Media Office
H. 12 Jumada I 1432 | No: 199 |
M. Saturday, 16 April 2011 |
Hizb ut Tahrir of Indonesia's Statement
Mosque Suicide Bomb at Police Station
Suicide bomb exploded on Friday 15th of April. It exploded precisely at the beginning of the first raka'at of Jum'ah prayer in the mosque of the police station in Cirebon District. It caused 27 injured including the police chief.
There is no any reason to link it to Islam and Islamic struggle because it is really illegal based on Syariah. Islam forbids killing anyone without rights. Moreover it injured and killed praying Moslem.
Probably these actions aimed at pitting between Islamic groups and the police. It could be also conditioning of the community towards the ratification of the Intelligence bill. So, that bill is assumed necessary to give more authority to the intelligence agencies to anticipate such events occur again in the future.
Regarding to this, Hizb ut Tahrir-Indonesia
1. Strongly condemns the suicide bomber. It is barbaric and totally contrary to Islamic teachings.
2. Calls upon the authorities to investigate the perpetrators and their motivation, including the mastermind behind that heinous act. By then, any speculation related to the bombing could be terminated immediately.
3. Refuse to link the incident with interest for soon ratifying the Intelligence bill. Therefore, the need for good intelligence should not be used as a basis to birth law dangerous to people generally and Moslem Ummah especially.
4. Calls upon all Muslim to remain steadfast and patient in the struggle to uphold Sharia and Khilafah "Caliphate" and Never afraid of any challenge and threat till ideal come to the reality.
Hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakiil, ni'mal maula wa ni'man nashiir
The Spokesman of Hizb ut Tahrir Indonesia
Muhammad Ismail Yusanto
Hp: 0811119796 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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