بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ارضِ مقدس فلسطین - خواتین کا شعبہ
"خلافت کے انہدام کی 104ویں برسی کے موقع پر خطاب!"
On the occasion of the tragic 104th anniversary of the destruction of the Islamic State established by the Master of Messengers, Muhammad (saw) and his noble and blessed Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, by the traitors of the Arabs and the Turks, and the abolition of the Islamic system of government (the Khilafah) on the 28th of Rajab al-Muharram in the year 1342 AH corresponding to 03 March 1924 CE, the Women's Section of Hizb ut Tahrir in the Blessed Land - Palestine presents a collection of speeches.
Tuesday, 28 Rajab 1446 - 28 January 2025 CE
The True Promise is Approaching and the Glad Tidings of Victory are Coming
O Ummah of Islam, the true promise is approaching and the breezes of the Caliphate and the tidings of victory are appearing on the horizon. Let us close ranks and intensify work for the return of our safeguard, the Khilafah. On that day, the believers will rejoice in Allah’s victory.
O Muslims, Restore the Ummah’s Glory and Honor
Rise up, O Muslims, and work with those who work to restore the Ummah’s glory and honor with the return of the second Khilafah Rashidah (Rightly-Guided Caliphate) State on the path of the Prophethood.
O Officers of the Armies, It is Not Permissible to Neglect the Obligation of Working to Establish the Caliphate
How long, O Ummah of Islam, will you neglect this great obligation? When will you move, O Muslim officers? Has the groaning of the oppressed not reached you? O Officers, hasten to attain the honor of victory and raise the banner of Islam on the walls of Al-Quds.
The Islamic Ummah Yearns to Rise from the Rubble
On the 104th anniversary of the destruction of the Khilafah State, one of the free women of the Blessed Land - Palestine says that the Islamic Ummah is still pulsating with hope and faith and calls on the people of strength and power to rise up for their glory.
Rajab the Khair carries within it many great events, starting with the Isra and Mi'raj, passing through the Battle of Tabuk and others, and ending with the memory of the destruction of the Caliphate.. But with the commemoration of the painful anniversary, we commemorate it with full confidence that relief is coming, and we call upon our brothers from the officers and the people of strength and power to have a share in fulfilling the promise of Allah and the glad tidings of His Messenger (saw) regarding the Khilafah.
More Details, Visit Websites of Hizb ut Tahrir / Blessed Land of Palestine:
Official Site: Hizb ut Tahrir / The Blessed Land - Palestine
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