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Answer to Question Is it Permissible for Muslim Lawyer to Write Wills for Non-Muslims to Bequeath Wealth to Dogs or Animals?

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Is it permissible for Muslim lawyer to write a will for a non-Muslim client in accordance with the English law since the non-Muslim may have bequeathed some or all of his wealth to such institutions which may either be unknown or even prohibited like the institutions for caring of dogs or sailors?


Headline news for 28-9-2010

  • Published in News & Comment
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  • Obama Wars
  • Australia: Muslims protest burqa ban
  • UK extremists are travelling to Somalia to train, says MI5 chief
  • Russia forbids S-300 missile supply to Iran
  • Gulf states in $123bn US arms spree
  • Holbrooke: Pakistanis Must Raise More Money to Pay for Floods

 News Details:

Obama Wars
Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward's new book "Obama's Wars" has exposed major differences amongst Obama's advisors over Iraq and Afghanistan. Some highlights are as follows:-
* The book describes President Obama pushing a withdrawal timetable because, "I can't lose the whole Democratic Party."
* The US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke says of the new strategy, "it can't work."
* Lt. Gen. Douglas E. Lute, the president's adviser on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, is said to think president's reviews of the strategy going forward did not "add up" to his ultimate decision.
* Gen. David H. Petraeus tells an aide that he disliked talking with White House senior adviser David Axelrod because he was "a complete spin doctor."
Of more consequence, Woodward reports that the C.I.A. has a 3,000-man mostly Afghan "covert army" in Afghanistan called the Counterterrorism Pursuit Teams, or C.T.P.T.

Australia: Muslims protest burqa ban
Muslims, including women and children, in Australia have staged a march in Sydney to protest against a proposal to ban burqa in the country, condemning it as part of the West's "war on Islam".  Women with veils and placards rallied in hundreds showing "my burqa -- conviction not coercion" and "leave my mum alone -- we love niqab" on Sunday in a park in Punchbowl, southwestern Sydney, according to media reports here. The protest against calls to ban covering of the full face was organized by a coalition of Muslim groups including Islamist political party Hizbut Tahrir, which favors the creation of an Islamic caliphate, and the fundamentalist Ahlus Sunna wal Jamaah Association.  A female speaker, Umm Jamaal ud-Din, told the rally a ban proposed by Christian Democrat MP Fred Nile, which was due to be debated in the New South Wales Parliament this month, had fuelled intolerance and bigotry.

UK extremists are travelling to Somalia to train, says MI5 chief
British Muslim extremists are increasingly switching from Pakistan to Somalia to receive training in militant camps with the aim of carrying out attacks in this country, according to the head of MI5. Jonathan Evans said yesterday there was deep concern that "it is only a matter of time before we see terrorism on our streets inspired by those who are today fighting alongside Al Shabaab, an Islamist militia in Somalia".  While it has been known for some time that members of the Somali Diaspora in the UK had been back to their homelands to join insurgents, others including those of Pakistani, Bangladeshi and North African extraction are now taking the same route. Some have been killed in the fighting there, but others have returned to Britain following lessons from the Al Shabaab group which is believed to have links with Osama bin Laden. Mr Evans, the Director General of the Security Service, said yesterday that the number of bombing plots in the UK linked to Pakistan had fallen from 75 per cent to about 50 per cent following action against al-Qa'ida's senior leadership in the country's tribal belt. But, he continued: "The reduction is also partly as a result of increased activity elsewhere. In Somalia, for example, there are a significant number of UK residents training in Al Shabaab camps to fight in the insurgency there. Al Shabab, an Islamist militia, is closely allied with al Qa'ida and Somalia shows many of the characteristics that made Afghanistan so dangerous as a seedbed for terrorism in the period before the fall of the Taliban."

Russia forbids S-300 missile supply to Iran
The Kremlin posted a decree signed by President Dmitry Medvedev Wednesday banning supplies of Russian S-300 missiles to Iran. "Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree "On Measures to implement the United Nations Security Council resolution 1929 from June 9, 2010," the Kremlin said in a statement on its website. The decree forbids supplies of S-300 air defense missiles to Iran, among other weapons, said the statement accompanying the decree.

Gulf states in $123bn US arms spree
This week the Financial Times reported Arab states of the Gulf have embarked on one of the largest re-armament exercises in peacetime history, ordering US weapons worth some $123bn as they seek to counter Iran's military power. A package of US arms worth more than $67bn for Saudi Arabia accounts for the largest single component of this military build-up, providing a huge boost to the American defense industry. The first phase of this agreement - soon to go before the US Congress for approval - is estimated at about $30bn. Anthony Cordesman, from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, said that the US was aiming to achieve a "new post-Iraq war security structure that can secure the flow of energy exports to the global economy". Saudi Arabia will receive 85 new F-15 jet fighters and another 70 will be upgraded. Boeing will be the principal supplier, allowing the US company to strengthen its ability to manufacture advanced military jets, an area where it has been slipping under competitive pressure. A successor agreement is expected to provide for the upgrade of radar and missile defense systems and an ambitious modernization of the Saudi Navy's eastern fleet.  "The Saudi aim is to send a message especially to the Iranians - that we have complete aerial superiority over them," said a Saudi defense analyst. Other US allies in the Gulf are also involved. Theodore Karasik, from the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis in Dubai, said that the United Arab Emirates had signed contracts to buy military equipment worth $35bn-$40bn.  Elsewhere, Oman is expected to spend $12bn and Kuwait $7bn in the period until the end of 2014 on replacing and upgrading warplanes and new command and control systems, according to Blenheim Capital Partners, a consultancy that arranges offset deals. Oman's package will include 18 new F-16 jet fighters and upgrades for another 12. This will benefit Lockheed Martin, reinforcing its position as the leading US manufacturer of warplanes. The total value of all US arms deals with Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Oman and Kuwait is estimated at $122.88bn over the next four years.

Holbrooke: Pakistanis Must Raise More Money to Pay for Floods
Richard Holbrooke, the special representative to Pakistan and Afghanistan from the United States says in his recent journey to Pakistan, he found thousands of people who have been living in many flood victims camps eager to go home. But, says Holbrooke, their homes are gone, their livestock is gone and their crops are underwater. "Beyond that lays the monumental task of rebuilding the one fifth of the country where every bridge has been wiped out, roads are gone, 4 or 5 thousand schools are gone, hundreds of health clinics (are gone).  That is what you're really talking about. That is going to cost tens of billions of dollars. In that long term recovery phase, the international community is not going to be able to pick up the bill for 20 or 30 billion dollars or more.  We will pick up some of it, the world community will give money, but the Pakistanis must raise their own revenue base," said Holbrooke.


  The Palestinian Authority is Quickly Reverting to the Dark Ages

  • Published in Politics
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     The Palestinian Authority once again disappoints its citizens bringing about frustration and resentment towards the various branches of the government. On August 10, 2010, Mohammad Khateeb, a member of Hizb ut- Tahrir , was detained by the Security Forces from his home without a known offence or clear charge.  He has been on trumped up charges by the Palestinian Authority Security Forces.  He is still illegally detained despite the fact that the Palestinian High Court issued the verdict calling for his immediate release on August 30, 2010.  He has yet to be released.  What makes Mohammad Khateeb's issue frustrating is that the Security Forces blatantly refuse to uphold its own laws and constitutional rights to its citizens.  The first point is that Khateeb was detained from his home by Security officials without an arrest warrant or known offence. It was intentionally planned for the Security Forces to detain him because it is known that these forces operate under martial law. They can keep delaying his case for up to six months without any accountability. Thus would be tried by a military official appointed as judge.  Whereas, had Khateeb been arrested as a civilian, as he is, by a police officer with an official arrest warrant with a known offence, he would be held for 24 hours and then appointed a court date before a judge and then he would be immediately released due to no crime committed.  In this the Security Forces exploit their power.

The second point is that Khateeb is a civilian being held under military circumstances. After several days of being detained, a charge was released: "Resisting the Policies of the Palestinian Authority." He is a political prisoner.  This can be seen as a bogus charge because this charge can be applied to the vast majority of the Palestinian people who are unhappy or dissatisfied by the current PA. The third point is that the panel of High Court judges ordered the immediate release of Khateeb but the Security Forces have yet to comply. It has been more than twenty-four days since the issue of the verdict.  Khateeb has begun a hunger strike in resistance for the past four days. His case has been raised to the Justice Ministry, Internal Ministry, and to all of the Human Rights Organizations. The NGOs have condemned this and do not approve of the PA's Security Forces' dealings. They have promised action but have yet to materialize any results.  The Security Forces agreed to release Khateeb under the condition he sign a bond.  This has great implications because of the various points stated above and most importantly this means that if he agrees to the terms and signs the bond that he surrenders to the military court demands and whenever he is summoned he must appear before the military court officials.

Legislative committees and judicial panels set up rules for the Palestinians to abide by to ensure that no one is above the law.  Courts are established and a check and balance system is in place to uphold these laws. Where are these committees and judges who set up these structures?  What is their response to these open exploitations of power and disregard for this? What is the message that the PA sends to its people when it acts in this appalling manner?  Is this the PA's way of ruling with an iron fist? Thus leading to the destruction of its courts.  Or does it want to lead by its laws established by the legislative committees and High Court?  

This clearly demonstrates to the Palestinian people that the very institutions designed to protect and ensure the rights of its citizens are abused and ignored. Therefore undermining the authority and authenticity of the Palestinian Constitution.  It is of the upmost importance that the High Court verdict be applied so Mohammad Khateeb can be released and returned to his family whom has been denied visitation.

By; Manal Bader

Bayt Al-Maqdes


Aafia Siddiqui Sentenced for 86 Years - The Worst Example Of Agent Rulers Conniving with the Americans

 America has hammered the last nail in the coffin of its own agents by sentencing Aafia Siddiqui for 86 years.  The case of Aafia Siddiqui is the worst example of connivance of Pakistan's agent rulers with America.  This sentence has also exposed the reality of America's corrupt judicial system.  People have realized that democracy can never deliver justice to the minority whether it is the issue of headscarf in France


  People of Pakistan, yearning for Change

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     On 22nd August Altaf Husain, the leader of MQM (Mutahida Qaumi Movement) in his telephonic address from London to the MQM's General Workers' Convention in Karachi announced a policy statement which startled the whole political medium of Pakistan including the government of which MQM is a collation partner.  He said that the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) will support any act against ‘corrupt politicians' and former generals by ‘patriotic Pakistani army generals', including martial law.  He said that the country was in desperate need of a change much like the French Revolution, and by stirring such a revolution, the MQM would cause consternation for the influentials, landlords and capitalists. 

It is worth mentioning that just a day before Altaf Hussain's above statement, America's Karachi Consul for Political Affairs, Bryan D. Hunt met Altaf Hussain in London.  But irrespective of what objective Altaf Hussain wanted to achieve from his statement, definitely it struck a chord with impoverished and frustrated masses of Pakistan who were already fed up with the deteriorating security, economic and political situation of Pakistan. They have experienced firsthand what Hizb has been advocating for the last few decades i.e.  "Democracy and dictatorship are two sides of the same coin".   

The debate on ‘change' has become so vociferous that Prime Minster was forced to speak on this subject to dispel this feeling of imminent political change.  He said that the "Army neither intends to come to power nor will it come to power. The judiciary is independent and pro-democracy" adding that there is no "threat to democracy as the civilian government came to power after making numerous sacrifices and winning the 2008 elections."

However, the Ummah and the media in particular has come to realise that no matter how many elections take place the same corrupt elite will continue to control the parliament.  These powerful and rich elite are so strong that an average man cannot even think of running for elections against them.  Pakistan's electioneering politics is heavily dominated by the Sardars (Tribal chiefs) of Baluchistan, Waderas (landlords) of Sindh and Jageerdars (landlords) and powerful Biradries (tribes) of Punjab.  Whilst in the cities the industrialists or rich traders rule the political jungle. Hence repeated elections are not going to break this elite cycle of oppression; not even for the next 100 years.  On the other hand people have also experienced three dictators in the last 60 years and they know that the solution is not dictatorship either.  Hence both military and elections are not an option.

The option which is echoing in the media these days is the "Bangladesh model".  In this option Army is supposed to support technocrats and clean politicians to "clean the mess" created by the corrupt rulers.  The government and other beneficiaries of the system have termed it "unconstitutional" method of change and have called for constitutional or "in-house" change.  On 16th Sep the Prime Minster tried to shoot down this option by stating: "We have come through elections. We have the mandate. There is a coalition government and whatever is to happen, it could be through the parliament.  Technocracy [is] not acceptable".  Similar views were expressed by the opposition leader Nawaz Sharif who is waiting for his turn and hopes that through the vote of no-confidence he may steal the throne of Pakistan.

The people of Pakistan have already reached the correct method of change by hit ‘n' trial.  Which is that army has to give support (Nusrah) to clean people who would rid this society from the corrupt politicians and retired generals.  They are clear that change can neither be brought by brining army to rule nor by bringing corrupt politicians through the electioneering process.  The change has to come from out-of-the-box approach similar to the "Bangladesh model".  The Ummah should realise that the Army must support not just the "clean people" rather they should support those "clean people" who have a "clean system" to rule as well.  If the "clean technocrats" and "clean politicians" will continue to rule with the same ‘corrupt political system', which was created to suite the capitalists, then no positive change can be expected in the plight of the masses.  This is exactly what we witnessed in Bangladesh where the so-called "clean people" ruled with the old corrupt Capitalist system as a result no change occurred and now Haseena Wajid is back to subjugate our Bangali brothers.  Hence the army should provide nusrah (material support) to Hizb ut-Tahrir who has proven its sincerity and capability for more than 50 years and she has a clear blue print of a ‘clean system' which is the system of Islam formally known as the Khilafah "Caliphate".

 This method of change through the support (Nsurah) of the people of power is proven from Seerah of the Messenger (saw) and hence is obligatory to follow. Alhamdulillah the Ummah has finally reached this method after years of hit ‘n' trial.  Khilafah "Caliphate" will provide the real change which would not only feed the hungry and teach the illiterate but it would also unify the Muslim Ummah and its resources under a single banner to make Muslims the strongest nation in the world.

Naveed Butt

The Official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir  in Pakistan


Hizb ut-Tahrir in Pakistan organize demonstrations against the ongoing criminality to Dr. Aafia Siddiqui

  • Published in Dawah News
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     In major cities throughout Pakistan, Shebaab of Hizb ut-Tahrir held demonstrations condemning the sentence by America of the respected Dr. Aafia Siddiqui on fabricated charges. Holders carried placards saying, "O Muslim armies! Hear the cries of Aafia. Is there not a Mu'atasim amongst you?" "O Pak Army! Arise to rescue Aafia. Establish the Khilafah "Caliphate", the shield of the Muslims."



Headline news for 21-9-2010

  • Published in News & Comment
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  • Fox News : Muslims that doubt official 9/11 story could be terrorists
  • France bids legal farewell to Muslim veil
  • IMF fears 'social explosion' from world jobs crisis
  • Pakistani Minister calls on Obama to become Khaleefah
  • India is engaged in genocide of Kashmiris to suppress movement

News Details:


Fox News : Muslims that doubt official 9/11 story could be terrorists
To Fox News host Bill O'Reilly, if a white person like former governor Jesse Ventura or former senator Mike Gravel questions the government's recounting of the 9/11 attacks, he (or she) is a "pinhead." But if a Muslim person questions the official story, well, that makes them a potentially dangerous "radical". Meaning: "That guy shouldn't be allowed within 10 miles of Ground Zero," the conservative broadcaster insisted during a recent episode of The O'Reilly Factor. Perhaps O'Reilly should try explaining that to the 45 percent of Americans, according to a 2006 Zogby International poll sponsored by 9/11 activists, who say a new investigation into the events is called for; or the 42 percent of Americans who said they believe the government is covering something up; or, the 49 percent of New York City residents who agreed in 2004 that U.S. officials "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act."By his own words, the Fox News personality appears to be suggesting that Americans, particularly Muslims, who doubt the official 9/11 story be banned from Ground Zero.

France bids legal farewell to Muslim veil
France took an important step to ensure that the country officially bans wearing of burqa. Late on September 14, the French Senate almost unanimously approved the bill. The law banning wearing of traditional Muslim women's clothing that hides the face became one of the most discussed and controversial in modern French history. The initiative was suggested by authorities last year. They referred to numerous complaints from indigenous French, who fear "faceless" female figures. In January of 2010, the National Assembly (lower house of parliament) established a special commission to study the adoption of the bill. It concluded that "wearing the full hijab (the French legal parlance for burqa) is a challenge to our republic."In April, President Nicolas Sarkozy has ordered the parliament to draft the law. According to the document, France suggested to completely ban wearing of burqa in public places. Women who violate this requirement were to be punished by a fine of 150 Euros and a course of lectures on the basics of the secular foundations of the French Republic. Men who force women to wear burqa would face up to a year in prison.

IMF fears 'social explosion' from world jobs crisis
America and Europe face the worst jobs crisis since the 1930s and risk "an explosion of social unrest" unless they tread carefully, the International  Monetary Fund has warned."The labour market is in dire straits. The Great Recession has left behind a waste land of unemployment," said Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the IMF's chief, at an Oslo jobs summit with the International Labour Federation (ILO). He said a double-dip recession remains unlikely but stressed that the world has not yet escaped a deeper social crisis. He called it a grave error to think the West was safe again after teetering so close to the abyss last year. "We are not safe," he said. A joint IMF-ILO report said 30m jobs had been lost since the crisis, three quarters in richer economies. Global unemployment has reached 210m. "The Great Recession has left gaping wounds. High and long-lasting unemployment represents a risk to the stability of existing democracies," it said. The study cited evidence that victims of recession in their early twenties suffer lifetime damage and lose faith in public institutions. A new twist is an apparent decline in the "employment intensity of growth" as rebounding output requires fewer extra workers. As such, it may be hard to re-absorb those laid off even if recovery gathers pace. The world must create 45m jobs a year for the next decade just to tread water. Olivier Blanchard, the IMF's chief economist, said the percentage of workers laid off for long stints has been rising with each downturn for decades but the figures have surged this time. "Long-term unemployment is alarmingly high: in the US, half the unemployed have been out of work for over six months, something we have not seen since the Great Depression," he said.

Pakistani Minister calls on Obama to become Khaleefah
A few days ago a Pakistani government Minister urged US President Barrack Obama to offer Eid prayers at Ground Zero Mosque and become "Ameer-ul-Momineen" of Muslim Ummah. Minister of State for Industries and former member Pakistan Ideological Council, Ayatullah Durrani called TheNation to register his demand made to President Obama.  "The coming Eid would expectedly be observed on 9/11, this a golden opportunity for President Obama to offer Eid prayers at Ground Zero and become Amir-ul-Momineen or Caliph of Muslims. In this way, all the problems of Muslim World would be solved," he thought. Durrani argued that Muslim World was in "dire need" of a Caliph and the distinguished slot of Caliphate would earn President Obama the exemplary titles of what he termed, "Mullah Barrack Hussain Obama" or "Allama Obama." "The time is approaching fast. Barrack Hussain Obama must act now. This is a golden opportunity, Muslims badly need it," he added, saying that the elevation of President Obama to Muslim's Caliphate would be the "key to success."

India is engaged in genocide of Kashmiris to suppress movement
Kashmiri Hurriyat leader, Syed Ali Geelani has said that the killing of 17 civilians across the Valley during the protests against the desecration of the Quran are part of a larger conspiracy unleashed by India to carry out genocide of the Kashmiris for suppressing their ongoing movement for right to self-determination. According to the Kashmir Media Service, Geelani in a media interview in Srinagar said that he was immensely pained over the brutal killings of 17 Kashmiris. "These killings can't be taken in isolation as they are part of a larger conspiracy to carry out genocide of the Kashmiris to suppress the movement," he said.  The veteran leader maintained that New Delhi was fighting a lost battle in Kashmir. "India wants only the land of Kashmir and cares a hoot about the rights of Kashmiris. It has been using all its military might to crush the movement but has only achieved failure. It is frustrated by the overwhelming support to the Quit Kashmir Movement and is using pressure tactics to break the resolve of Kashmiris," he addedhmir Movement and is using pressure tactics to break the resolve of Kashmiris," he said.


STATEMENT OF HIZB  UT-TAHRIR INDONESIA Decry the tyranny of Minority


      The arrogance of the Batak Huria Christian-Protestant (HKBP) who is hellbent on worshiping and building church in Ciketing Asem, Mustika Jaya, Bekasi, although without legal law and that they refused all options offered by government of Bekasi District, even demonstratively repeated the devotions at the street until impaired the environment, had shown one point namely ARROGANCE. And this arrogance become worsening when the HKBP together with its supporters made the conflict between HKBP Followers with the inhabitants which brought about the injured of both groups someday ago, as material of opinion to create image that there is oppression towards the freedom of Religion in this country, and then they brought pressure to the government to cancel SKB and PBM (Joint Decree) year 2006 about establishment of Worshiping House.

The arrogance and obtruding efforts of HKBP and its supporters which are done with various ways, including establishing negative opinion of religious freedom in this country and by inviting the interference of foreign party show that there is what so called Tyranny of Minority. The tyranny of minority evolves not only in theology field but also in economic, politic, social, culture and educational field. The tyranny of minority is surely harmful to the people of this country where the Moslem is major.

This tyranny of minority happen is as a result of the weakness and the failure of the government to protect the interest of the majority of people namely moslems and the interest of minority at a time. This weakness or this failure is triggered by the basis of the theology of the state that is unclear. Then, the state has no clear foothold to manage the life of plural society. So, the conflicts of interest between majority and minority will continuously progress as long as the society and the state are managed by secular system which has no clear basis of theology to manage the interest of moslem who are mayor and non-moslem justly.

Regarding to this, Hizbut Tahrir of Indonesia state:

  1. Decry the arrogance of HKBP. This attitude precisely show that HKBP is intolerant, anarchy and selfish. Noticing the chronology of the incident that triggered the conflicts between inhabitants and HKBP followers precisely proved that the inhabitants of Ciketing Asem are quite tolerant. More than 20 years they have been forborne from all activities of HKBP there. But, this tolerance is responded by HKBP with ignoring the rule, order and public peace and the aspiration of the inhabitants there.
  2. Call the government to act strictly to HKBP and be decisive to arrange the establishment of worshiping place in order not to harm the major society namely moslem.
  3. Refuse the tyranny of minority and call the society to do resistance. Because such this manner is quite harmful for this country where moslem is major. Unless, this manner will become dictatorship of minority which will be more harmful for the interest of majority.
  4. Call all component of the society to discontinue the secular system that is evidently failed to create the just life and change it with Islamic system which was proven historically and believed able to manage the life of the plural society properly where the interest of moslem majority and non-moslem minority can be synergized justly without any harm to any of party.

Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia Spokesman

Muhammad Ismail Yusanto
Hp: 0811119796 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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