بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Tunisia: Women's Section Campaign
Secularism Plots Against our Children & Their Salvation is in Our Hands
The Women's Section of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Tunisia held a widespread campaign entitled:
The Campaign program focused on two ideas:
First: Secular education is the root of all diseases and collapse of morality in the country.
Second: Islam is the cure for the Ummah and future generations.
Friday, 29 Shawwwal 1444 AH - 19 May 2023 CE
To Read the Article
Issued by the Women's Section of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Tunisia entitled:
Secularism Plots Against our Children & Their Salvation is in Our Hands
Friday, 29 Shawwwal 1444 AH - 19 May 2023 CE
Campaign Trailer
Your children's salvation is through your salvation from secularism
- Cartoons, Poison in Honey... So Beware! -
- What Did Secularism give Our Children? -
- Baraem Al-Ummah: What Rights of Childhood do you Claim? -
- Path towards School is a Difficult Dream of a Neglected Child -
- Second Campaign Trailer: Islam is the cure for the Ummah and Future Generations! -
Our Children between the Deceit of Secularism & the Nurture of Islam
Closing Statement of Campaign, "Secularism Plots Against our Children & Their Salvation is in Our Hands"
Organized by Women's The Section of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Tunisia
Sunday, 15 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1444 AH - 04 June 2023 CE
For more information, please visit Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Tunisia sites:
Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Tunisia: Official Site
Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Tunisia: Facebook
Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Tunisia: Official Site of Tahrir Magazine
Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Tunisia: Youtube