اللَّهُ لِلْكَافِرِينَ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ سَبِيلًا]

“And never will does not permit the Believers to have Kafireen in authority over them” [Surah al-Nisa'a 4:141]. Respect lies in the Deen of Allah (swt) alone, thus it is incumbent upon the people of power in Pakistan to end the system of humiliation and subjugation, by establishing the Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Method of Prophethood, which will secure dignity, prosperity and security for the Muslims.

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