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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Headline News 02/06/2018


• Trump Tariffs Threaten Trade War with ‘Allies’ to Reassert US Control of Western Block

• Now Assad realises that the US has No Intention of Leaving Syria

• Taliban Mujahideen Leadership Reject Claim of Talks with US-created Kabul Regime

• Italian Elections Demonstrate Reality of Western Democracy

• Denmark Takes Further Step against Islam with ‘Burqa Ban’


Trump Tariffs Threaten Trade War with ‘Allies’ to Reassert US Control of Western Block

According to the Washington Times:

President Trump on Thursday slapped tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from the European Union, Canada and Mexico, moving to punish what he said was unfair competition that has sapped the U.S. economy, but seemingly laying the ground for trade war.

Just hours after announcing the tariffs — 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum — Mr. Trump delivered an ultimatum on the ongoing negotiations for updating the North American Free Trade Agreement. Unless Canada makes concessions, he said, the deal will be scrapped.

“The United States has been taken advantage of for many decades on trade. Those days are over,” Mr. Trump said in a defiant statement. “Earlier today, this message was conveyed to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada: The United State will agree to a fair deal, or there will be no deal at all.”

The divisions amongst the disbelievers are indeed greater than their unity. US President Donald Trump, despite his shallow and inconsistent manner, is in fact acting fully in accordance with US establishment interests and policy.

America is engaged in two significant initiatives at this time: firstly to intensify pressure against China, and secondly against Iran. Other western countries find the US aggression unreasonable and have been trying to bypass US sanctions with direct relationships with Iran and China. Germany, for example, has even accelerated dialogue with Russia’s Putin over an additional Russian gas pipeline. Therefore, the US has been left with no choice but to threaten general trade war against all Western ‘allies’ in order to force acknowledgement of its leadership, control and mastery of the Western block.

Trump has won agreement from the establishment for a powerful new foreign policy team, comprising National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Recent actions clearly bear the personal signature of this team. Taking a singular unilateralist approach is standard practice for the Republican wing of the American establishment.

Whatever cooperation exists within the Western block is a result of threats, intimidation and material interests, all of which are a fragile basis for a unified approach.

These events should give confidence to Muslims that establishing our own policy independent of America is quite feasible, if we are governed by sincere and politically aware, indigenous ideological leadership.

Such leadership already exists within the Ummah; we have only to reject our existing colonial ruling systems and give our support for the establishment of a state truly based on Islam alone.

Now Assad Realises that the US has No Intention of Leaving Syria

According to the Telegraph:

The US should learn the lesson of Iraq, President Bashar al-Assad said on Thursday, threatening to expel American troops from Syria and retake areas from its Kurdish allies.

In the interview with RT, the Russian state's international broadcaster, Assad raised the prospect of conflict with US forces if they do not leave Syria.

He vowed to recover territory where American troops have deployed, either through negotiations with Washington's Syrian allies or by force.

It is increasingly dawning upon the tyrant of Damascus, Bashar al-Assad, that America has absolutely no intention of leaving the country. Now that the foreign elements engaged in Syria have begun to think that they have defeated the revolution, their attention is turning towards what benefit they can derive from their presence there. At the top of the list is the United States, whose involvement appears minimal but who has been in reality planning, directing and controlling the entire multi-nation counter-revolutionary campaign.

The purpose of America’s actions in Syria were not to save Assad, as he seems to think, but to stabilise the entire British-designed colonial system that replaced the rule of the Uthmani Khilafah, and which America then inherited on becoming the preeminent world superpower.

The revolution in Syria continues to threaten the collapse of this entire order, thus America considers its continued presence in middle eastern Muslim countries to be essential to support this order, as well as constituting the spoils of war in terms of ongoing military, strategic and economic benefits.

With Allah’s permission, the revolution of Syria is far from over. Those who are compromising now with Assad and the foreign elements that have entered to support him will soon become irrelevant and the true revolution will re-emerge after throwing off their remains. The Muslim Ummah is regaining its spiritual, political and ideological awareness and neither America nor all the other powers in the world can rewind the clock to the time when Muslims submitted silently to the dictatorship of colonial tyrants.

Taliban Mujahideen Leadership Reject Claim Oof Talks with US-created Kabul Regime

According to Al-Jazeera:

The Taliban has said they "categorically reject" a statement made by the US commander of coalition forces in Afghanistan about "off-stage" dialogue taking place between Afghan officials and the armed group.

Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid issued a statement on Thursday in which he called the claim by General John Nicholson "baseless".

"American General Nicholson is making such fabricated statements to divert attention from his failures and keep the Washington media busy with false claims instead of exposing the failed [US President Donald] Trump strategy for Afghanistan to the American people," Mujahid said.

"The policy of Islamic Emirate regarding talks and negotiations had been frequently announced and it does not have any secret layers."

General Nicholson on Wednesday told reporters at the Pentagon from his Kabul office that "what you're seeing right now is a lot of the diplomatic activity and dialogue is occurring off the stage, and it's occurring at multiple levels.

"So you see mid-level, senior-level Taliban leaders engaging with Afghans."

That statement is at odds with the Taliban setting the withdrawal of foreign forces from the country as a precondition for talks.

The US and NATO formally concluded their combat mission in Afghanistan at the end of 2014, but still provide support to the Afghan forces.

The US occupation in Afghanistan is increasingly fragile as the mujahideen take greater portions of the country and are estimated to threaten 70% of Afghanistan’s territory according to a BBC investigation earlier this year. But the US has no option but to remain, as explained for example by ex-Pakistan ISI chief Asad Durrani (reported last year in Pakistan’s Tribune):

Durrani said the US wanted to keep a military presence in Afghanistan at all costs. “Essentially, the policy remains the same, and that is — you have dig in Afghanistan, stay there, keep the bases, keep the military presence, that’s more important than either peace there or settlement there or whatever else.”

Afghanistan, or more specifically, Khurasan, the mountainous area in the country, is a ‘sky fortress’, one of the most important strategic points on the entire globe, from which America can control Western, Central and South Asia, and present a challenge to both Russia and China beyond, facing no threat from anyone, except the Muslims who live there. With Allah’s permission, the jihad will not cease, its leadership will not compromise, and the re-established righteous Islamic Khilafah (Caliphate) State on the method of the Prophet (saw) will support it with its armies to fully evict the disbelieving foreigner from this pure land.

Italian Elections Demonstrate Reality of Western Democracy

The parties that won the elections in Italy have finally been given permission to form the government after further modification to their proposed governing team. According to the New York Times:

After 88 days of impasses and negotiations, two Italian populist parties with a history of antagonism toward the European Union received approval Thursday night to create a government that has already unsettled the Continent’s political order.

Only days ago, President Sergio Mattarella of Italy rejected a populist government over concerns about a proposed finance minister who had helped write a guide for withdrawing Italy from the euro, Europe’s single currency. The political chaos and sudden uncertainty about the euro helped send global financial markets reeling.

On Thursday, the populists reshuffled, keeping the same prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, and other top players, but moving the objectionable finance minister to a less critical post.

It is not only Italy. All so-called Western democracies are in fact oligopolies controlled by established political parties. This only failed in Italy because the anger of the Italian people against the established political parties allowed new populist parties to take their place.

The theory of Democracy is in fact a worthless political fiction only adopted by the West in order to mask the rule of their elite at a time that they were facing mass unrest fuelled by socialist and communist movements. Muslims must reject Western political ideas such as Democracy and return to the political thoughts of Islam which provide us with a distinctive approach to state and society that is fully in accordance with human nature.

The Islamic Khilafah system is neither democracy nor dictatorship, neither theocracy nor oligopoly. It is the rule by a man chosen by the Muslim Ummah but pledged to implement Islam and carry it to the world, without compromising Islam for personal or elite interests.

Denmark Takes Further Step against Islam with ‘Burqa Ban’

According to the Huffington Post:

The Danish Parliament voted on Thursday to ban clothing that covers the face, including the niqab and burqa worn by some Muslim women.

Denmark’s center-right government enacted the law with a vote of 75-30, with 74 absent, The Associated Press reported. The decision puts the country in league with France, Austria and Belgium, which have adopted similar laws.

The government said that the law is not aimed at any specific religion. Along with Islamic full-face veils, balaclavas would also be banned, Agence France-Presse reported. The law does not ban headscarves, turbans, Jewish skull caps or face coverings worn for a “recognizable purpose” during cold weather or while riding a motorcycle.

Still, the law has become known as a “burqa ban” directed at Muslim women who wear veils as part of their spiritual practice.

Despite calling for ‘freedom’, the West is unable to tolerate the presence of Muslims who wish to follow a different culture from them. Three centuries ago, Western materialist atheists cunningly attacked the rule of Church and King for being intolerant of others, following which the Western establishment were forced to adopt the atheists’ political ideal of freedom to stave of revolution, side-lining their Christian religion in a secular compromise. But the atheists lied. Political freedom has nothing to do with tolerance but is itself the basis of a materialist way of life that totally contradicts religion.

With Allah’s permission, Muslims will re-establish their civilisation based on their noble Deen and demonstrate again to the world the true meaning of tolerance, as even the irreligious philosopher Voltaire was forced to acknowledge in his ‘Treatise on Tolerance’ at the time of the Ottoman Khilafah (Caliphate) State:

"Let us reach out from our narrow little sphere for a moment, and examine what goes on in the rest of the globe. The Turkish prince, for example, rules peacefully over twenty races of different religious conviction; two hundred thousand Greeks live in Constantinople in perfect safety, and the Mufti himself nominates and presents the Greek patriarch to his emperor; there is even a Roman Catholic patriarch living there. The Sultan nominates Catholic bishops to some of the Greek islands, with the following words: "I commend him to go and reside as bishop on the isle of Chios in accordance with its ancient customs and vain ceremonies". This empire is stuffed with Jacobites, Nestorians, Monothelites, Coptics, Christians of St John, Jews, Gebers, and Banians. The annals of Turkey bear no record of a revolt raised by any of these religious communities."

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