Friday, 01 Rabi' al-thani 1446 | 2024/10/04
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    Jakarta,- About 2000 mass of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) made rally to decry the tyranny of minority, Thursday 23rd at Hotel Indonesia Circle, Central Jakarta. HTI call the society to do resistance towards the tyranny of minority because it is quite harmful to this country where moslem is major.

This tyranny of minority happen is as a result of the weakness and the failure of the government to protect the interest of the majority of people namely moslems and the interest of minority at a time. This weakness or this failure is triggered by the basis of the theology of the state that is unclear. Then, the state has no clear foothold to manage the life of plural society. So, the conflicts of interest between majority and minority will continuously progress as long as the society and the state are managed by secular system which has no clear basis of theology to manage the interest of moslem who are mayor and non-moslem justly.

HTI call the government to act strictly to HKBP and its supporters (liberal groups) and be decisive to arrange the establishment of worshiping place in order not to harm the major society namely moslem. HTI also call the society to discontinue the secular system and change it with Islamic System because only sharia and Khilafah "Caliphate" can create justice for its people; Moslem and non-moslem.

Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia Spokesman
Muhammad Ismail Yusanto
Hp: 0811119796 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


A letter from the Masool of Hizb ut-Tahrir of Uzbekistan

  • Published in Uzbekistan
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    Dear Brother ,

 Assalam Alikom Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatu,

I sent you part of the treatment that we have been inflicted by the ruling authority in Uzbekistan; the prosecution, imprisonment and torture which amounts to  death in many cases. Such treatment is not limited to us only in Hizb ut-Tahrir but includes all of the workers for the Islamic Call. The number of prisoners from Hizb ut-Tahrir alone in the prisons of Uzbekistan is approximately eight thousand, even though that party does not exert any acts of violence.

The oppression of this government was aggravated more this summer than throughout the year. At the beginning of this summer, all the new masools (leaders) who were appointed after the arrest of their predecessors have been arrested. A large number of our active shabab were also arrested. This happened in Tashkent, the capital, in the state of the Ferghana Valley, the state of Andijan and in other states of Uzbekistan.

Many of our shabab started to travel outside the country to work there to avoid the arrest. Nevertheless, the spies of the authority are watching and spying, even on those who travel abroad. In these days in the month of Ramadan the spies of the authority came to ask about who had traveled, and when they did not find them, they took their relatives and held them in their centers to know where their sons went. In addition, they threatened them that they will remain in detention until their sons come back. They treated them with cruelty and brutality, some of them even fainted and the older fell to the ground from fatigue.

The authority started to assign its employees in the water and gas departments; the members of the Shura Council being men and women of the locality who were assigned to spy to know where the families of prisoners get their expenditures, where they eat, wear, and how they live.

The prisoners who have completed their sentences; they blackmail them to leave the work with Hizb ut-Tahrir and start working with the authority, to spy on the party. Moreover, the one who refuses, they say to him: "You have not completed your treatment yet" and they increase his sentence to three additional years in prison. There are many of those who spent additional years and they did not release them, but they returned to blackmail them.


This is the ruling authority in Uzbekistan. We will not bow to its oppression and will continue working in the legitimate way (sharee way) to change it, we will be patient with Allah's help and with the assistance for our Muslim brothers in this country and in other Muslim countries, we will be patient until Allah judges between us, and Allah is the wise of the wises.


Your brother; the Masoul of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Uzbekistan



Headline news for 14-9-2010

  • Published in News & Comment
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  • More than 400 US Banks Will Fail: Roubini
  • Mullen visit aims to paper over US-Turkey differences
  • US expects to spend big in Afghanistan for years
  • Pakistan: US and foreign aid linked to structural reforms
  • Malaysian Eid advert axed for resembling Christmas
  • Indonesian Muslims Protest Plans to Burn Quran on September 11

News Details:

More than 400 US Banks Will Fail: Roubini
Even if the US and European economies manage to avoid a double dip, it will still feel like a recession, while more than half of the 800-plus US banks on the "critical list" are likely to go bust, according to renowned economist Nouriel Roubini of Roubini Global Economics.  The second half of the year will remain weak as tailwinds become headwinds, Roubini told CNBC on the shores of Lake Como, Italy at the Ambrosetti Forum economics conference. Roubini recently said the chance of a double-dip recession in the US was now more than 40 percent. "The big risk is that there will be a downturn in markets that could impact the bond, the equity and the credit markets," he said.  "Job losses have been higher, the US jobs number will show that. There is no private sector jobs growth," he said. "Consumption is weak, exports are weak and housing is weak."  "If there is no final sales and no final demand, companies will not invest," he added.  "Policy makers are running out of bullets, the problem is we need fiscal consolidation, fiscal policy is constrained by the debt problem, monetary policy is becoming ineffectual," he said.

Mullen visit aims to paper over US-Turkey differences
Turkey and the United States are "not just allies" but "good friends", the US military's top commander said after a visit to Ankara aimed at papering over the cracks in an increasingly fractious relationship. Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said military co-operation was unaffected by Turkey's recent breach with Israel and opposition to UN sanctions against Iran. "I have not come to question or in any way rebut Turkey's decision [to oppose] UN sanctions in Iran, though I note with gratitude the government's decision to enforce those sanctions," he said. Shared military interests have long formed the bedrock of the US-Turkish alliance. Admiral Mullen told reporters on Saturday his visit, en route from Baghdad and Kabul, was meant to "reaffirm the commitment of the American military to continuing, indeed strengthening, our already close relationship."  He said the programmer of arms sales "continues to flourish", and denied his visit - framed as a courtesy call on Isik Kosaner, Turkey's new chief of general staff - was designed to press Turkey to play a bigger role in Afghanistan, or to brave domestic controversy by letting US troops leave Iraq through its territory.

US expects to spend big in Afghanistan for years
The U.S. government's financial commitment to Afghanistan is likely to linger and reach into the billions long after it pulls combat troops from the country, newly disclosed spending estimates show. The United States expects to spend about $6 billion a year training and supporting Afghan troops and police after it begins withdrawing its own combat troops in 2011. The estimates of U.S. spending through 2015, detailed in a NATO training mission document, are an acknowledgment that Afghanistan will remain largely dependent on the United States for its security. That reality could become problematic for the Obama administration as it continues to seek money for Afghanistan from Congress in a time of increasingly tight budgets. The Obama administration has boosted the training mission in preparation for next year's drawdown. The United States spent over $20 billion on training between 2003 and 2009 and expects to spend about the same this year and next alone.

Pakistan: US and foreign aid linked to structural reforms
The United States and the Friends of Democratic Pakistan (FoDP) have linked their investments in Pakistan's energy, reconstruction and water sectors to implementation of key reforms to achieve self-sufficiency in the areas in a three-year transition period.  According to sources, the government has requested international lenders to provide about $7.7 billion to implement reforms in the public sector over the period, although total requirement for infrastructure projects in the energy sector and reconstruction of areas affected by the war against terror in the tribal areas and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been estimated at $15 billion.  Officials said the government had agreed to a set of policy reforms in consultation with the Asian Development Bank.  They said US President Barack Obama's Special Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke, who had participated in FoDP deliberations a few weeks ago, had told the authorities that the policy and management reforms were a crucial complement to the investments.  "The key to progress will be the government's commitment to implement badly needed reforms and the commitment of the FoDP to help facilitate both public and private international investments in the energy sector," Mr Holbrooke was quoted as saying.  The government has given an undertaking to the FoDP to withdraw the subsidy being given to oil refineries and rationalize ex-refinery prices of products, besides a phased introduction and maintenance of cost recovery tariffs. It has envisaged elimination of cross-subsidies from the industrial and commercial sectors to the domestic sector.

Malaysian Eid advert axed for resembling Christmas
A Malaysian television advert for the Muslim holiday of Eid has been scrapped after viewers said it resembled a promotion for Christmas.  Malaysia's TV3 has apologised for airing the festive clip, which wished Muslims a happy Eid al-Fitr, the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. The advert showed an elderly man taking children aboard his flying carriage and travelling across a star-filled sky. Critics said it was too akin to the tale of Santa Claus and his sleigh. The clip provoked considerable criticism, much of it from internet and blogging sites, which deemed it insensitive and in poor taste. It also depicted lotuses, which some complained have links to Buddhism and Hinduism. The station announced in a Sunday prime-time broadcast that it had removed the one-minute clip and would not show it again. Muslims, who make up about 60% of Malaysia's 27 million people, are preparing to celebrate Eid al-Fitr this week.

Indonesian Muslims Protest Plans to Burn Quran on September 11
Thousands of mostly Muslim protesters rallied around Indonesia Saturday in opposition to an American church's plan to burn copies of the Koran on September 11. During the weekend rallies in Indonesia, cities protested an event planned by a small Florida church to mark the ninth anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks in the United States. Religious leaders of all denominations have condemned the plan by the Dove World Outreach center in Gainesville, Florida, whose pastor, Terry Jones, has written a book called Islam is of the Devil.  The phrase also appears on t-shirts and a Facebook page promoting the event at the church estimated to have about 50 members. The chairman of the Islamic group Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia that planned the protests, Rokhmat Labib, says the plan to burn the Islamic holy book is a provocation. Labib says Muslims do not have any problem with Christians as long as they do not spread their beliefs in Muslim areas.  And since Muslims are not forcing their beliefs on Christians, he says there is no reason why they should feel threatened.





Where is Mu'tasim to deter the burning of Quran in America?

Terry Jones, an American pastor has announced plan to burn copies of the Koran along with his supporters, in his church in Florida proclaiming Saturday "International Burn a Koran Day" in memory of the events of 9/11/2001. Jones, described by those who knew him as having a delusional personality, was expelled by his supporters from his church in Germany. Some of them are still being treated as a result of his ministry. He already has a conviction for fraud in the German courts.


Headline news for 7-9-2010

  • Published in News & Comment
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  • America: FBI agents invited to the masjid
  • German Central banker attacks Muslims in his book
  • Vatican dismisses Gaddafi's call for Europe to convert to Islam
  • Iran says continued presence of U.S. troops in Iraq "unacceptable"
  • US deaths in Afghanistan hit record in 2010
  • IMF exploits the floods to pummels  Pakistan
  • News Details:

    America: FBI agents invited to the masjid
    Muslim leaders are debating the wisdom of inviting FBI agents to mosques to provide protection at a time of rising anti-Muslim rhetoric and debate about the proposed Islamic community center near Ground Zero. The issue surfaced Tuesday as word spread of a Nashville mosque's decision to host two FBI agents at a prayer service last Saturday night. The agents discussed the investigation of a fire, suspected to be arson, at a planned mosque in nearby Murfreesboro, a project that has also triggered vehement opposition. The agents then silently observed prayers from the back row. "I don't think it's really appropriate to station agents in mosques," said Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington. "It has a chilling effect on a house of worship, and we would have concerns that agents would also be gathering information on ordinary worshipers." The dispute reflects the tensions between the FBI and some Muslims since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The FBI has reached out to Muslims but also tried to keep tabs on their community, staying alert for signs of terrorist plots. A coalition of leading Muslim groups last year threatened to suspend contacts with the bureau over what it called inappropriate infiltration of mosques.

    German Central banker attacks Muslims in his book
    Thilo Sarrazin is a respected economist, a member of Germany's Socialist Democratic Party (SDP) and a member of the executive board of the Deutsche Bundesbank. He is also the author of the blatantly racist book Abolishing Germany, which has sent shockwaves across the Germany since its release on Monday. Sarrazin does not mince words: his country's very existence is threatened by Muslim immigration. The immediate results of his book are massive sales, a central bank and SDP scrambling (unsuccessfully) to cut ties with the man, and a seemingly inexhaustible feast for the German media. In one chapter of the already infamous book, Sarrazin warns that unless Germany steers itself back on course "libraries will become mosques." In Sarrazin's view, Germany is a business, one that has failed to integrate immigrants, who in turn have become inefficient employees. In 2009, Sarrazin, then Berlin's finance chief, caused a storm by declaring that "Turks are good for nothing, and only produce veiled women." The Social Democrats considered giving Sarrazin the boot last March, but little has been done as yet to this end.his Islamophobic views have found an audience among some segments of the German population. Sarrazin's publisher has announced that the first edition of the book has already been sold out thanks to advanced orders.

    Vatican dismisses Gaddafi's call for Europe to convert to Islam
    The Vatican says it is not taking Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi's comments about Europe's conversion to Islam seriously. Col Gaddafi said Islam should "become the religion of all Europe" upon his arrival in Rome on Sunday. The secretary of the Vatican's Congregation for Evangelisation, Archbishop Robert Sarah, has dismissed the comments as a "non-solicited provocation lacking seriousness", according to Agence France-Presse. "To speak of the European continent converting to Islam makes no sense, because it is the people alone who decide consciously to be Christian, Muslim or to follow other religions," he said.
    It would have made more sense for the Vatican to remind Col Gaddafi about his failure to implement Islam at home than offer a rebuttal to the conversion of Europeans to Islam.

     Iran says continued presence of U.S. troops in Iraq "unacceptable"
    Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said Tuesday that the partial withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq is not "acceptable." Talking to the reporters in his weekly press briefing, Mehmanparast said that the continued presence of the U.S. troops in Iraq under different pretexts, such as training Iraqi forces is "not acceptable." This indicates that the U.S. officials have not done serious measures to pull out their forces from Iraq, said Mehmanparast. "The U.S. officials statements over the pullout of their troops are contradictory, since the U.S. President Barack Obama had said it would pull out U.S. forces from Iraq but they are continuing to keep part of their forces in the country, he added.

    US deaths in Afghanistan hit record in 2010
    The number of US soldiers killed in the Afghan war in 2010 is the highest annual toll since the conflict began almost nine years ago, according to an AFP count Wednesday.A total of 323 US soldiers have been killed in the Afghan war this year, compared to 317 for all of 2009, according to a count by AFP based on the independent website.Foreign forces suffered a grim spike in deaths last month as the Taliban insurgency intensified, with Nato confirming on Wednesday that a sixth US soldier was killed on one of the bloodiest days this year.At 490, the overall death toll for foreign troops for the first eight months of the year is rapidly closing in the number registered in all of 2009, which at 521 was a record since the start of the war in late 2001.US President Barack Obama on Tuesday warned that the United States faced a "very tough fight" in Afghanistan, with more casualties and "heartbreak" to come."We obviously still have a very tough fight in Afghanistan," Obama told troops in Texas as the United States marked the formal end of combat operations in Iraq."We have seen casualties go up because we are taking the fight to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban," Obama said. "It is going to be a tough slog."

    IMF exploits the floods to pummels  Pakistan
    The International Monetary Fund continues to insist on more tax and energy sector reforms within the current fiscal year, despite its concerns about the impact of the 2010 flood on Pakistan's economy, officials say.  Pakistan's talks with the International Monetary Fund on loan restructuring and emergency assistance for flood victims entered a decisive phase on Monday as the two sides began their policy discussions.  Officials familiar with the talks told Dawn that Pakistan would have to implement tax and energy sector reforms within the current fiscal year if it wanted to continue an $11.3 billion loan arrangement negotiated in 2008. The IMF also wants Pakistan to grant full autonomy to the State Bank, as it pledged while negotiating the loan arrangement with the fund.  A document released by the IMF on the occasion of the talks indicates that the fund is not satisfied with Pakistan's pre-flood performance.




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